Red Kong XIX

Oct 11, 2020
Marvel's Spider-Man 2

ResetEra Review Thread



Marvel's Spider-Man 2 delivers Insomniac's best tale yet, and despite its open world falling short, is a reliably fun superhero power trip.

At once a little simple and a little over-stuffed, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is still above all a game of immense charm and fluid, free-form style.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 improves on its predecessor across the board, while saluting the superhero genre over the last 30 years as a whole. With a captivating narrative and unrivaled spectacle, it's the quintessential superhero game, in story and mechanical terms

Marvel Spider-Man 2 is an incredibly confident sequel and one of 2023's best games. Incredibly fun to play, fast-paced and full of heart, it takes the best of the Spider-Man lore, and the best of Insomniac's penchant for excellent gameplay sequences, and combines them for arguably the best Marvel game ever.

Game Informer9.5/10
Insomniac has nailed that rarest of video game development feats. The team has landed a trilogy of games that all stand strong on their own merits but unite into a sweeping saga made better by experiencing its entirety. While more Spider-Man games will inevitably expand this mythology in new directions, there's no need to wait. With Spider- Man 2, the developer has found what makes superhero stories worth telling (and retelling) and given its likable heroes the journey they deserve.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 delivers an incredible story about heroes and villains grappling with loneliness.

Ars TechnicaUnscored
More of the same is just fine when it's more of this compelling superhero formula. Buy it.

Attack of the Fanboy4.5/5
Despite the combat being marginally better, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is peak Spider-Man thanks to better UI, better villains, a better story, a bigger world, Web Wings, and two Spider-Men.

But Why Tho?9/10
Despite some pacing issues, it has an emotional story and teases some exciting developments for future games. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is definitely one of the best games of 2023 and certainly a top-tier console exclusive for PS5.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 builds upon its strong foundation to present a captivating narrative and gameplay experience that stands in the franchise's upper echelon of tales.

Spider-Man 2 is the greatest superhero game ever made. Period

Checkpoint Gaming9.5/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an incredibly strong follow-up that really sets the standard when it comes to superhero games. Its story is heartfelt and delivered by a genuinely likable cast of characters, and when it comes to traversal and combat, you won't find a slicker experience out there. There's still simply no better feeling than web-swinging through New York City. With an open world full of fun distractions and a level of polish by Insomniac Games that is unrivalled, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 really will make your senses tingle in the best way possible.

Ultimately, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 captures the essence of the character on a micro and macro level. While it isn't without its flaws, Spider-Man 2 is a sensational follow-up to the previous games and yet another winner for PlayStation players.

Console CreaturesRecommended
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 feels natural, which is not always easy to do with a spiritual second game. The tagline "Be Greater Together" touches every part of this original adventure and lends an easygoing and natural experience when it gets over the few stumbles of pacing and trying to pack in various iconic characters with individual stories.

Cultured Vultures9/10
A brilliant superhero game, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 largely improves on the core formula while telling the most intimate, dramatic story yet.

I hope that Insomniac never really stops working on superhero games.

When Insomniac taps into the heart of its subject matter, be that Peter or Miles, it's glorious. Being a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is compelling. You're equally important in saving the world or helping someone cross the street, a dichotomy this game understands beautifully. That's why it's a shame the main narrative gets tangled in its own web of disparate elements, falling just shy of greatness

Digital Chumps10/10
Like its web-slinging hero, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 pulls double duty. Not only does this sequel vastly improve on the original, it has become the zenith of superhero features, bursting with blockbuster setpieces and sublime open-world action.

Digital Trends4.5/5
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 delivers a personal story about two busybodies struggling to find balance in their lives, while all webbed up in larger-than-life comic book arcs. That's a perfect match for Insomniac's winning action-adventure formula, which is improved in almost every conceivable way here. Its expansive narrative and open-world checklists may feel overwhelming at times, but that effectively drives home its ultimate point: Great power isn't a cure for great responsibility.

