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Aug 30, 2020
I appreciate that he isn't just Zeus 2.0. Mystic, lanky, weird old man is a cool to interpret this character.

I have no strong opinion on this ethical debate about leaking people seem to be having in this thread. Probably because I've developed such a laissez-faire attitude toward spoilers these days. There are very few things I want to go in as blind as possible for now, and GoW 2 ain't one of 'em. Still looking forward to the game tho.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
User warned: drive-by posting
Someone's "passion" is hurting people and the forum just makes excuses over it because they enjoy knowing stuff early. Pretty sad really.


Oct 27, 2017
The watermarking is kind of offputting in that, "who give af who you are" way. But that's pretty standard with any leaks. Leaks are here to stay.
Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I know that. I'm just saying, this thread's generated a lot of drama for something that's apparently not even relevant to the final product.

You would think it a leaked ending or something but yeah, at the end of the day it's just a neat tidbit, nothing I think anyone would or should be terribly upset about. Imo anyways.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
why are people so pissy about dusk, jesus, this thread is a mess

dusk kill ur dog or sommit


Oct 30, 2017
User banned (2 weeks): Antagonistic behavior towards another member over a series of posts, history of the same behavior


Aug 30, 2020
What a huge mystery - people constantly downplaying his repeated lies for attention over the years. There are plenty of previous posts that demonstrate his history of clearly made up content on SH and RE games yet it never stops. Maybe he should finally "retire" like he wants.
Nov 19, 2019
I'll be real: some people (devs) complain about all or most leakers. However Dusk really has made a brand out of a very particular kind of double-speak pronouncement--I don't want to hurt devs, but I believe in free speech, but I'm just a silly lil guy, but I KNOW things, but I'm retired actually, but DUSK WAS HERE, you will all regret your words and deeds, actually why so serious.

There's a certain amount of ego in all leakers who bother to claim their leaks, but DG has been the main character of their own leaks for a long time running. It's fair to be critical of that.


Oct 6, 2020
Texas yall
Keep the leaks coming, always loved knowing what's going on. I appreciate the hard work game devs put into these projects. But at times you guys act way too pretentious. I get if an entire game leaks, or early alpha footage gets out with the intention of hurting the brand/image of the game. But to say concept art, story tidbits, or even in game screen caps (that look good) hurt devs is silly. A good game is a good game and will sell gangbusters regardless, the only thing that gets hurt is egos due to the info being "declassified" before you wanted it to be. Not even film directors, who can be pretentious as all hell act like that. If something WB/Disney gets leaked, more often than not it gets embraced. Set leaks especially. People love to know what's going on. Perhaps embrace that too and be more like the Dead Space devs, whom are constantly getting feedback from what they are showing and improving. That's the way things should be.

My 2 cents.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be real: some people (devs) complain about all or most leakers. However Dusk really has made a brand out of a very particular kind of double-speak pronouncement--I don't want to hurt devs, but I believe in free speech, but I'm just a silly lil guy, but I KNOW things, but I'm retired actually, but DUSK WAS HERE, you will all regret your words and deeds, actually why so serious.

There's a certain amount of ego in all leakers who bother to claim their leaks, but DG has been the main character of their own leaks for a long time running. It's fair to be critical of that.
i get being a character gets you attention

its just weird opening a 5 page thread and seeing 4 full pages of folks just shitting on a person


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
At the end of the day, my general stance is that leaks happen. It's unavoidable, especially considering how big the industry is right now. Stuff is going to leak, whether it's a disgruntled QA tester going rogue or an idiot leaving a laptop open after they pass out on a plane.

But I have to question the folks who make leaking stuff their job. Their whole personality. Who put so much of their time and energy into it. Like there's a huge difference between investigative reporting sometimes leading to things being revealed earlier than they should, and people who make a habit of trying to scrounge for unreleased information and then tease and drip feed it out like they're part of the marketing department themselves, despite (usually) working against the marketing plans of the games they're revealing/unveiling.

Like, speaking as someone who has been in the position to have information that would be considered worth leaking in the past, and as someone who admittedly DID leak that information once, many pre-Era incarnations ago...I just don't see the benefit in it, especially in hindsight. All it does is draw unwanted attention your way, and in a worst case scenario it can lead to legal action against you, or the people who got you the information in the first place. It's really not worth it.


Oct 25, 2017
I personally don't care much about leaks (I don't actively go out and find them), but videogame leaks are always shitty-- more often than not, they can give people bad impressions of a game before a trailer is even out (see the entire Last of Us franchise). I can't believe companies don't try to sue all the personalities on Twitter such for being the sole and main publisher of said leaks.

