
Oct 28, 2017
I've been falling in love with Korean movies again so I figured I would made a thread so we can recommend movies to each other that people might have missed and discuss them. This post is focusing on some of my favorite movies I've had the pleasure to watch, and I think all of them are available in most countries, so you could definitely pick them up on DVD or maybe on streaming services. Tell me your recs !

Peppermint Candy

The best Korean movie I've seen. It depicts the story of a man in reverse chronology starting from his suicide to his 20s, progressively showing how much society has shaped him to be the way he is. It goes at various important points in modern Korean history and the masculinity that was expected of him and how he was destroyed by it in the process. Lee-Chang Dong proves he's still the best filmmaker to exist and it also features my favorite actor with Sol Kyung-gu playing out of his mind to depict a flawed, messy character. The movie requires to know a little bit about Korean history such as Gwangju, mandatory military service, the 97 financial crisis and student uprisings in general but it is one hell of a movie.

Sympathy for Mr.Vengeance

Mr.Vengeance was a huge slap I didn't see coming. A heartwrenching, incredibly dark thriller that doesn't pull any punches at making your heart sink to the lowest depths of despair. It's the story of a deaf person who works at a factory and tries to raise money for his sister's kidney transplant as she is dying. And this is all I can say because it never stops, every character will find a new way to reach a new low. A complete, unstoppable trainwreck that will leave you in shambles. It's also helped with a cinematography that is among the best I've seen in the industry: slow-paced but incredibly consistent, with this dark green tint that permeates every set. It's one the best absurd Korean movie you'll get to see. Not a recommended watch if you're feeling under the weather. It's by the same director as Old Boy (Park Chan-Wook), but Mr.Vengeance is definitely the better movie of the two for me.

Memories of Murder

There is no way to avoid this classic. While not my absolute favorite, it is a required watch in every way. It chronicles the real serial killings happening in Hwaseong, but the investigation is only secondary to the lens that it applies on Korean society. Here, you have it all: corruption and incompetence goes hand in hand to show that it was a tragedy waiting to happen, rather than a gruesome event no one expected to happen. It's as funny as it is dark, Memories of Murder is forcing laughs out of you as absurd interrogation techniques are applied on suspects in ways you would find terrible otherwise. Comedy is used to strike you right at the heart and make you wonder about one of the biggest events that changed the way Koreans view each other. I also think it's one that started the trends of cops in movies being incredibly incompetent, not entirely sure about that. In any case, if you have one movie to watch, it's this one. The soundtrack is also exquisite.

The Chaser

There are many great thrillers in the Korean industry, but The Chaser, coming from a new generation of filmmakers, is the one that put me on the edge of my seat the whole way through. Ex-cop turned pimp, he turns to his investigation skills to find one of his girls that mysteriously disappeared. It's messy, it's gore, but it is surprising the whole way through. The movie could have ended in the first 15 minutes, but it goes on for 2 more hours, and this is what will make sure only the very edge of what supports your bottom will be used. Na Hong-jin struck gold with his very first movie.

The Wailing

In-between The Chaser and this one, Na Hong-jin had made The Yellow Sea, a movie that captures you during its first part only to completely collapse during the second. But this disappointment didn't set him back for the production of The Wailing. First of all, I think this is the first movie that manages to put the immense talent of Kwak Do-won in a lead role and isn't typecasted in the evil prosecutor seat that he had to go through for years, and it worked. Second of all, Na Hong-jin goes straight into supernatural and superstitions in a movie that is part-thriller, part-horror. Once again, he struck gold, as The Wailing is a massive success, but also a great movie.

The City of Violence

I realized all the movies I've mentioned up until then are depressing, but City of Violence is an exhilarating action movie that still finds time to be engrossing. Jung Doo-hong, a "stuntmaster" takes on the lead role as a detective trying to find who killed one of his best friends in his hometown. The collaboration between him and Ryoo Seung-wan makes it that every fight scene is expertly crafted. There is a reason Jung is considered the father of Korean action.Definitely check this movie out.

The President's Last Bang

An absurd movie on one of the most absurd moment of modern Korean history with the assassination of dictator Park Chung-hee by his best friend during a dinner. This movie makes fun of all of it, even on doubling down on making the president a japanophile. It didn't go well with the family of the dictator trying to use their connections to censor the movie, but the director responded by making the mandatory cuts a black screen that would play the whole time they are censored until the appeal was overturned. Its full version is a slick, incredibly stylish movie that doesn't pull any punches. It was also a huge gamble for actor Han Suk-kyu who further put his career at risk by playing in this highly controversial movie, but he played wonderfully. By the way, the dictator's daughter was the recently impeached president Park Geun-hye so it is still timely movie.