Easy Allies9/10
Refined combat and exploration highlight an intimate narrative in Insomniac's highly anticipated follow up.

EntertainiumWorth your time
With Spider-Man 2, the PlayStation 5 finally has a feather to hang on its hat for this year's big releases. It's more of what was simply awesome about the previous games as well as its faults, which are purely subjective, as your mileage may vary when it comes to combat and open-world shenanigans. As a complete package, though, the pros more than outweigh the cons, resulting in a game that anyone with Sony's latest console should have in their library.

Entertainment Geekly4.5/5
Amongst the skyscrapers of digital New York, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 weaves a web that captures not just villains but the complexities of heroism itself. It's a game that doesn't just swing high; it soars—setting a new benchmark for what superhero narratives can achieve and genuinely understanding the weight of the mask.

Final Weapon4.5/5
Spider-Man 2 is one of the best superhero games ever, with an incredible narrative, addicting gameplay, and stunning graphics. Despite some occasional bugs, I was never bored playing Spider-Man 2 with its moment-to-moment gameplay improving on a formula that has stayed the same for twenty-five years. Only time will tell what Insomniac has planned for the franchise, but I will watch with great interest.

For fans of the first game, or Spider-Man, or action games in general, Spider-Man 2 is an easy recommendation. There are about five dozen teasers and easter eggs by the end so I'm sure we're in for more, whether that's another Miles-sized game or another sequel down the road. But for now, yes, this is all the Spider-action you need for a good long while.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the triumphant continuation of an already spectacular series that raised the bar of superhero games.
With a story that takes turns that I wouldn't have expected, fluid combat with haptic feedback considerations, and an expansion of an already flawless and dynamic way to traverse the map, I was smiling all the way to the end from a thwipping great time!

Gadgets 3609/10
Honestly, if your biggest complaint about a story is that it ended too soon, you can't help but acknowledge that it did a lot of the things right. Spider-Man is an icon that has endured through changing times, living on in the pages of comic books and the grain of moving pictures. And more than any other hero, the beloved bug has found a home in video games. So, there is a considerable history to reckon with. Insomniac's Spider-Man sequel does just that and more. It tips its hat at Spider-Man stories that came before, and then turns around to tell its own. Spider-Man was swinging before; the friendly superhero is now gliding over his neighbourhood, feeling right at home.

Game Rant4.5/5
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the best entry in Insomniac's Spider-Man series to date, with epic boss fights and an amazing open world to explore.

As a sequel to one of the most impressive games of its era, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was weighed down by expectations. But Insomniac Games has turned these expectations on their head, spinning a Spider-story that brims with confidence, style, and most importantly – an essential human touch.

It's hard to write about – and indeed review – Marvel's Spider-Man 2 without spoiling it. Just know that this takes everything from the previous games and improves on each aspect considerably. It looks nicer, plays better, and is packed with much more variety. It's the story here that's the biggest delight, though, filled with genuine surprises, heartfelt moments and epic scenes that will stick in your mind for a long time to come. Spider-Man is no stranger to adjectives such as "amazing" and "spectacular", both of which can be applied to Marvel's Spider-Man 2. More than just an accomplished sequel, it's the best superhero game ever made.

It may not reinvent the superhero video game format, but Spider-Man 2 refines what came before and gives us an adventure that carefully balances gameplay and storytelling while keeping us entertained even after the credits roll.

I've been reading Spider-Man comics since the early 2000s when J. Michael Straczynski sent fans into a frenzy during the One More Day story arc, where Peter Parker made a deal with Mephisto to rewrite his history. I flicked through the pages when Brian Michael Bendis did the unthinkable in Death of Spider-Man but then paved the way for Miles Morales to take the mantle. I was glued to Dan Slott's epic 10-year run of The Amazing Spider-Man and enjoyed his controversial arc that saw him killing off Peter Parker, with Otto Octavius taking over as The Superior Spider-Man.
This world has been a part of my reading influence for over 20 years. And I'm so glad to see a studio like Insomniac Games treat this property with a ton of respect while also putting their own spin on the characters and taking even an avid fan like myself on a wild, twist-driven ride. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a spectacular adventure that will keep you on the edge as its riveting story unfolds.

