Oct 25, 2017

Picked up a PS5, but I've been mainly using it to clear through some PS4 titles that I'd missed. Currently I'm going through Gravity Rush 2. I always loved the first game and Toyama is one of my favorite devs, so I'm definitely overdue for checking this one out.

I gotta admit my first evening with this game was just kinda having fun, but not the same joyousness I felt with the first game. I like the broad setup and vibes of the opening, but it was just a little slow and combat focused. Today, on my second day with the game, I'm probably near half way through and I'm absolutely loving it. The freedom of flying around these beautiful floating cities is wonderful and the specific pleasure provided is almost unmatched in the medium. The music and artstyle are captivating and add a lot to the atmosphere and joy of the game. Also, I hardly play any collectathon games anymore, It almost feels nostalgic just losing track of time and floating from tower to tower, under islands and in little nooks and crannies collecting orbs.

I believe the sliding mechanic is new. Regardless, it's very fun to use and adds to the moveset in a smart and satisfying way. It's too bad the servers are down. I haven't found too many of those talisman boxes, it would have been cool to see those user created hint photos, but whatever.

I'm going to guess I'm nearing half way through at mission #7. Though I gotta admit looking at the HLTB has me thinking the game may slightly overstay it's welcome. Even so, it feels like a highlight in the PS4 library already. I can't wait to play more and I'm here for whatever Toyama cooks up next at his new studio. I think the one game of his that isn't a classic in my eyes would be Blood Curse, everything else has been golden.



Oct 25, 2017
One of the most overrated PS4 exclusives ever imo. Great visuals and a fun movement mechanic can't overcome boring combat, incredibly boring mission design, and a campaign that's three times longer than it needs to be. It's a perfect example of a game that had an amazing core concept, and simply didn't know how to follow that through to a great game.


Oct 25, 2017
It's absolutely gorgeous... and yet so dull to play. The story and mission design is just so bland. Such a shame.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I just platinumed this game this morning. It was..... ok, but not as great as the first. It felt very padded at times with quite a bit of filler. The side missions, in particular, were bad for this. Some just went on and on. It was either wave after wave of enemies or fetch quests going from one end of the map to the other over and over again, and the rewards felt lackluster. I feel like the game got better once I got back to Hekseville but many issues still remained.


From the mirror universe
Oct 25, 2017
I love this game. I agree it has a bit of a clunky start and it does drag a bit later on, but it's hard not to fall in love with it.

I wish Sony hadn't sent it out to die. Failing to acknowledge it at their bigger press conferences and pushing it out in the most packed Q1 in recent memory was not a great move.

Deserves a second chance from people - its vibes remind me a lot of Odyssey in some respects. Not port-begging here, but I think the feel of the game would fit with the Nintendo playerbase far better than the Sony core audience.

Anyway, I wish Sony would take a chance on smaller titles like this again. Returnal is a refreshing beacon of hope amidst a lineup of staples on PS5 so far.


Oct 25, 2017
A kickass sequel.

It's just a joy exploring the world and seeing Kat's story through to its end.

Great shit.

Also an incredible OST.


Oct 25, 2017
I need to give it another try. I got pretty far into it when it released, but dropped it for whatever reason. Recently I thought I'd play it again but got kind bored by the intro segment and haven't picked it up since.


Oct 25, 2017
Blumenau - Brazil
GR2 really feels like GR3 was sliced up and crammed in there, so I understand feeling like it's longer than needed. Oh, and sliding was there in GR1 too, but the controls were different (touch screen + gyro on Vita, one trigger on PS4 iirc).

Enjoy it OP! It has a bunch of rough edges, and the death of the social activities hurt it a bit, but there's still plenty to enjoy.

Also the side missions do a lot of adding to Kat's character (especially for an action game character), and anyone who downtalks that is a monster.


Jul 25, 2018
It doesn't quite have the charm of the first game, but I still really enjoyed it. Such a shame the games never sold better. They deserved a lot more attention.


Oct 27, 2017
Still have to finish it but the way they linked the two games was terrible. If you didn't watch the two parts anime thing before starting 2, good luck. That's what happened to me and in the opening section I was like what the hell is this place


Apr 5, 2018
Cool mechanic looking for a good game, but this wasn't it. And the climax just progressively made me angrier as it unfolded. Pretty though


ā–² Legend ā–²
Oct 25, 2017
One of the most overrated PS4 exclusives ever imo.

Get outta here.
it's actually bloodborne

I loved GR2 and I think there are issues with it for sure like the slow start, but it's such a jolly game with I personally think a very nice climax and final arc.

It kind of runs into the problem okami has in regards to length. It's not a long game really, but it covers multiple arc which could have perhaps been better interwoven than how they were. That being said, I think the devs knew they weren't getting another game in the series, so they just crammed in their story ideas for the series, and I think there are some really fun ones.


Oct 27, 2017
I had a ton of fun with this. The movement and the music carried it for me, it was just a great game to chill out with and it felt great to "fall" around the sky and watch everyone and everything freak out when you shifted the gravity.

