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One Winged Slayer
Jan 25, 2020
Just saw her share this post from her Patreon over on Twitter.
Walking away from Omelas
This was going to be a YouTube video, but I just don't have it in me to invite that kind of scrutiny, to be the last in the sick, sad line of YouTubers who get all weepy on camera and cry about how they just can't do this anymore, boo hoo hoo. I had planned to move video content to Nebula, but I realize now that doing that is just keeping wounds wide open. My life ended nine months ago - what has been taking up bandwidth ever since then has been a ghost. It's almost funny, how many people will insist that I have "lost nothing" (you know, because subscriber count is the only metric for success and cancel culture doesn't exist). One YouTube channel chugging along on algorithmic inertia is not success - it's just an engine driving on fumes.

Many will say this is being melodramatic, that my life isn't *over*, that there was absolutely nothing stopping me from brushing myself off, building back up goodwill and shutting up and playing the game. And I tried that; in a way I suppose it's good that I did, because I needed to learn the hard way that that was never going to work. There is no un-fucking this. You can't find the energy if there is nothing left to convert to it. You can't be a better person if you are nothing but the hollow shell of one.

2021 has been the worst year of my life. I am traumatized by it. To this day I still have people scolding me by how I handled it, that I should have handled it differently, that I should have "controlled" my "stans", as if I had the capability to know what any of these people were even saying to strangers on Twitter while I was shitting blood for weeks on end. The worst thing about this whole year is that I can't even admit this trauma because of all the rhetorical devices people have already come up with to dismiss it. That centering my own pain is evidence of me "not listening" (does it occur to these people that you can listen, and disagree with other people's conclusions?) That I'm weaponizing my "fragile white womanhood" or whatever to point out that having thousands upon thousands of people who you have never met hate you and say whatever will get them the most updoots about is, in fact, traumatizing. That people I used to know would flagrantly lie about me on Twitter dot com to the tune of thousands of retweets and tens of thousands of likes, and I just had to sit there and take it. My favorite are the people who dismiss any potential harm I might have incurred as justified because I am a "wealthy, white woman" (I am not wealthy), while these same people's hearts positively *bleed* for Britney Spears.

These people don't see how similar these talking points are to the same Boomer, bootstrap parenting style that I thought most of us had agreed was abusive - that you need to toughen up, accept your punishment, accept that even if the reaction was outsized that you did SOMETHING wrong, because where there's smoke there's fire. Grow a thicker skin. These same people who always crow about "believing victims" telling victims of public dogpiles that they do not deserve to claim their trauma, let alone to process it, because they deserved it. There is no such thing as cancel culture. There is no incentive/reward structure in places like Twitter to call people out. There are no updoots/favs/follows/retweets for hotting a take on whomever is trending.

I reread the 2015 essay "Hot Allostatic Load" for the first time in years last night, and I could not stop crying. Even reading some of these passages now, I can't stop crying. This was written from the perspective of a trans femme and discusses some rhetorical devices used to demonize trans women specifically, which obviously does not apply to me, but some of it is spot on:

One of the most common tools of exclusion is through mobbing, which is rarely talked about because unlike rape, murder, etc, it's not easy to pin it on a single person (or scapegoat). Mobbing is emotional abuse practiced by a group of people, usually peers, over a period of time, through methods such as gaslighting, rumor-mongering, and ostracism. It's most documented in workplace or academic environments (i.e. key points of capitalist tension) but is thoroughly institutionalized into feminist, queer, and radical spaces as well. Here is why it is horrible:

1) It has an unusually strong power to damage the victim's relationship to society, because it can't be written off as an outlier, as some singular monster. It reveals a fundamental truth about people that makes it difficult to trust ever again. People become like aliens, like a pack of animals that can turn on you as soon as some mysterious pheromone shift marks you for death.

2) The insidious nature of emotional abuse: How do you fight ostracism and rumors? They leave no bruises, they just starve you.

3) Mobbing typically occurs in places where the victim is trapped by some need or obligation: work, school, circles of friends. This can prolong exposure to damaging extremes.