Gamer Guides9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 proves why Insomniac Games is one of the better dev studios out there. Although it feels familiar, it's still one of the better superhero games out there. One could spend hours just swinging around the city, and fighting the villains has never been as fun.

It's hard to see a world where I wouldn't recommend Spider-Man 2, at least to the series' fans. If you enjoyed the first game, you'll almost certainly enjoy this one. The sequel would have to have a lot more flaws and shortcomings than it does to squander the goodwill of its predecessor. The story is enjoyable, with every actor bringing their A-game, and everything is so beautifully animated the sight of New York will make you weep.

As a sequel to one of the most impressive games of its era, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was weighed down by expectations. But Insomniac Games has turned these expectations on their head, spinning a Spider-story that brims with confidence, style, and most importantly – an essential human touch.

Gaming AgeA
I absolutely loved Spider-Man 2, and I'm happy to see that Insomniac continues to knock it out of the park with this series.

Gaming Nexus10/10
A stunning achievement both technically and narratively, Spider-Man 2 makes every moment of gameplay feel epic while still delivering a great story with a ton of heart. The creators at Insomniac know and love these characters, and that care manifests both in the quieter moments and in the jaw-dropping cinematic action scenes. Thrilling, gut-wrenching, and visually spectacular, this is among the best representations of Spider-Man in any media. An absolute no-brainer for every PlayStation 5 owner, Spider-Man 2 shows what your system is truly capable of.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is exactly the sort of sequel you'd want it to be, and though it stumbles here and there, ultimately, it improves on its predecessors in almost every way that matters most.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a straight-out-of-the-comicbooks masterpiece, and one of the best superhero games ever made. The narrative swings to heights writers dream of, and every aspect of the gameplay has been gone over and improved off of it's already stellar design. Insomniac Games has proven lightning strikes several times, and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is every adjective it's namesake's comicbooks carry, whether Superior, Ultimate, Spectacular, Sensational, or Amazing.

Geek Culture9.5/10
With great power comes great responsibility, and it's nigh impossible to argue that Insomniac Games has come up short in any area when it comes to Marvel's Spider-Man 2. A bigger world with tons of absorbing things to do, two distinct heroes that deliver with aplomb in storytelling, gameplay, and 60+ amazing suits, as well as villains that are nuanced with unparalleled menace, this tour de force of a game is what fans would only dare to hope for in their wildest dreams. Yet, here it is in the flesh, what a time to be a fan.

By overhauling the first game's already spectacular exploration and Arkham-like combat, as well as creating the series' best story yet, Insomniac has made Spider-Man 2 the pinnacle of open-world action games.

Glitched Africa9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has refined its combat and cleaned up its sandbox gameplay for a focused experience full of incredible blockbuster set pieces and superhero greatness.

GLHF on Sports Illustrated9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 won't do anything that blows you away, but it doesn't matter when a game plays, looks, and sounds as good as this. It's an improvement over the first game and proves how polished and slick a sequel can be when the developer is free to revisit and refine on top of solid foundations. Now we just cross our fingers and pray that Insomniac gets an 18-rating for its Wolverine game because it just might pull it off again.

God is a Geek9.5/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 manages to improve on the two already fantastic Spidey titles, featuring great gameplay and a gripping story.

It is a genuine pleasure to play something that has been so lovingly envisaged, and which is so true to its source material. It's a game everyone with a PS5 should experience, augmented by an admirable range of accessibility options to ensure as wide a group of potential players as possible can be Spider-Man. This is what mainstream action adventure video games should be: a big, wholehearted fantasy, invested with rewarding details and loaded with conflict and emotion. In all the ways that count, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is the embodiment of that famous Stan Lee motto: Excelsior!