I did think it was a bit too long and the whole return to the Gravity Rush 1 city / second half of the game was kind of gratuitous. Overall though it made a positive impression, just a good fun time all around, nothing too heavy or deep.


I like the chili style
Oct 26, 2017
Absolutely loved this game. Has some flaws but it is filled with charm. I preferred it over the original. The side story with Raven is also short and really interesting.
Oct 26, 2017
I got the feeling the devs knew this was their last Gravity Rush so they tried to put a sequel inside of the sequel. It is a miracle this game even exists, and it delivers some of the best traversal (rocket jump is sublime) and music ever.


Aug 27, 2018
It's a fantastic game but it does indeed overstay its welcome.

I feel like the world was just too big.

Game was overall a lot of fun, but I vastly prefer Gravity Rush 1. Loved that game.
Oct 25, 2017
The flying is better than ever but the core gameplay is a bit of a drag on the game's image. Still I think the game has a unique feel with its combo of asethetic and story choices that the second game still managed to capture some of.

Vastly preferred #1, plus it's 60fps on console.

Most fun I've ever had with photo mode, and not just the network stuff; more games should do a diegetic photo mode. I enjoy those much more.
Oct 26, 2017
Oh and us GR fans were blessed enough to have Bluepoint port the vita game to PS4. Hopefully Sony revisits this franchise one day.
Nov 17, 2017
One of my favorite PS4 games. Once you get Lunar Style, it's go time. Switching between all the styles to move around and fight stylishly is a thrill.

I played GR1R and GR2 back to back and it was an interesting way to experience Gravity Rush for the first time. I've noticed that people tend to favor 1 over 2 but after playing 2, I couldn't go back. GR2 improves on everything the first game did.

One of the most overrated PS4 exclusives ever imo
Idk how that's possible when people barely know this game exists.


Oct 25, 2017
It's clunky, but everything else about it has me love it. That music puts me in such a good mood, and the menu and Kat, and flying, and Ravening....



Oct 28, 2017
I loved this game up until the first part that required the touchpad controller, which was effectively the end of the game for me since I was playing on PS Now with an xbox controller. A cool 6 minute experience.


Oct 26, 2017
Lake Titicaca
I found GR2 to be very enjoyable, but annoyingly it is two steps forward, three steps back compared to the first game. The pacing is too uneven and lackadaisical for its own good at times, and some of the gameplay design is questionable at best, particularly in the side quests. I don't know why you would think to double down on stealth when the small amount of it that featured in the first game wasn't very good to begin with.

Still, it's a Gravity Rush game, and with that comes the excellent music and gorgeous visuals and charming cast and, best of all, the thrilling traversal, so it's still something to be cherished. Gliding up the side of a building in Lunar style is one of life's small pleasures. However unlikely as it may seem, I'll always hold on to the hope that Kat and Dusty will return someday.
Nov 17, 2017
Haha fair. Overrated on Era, I should say
I'd still disagree. On Era, you have people who really like it but even as you see in this thread people are pointing out flaws and a lot of people preferred the 1st game. GR2 is very niche and even on Era there isn't a huge fanbase from what I can tell. I think it's underrated if anything. The game never got its fair shake. It was basically born to die.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
I think it's a great example of a game that's better than the sum of its parts. I think it has a lot of issues, especially when it tries to build missions that intentionally restrict your gravity powers because they're too game-breaking otherwise. It is very long (though I didn't really have a problem with this) and it does try to cram what feels like a game and a half's worth of story into one campaign. And there are fundamental oddities with combat that may be unsolvable.

But none of these things really matter to me in the end. The game's vibe and characters win out over all of these issues for me, and I can't help but look back at the game fondly. Even when a year later I went back to grind out Dusty tokens before the online servers went down, and got the platinum at the same time (i.e. more grinding), it felt good just to be back in the world. Jirga Para Lhao is one of my favourite video game cities, and the Lei Colmosna music one of my favourite town themes. "An Apple Fell From the Sky" kills me every time. Kat is a fantastic protagonist. I love this game, despite its quirks and problems.

Lord Azrael

Oct 25, 2017
Solid core mechanics (that could still use some additional streamlining/polishing, though) but the devs just had no idea how to build a fun game around them. Like making a movie when you have setting ideas but no plot


Oct 28, 2017
How is the framerate on PS5? Gravity Rush 2 will definitely be one of the first games I try once I get my hands on the new console. I held back from getting all the trophies just so I'd have an excuse to go back and explore the wonderful world. Hoping for a locked 30 fps.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the game design is really poor and it seems to struggle to even emphasize its strengths rather than its weaknesses. They needed so much more of this game to leverage its movement and kinetic energy and so much less taking photos of hidden shit and stealth missions. And could the game start more slowly and more boringly than it does? And I think it's mission 12? Where you just kick down a vertical hallway for 20 minutes while the camera spazzes out and the frame rate crashes.
Oct 25, 2017
Weird that pretty much all the purchasable upgrades are combat related. That's just not all that exciting. I'd love to be able to pump points into more mobility and movement tech.

