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▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
I don't even care about the leak in terms of figuring out DMC5's chances.

DMC5 is a terribly kept secret among people in the industry or adjacent who have any connection with or interest in Capcom.


Sweet Commander
Oct 25, 2017
The original leak always said E3. People hyped themselves up for TGAs and were expectedly disappointed.

This. Everyone should believe in Itsuno.



Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
Yes... that's usually how leaks are.

The difference is this time the OP approach the Admins first and it seem that it's good enough for the Admins to allow with the condition of perma ban if it turns out to be fake.
Oh comon, they're not gonna perma-ban him. He's one of the original resettlers. Him agreeing to that condition was just an assurance that he wasn't intentionally fucking with everyone. And he didn't hurt a mod's feelings, yet. He passed the character test!

If I was dead-set certain on something, I wouldn't mind agreeing to that condition either. But then again, my idea of "dead-set certain" is, you know, official announcements and the like.


Nov 3, 2017
Oh comon, they're not gonna perma-ban him. He's one of the original resettlers. Him agreeing to that condition was just an assurance that he wasn't intentionally fucking with everyone. And he didn't hurt a mod's feelings, yet. He passed the character test!

If I was dead-set certain on something, I wouldn't mind agreeing to that condition either. But then again, my idea of "dead-set certain" is, you know, official announcements and the like.

I'm make this simple- are you calling the OP a liar? And if so are you willing to take up the same bet as him?


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
OP might not be a liar, but he might've been lied to. It happened with Thrillhouse.

Anyway, there's no reason not to take the perm threat seriously. This thread has gotten a lot of attention, and it will look bad for the forum if they let someone that posted that much misinformation off the hook.


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
I'm make this simple- are you calling the OP a liar? And if so are you willing to take up the same bet as him?
I would've figured my literal last post answered all of that already. Don't ask asinine questions.

Oh comon, they're not gonna perma-ban him. He's one of the original resettlers. Him agreeing to that condition was just an assurance that he wasn't intentionally fucking with everyone. And he didn't hurt a mod's feelings, yet. He passed the character test!

If I was dead-set certain on something, I wouldn't mind agreeing to that condition either. But then again, my idea of "dead-set certain" is, you know, official announcements and the like.


Nov 3, 2017
I would've figured my literal last post answered all of that already. Don't ask asinine questions.

Really? You seem so confident before.

Look, I was hopeful as much as you and everyone else in here. But it just isn't gonna happen. There is no such thing as DMC5/V outside of the wishlist acting the backbone of this thread and the cute little logo I made.

Also, it makes no sense that the Admins won't ban OP if it turns out to be wrong.


Oct 29, 2017
So to be clear, we're back to the point where we can start saying "Fuck DMC, bring on that Dragon's Dogma 2 announcement, Itsuno!" again right?

DMCV would've been cool, but I don't NEED that the way I NEED DD2.


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
User was banned (2 weeks): Derailing threads multiple times + Using SJW to insult users unironically multiple times
Really? You seem so confident before.

Also, it makes no sense that the Admins won't ban OP if it turns out to be wrong.

Confident. Not dead-set certain. That requires an official announcement specifically stating there's no such thing as DMCV. So even though I know it damn well in my gut, I'll never claim to be the be-all-end-all authority on the matter.

And no, it DOESN'T make sense. Because they'll be banning him for the same reason as NOT banning everyone else: Getting duped and buying into it. There's also disregarding all his other contributions, both here and in the old black tar pit. It would be an incredibly, incredibly shitty thing to ban him over this.

But then again.....I did get banned on here myself because a demand for evidence and call for rational thinking goes against the "principles" of certain social justice warriors. But even in the face of that, I'll still say they won't ban him when this turns out to be false. He was duped same as the rest of everyone on here. Even I for about three hours thought it was genuinely a real thing. I mean....I even made a logo dude! Two of them!

So to be clear, we're back to the point where we can start saying "Fuck DMC, bring on that Dragon's Dogma 2 announcement, Itsuno!" again right?

DMCV would've been cool, but I don't NEED that the way I NEED DD2.
If from Itsuno specifically, then yes. But most everyone who NEEDS their action fix has a shitload of Bayonetta to look forward to next year. A whoooooole lot of people missed out on Bayonetta 2 because of......well, it was on the Wii U. So for a lot of us, it's gonna be a genuinely brand new stylish action experience!