And making comparisons to the film industry is disingenuous as fuck; you can be a random passer-by and manage to get a snapshot of a stuntman in the new Daredevil costume on the street, while most videogame leaks happen because of disgruntled employees or a hack.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Word of advice to all leakers and wannabe journalists: if you have information for a game that's about to release, learn to be quiet for a few months. If you have information for a beta of a released game or canceled game, by all means share as much as you know. The former is not useful information and merely spoils the surprise of a highly anticipated game, and the latter sheds new light on something that already happened or never happened and is therefore more interesting.
If we're being real, this can also hurt devs like other leaks. Devs reuse ideas of betas and cancelled games internally a lot, and can also feel uncomfortable that the stuff they worked on that was never finished and is not up to the standard they were happy with is plastered online for all to see.
Not saying that those leaks are bad per-se, but i don't think that we can say that the leak for future games can hurt devs, but not those for previous games.


Oct 25, 2017
User Warned: Attempted Thread Derail
Wont somebody please think about the developers!

Meanwhile game developers and publishers are spending thousands of hours of their lives and billions of dollars finding new and improved ways to utilizie behavioral psychology to psychologically manipulate hundreds of millions of people out of money and use addictive gambling techniques to prey on people with severe gambling addictions (something that fucking ruins lives and rips apart entire families) into spending every penny they have to enrich themselves and their bosses.


Oct 27, 2017
Wont somebody please think about the developers!

Meanwhile game developers and publishers are spending thousands of hours of their lives and billions of dollars finding new and improved ways to utilizie behavioral psychology to psychologically manipulate hundreds of millions of people out of money and use addictive gambling techniques to prey on people with severe gambling addictions (something that fucking ruins lives and rips apart entire families) into spending every penny they have to enrich themselves and their bosses.
When was it announced GoW: Ragnarok was a Gacha game?
Feb 16, 2022
A perfect example of my point. What manipulation? The conversation instantly devolves into hyperbole with people acting like he murdered your family and gaslit you or something. Dude's just sharing what he heard on the internet. Sometimes that's going to be right, sometimes that's going to be wrong.
I have no horse in this, but I was here for that one. I think people point to that one as "manipulation" since I remember he later admitting that he only did it because the conversation about the PS5 was "getting too one-sided", and he wanted to "even things out a bit". That, to me, justify people thinking that he could definitely manipulate the direction of a conversation given his position and credibility.


Oct 26, 2017
Wont somebody please think about the developers!

Meanwhile game developers and publishers are spending thousands of hours of their lives and billions of dollars finding new and improved ways to utilizie behavioral psychology to psychologically manipulate hundreds of millions of people out of money and use addictive gambling techniques to prey on people with severe gambling addictions (something that fucking ruins lives and rips apart entire families) into spending every penny they have to enrich themselves and their bosses.

Random rant


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think the members of this forum understand why people come to this forum.

It ain't for the riveting discussion.


Oct 25, 2017
Wont somebody please think about the developers!

Meanwhile game developers and publishers are spending thousands of hours of their lives and billions of dollars finding new and improved ways to utilizie behavioral psychology to psychologically manipulate hundreds of millions of people out of money and use addictive gambling techniques to prey on people with severe gambling addictions (something that fucking ruins lives and rips apart entire families) into spending every penny they have to enrich themselves and their bosses.

SSM seem like a decent employer, devs almost blaming the punters for the shitty behaviour of other employers in their industry is pretty fucking stupid though. "Something leaked so we all got a mass punishment because of you" yeah, your industry sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
I have no horse in this, but I was here for that one. I think people point to that one as "manipulation" since I remember he later admitting that he only did it because the conversation about the PS5 was "getting too one-sided", and he wanted to "even things out a bit". That, to me, justify people thinking that he could definitely manipulate the direction of a conversation given his position and credibility.
Yeah that in particular was really weird. Dude seems to have quite an ego and manages to make every leak about them.

Also, the parasocial relationships people on here have with leakers is pretty creepy.


Oct 30, 2017
Keep the leaks coming, always loved knowing what's going on. I appreciate the hard work game devs put into these projects. But at times you guys act way too pretentious. I get if an entire game leaks, or early alpha footage gets out with the intention of hurting the brand/image of the game. But to say concept art, story tidbits, or even in game screen caps (that look good) hurt devs is silly.

Except devs are actually saying this also, so...

Also, the parasocial relationships people on here have with leakers is pretty creepy.

Yeah it's pretty disgusting to be honest. Folks on here will break their own spine bending over backwards to defend someone admitting they are willing to hurt devs even a little because its fun.

Get some empathy, Era.


Oct 6, 2020
Texas yall
Except devs are actually saying this also, so...

Yeah it's pretty disgusting to be honest. Folks on here will break their own spine bending over backwards to defend someone admitting they are willing to hurt devs even a little because its fun.

Get some empathy, Era.
I know what they're saying, and it's silly. Like I said in my post, it may hurt their egos because they can't unveil their top secret game that's been in the dark from gamers for years, but it won't hurt their wallets in the slightest unless its a shit game. Even TLOU2 made a shitload of money regardless of the leaks. It was extremely successful financially and commercially.

