Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017

Thank you nin for the banner!

Whether you've played Town of Salem, One Night Ultimate Werewolf, traditional Mafia, have always had an interest, or just thought this thread looked interesting - welcome! Our forum mafia community is always open to new players and we love seeing new faces join our games. Go ahead and introduce yourself in this thread and we'll help get you in a game as soon as we can!


Mafia, or Werewolf, is a secretively team-based "whodunnit?" deception—elimination game played over consecutive rounds of DAY and NIGHT. Two (2) teams/Alignments, "Town" & "Mafia," compete to be the last faction alive or in majority.

Each Town-aligned player starts the game not knowing who else is Town, and don't know who's Mafia...
...but all Mafia-aligned players, start the game knowing the identities of their Mafia teammates.

During the DAY, all players are allowed to talk with each other in the game-thread, to vote out one (1) player whom they suspect is Mafia.
A DAY typically lasts for 48hrs real-time.
Town wins once all the Mafia are eliminated.

But during the NIGHT; talking is banned, except for the Mafia who can still whisper together in a private chat and can KILL one (1) player.
A NIGHT typically lasts for 24hrs real-time.
Mafia wins once they outnumber Town.

However, survival's not off charisma alone. Granted by the game's Host before beginning, everybody has a "Role" to play, and some of them have Powers: special abilities that may help reveal truths, or work to support lies!

Want to see an example of a game? Check some out HERE!

Playing a game with us is very simple: just fill out the form below and sign up for our website! New players always get priority!
Nickname (optional):
Timezone (UTC format):

Click the image to go to our website where we host spectator chats, secret game chats, and more!
Unless stated otherwise, all our games are hosted on Era.


A Mafia game is a significant time commitment. Our games can take about a month to play, and you'll be expected to post and contribute to the ongoing discussion to help your team win. And don't forget to follow ResetEra's ToS and Member Etiquette. Though this is a game about lies and deception and things can get heated, this is just a game at the end of the day and we're all here to have fun.

But most importantly, welcome! Through various games, gambits, jokes, wins, losses, upsets, betrayals and triumphs we have formed a community of individuals who have become something like a family. We hope you will join us in our love of this game and give it a shot. You never know what might happen.

⊱≺ ⛯ ≻⊰

The MafiEra Team (CaptainNuevo, Dr. Monkey, Fireblend, Natiko, and Sawneeks)


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017


Game: Fate/Mafia: Mafioso
Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios
Players: 29
Complexity: Bastard, Pairings
Day/Night Cycle: LoVe (lokiduck & Vere system)**

After the success of the first Fate/Mafia, players are returning to the world of Fate as Masters and Servants in one sided lover pairings.

However, this war is much bigger!

Instead of just 7 masters and servants, there will in fact be two teams made up of 7 servants and 7 masters each fighting for the holy grail.

Besides that... outside the regular town win con there is a special bonus HGW team wincon that will only activate if town wins. Good luck masters and servants and hope you can get your hands on the grail!

**Note that the start/end times are going to be a little different this time around. Day start will be at 2am UTC (7pm PDT) and day end at midnight UTC (5PM PDT).

Sign ups will run for 48 hours! If the game is full by then it will begin, if not it will begin once we have enough players.
Jul 19, 2021 at 7:00 PM

To sign up, please list:
  • Name | Nickname (one only)
  • Pronouns
  • Timezone (in UTC or we'll yell at you)


  1. Transistor GOTY Mafia by Aeleus
  2. Mystery Mafia by lokiduck & Verelios
  3. Scooby-Doo 2 Mafia by Aeleus
  4. Fantasy Star Mafia by MrHedin
  5. Fate/Mafia: Mafioso by lokiduck & Verelios

Note these are subject to change at any point.