Nov 3, 2017
And no, it DOESN'T make sense. Because they'll be banning him for the same reason as NOT banning everyone else: Getting duped and buying into it. There's also disregarding all his other contributions, both here and in the old black tar pit. It would be an incredibly, incredibly shitty thing to ban him over this.

But then again.....I did get banned on here myself because a demand for evidence and call for rational thinking goes against the "principles" of certain social justice warriors. But even in the face of that, I'll still say they won't ban him when this turns out to be false. He was duped same as the rest of everyone on here. Even I for about three hours thought it was genuinely a real thing. I mean....I even made a logo dude! Two of them!

Erm the last guy got banned for passing fake information because he was lied to.

OP might not be a liar, but he might've been lied to. It happened with Thrillhouse.

I knew Thrillhouse was banned in this thread for something about fake leaks but I didn't know it was because of this.


Oct 25, 2017
The wait is real. I've been waiting from the moment that PSX conference ended for Itsuno to tweet something lol

If I were him I would've probably just stay silent until DMCV gets announced tho. He wanted to announce the game this year and had everything ready to do so but then other stuff outside of his control happened which resulted in DMCV's announcement getting delayed. I really feel bad for him.
He should definitely do a apology tweet, cuz the fanbase knows he is a nice guy and him replying will keep the hype going


Oct 25, 2017
I'm really not following the logic of your breakdown here, WoollyTitan.

From the very start, this leak had always been based on an E3 2018 reveal, we are still 6 months away from that. Like, I don't understand why you are now all of a sudden having a problem with this?

This thread seems kind of useless if the game isn't going to be announced for another six months.

There is a staggering amount of specific info in the OP, that isn't valuable?


Oct 25, 2017
OP might not be a liar, but he might've been lied to. It happened with Thrillhouse.
Thrillhouse got banned because he made a big deal about leaking a trailer after TGA's then peacing out of the discord before he was banned from it, which the drama spilled into here when he decided to report someone for bullying for telling us what happened, at least thats how I remember it

Gabriel Hall

Oct 27, 2017
OP claimed since day one e3.. Thrillhouse was talking nonsense that it would get revealed this year.

ShamelessZeroMain was another user who claimed the game would be announced before the end of 2017. He freely admitted to having his own sources that contrasted with SOS's. But Zero was banned when, as I understand it, he failed to deliver when the mods PM'd him to confirm said sources. I think there's enough of a precedent for banning if a user promises false information.

Personally, I felt that the chances of DMC5 being announced at TGA or PSX dropped to somewhere near zero when the DMC HD collection was announced on the morning of the 14th. That there was ultimately no sign of DMC5 last week falls in line with SOS's claims. I'm content to wait until E3 to see what happens next.

Deleted member 2172

Account closed at user request
Oct 25, 2017
OP said from the start that the reveal would be E3 2018 and yet people start doubting his claims just because nothing was announced at TGA or PSX... lol.

The OP is useful, the rest of the thread is not. Are we actually going to keep this going until E3?

Why do you care? Its a place to discuss the information in the OP, therefore the thread is not pointless. If there is enough attention for this thread to last 6 months, then why not?


Alt Account
Oct 27, 2017
OP said from the start that the reveal would be E3 2018 and yet people start doubting his claims just because nothing was announced at TGA or PSX... lol.

Yes, sometimes people shouldn't even bother at all. SOS said from the start it was an E3 reveal, we have a huge amount of clues it's happening and yet, because people got hyped over nothing and thought for whatever reasons it will be revealed by the end of 2017, they begin to doubt SOS and pretend like nothing happens in this thread/twitter.

Between those people and the people who wants DMC5 to never exists because they want DD2 instead or because some transparent Bayo fans fear DMC5 competition (or something along those lines), I'd understand if SOS regret leaking DMC5.

It's not like SOS is the only source. A LOT of things happens during the last month, you have to be completely blind to think this is just random.


Oct 25, 2017
New York City
So someone did banned because they were lied to?

I'm honestly starting to rethink my support of this community if shit doesn't start to change.
ehh you should look into what actually happened, some drunk poster claiming SOS was full of shit and was going to show proof.. well the mods waited and he was all shyly saying " i can't find the info on discord or whatever since the conversation was old" banned.

Thrillhouse claiming nonsense banned.

SoS isn't off the hook and put his account on the line. Ultimately, everything has been fair and i agree with this system.. if this wasn't put in place you would have certain people creating fake leaks just to get kick out of things.