Waikiki Brothers

This movie is as sad as it is funny. A bunch of never-been men who still clings to a high-school dream of making it big with their music band, except everything is falling apart. So they turn back to their hometown to find answers. A very touching movie that touches on masculinity, depression, and music with grace. A bittersweet movie that is painfully realistic about the way people lives their lives, but ultimately wholesome. A hard recommend.

EDIT: More recommendations :)

Nowhere to Hide

It looks like an action movie, but it's most of all a movie about movement than true action. Everything moves in this movie, sometimes for no reason other than the act of moving. The director goes through great lengths to depict this and it makes for a really fascinating art movie that pushes the boundaries of kinetic stage-play. It has some cinematographic effects that are still incredible, and while you might not be satisfied with the plot, I think literally everything else more than makes up for it. Honestly a great movie to recommend if you want to step out of your comfort zone.

1987 When the Day Comes

I've seen this movie twice, and it made me cry even more the second time. The director of the cult movie Save the Green Planet comes back with a mainstream movie, but is still isn't afraid to experiment. Based on the real events of the June struggle, the movie takes the viewpoint of several people during the lead-up of Korea's burgeoning democracy. It's a relay race of several people passing the baton in order to uncover the story behind the killing of a student by the anti-communist brigade that has ignited the whole country as a result. It's an ensemble cast that manages to really shines even with the limited screen-time. Everything could have failed horribly in this movie considering how it switches viewpoint in order to take a snapshot of Korean people in this era, but it worked really well. The music is also

I honestly think that we're getting into an era where "mainstream" movies are actually getting super interesting and well done, it's like the rebirth of the "Shiri" era. Mainstream movies that aren't afraid to take risks to do things you wouldn't see elsewhere. They play into their strengths. I'm a big softie, but this movie emotionally ruined me, snot on my face and all. I actually watched it during the Paris Film Festival and pretty much everyone was crying. Hard recommend.

Midnight Runners

Less daring, but very fun, Midnight Runners manages to really work as a comedy movie that takes code from the golden age of Korean cinema with genre whiplash. The history of two awkward guys who joins the police academy and ends up embroiled into a human trafficking gang. The chemistry between the two leads is very good. A very good movie to spend the evening.

The Truth Beneath

I actually didn't expect much of that movie...but I was never so happy to be wrong about my initial assessment. It's a powerful movie with such a strong lead in the name of Son Ye-Jin. She's a tremendous actress in every way as she tries to uncover the mystery behind her daughter's sudden disappeareance. It's a great thriller as well as it is a drama. But it does it with the kind of gravitas I honestly haven't seen in a long time. The way she is developed throughout the movie really highlights the kind of movies we should have when we give the opportunity to tell stories that are not centered around men. I dare say she is the best actress in Korea right now, that's how impressive she was. Also a much stronger movie than Sympathy for Lady Vengeance even. Must watch. Also RIP Kim Joo-hyuk, his car accident was a tragedy and I will forever be sad that such an excellent actor is no longer of this world. His role in this movie was stellar too.

I think that's already a long list so I'll stop there, I'd appreciate more recommendations if you have them and I'm happy to recommend more movies if you want more.
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Oct 25, 2017
A Bittersweet Life is my favorite Korean movie of all time. I watch it every few months.


Oct 27, 2017
Since y'all are recommending great Kim Jee-woon flicks, I'll say The Good The Bad The Weird is a good comedy worth seeing.


Oct 25, 2017
Your list is incomplete without I Saw The Devil or Oldboy

I also quite liked the thriller Sea Fog



Oct 28, 2017
I Saw the Devil is an intense flick, good too
I saw the Devil and The Handmaiden are both fucking incredible!

I never managed to get into I Saw the Devil unfortunately, I feel this movie doesn't have any focus and it just goes everywhere. The Handmaiden and A Bittersweet Life are great movies though.

Kim Jee-woon also made The Age of the Shadows and I legit think it's one of the best Korean movies of the decade. A very huge recommend for me.

Hail Satan

Oct 27, 2017
I never managed to get into I Saw the Devil unfortunately, I feel this movie doesn't have any focus and it just goes everywhere. The Handmaiden and A Bittersweet Life are great movies though.

Kim Jee-woon also made The Age of the Shadows and I legit think it's one of the best Korean movies of the decade. A very huge recommend for me.