For these reasons, PTSD is an almost inevitable outcome of any protracted mobbing case.

The Isabel Fall case is almost a textbook example about how online mobbing harms people, and how the people who participate in these mobs never engage in any self-reflection — when some people read Fall's "Helicopter Story" and questioned the trans bonafides of the author in early 2020, Twitter did what Twitter does and ruined Fall's life, death by a million cuts, no one single person even beginning to question whether they did anything wrong by jumping to the worst possible faith interpretation of both the text and the author. After a profile written by Emily VanDerWerff was published late in 2021, were lessons learned about the way we use Internet mobs to tear down people we don't know because of situations we don't understand? No — one of Fall's detractors, Neon Yang, became the new scapegoat du jour, using some of the exact same tactics used the prior year to attack Fall.

I'm not going to touch on Yang's original comments about Fall or the pushback to them, but what was downright charming in its lack of self-awareness about that whole situation was the way people used Fall's trauma to hurt Yang, the way they invoked Fall being checked into the hospital while Yang said whatever about Fall and "Helicopter Story", all while having absolutely no idea what was going on in Yang's private life. What's particularly galling is how many people accused Yang of "Sending a trans person to the hospital with PTSD" while apparently being completely oblivious to the fact that they could be very well doing the same thing to Yang, a nonbinary trans person. There was no lesson learned on the nature of mindless dogpiling, just Twitter doing what Twitter does - failing to examine systems of abuse while continuing to perpetuate them by laying into a new scapegoat.

Again, a quote from Hot Allostatic Load:

Feminist/queer spaces are more willing to criticize people than abusive systems because they want to reserve the right to use those systems for their own purposes. At least attacking people can be politically viable, especially in a token system where you benefit directly by their absence, or where your status as a good feminist is dependent on constantly rooting out evil.

When the bounty system calls for the ears of evil people, well, most people have a fucking ear.

Something else that was also inevitable - I was going to quit YouTube. I knew I couldn't do it forever, that I was running out of steam, that I was sick of the increasing dehumanization inherent, that I just didn't have anything to say about movies anymore. The plan was always to end with Love Never Dies, since it seemed like the best place to end, with some semblance of energy rather than keeping on until I've withered away to nothing. What happened to me in March and April hastened it, but this was always inevitable.

My initial plan was to leave YouTube for Nebula, but I realize now that this is only entrenching myself in a more intimate form of harm rather than the broad, buckshot kind that YouTube invites. I won't go into detail (not right now, anyway), but I can't do video content for them either. I can't make content period. I just can't do this anymore. There is no healing as long as there is attachment to the thing that makes you suffer, and the thing in this case is being in the public eye at all.

What I wanted was to quietly disappear, but since this is a platform where people are paying me to make content, I feel like I have to make a statement. If it were just me by myself I would just sign off and say goodbye and that would be it, but I have a team who depends on my company for health insurance, and including dependents I supply full benefits for eight people, and here in the US employer-based insurance is often the only feasible option. Saying to everyone "sorry about your children, but they can't have insurance anymore because Twitter makes me sad" just doesn't seem like a fair deal (none of them incidentally know I'm posting this).

So the only thing I can do for now is keep this page active with the loose promise that someday I'll figure out something in the future to make up for this, while asking you please stop messaging me apologizing for not being able to subscribe anymore. You don't owe me anything. This Patreon is, like my own life and career, just running on fumes.

But all I know now is that being in the public eye at all is a losing game, and I regret all of it. I regret every time I've ever stood up for anyone - it always backfires. I regret every time I pushed back against something unjust - it was always just used to hurt me. I regret every time I ever stood up for myself - I never did it "correctly." I regret every time I showed any vulnerability - just more ammunition to be used against me later. I regret every time I ever tried to play the game with peers and colleagues - they will drop you the second you aren't popular on Twitter anymore. It's all hollow and brittle, and if there is one thing I have learned this year it is how eminently expendable I am. The good, progressive cis, straight, wealthy white men keep on trucking and coming out on top because deep down, they know that the systems they profess to stand against ultimately exist to benefit them.