Hardcore Gamer4.5/5
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is one of the most cinematic superhero games ever created.

Truly a contender for Game of the Year, Spider-Man 2 is a game that justifies the purchase of a PS5 if you don't already own one.

The first half of Spider-Man 2's narrative can feel a bit slow, but the superb open world and emotional second half more than make up for it. This is a compact and tight experience that feels laser-focused on delivering an experience that always feels varied and exciting. It universally succeeds in that vision and takes the crown for the best superhero game ever made.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is as close to perfect as a Spider-Man game can be. It has emotion and heart; as well as inspiring me to be a better person just like the best superhero stories do. The gameplay in this game is undeniably the best of any Spider-Man game ever made to date. This marks a new gold standard for superhero and comic book games in this current generation, just like Activision's Spider-Man 2 did in 2004 and Rocksteady's Batman Arkham Asylum did in 2009.

Even after completing everything there is to do in Marvel's Spider-Man 2, I still feel the tug to return and hurl myself down the streets of its New York City one more time. Its serpentine comic-book drama and explosive set pieces might not stick with me for years to come, but I will forever hear the siren call of its bustling world and the effortless grace with which it pulled me through it.

Metro GameCentral8/10
The best Spider-Man game ever and probably the best use of Venom in any medium outside of comics, with the stunning visuals and slick gameplay overcoming a certain overfamiliarity.

Spiderman 2 for the PlayStation 5 emerges as a spectacular leap in the superhero gaming genre, intertwining the fates of Miles Morales and Peter Parker in a narratively rich and visually stunning rendition of New York City. While it majestically flaunts the capabilities of next-gen gaming with its seamless, detailed, and immersive environment, it slightly entangles itself in a web of excessive player guidance, notably in puzzle-solving and navigation, somewhat stifling the satisfaction derived from natural discovery and challenge. Despite this, with its robust storyline, impeccable world-building, and tactically diverse combat system, Spiderman 2 gracefully swings into the gaming spotlight, providing an engrossing and largely triumphant experience for ardent fans and casual gamers alike.

New Game Network82/100
With familiar but still great gameplay that has a few new moves, strong presentation, and a mostly engaging story which gets better in the second half, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a crowd-pleasing blockbuster sequel that's worth playing for any superhero fan.

Next Gen Base9.5/10
Spider-Man 2 is exactly what was needed from this sequel. It's taken everything from the previous two titles and pulled them in like a webbed up enemy, refined them where needed and outright improved on what were already two excellent games in their own right. The narrative is not quite as twisty or convoluted as the first one was, but what it offers is a brilliant tale for anyone with a penchant for Peter and Miles. Insomniac keep raising the bar with every game they put out, and the Spider-Men have just leapt over it with aplomb.

Nexus Hub9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 successfully builds on the first game with a stacked story, engaging open world and great improvements in all the right places - an almost perfect superhero recipe.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a confident sequel that tells a bold, emotional story and sets a new standard for superhero games in the process. Across a memorable and challenging campaign, a meaningfully expanded combat system makes set pieces and boss fights sing. But it's the profound side stories hiding in the open world that balance out the superhero stakes with a healthy dose of hopeful humanity.

Noisy Pixel7/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a standout superhero adventure with terrific character writing that, at least in my experience, is heavily bogged down by unsatisfactory performance. Bugs and crashes drastically ruined segments of progression, even in story-heavy scenarios. If I only faced the occasional softlock or crash, I wouldn't really care, but these issues being such a constant made them impossible to overlook, doubly so with the launch patch installed.