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
I've had a ton of fun in this thread.
I'd be lying if I said it wasn't that. :) But eventually reality sinks in.

You know, this actually reminded me of something... It was a loooong time ago, like when DMC4 first came out when I hung around the Devil's Lair (god lord that site's admin was an evil bitch...) when a bunch of us ended up putting together a team to make a "prequel" webcomic thingy. Like all things, it never went anywhere! But surprisingly...we ended up making some concept art! Pretty damn good looking too, though for life of me I have no idea where I saved it. T_T And the idea behind it was it was a story of Sparda. Like, his "downfall" if you would - what happened to him that made him go all poof.

Ever since then, I always actually kind of wanted a potential DMC5 to be about that. With a depowered Sparda as the main character, with some genuinely new gameplay twists. Wouldn't that be kind of cooler than just another traditional DMC romp?

ehh you should look into what actually happened, some drunk poster claiming SOS was full of shit and was going to show proof.. well the mods waited and he was all shyly saying " i can't find the info on discord or whatever since the conversation was old" banned.

Thrillhouse claiming nonsense banned.

SoS isn't off the hook and put his account on the line. Ultimately, everything has been fair and i agree with this system.. if this wasn't put in place you would have certain people creating fake leaks just to get kick out of things.

I am 150% for bannage of assholes who deliberately lie and troll people. I am 150% against banning people who genuinely believed the information they received was true, because it honestly makes them no better than all of us.

Apparently, I have no idea what happened with Thrillhouse, hence I'm making my positions known one way or the other. If he's a liar who fucked with people, then he's a prick who needed to go. If he honestly thought what he had was real, then the mods are assholes for punishing him for that. That simple.


Oct 27, 2017
The Maldovarium
You still haven't explained what this reality is. Once again, this thread is a leak explaining that the game will be revealed at E3 2018 and we are still 6 months away.
There is no such thing as Devil May Cry 5/V. :<

That's our reality. The same one where we have an orange serial pisshead as a president, our favorite people all died within the same year, and Miller is the best selling beer in the world. It's cold, harsh, unforgiving, full of shit, and just genuinely makes you really depressed and sad every day. Fortunately, there are some high points in Our Reality. Wales is a pretty nice place to live in. Henry Rollins is still kicking ass. And every now and again you find something neat and rare at your local Goodwill's.

But, they're just tiny little sparkles in the darkness. The darkness is deep, the sparkles are far and few between and hardly ever grace us. DMCV is a sparkle in this dark, gaseous ball of shit, and it's yet to show its face.

:< How's that for a slice of depressing pie for your midday?


Nov 3, 2017
I should point out that there is a difference between "DMCV not existing" and "DMCV not announced".

This isn't some Schrodinger's box anymore.
Son of Sparda

Son of Sparda

"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
The reality is what I said 50-60 pages back. That no matter what I say some people won't believe anything until the game is officially announced (and some will still call me a liar even after that, no doubt)

So shrug. I'll just wait for E3.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Columbia, MD
I am 150% for bannage of assholes who deliberately lie and troll people. I am 150% against banning people who genuinely believed the information they received was true, because it honestly makes them no better than all of us.

Apparently, I have no idea what happened with Thrillhouse, hence I'm making my positions known one way or the other. If he's a liar who fucked with people, then he's a prick who needed to go. If he honestly thought what he had was real, then the mods are assholes for punishing him for that. That simple.

The rules are put in place because nobody wants Era to be turned into a rumor mill where people can just post up whatever tidbits they may have (or fabricated) with no consequence. This isn't 4chan, after all.

Hell, nobody's saying you have to share whatever you may have. In fact, if you're not sure, it's probably better you don't! But if you bother to go big, you risk your privileges to post on this forum, and I think that's perfectly fair.

Deleted member 6730

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The reality is what I said 50-60 pages back. That no matter what I say some people won't believe anything until the game is officially announced (and some will still call me a liar even after that, no doubt)

So shrug. I'll just wait for E3.
You're probably not wrong and DMC 5 is going to happen. I just think the thread should be locked until we have new news.


Senior Analyst at Niko Partners
Oct 24, 2017
Oh comon, they're not gonna perma-ban him. He's one of the original resettlers. Him agreeing to that condition was just an assurance that he wasn't intentionally fucking with everyone. And he didn't hurt a mod's feelings, yet. He passed the character test!

