
Nov 12, 2017
Its good to see they aren't concerned with losing subscribers because they feel so strongly about it. Integrity over money. Good job.


Oct 27, 2017
if you're voting for anyone else, you're just voting for Trump and everything he stands for but don't want to admit it. It's time to stop coddling people and their support for racism, hatred, and anti-basically everything we hold dear. Even third party voters, wake the hell up.


Feb 3, 2020
I'm voting green. I vote because as a black man people literally died for my right too, but I also won't vote for "the lesser of two evils" if I have a third option.
So you are voting for Trump. This isn't the lesser of two evils when one of the fucking people is a white supremacist promoting armed white nationalists on our streets. Miss me with that, you clown.


Oct 27, 2017
I will never tell anyone who to vote for, but that they should absolutely exercise their right to vote whenever possible. For this election however, it's not about Republican vs Democrat. It's Trump and his administration. They've GOT to go. Thank you, Kinda Funny for doing this 👏.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm voting green. I vote because as a black man people literally died for my right too, but I also won't vote for "the lesser of two evils" if I have a third option.
There is no third option, realistically. It's Biden or Trump. Choosing anyone else is a literal waste of time and effort. As an, assumedly, educated man, make the educated and logical choice.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Ah. I think far fewer people engage on the primary level sadly. I say this as someone that was excited about Warren and voted for Bernie in the primary. The way Warren ran her campaign was such a shame.

Yeah, it is a shame things turned out like this for Americans.
Biden will probably win and this nightmare with Trump hopefully over, but him and Harris aren't going to massively reform things like policing, schooling, healthcare etc.

There are two viable options on the ticket, that's it. And Biden is much better than Trump. Thinking they are closer than not is ridiculous.

God this is dumb and a waste of a vote. It goes against what they are saying here.

Shame you went to hostile for no reason.
If you actually think that those two weren't the more progressive candidates in the Democrat race I don't know what to tell you (with Bernie actually leaning left, not sure if I'd call him a true comrade though).


Apr 17, 2020
I'm only an occasional listener of KF content, I find their general enthusiasm a good mix after listening to more crunchy critical stuff from the Waypoint crew. The latter makes their politics extremely clear, and I don't expect everyone to do that, but I do appreciate those with a platform speaking up, especially now when we're in danger of sliding into full on authoritarianism.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
Every little bit helps.

We need influencers with MILLIONS of followers pushing this though. Not that there aren't any, but all the big names need to push this hard, along with pushing that people get out and Vote for Biden, don't sit at home for any reason (or at least vote by mail/absentee ASAP).


Oct 26, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Inflammatory commentary around IQ and thread derailment over multiple posts; prior severe bans.
Biden is not as bad as Trump, so I kinda get why they do it. But they should have tried to get people to back the more progressive candidate on the ballot instead.

Haven't read the replies yet, but I bet it is full of angry GAMERS rising up to keep politics out of gaming?

Andrew Yang was the best choice for the Country to move forward. But as always people never understand what they don't know. The only way to be a succesful politician is to know how to talk to the lower IQ people too.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm voting green. I vote because as a black man people literally died for my right too, but I also won't vote for "the lesser of two evils" if I have a third option.
I'm sorry to be blunt, but this isn't true. You have two options. One is to vote for a kind of sucky candidate, and try to get reforms started from there. The other option is to participate in the literal downfall of American democracy.

Right now you're choosing the latter, no matter what justifications you're using.


Oct 25, 2017
Shame you went to hostile for no reason.
If you actually think that those two weren't the more progressive candidates in the Democrat race I don't know what to tell you (with Bernie actually leaning left, not sure if I'd call him a true comrade though).
Saying that Kinda Funny should be telling people to vote for Bernie or Warren in November is factually dumb and not hostile.
Jul 20, 2020
I'm sorry to be blunt, but this isn't true. You have two options. One is to vote for a kind of sucky candidate, and try to get reforms started from there. The other option is to participate in the literal downfall of American democracy.

Right now you're choosing the latter, no matter what justifications you're using.
Thats not how it works, you can vote on principal and that's what I'm doing. Saying I can't vote third party because it doesn't matter is why the two party system so many hate can't changed, because we convinced ourselves it's the only option.

Deleted member 79517

User requested account closure
Aug 31, 2020
Good for them just coming out and saying it. Clearly, a lot of outlets feel similarly, and it always feels a little weak to me when they simply post articles explaining how to register to vote instead of acknowledging the obvious subtext of those pieces (i.e. "Fuck Trump").


Oct 25, 2017
lmao at snek boi coming in like a bottom feeder in the replies to invite this guy to his own community, fucking shameless.
"I'm not interested in casting people out for expressing mainstream political views"

What an absolute cunt. So in the 1940s, would he be happy to have Nazis in his community?
it's 2020 and he already does I assume


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI

I'm going to try and ignore the fact that a couple of those links are far right propaganda videos.

Donald Trump has been accused of sexual assault by 25+ women.

He is on video literally admitting to sexual assault and saying he can get away with it because he is a celebrity.



Oct 30, 2017
Thats not how it works, you can vote on principal and that's what I'm doing. Saying I can't vote third party because it doesn't matter is why the two party system so many hate can't changed, because we convinced ourselves it's the only option.
And if Trump wins, then rest well knowing that you, as a "black man," contributed to electing this racist, bigoted, disrespectful, harmful person back into office.


User requested ban
Dec 13, 2019
Thats not how it works, you can vote on principal and that's what I'm doing. Saying I can't vote third party because it doesn't matter is why the two party system so many hate can't changed, because we convinced ourselves it's the only option.

I think if you want to get the two party situation changed, you should be encouraging these constitutional amendments to eliminate or at least remove the efficacy of the electoral college. I'm not sure how voting Green is going to help that.


Oct 27, 2017
Thats not how it works, you can vote on principal and that's what I'm doing. Saying I can't vote third party because it doesn't matter is why the two party system so many hate can't changed, because we convinced ourselves it's the only option.
If Trump wins, America is over a a country. It's not fair, but it absolutely is how it works. Stop deluding yourself, please.


Oct 28, 2017
User Banned (1 Month): Concern trolling in a sensitive topic across multiple posts, prior ban for dismissing concerns around racist stereotypes
I would be pretty damn upset if someone acted in that manner around one of my daughters.
Indeed. I get that people want him instead of Trump. But they should admit what they are voting into is someone accused of vile acts against females, AND some of it is available for all of us to see.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to try and ignore the fact that a couple of those links are far right propaganda videos.

Donald Trump has been accused of sexual assault by 25+ women.

He is on video literally admitting to sexual assault and saying he can get away with it because he is a celebrity.

Agreed! Stop what? Both are trash.


Oct 25, 2017
You mean I can actually consume their content without the lingering fear of watching someone who turns out to be a bigot one day? I don't know if I can get used to that, but I sure would love to.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Andrew Yang was the best choice for the Country to move forward. But as always people never understand what they don't know. The only way to be a succesful politician is to know how to talk to the lower IQ people too.

I'm not super familiar with all his points (not American), him wanting to implement a UBI was nice but I remember reading that he would also deduct other forms social security from the UBI payment.

Meaning, a middle class family would get an extra $1000 but the people who really need a UBI would still get the same amount of government assistance.
At the same time there are risks with UBIs like landlords feeling entitled to more money and increasing rent (since people would have extra money to spend, instead of something like foodstamps which only can be used for food).

He seemed like a more central leaning ancap to me.