Again, not saying all leaks are ok. Beat for beat story leaks or footage with the intention of hurting the games image is NOT ok.
Last edited:


Oct 30, 2017
I know what they're saying, and it's silly. Like I said in my post, it may hurt their egos because they can't unveil their top secret game that's been in the dark from gamers for years, but it won't hurt their wallets in the slightest unless its a shit game. Even TLOU2 made a shitload of money regardless of the leaks. It was extremely successful financially and commercially.

In other words: stop complaining, you get paid.

Again, serious empathy problem among many here.


Oct 27, 2017
Miami, FL
In other words: stop complaining, you get paid.

Again, serious empathy problem among many here.
What's nuts is we (I loosely mean gamers) gain almost nothing from leaks as we would naturally learn about these things later, as they're ready, and as the dev/product teams plan them.

For the potential cost of adversely affecting someone's years-long project/day-to-day for them, I don't see how it can be justified.

The epitome of impatience/selfishness.


Mar 13, 2019
I know what they're saying, and it's silly. Like I said in my post, it may hurt their egos because they can't unveil their top secret game that's been in the dark from gamers for years, but it won't hurt their wallets in the slightest unless its a shit game. Even TLOU2 made a shitload of money regardless of the leaks. It was extremely successful financially and commercially.

Again, not saying all leaks are ok. Beat for beat story leaks or footage with the intention of hurting the games image is NOT ok.
Why shouldn't they be able to unveil stuff when they want though? Is it that important to satiate the curiosity of people on the internet? "Fuck you devs. I deserve to see what you are working on! It's my god given right as a forum dweller!".


Mar 13, 2019
What's nuts is we (I loosely mean gamers) gain almost nothing from leaks, especially for the potential cost of adversely affecting someone's years-long project/day-to-day for them.

The epitome of selfishness.
Yeah. You ask people who are pro leakers what good leaks do and they just dodge the question and talk about how leaks actually don't matter no matter what the devs say.

I really hope no one confides personal secrets to these people.


Oct 30, 2017
At this point I'll just quote another developer who obviously needs to stop being "silly", from earlier in the thread:

Weekly reminder again that this forum encouraging leak culture and then wanting to play advocate for us devs only when the words "crunch" or "cancellation" or "acquisition" appear is outright comical.


Oct 6, 2020
Texas yall
What's nuts is we (I loosely mean gamers) gain almost nothing from leaks as we would naturally learn about these things later, as they're ready, and as the dev/product teams plan them.

For the potential cost of adversely affecting someone's years-long project/day-to-day for them, I don't see how it can be justified.

The epitome of impatience/selfishness.

Sure we do, we get to see what we're about to invest $60+ dollars into. For those that enjoy it, it builds excitement. Or keeps our expectations in check. Nothing wrong with a sneak peak imo.

Again, nothing but pretentious attitudes here if you think a concept art leak is a problem.

Why shouldn't they be able to unveil stuff when they want though? Is it that important to satiate the curiosity of people on the internet? "Fuck you devs. I deserve to see what you are working on! It's my god given right as a forum dweller!".

Actually, as a consumer that has to shell out $60-$80 for said video game, I sure would like to see what's in store for me. Nothing wrong with devs wanting to unveil something on their own terms, but if something miniscule gets leaked and they start with the woe is me thing…it gets silly.


Jul 25, 2021
Sure we do, we get to see what we're about to invest $60+ dollars into. For those that enjoy it, it builds excitement. Or keeps our expectations in check. Nothing wrong with a sneak peak imo.

Again, nothing but pretentious attitudes here if you think a concept art leak is a problem.

Actually, as a consumer that has to shell out $60-$80 for said video game, I sure would like to see what's in store for me. Nothing wrong with devs wanting to unveil something on their own terms, but if something miniscule gets leaked and they start with the woe is me thing…it gets silly.

I mean God forbid you wait for reviews or impressions.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I thought the watermark was funny and I get the sob story. I dunno what's up with the people grandstanding against you.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
There are plenty of previous posts that demonstrate his history of clearly made up content on SH and RE games yet it never stops.
His Silent Hill posts (the leaked concept art that got copyrighted by Konami) are probably the only credible Silent Hill leaks, aside from the Video Game Chronicle reports. That game is all but confirmed at this point.

His track record on Resident Evil leaks is also pretty solid. It's mostly other stuff that he's less reliable on.


Oct 30, 2017
I thought the watermark was funny and I get the sob story. I dunno what's up with the people grandstanding against you.

Yeah, I don't know why peeps have a problem with someone who said yesterday that they are fine hurting devs a little because leaks are fun.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, I don't know why peeps have a problem with someone who said yesterday that they are fine hurting devs a little because leaks are fun.
I expect this kind of outrage over every leak ever from you from now on until eternity. No matter how big or small.

It's literally concept art and half of his face is covered by a goofy watermark, and he did it as a middle finger to people who think he's lying. But uh, fair enough.


Oct 30, 2017
I expect this kind of outrage over every leak ever from you from now on until eternity.

And I expect some kind of empathy, however small, from others but this is Era after all.

P.S. I've previously taken Henderson and Grubb to task over their shitty leak practises on this very forum too.
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