And to all the people telling me I need to grow a thicker skin or remove myself from the conversation altogether - you are right. I don't have it in me to do the former, so I shall do the latter.

Hope your new year is better than this.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Sorry, lot of text to get through. But did something else happen or is this related to that Raya thing a few months back?


Oct 31, 2017
Did this all start with the Raya comment? Or was there something else before that?

I really, really liked her videos.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll miss the hell out of her insights, but I hope she finds some peace out of this, because that's a rough thing to read.
Did this all start with the Raya comment? Or was there something else before that?
Sounds like she'd been getting disillusioned with the medium for a while, but the Raya shitstorm massively accelerated it.
Oct 26, 2017
Well damn. I have a lot more thoughts and feels about this than I expected. I quietly backed away from a few content creators after the Contrapoints drama, and subsequent stuff kept me away. Being a public figure and especially being on Twitter can be soul crushing because too many people don't have the restraint to also quietly back away.

I hope she at least finds some peace of mind
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Oct 25, 2017
This is a very tough read and I'm worried for her, in a "I hope she doesn't do anything harmful to herself now" because holy shit that last paragraph is ominous as fuck.

I hope she can recover some peace away from the public eye. I'll definitely miss her insights and reviews, but that's secondary compared to her actual well being.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I used to watch her videos but haven't in a long while. What's the context for her leaving social media? She doesn't actually get into that in her post. What's also weird is she says she's keeping the Patreon going as she has employees to pay and doesn't want to let them down by quitting on them. But she isn't making videos anymore.... So does she just expect people to support her and her employees on Patreon without putting out any content?


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this seems like a lot over what? What did she do and why was the backlash so bad?
She compared Raya to Avatar because of the obvious parallels in the premise, twitter "activists" didn't appreciate comparing two east-Asian focused properties together, she said you can see the parallels "if you squint" which is tbh just an unfortunate turn of phrase, and people went apeshit.


Oct 27, 2017
At a certain level you really shouldn't continue to operate your own social media account. I don't care how much money people think you make, reading so much hatred directed at you is going to be exhausting emotionally.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not to sound repetitive, but damn that really was tough to read...
Oct 27, 2017
I don't blame her. That "controversy" was fucking stupid and trying to turn her words and intentions into some anti-Asian racism was stupid as fuck.

The fact that people will latch onto something, take it out of context, dictate to you and everyone else what they say you meant, and then to endlessly repeat it would be exhausting as fuck and I'd tell everyone to kiss my ass and walk away from all of that fake bullshit too before it destroys me.


Oct 25, 2017
After the Mask Off video, where she broke herself open that thoroughly, and all this still wouldn't stop?

Christ. She's better off out of it.


Oct 25, 2017
She compared Raya to Avatar because of the obvious parallels in the premise, twitter "activists" didn't appreciate comparing two east-Asian focused properties together, she said you can see the parallels "if you squint" which is tbh just an unfortunate turn of phrase, and people went apeshit.
Yeah that sounds ridiculous. Too bad that the harassers won but sounds like she needs her time away from it all.


Apr 30, 2020
Sad to see it. I think she made some mistakes earlier this year but I also think she was also unfairly targeted by internet mobs at the same time. I hope she finds happiness with her books and other forms of creative output and doesn't need to have to deal with social media in the future.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
She fully seems to expect it to fizzle out as patrons start unsubscribing.
I'm sure her employees will figure it out but it's really weird she eluded to not telling them and just letting this Patreon post do what it's gonna do.

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
At a certain point as a public figure, you either know how to wield your social media presence, or you need to hire someone to handle it.

Too many people think they can do the former, but should do the latter.

But more important than that, I hope she gets the help she needs, and the peace she needs.