List of Seasons 1 - 9 games
List of Seasons 10 - 19 games

Special thanks to all team members who helped during the previous season and our wonderful gamerunners for creating, and running, those games! Thank you:

  • Fanto
  • Aeleus
  • lokiduck
  • Verelios
  • Faddy
  • Natiko
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017

Interested in running your own Mafia game? Click here for more info!
⊱≺ ⛯ ≻⊰
Want to know how many games you've won or don't know a certain mafia term?
Check out our game resources for that and more!

MafiEra R&D
Fireblend has created a set of tools to help streamline the forum mafia experience for those who'd like to use them! (Note: the vote tool is required for use in games.)
  • MafiEra Vote Tool, a website that allows you to see a game's current post and vote counts, and other features like checking in which phase a player left the game, who were the winners, and more!
  • Vote Tool userscript (Era|OM) - allows the user to see the current game's vote count at the top and bottom of a page.
  • Isolating Posts (ISO) userscript - allows the user to search all posts from a single player with a handy button.
  • PlayerInfo userscript - allows the user to access the player list at any time in the reply box.
Mafia championships
Beginning in 2016 our community has been invited to the annual Mafia Championships hosted by Mafia Universe. Over 225 different forum mafia communities have participated in this event with hundreds of different players over the years. Representing us in these games are:
  • Sorian, who played in Season 3, Game 5; then the Final Game and got 4th place!
  • Ty4on and Natiko played in Season 4, Game 8!
  • Dr. Monkey with CaptainNuevo as a back-up! Monkey has played in Season 5, Game 7, in Wildcard Game 2, and in the finals!
  • Faddy played in Season 6, Game 4!
  • Dr. Monkey with TheChuggernaut as back-up! Monkey played all the way to the Finals!
Mentorship program
For new and returning players who would like some assistance, we offer a mentorship program. These mentors can not play the game for you or answer direct questions such as 'who should I vote for?' but can help with mafia terminology, general strategy, and other minor questions. If you are interested in requesting a mentor, please contact your gamerunner.

For veteran players, if you would like to offer your assistance to the mentorship program please contact Sawneeks, or let us know in this thread.

MafiEra Hangouts
Discord: Post in this thread or PM a member of the Discord Team for an invite!
Steam: OuterMafia, managed by Roytheone.
PSN: OuterMafia, managed by RetroMG.
MafiEra's Monthly Book Club, hosted by Flatearthpandas and Fireblend. Book selection, voting, and discussion happen on Discord. Come read with us!


Responsible for leading all teams and representing the community
Discord Team
Responsible for keeping peace in Discord, creating and removing rooms as needed, and giving and revoking access to private rooms.
Outer Mafia Team
Responsible for creating forum boards and giving access to them
Review Team
Responsible for receiving new Mafia game submissions and coordinating gamerunners and reviewers to get games ready to run
Scheduling Team
Responsible for scheduling games, creating rosters, and keeping analytics
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Oct 25, 2017
Hello yes, I haven't played a game of mafia in quite a few years, so I will be rusty, but I would love to join a game here when available, as I have that itch again.


Dec 7, 2018
Also this appears to be the Ael and Loki & Vere season with me as the intermission entertainment.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017


Game: Transistor GOTY Mafia
Gamerunner: Aeleus
Players: 18
Complexity: Normal
Day/Night Cycle: 48/24

I really can't put into words how much it means to have Transistor chosen as the 2020 mafia game of the year, especially when the other games nominated were as great as they were. Transistor was a personal project inspired by both love of the game and mafia and I'm touched that it reached so many player's hearts. I'd like to thank my parents for supporting me all this time as well as my fantastic reviewers Constantine XII, who is Geno and @Alexem, I couldn't have done it without you. Also a huge thanks to Geoff Keighley, both for hosting these awards and recognizing the hard work done by mafia game creators. Fuck the oscars.

Finally I'm excited to announce Transistor GOTY mafia, releasing soon. It'll be a brand new game rather than an iteration of the previous one and I hope people have a lot of fun with it.


