
Oct 25, 2017
I was initially more excited about this than DOTA since I like this cast more, but the whole draft portion and odd board dimensions kinda ruin it for me.


May 17, 2018
I don't know what it is, but something looks really cheap about the presentation of this game. The animations and character models seem off. The new original little units look fine tho.

Does anyone who has played Dota and Underlords feel that way about the units in Underlords?
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Oct 25, 2017
United States
I honestly won't give this much of a shot unless it's coming to mobile/tablets in some way. Love the cross progression of Underlords, Hearthstone, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Eh, not a huge fan of the autochess genre but I'll give it a try since it's free. I still think the games are too long for it to be an easily digestible card game. Hopefully the queue times won't be 10 hours like it was in the testing server.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm more familiar with the League heroes, abilities, classes, races, etc, so I'm more interested in this than Underlords. A ton of people are new to this genre and this familiarity may be the thing to make the genre explode.

I hope this comes to mobile, though. Underlords played really well on mobile, even if it did melt my phone.


Oct 25, 2017
I've played all three a lot by now there's absolutely no way this doesn't become the autochess leader by a huge margin.

UL and AC are going to fight for the scraps, mostly on mobile.

I was initially more excited about this than DOTA since I like this cast more, but the whole draft portion and odd board dimensions kinda ruin it for me.

Draft is a great addition, very fun.

I wasn't fond of the hexes and board size at the beginning, but I can see why they went with hexes because fights are much clearer and board size doesn't really bother me any more.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
I've played all three a lot by now there's absolutely no way this doesn't become the autochess leader by a huge margin.

UL and AC are going to fight for the scraps, mostly on mobile.
As a person that is interested in trying one of these, can you tell me why you believe this game is the leader? I mean just from my view you have a point, it's taken over Twitch over the past week.


Oct 27, 2017
Is there any time-table when this actually launches?



Oct 25, 2017
As a person that is interested in trying one of these, can you tell me why you believe this game is the leader? I mean just from my view you have a point, it's taken over Twitch over the past week.

Other than the popularity with streamers and the fact that it's embedded on one of the most played games on Earth, it has a few changes that improve the formula and make it more fun. At first, I thought they were gimmicks to try to differentiate themselves, but they really do add a lot. For example:

- Hexes, combined with cleaner ability visuals, make the fights much easier to follow. Bonus points for abilities like Gnar's ult that are a treat to watch.
- The carousel is good as a comeback mechanic, but it's also very fun because you have to make split-second decisions to take advantage of it. It also adds a lot to the feeling of being in a party game.
- The item system allows for ridiculous combos, which are fun. It also adds very interesting decisions because you can't take them away from champions unless you sell them and you can't break them into the original parts.
- Matches are actually against other people (so no defend against clones bullshit). That also makes it a bit faster than AC.
- Little legends. I guess people are going to go crazy buying loot boxes to get the ones they want. I really don't understand why Valve did away with couriers.

i thought the lol version was much faster?

It's a bit faster, but I was talking about AC and DUL.

Akita One

Oct 30, 2017
Other than the popularity with streamers and the fact that it's embedded on one of the most played games on Earth, it has a few changes that improve the formula and make it more fun. At first, I thought they were gimmicks to try to differentiate themselves, but they really do add a lot. For example:

- Hexes, combined with cleaner ability visuals, make the fights much easier to follow. Bonus points for abilities like Gnar's ult that are a treat to watch.
- The carousel is good as a comeback mechanic, but it's also very fun because you have to make split-second decisions to take advantage of it. It also adds a lot to the feeling of being in a party game.
- The item system allows for ridiculous combos, which are fun. It also adds very interesting decisions because you can't take them away from champions unless you sell them and you can't break them into the original parts.
- Matches are actually against other people (so no defend against clones bullshit). That also makes it a bit faster than AC.
- Little legends. I guess people are going to go crazy buying loot boxes to get the ones they want. I really don't understand why Valve did away with couriers.

It's a bit faster, but I was talking about AC and DUL.
Interesting, I have to look into this more!


Oct 25, 2017
I've actually wondered this for a while but what happens when there's an odd number of people left and it's a PvP round? What does the odd man out do?


Oct 25, 2017
Will give this a try, I'm pretty good at Underlords but I haven't had time to play TFT on the PBE, will definitely give it a try once it it's fully out.


Aug 3, 2018
Having played the big 3 coming out ill be sticking with Underlords as my main choice for the time being.

TFT is trying to change a few things up and it does stand out enough to be a bit different than underlords and autochess but i dislike the carousel mechanic as I feel it really drags on games longer then they need to, and at this point games last about the same time as an underlords match from my experience.

The hexes and battlefield both look and feel off putting to me, there's something about the game visually that just looks unpolished when compared to both autochess (mobile) and underlords, heck i would say something looks off about it even when compared to regular league. Though its fair to say the game will improve over time. Out of the 3 this one has ways to go when compared to the other 2.

The item system has much more depth then its competitors which is a huge plus and I love the spatula mechanic. With that said items at their current state lead to some very unfair and unfun instances of people getting lucky drops and power spiking hard suddenly. The fact that items drop based on RNG really needs to change.

Little legends are cool, infact its funny how much better the game feels to visually see yourself and your opponent on the board so I was looking forward to them till I found out they are monetizing the variants through loot boxes which I cant get behind. Its yet to be seen how underlords brings up its monetization but I hope it sticks with the battle pass route they already brought up with avatar skins being able to be bought directly.

Lastly the lack of a mobile port really hurts this for me, its nice being able to take the game wherever you go, underlords even lets you switch from pc to mobile mid game if you need to go do something which is a nice feature to have. As of right now they confirmed no port to be development yet but I hope that changes sooner rather then later.

TFT will undoubtedly be the more popular game of the 3 and it does improve the genre in a few ways but as of right now from a game-play and visual stand point it has the most to improve on. Ill be playing it for sure as I have friends looking forward to it but if I could only choose only one of the three to put my time into right now, it would be underlords.


Apr 5, 2018
I'll be playing this some with a few friends who are League fanatics. Love DAC and Underlords but they are pretty similar so I'm hoping this will feel fresh and interesting. The item mechanics look great. Really struggling to get over the bland, outdated art design though. Also the fact that Riot is a terrible company.


Oct 25, 2017
I like how nice the interface for this looks compared to Underlords but everything else is pretty offputting.


Oct 30, 2017
A better name would have just been League of Legends Tactics. All I see when I read the name is the acronym "lol tt".

Yes, I know my brain is immature sometimes.


Oct 26, 2017
I will give it a shot, but not being on mobile definitely is a downside to me. I like that I can play DU lying on my sofa while watching TV.