Prophet of Truth
Sep 22, 2020
Less quitting YouTube and more quitting content creation as a whole based on that essay


Oct 25, 2017
Sad to see it. I think she made some mistakes earlier this year but I also think she was also unfairly targeted by internet mobs at the same time. I hope she finds happiness with her books and other forms of creative output and doesn't need to have to deal with social media in the future.
IMO there was little if any genuine concern for the Raya stuff, and more shitstorms for entertainment sake.
Oct 27, 2017
She compared Raya to Avatar because of the obvious parallels in the premise, twitter "activists" didn't appreciate comparing two east-Asian focused properties together, she said you can see the parallels "if you squint" which is tbh just an unfortunate turn of phrase, and people went apeshit.

Twitter should be cancelled and burnt to the fucking ground forever. Nuke it from orbit too, just to be sure. Absolutely terrible place.

Anyway, that message is pretty dark. Hope she'll get back on her feet eventually.


Oct 27, 2017
Reading the initial era thread in this "controversy" was so fucking embarassing.


Mar 9, 2020
But remember guys, cancel culture is a good thing and also doesnt exist.

Anyhow, I feel for her even though I never liked her content. Engaging with any sort of large groups online can quickly become absolutely exhausting.
Oct 25, 2017
After the Mask Off video, where she broke herself open that thoroughly, and all this still wouldn't stop?

Christ. She's better off out of it.

Basically; it reads like she's realized that whatever she says/does to address it will inevitably turn into why that was the wrong thing to do in this situation.

And honestly having followed the whole thing, I don't blame her--there's zero room for her to engage on anything at this point, and getting the fuck out is probably the best thing she could do.

I'm sure her employees will figure it out but it's really weird she eluded to not telling them and just letting this thing do what it's gonna do.

I read it as she's telling them she's quitting but she doesn't want to cut off their healthcare suddenly, so she'll leave the Patreon running to keep providing those benefits until it becomes unsustainable.


Oct 28, 2017
She's clearly having a really hard time… wow. Hope she comes out of this OK. PTSD is no joke If that's what's going on. I always loved her content and this is a real bummer. Internet mobs can be really awful.

Osu 16 Bit

QA Lead at NetherRealm Studios
Oct 27, 2017
Chicago, IL
That was a brutal read.

What stood out to me was her talking about how it feels to have a ton of people hating on you, even if you don't know them. I can relate to this well. It's an awful, awful feeling. Maybe you wouldn't think it'd be, or maybe you're the type who can take it, but as someone who's felt it as part of the gaming industry, it's relentless and exhausting.


Oct 25, 2017
She compared Raya to Avatar because of the obvious parallels in the premise, twitter "activists" didn't appreciate comparing two east-Asian focused properties together, she said you can see the parallels "if you squint" which is tbh just an unfortunate turn of phrase, and people went apeshit.
What's wrong with comparing Raya and Avatar? I really like both and my only nitpick for Raya is that I wish it was a series like Avatar instead of a movie. The various tribes in Raya could make a really cool action adventure series, just like Avatar


Oct 25, 2017
After the Mask Off video, where she broke herself open that thoroughly, and all this still wouldn't stop?

Christ. She's better off out of it.

because there were people, even in this site, who thought she was doing it all "for the drama" instead of "just apologizing, admit [she] was wrong and move on", because obviously a 50+ minute video wasn't going to be sincere at all. So, nope, it definitely didn't stop.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know the whole story and I'm sure she's explained this in one of the videos I've watched but why doesn't she keep trucking, Do what she does and ignore the haters?

Even though I've watched her response videos I think she gives those things too much energy. She knows more than most that they the internet won't settle for least than the soul of all its victims.


Oct 27, 2017
Sucks but understandable. Love Never Dies was a great video. Hopefully she can work her stuff out and come back, but better just to take it a day at a time.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm sure this will fall on deaf ears to the terminally online of this site.


Oct 25, 2017
Social media is a hell of a drug. Being evenrelatively famous worldwide is something I don't envy and I don't think most people are equippted to deal with. I'm glad she's quitting if it's just brought nothing but stress, but I'll definitely miss her vids.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
After the Mask Off video, where she broke herself open that thoroughly, and all this still wouldn't stop?