If I was dead-set certain on something, I wouldn't mind agreeing to that condition either. But then again, my idea of "dead-set certain" is, you know, official announcements and the like.

If you have an issue with a user or a thread then PM an admin.

Derailing a thread, like you are, is not the solution.

We've made our position extremely clear with the red text post in the OP.
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Unfurling New Wings
On Break
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
Since it's come up again, here is a reminder of what went on with Thrillhouse.

At first we were inclined to let this slide as all he did on the forums was drop vague teases.

Then he reported this post and accused ViewtifulJC of cyberbullying.

He has now been permanently banned.

The post Cerium is referring to is this one:

Thrillhouse was not banned for believing false information they were given. He was banned for attempting to manipulate moderation for the purpose of trolling.

He also claimed to have marketing materials and trailer footage for DMC5. He made stuff up, he was not duped.


Oct 26, 2017
So let's make this clear.

Thrillhouse contribute a very very very small amount info to the leak. Like literally a few lines.

I repeat, this leak is not based on Thrillhouse info alone and his contribution was very small.

These stuff from OG leaks were from him:

  • Onyay Pheori is helping with the soundtrack
  • Trailer stuff
  • Nero Vs Vergil (just the fight, got other sources saying those characters are in)
Now the BS that he tried to pull at Discord. I didn't fall for these (that's why never said them on Era), but this is why you see so many DMC fans are mad right now.
  • Said has actual materials of the game. (tried to fed me some BS filtered pic as Nero in DMCV. It was embarrassing really.)
  • Said the game will be at TGA.
  • Said has access to the trailer and will release it if it's not at TGA.
Of course I wasn't having that so I asked for proof of the trailer. He tried to feed me some BS flower like Sparda fan art (again embarrassing shit) that I didn't fell for so I made that pinned message in discord and said that he would get banned and blacklisted from Discord if he doesn't deliver after TGA. Ofc DMCV was not at TGA and the guy posted a troll gif, said we'll meet in 7 months and left the discord before getting banned. And that's why you are seeing people calling him out here.

So calm down. I said E3 and there is a reason that I didn't change that to TGA, even after Thrilll was making crazy bets in discord.

To everyone as confused as I am, I had to hunt this down but this explains everything.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Quite a few people had trouble reading the OP, got unnecessarily hyped for TGA then started lashing out at SoS over no DMCV.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
What just happened? lol

Capcom has consistently been revealing their big games at E3 and (around) PSX. They also so far stick to announcing two major new titles a year. When MM11 was revealed, that was it for this year. People should have known better.

Thrillhouse got banned because he made a big deal about leaking a trailer after TGA's then peacing out of the discord before he was banned from it, which the drama spilled into here when he decided to report someone for bullying for telling us what happened, at least thats how I remember it

I wasn't commenting on Thrill's ban, but that he provided false info to SoS.
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Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Thread still going strong I see, question was brought up in the community thread.

What 2 devils arms and 2 firearms would you want back on dmcv from all dmc games including DmC?

Mine would be angi and rudra, scythe from DmC, nightmare beta and shotgun.
Oct 25, 2017
Las Vegas
Thread still going strong I see, question was brought up in the community thread.

What 2 devils arms and 2 firearms would you want back on dmcv from all dmc games including DmC?

Mine would be angi and rudra, scythe from DmC, nightmare beta and shotgun.

Agni and Rudra and Nevan.

It'd also be cool to see a Lucifer like weapon but have it classified as a gun based weapon as opposed to it being a melee weapon.


Oct 25, 2017
Agni and Rudra and Nevan.

It'd also be cool to see a Lucifer like weapon but have it classified as a gun based weapon as opposed to it being a melee weapon.
I can't picture Lucifer as a gun because it reminds me of Lucia's throwing knives.

If they make Lucifer have little to do with the spikes and more like a fully fledged devil arm, I will be down.


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I have some news about the Death Battle.
Vergil lost, because despite his superior healing factor and speed, he doesn't have the durability or stamina to keep up with Sephiroth.Thanks to Sephiroth's connection to the lifestream, he has infinite mana, and thus, he has more stamina than Vergil. He can also be manipulated by Sephiroth's illusions and clones. And there's no way he can survive something like Supernova. It makes sense, in my opinion. When he fought with Dante for a second time, it's obvious that Vergil didn't dodge most of the attacks because of his healing factor. He relies on his healing factor and speed too much to win his fights.
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