Still haven't seen The Age of the Shadows but it popped up on Netflix (US) and been meaning to check it out. I can understand feeling the I Saw the Devil is a bit on the odds with typical structure, it very much is a story that plays upon the usual "find the killer" narrative in order to subvert it, but I loved it for that reason.

Sorry you didn't like it though, can understand It not being everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
I'd recommend The Man from Nowhere to anyone that hasn't seen it yet

Fairy Godmother

Backward compatible
Oct 27, 2017
I agree with A bittersweet life recommendation.
I also like :
The quiet family
Tale of the two sisters
Old Boy
Attack the gas station

One of my absolute favorites.

How about

The Host
Company Man

And two more absolute must sees..
Castaway on the Moon
Miracle in Cell No 7
Great picks.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I see Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance up there but you gotta you gotta complete the Vengeance trilogy.


Lady Vengance



Oct 28, 2017
The neogaf asian film thread is missed. Someone remake that so I can post chinese or taiwanese movies.

Deleted member 2779

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
How the hell did I miss this thread, you've got great taste OP.

One of my favourites is a lesser known film called Take Care of my Cat. It's a coming of age story about the different paths a group of friends take after they leave high school. Plus it's directed by a woman (:


Oct 25, 2017
Have you guys seen Okja on netflix? that's a cool movie.

It also has American actors, but Korean director and multiple Korean actors


Oct 26, 2017
I Saw The Devil is by far my favorite Korean movie.

Aside from the usual Sympathy for Lady Vegeance/Mr. Vengeance/Oldboy/I Saw the Devil/The Man From Nowhere/The Wailing have already been mentioned, these are also worth watching:

Mr. Go

Ode to My Father

A Tale of Two Sisters


My Sassy Girl


A Moment to Remember


Seoul Station


Also, anything else directed by Yeon Sang-ho.
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Oct 30, 2017
War of the Arrows is pretty great. It is like a period version of the modern revenge/rescue action film with the guns swapped out for bows.


Oct 31, 2017
I'd recommend Joint Security Area (thriller), My Sassy girl (romance/comedy), and The thieves (heist movie/comedy) and The Host (monster movie/thriller) .
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Oct 26, 2017
There's Shiri, which sparked the recent golden age of Korean Cinema. Not to mention My Sassy Girl.
But for more lowkey, there's The Foul King, Save the Green Planet!, Peppermint Candy, Virgin Stripped Bare by her Bachelors, Failan, Oasis, The King and the Clown, Road Movie(falls short as a film, but interesting nonetheless as it portrays aspect that don't really get much airplay in Korean media), Volcano High, and a bunch of others I can't recall.

Edit: Just remembered Marathon, No Blood No Tears, and A Family.
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Oct 31, 2017
If you like time travel/fantasy genre I'd also recommend Il mare and Ditto.

I'd also recommend Phone (horror) and She's on Duty (undercover cop/comedy).
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Oct 30, 2017
Brooklyn, NY
Real was a very decent move, though its seriously confusing if you can't understand what is going on.

Train to Busan and its prequel Seoul Station are god tier with memorable characters and horror that doesn't rely on cheap scares. The King of Pigs is also really good for an animated drama film.

My other personal recommendations are Pandora, A Special Lady, Steel Rain, Master, Forgotten, Office, The Host, and The Reservoir Game.


Oct 26, 2017
Memories of Murder is the best movie of the 2000s

Fuck yeah, or at least one of the best. It's amazing.

Train to Busan was marvelous too. Watched it a while ago, instantly became one of my favorite zombie movies.

I've also had Handmaiden on bluray for a while now, but I'm waiting for the right moment to watch it.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
I'll give a quick vote for Samaria (Samaritan Girl) and Oasis.


Oct 28, 2017
The Man from Nowhere was my first Korean movie and I absolutely loved it.

Its like the Korean version of Taken.


Oct 28, 2017
I rarely see Mother mentioned in these. It's so good!!!

OP, thank you for posting The Chaser. My all-time favorite Korean movie. Will have to check out a lot of the recommendations in this thread. Peppermint Candy sounds ace.


Oct 25, 2017
You got some damn good taste OP.

Give Padak a go if you're down to watch a weird animated musical about how fish make it on to our plates. Would recommend Poetry and Secret Sunshine but since you've already seen Peppermint Candy you've probably already seen those.


Oct 27, 2017
Joint Security Area


Directed by Chan-wook Park. Found it particularly interesting to kind of get a korean perspective on the whole south,north conflict.