Christ. She's better off out of it.
Why would it? The way people continually went at her (even before the Raya thing), they weren't going to start operating on good faith like "ohhh okay, sorry."

Anything she did was either ignored or turned into ammo.


Mar 9, 2020
Maybe this will make people on this forum realize that cancel culture sucks, but I wont get my hopes up.


Oct 27, 2017
this is harrowing to read. I really hope she finds some measure of solace and healing from this. I strongly feel that intimately open lines of communication between creators and online social media spaces are unsustainable. there is just far, far too much latent desire to irrevocably crucify and tear down people over missteps. at times it feels like sadism masquerading as justice.

I recognize that a lot of that rage results from the inequities of the world, so it's not necessarily wrong in that it exists, but it is so horribly misdirected and at a point where it feels like an inevitable consequence for any creator that engages in anything beyond sanitized PR in the long run.

Dale Copper

Apr 12, 2018
What's wrong with comparing Raya and Avatar? I really like both and my only nitpick for Raya is that I wish it was a series like Avatar instead of a movie. The various tribes in Raya could make a really cool action adventure series, just like Avatar
I think it's because she was saying Raya was a ripoff of Avatar, when Avatar is inspired by the same material Raya is based off of.



Oct 25, 2017
She compared Raya to Avatar because of the obvious parallels in the premise, twitter "activists" didn't appreciate comparing two east-Asian focused properties together, she said you can see the parallels "if you squint" which is tbh just an unfortunate turn of phrase, and people went apeshit.

Correct me if I'm wrong but did this forum not too also jump down her throat as well?


Apr 30, 2020
IMO there was little if any genuine concern for the Raya stuff, and more shitstorms for entertainment sake.
I don't agree. I saw it happen live and saw people of Asian heritage who I know to be good faith actors who were genuinely upset by what Ellis said because they didn't see her as someone to make off the cuff remarks like that and thought it was a poor reflection on how she usually presents herself. Then people who already disliked her used it as an excuse to attack her. It's complicated because she did make a mistake that was hurtful but then the internet mob basically took over and used it for their own purposes.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know the whole story and I'm sure she's explained this in one of the videos I've watched but why doesn't she keep trucking, Do what she does and ignore the haters?

Even though I've watched her response videos I think she gives those things too much energy. She knows more than most that they the internet won't settle for least than the soul of all its victims.

"Ignore the haters"? Have you met the internet?
Oct 27, 2017
At this point this is the best option for her. She's a best selling author now. Unplug and live your life offline, or drastically offline.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know the whole story and I'm sure she's explained this in one of the videos I've watched but why doesn't she keep trucking, Do what she does and ignore the haters?

Even though I've watched her response videos I think she gives those things too much energy. She knows more than most that they the internet won't settle for least than the soul of all its victims.


C'mon man, it's not that simple, and never will be.


Oct 25, 2017
What's wrong with comparing Raya and Avatar? I really like both and my only nitpick for Raya is that I wish it was a series like Avatar instead of a movie. The various tribes in Raya could make a really cool action adventure series, just like Avatar
Sure; I think there's an argument to be made that: hey there's a ton of parallels between all sorts of media and the comparison between those two might be a bit shallow and unfair, but... that's it. A shitstormsl is a hilarious overreaction.
Good news someone is dealing with major health issues over nothing?
Oct 25, 2017
I don't know the whole story and I'm sure she's explained this in one of the videos I've watched but why doesn't she keep trucking, Do what she does and ignore the haters?

Even though I've watched her response videos I think she gives those things too much energy. She knows more than most that they the internet won't settle for least than the soul of all its victims.

Her longer letter above alludes to it not just being random strangers; friends/colleagues also flipped on her. She became the Twitter villain, and it consumed more than just random haters. There's the whole cancellation daisy chain issue--where somebody becomes the bad guy and then everyone associated with them is expected to repudiate them or be taken to task for associating with the bad--which incentivizes people flipping on others. I'd imagine being a part of the by-association with the Contrapoints stuff, then being centered in her own drama, then watching people turn on you would just about end your desire to operate in that arena.
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