  1. Transistor GOTY Mafia by Aeleus
  2. Mystery Mafia by lokiduck & Verelios
  3. Scooby-Doo 2 Mafia by Aeleus
  4. Fantasy Star Mafia by MrHedin
  5. Fate/Mafia: Mafioso by lokiduck & Verelios

Note these are subject to change at any point.

List of Seasons 1 - 9 games
List of Seasons 10 - 19 games

Special thanks to all team members who helped during the previous season and our wonderful gamerunners for creating, and running, those games! Thank you:

  • Fanto
  • Aeleus
  • lokiduck
  • Verelios
  • Faddy
  • Natiko
Constantine hasn't logged in since 2018, can I steal the name? Hmmmm


Community Resettler - Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Every time someone is pinged by mistake I wonder if they will stick around 🤔


Oct 25, 2017
After following along with MGS Mafia I've been waiting for the chance to sign up.

Hobohodo/ Hobo
UTC + 1

Looking forward to it!


Dec 7, 2018
Hello yes, I haven't played a game of mafia in quite a few years, so I will be rusty, but I would love to join a game here when available, as I have that itch again.

Now is the time if you are interested in this one, should be a better one to jump into since it appears to be more "normal". If you are interested you can just sign up in the thread with the following information:

Nickname (optional):
Timezone (UTC format):

Someone will also help you get set up with an Outer Mafia account which is a separate board that we use to help manage the games.
Nov 2, 2017
New season looks like the best time to join as a new player.

Name: Bojack Horseman
Nickname (optional): Bojack
Pronoun: He/Him
Timezone (UTC format): UTC+1


Oct 27, 2017
Essex, UK
Transistor GOTY Mafia - so good, I'll take spec so that I can see it unfold all over again. Except this time it'll be with live victims instead of test ones.


Nov 29, 2018
I'm seein double here!
Blame monkey for still not having finished her role PMs!

Also as promised have began playing before the storm, finished episode 1 just now
Everything with Rachel may involve too much dramatic irony for me to cope, just seems so unfair to these kids. Took me a while to leave the Aeleus headset to the Chloe 'can actually express their hatred of the world' headset but once I did it was very good. Judging everyone who protected Nathan, that shit deserves everything he gets and more.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Blame monkey for still not having finished her role PMs!
It's literally almost been a year now lol.
Also as promised have began playing before the storm, finished episode 1 just now
Everything with Rachel may involve too much dramatic irony for me to cope, just seems so unfair to these kids. Took me a while to leave the Aeleus headset to the Chloe 'can actually express their hatred of the world' headset but once I did it was very good. Judging everyone who protected Nathan, that shit deserves everything he gets and more.
It helped for me to just kind of "time and place" it, when it comes to knowing how things end already, like this is a chapter in the overall story, and you can see why Rachel meant so much to Chloe, and why Max leaving really hurt her a lot. And yes, playing as Chloe is a much different vibe than playing as Max, you need to think like Chloe lol.


Nov 4, 2017
Name: IfGodCouldDie
Nickname (optional): God, IGCD
Pronoun: They/Them/He/Him
Timezone (UTC format): not sure, but I live in the mountain time zone in North America


Oct 27, 2017

I haven't played a normal game yet. Will be good to give my brain a rest after MGS :p
Dr. Monkey

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
It's literally almost been a year now lol.

It helped for me to just kind of "time and place" it, when it comes to knowing how things end already, like this is a chapter in the overall story, and you can see why Rachel meant so much to Chloe, and why Max leaving really hurt her a lot. And yes, playing as Chloe is a much different vibe than playing as Max, you need to think like Chloe lol.
Hush, I'll get to it someday. ><


Oct 26, 2017
I had a mind to come out and say "run it with me!", but I am very busy right now. :(
You can definitely take your time with it if you're busy at the moment. Designing and reviewing it might take awhile (think months) and you can do it during your off hours. And I'm not just suggesting this because I like Ducktales.

I lied, I am saying this because I like Ducktales.