How is the framerate on PS5? Gravity Rush 2 will definitely be one of the first games I try once I get my hands on the new console. I held back from getting all the trophies just so I'd have an excuse to go back and explore the wonderful world. Hoping for a locked 30 fps.
Seems like a locked 30.

Yeah, I guess I've spent a bunch of hours screwing around, so I wouldn't be surprised if I'm just getting started. The pacing definitely had me feeling like I was making decent progress on the game though.


Oct 27, 2017
I loved the first one on Vita but I just could not get into this one. I think I put it down after 3 or 4 hours.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
I think it's a really solid game, OP. I wish it had targeted 60fps like the original's remaster, because it really fits the combat and movement in the game. Other than that, it's much longer. For me, I was fine with it because I enjoyed the world they were building and wanted to learn more about it, and I really enjoyed the addition of the combat stances and their unique powers.

If you're only 1/3 of the way through and feeling a little tired of how things are paced or progressing, it might be time to stop playing. If you like the story that's being told and the enjoy the movement and combat enough to try and master it through the challenge missions, then there's more than enough to keep you occupied till the end.


Oct 27, 2017
One of the most overrated PS4 exclusives ever imo. Great visuals and a fun movement mechanic can't overcome boring combat, incredibly boring mission design, and a campaign that's three times longer than it needs to be. It's a perfect example of a game that had an amazing core concept, and simply didn't know how to follow that through to a great game.
The Vita game was the same. I didn't get why people were so crazy over it.


Associate Game Designer
Oct 25, 2017
Los Angeles, CA
i absolutely love the Gravity Rush games, and I think the second was most definitely an improvement over the first in pretty much every way. Kat is as charming and endearing as ever, and the additions to her move set and combat options were much appreciated. I also enjoyed collecting higher quality talismans and kitting out a Kat that felt really good with my playstyle.

I'm grateful that we even got a sequel, considering how poorly the first one sold, but then this one didn't sell either, and Toyama left Japan Studios, so my hope of a third is squashed, but 2 was a complete game and experience, so I'm happy it even exists. I'd love a patch to unlock the framerate on PS5, though. The game looks and runs great on PS5, but it'd sing at 60fps for sure.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
I loved this game so much! My only complaints were her origin story felt so tacked on; after a very long and a little drawn out story it was like the devs said "oh shit! We forgot her origin story!!!" That and the camera would be incredibly wonky at times.

Really hoping Sony doesn't drop this IP......
Oct 25, 2017
If you're only 1/3 of the way through and feeling a little tired of how things are paced or progressing, it might be time to stop playing. If you like the story that's being told and the enjoy the movement and combat enough to try and master it through the challenge missions, then there's more than enough to keep you occupied till the end.
Oh, no I'm really enjoying it so far. Just got the lunar style and it's a bunch of fun as well.
Oct 27, 2017
I loved this game. It was a worthy sequel. It was more of the first game and that was awesome. I especially loved the side content as they basically gave us more Kat interacting with other people which is just perfect.

I still keep it installed just to get in and fly around for a few hours here and there.

I really want a third game :(

Edit: I do agree the mission design was a bit bad at times. I feel it could have done more with making us use the mechanics in unique and interesting game.

With that said this is one of those games that I don't care if it had issues. The overall experience was just... fun that I can overlook them. I think a third game should look at spider man and botw when designing the game. Let us use the gravity to do puzzles and make the open world even more interesting to explore by having more interesting locations that have stuff in them and some crime busting to make exploring more deep and fun.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
I gotta replay this game. It's so good. There's a couple of parts that feel too long but overall it's a great finish to the series. I hope we'll see something bigger and better for PS5 but I doubt it.


Nov 1, 2017
Sonoma County, California.
Yeah going up to the islands at the top and falling down through all the different sections. The verticality in this game is pretty great.

Really wish it would get an FPS bump patch on PS5. That'd be a treat.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the world and characters and music and just flying around so much I felt like I could spend forever in this game.

But damn is the story way too fucking long. I think it'd help if some of the missions were just, sliced in half. It'd still be too long but I wouldn't mind too bad.

Such a good game, but also such a boring one too. I just ran out of steam before I hit the platinum. Will probably go back and clean that up at some point.

GR1 on the other hand, I couldn't stop until I had done absolutely everything in the game.

Honestly one of my favorite parts of GR2, the online stuff, is gone. Genuinely loved it. No idea why. I just found it really fun.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
The camera controls and stealth missions killed the game for me, the Vita game was better which is just tragic.


Oct 25, 2017
The camera controls and stealth missions killed the game for me, the Vita game was better which is just tragic.

After going back and forth though honestly I find the first game way more playable on PS4. It's fine on vita and I know it was made to be on there, but like...yeah I just found it way more fun on PS4. I think it's just purely a better game.

leng jai

Nov 2, 2017
After going back and forth though honestly I find the first game way more playable on PS4. It's fine on vita and I know it was made to be on there, but like...yeah I just found it way more fun on PS4. I think it's just purely a better game.

Yeah I clocked the PS4 Remaster but it's still a game that was designed first and foremost for a portable. The sequel designed from the ground up for the PS4 should have blown it away but it was just worse outside of graphics.