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Oct 29, 2017
I really thought Origins benefitted from taking the extra time to be made, I wish they didn't go back to an annual release schedule. Origins was the first one I bought in a few years because i really felt like it was something different. I'll keep an open mind though
When origins got the extra year, so did odyssey, since both games were developed at the same time as per AC tradition. It's probably going to end up being one of the most polished AC's ever.


Feb 12, 2018
Ancient Greece? Odyesey?

I was super excited until I realized it's assassin's creed so we are probably not getting sirens Cyclops, minotuars. I mean sailing the Aegean sounds cool, but without giant sea serpents, I don't know.
The stuff that resonates most strong in that story tho is the threat to Odysseus' homestead and the thriumphant return imo. They don't need the monsters.

Obviously this is a new story but I'm betting that general framework remains.

The bit in the 4ch leak where you play as two characters suggests some interesting narrative possibilities if one is a sort of analogue for Thelemachus


Oct 27, 2017
Technically without Unity Origins wouldn't exist in it's current form. The engine of Origins is an improved version of the engine made for Unity, from the renderer to the AI system.
Well kinda, it uses the same base engine but they don't share any custom tech. Which is probably the bigger part of the work as Origins and Unity couldn't be more different.
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