Looking back at the 2018 Spider-Man shows just how far the franchise has come. There is no doubt that there have been some decent upgrades in this sequel but with the exception of the sheer volume of optional story content, the shortage of suit alterations, and the absence of gadgets. The story also drags on for far too long, especially in its opening hours, and then rushes to a conclusion. Since this is where things stand, I cannot recommend the game to anyone who failed to like the original and is cautious about spending $70.

One More GameBuy
Insomniac Games requested that we let them cook, and they did so in tremendous fashion, improving previous entries in almost every way imaginable and resulting in a stellar outing that reinforces the notion that quality is always better than quantity. This is a bona fide system-seller and will go on to be one of the best games in an already impressively stacked year.
Two Spider-Men are indeed better than one, and Spider-Man 2 proves that an ensemble cast can shine at equal levels thanks to a fine balancing act that weaves seamless and intuitive gameplay with a tight and cohesive narrative that's emotionally gripping and relatable.
Spider-Man 2 succeeds where many superhero adaptations miss the mark, which is to deliver a spectacular piece of immersive entertainment that gives us, the players, an exhilarating experience without compromising the DNA of its established pedigree.

Paste Magazine8/10
Besides that hitch, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a largely commendable sequel, building on what's come before it in smarter ways than I'd put past most AAA titles. It's an impressively lean and refined take on the open world structure that gives me hope the future isn't just endless growth. Its familiarity is both a crutch and a boon that Insomniac manages to spin in a mostly good light in order to tell a story we've seen before with some key changes that make it land more impactfully than I've seen it done in quite some time. Though it sometimes struggles to use the entirety of its cast to great effect, I think what it does accomplish is no small task and more than anything, sets up an exciting future for characters I've grown remarkably fond of and can't wait to see more of. If you're wondering whether or not this title delivered here and now though, rest easy knowing that yes, it absolutely did.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an incredibly polished sequel that perfects the previous games' combat and delivers new, exciting ways to traverse New York City as you beat up bad guys.

PlayStation LifeStyle9/10
Excellent traversal mechanics are faster and more varied. Combat is similarly deeper and has been streamlined. The well-written narrative presents a fantastic and well-rounded examination of Peter Parker and Spider-Man. Miles' story, while still powerful in its own way, doesn't progress as evenly as Peter's.

PlayStation Universe10/10
Full of emotional highs that will make you get out of your chair and cheer at the screen in a way that few games have managed to achieve in recent memory, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 represents Insomniac Games operating at the apex of its considerable powers. Spectacular and amazing, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a superior, spectacle stuffed action adventure that provides players with the ultimate superhero fantasy. Full of surprising heart and delicate moments that balance beautifully with the sort of blockbuster superhero bombast that its developer has refined to a fine art, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a toweringly polished, unparalleled masterwork that redefines the superhero video game genre at large and is better than the previous two games in every way imaginable. This is exactly what you've been waiting for.

Spider-Man 2 is a joy to play, even if it doesn't break that much new ground in gameplay terms. It's just so polished, and tells its heartfelt tale nicely, punctuated by incredibly impressive set pieces that ooze with detail.

Canons were made to be broken, and Spider-Man 2 swings in that direction. With a sequel teed up by the game's final act, I'm eager to see where Insomniac goes with that momentum.

Post Arcade (National Post)9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an ode to diversity, positivity, optimism, and progressive thought.

Press Start9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 cleverly pairs its added width and breadth with more depth and meaningful new gameplay and story opportunities. There's rarely a moment here that doesn't feel thrilling, enchanting, heartbreaking, awe-inspiring or some combination of it all. Beyond untangling the finer threads of its design or narrative ambitions though, it's genuinely just the most fun, gorgeous open world superhero game out there.

Prima Games9.5/10
Spider-Man 2 manages to one up the first game in every way while retaining an exciting Spider-Man story.

PSX Extreme9.5/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a great sequel, combining the old and new with a fresh story, iconic characters, and instances of taking a side step and playing as MJ. It might feel repetitive after a while and a bit on the short side. But, it's a quality webslinging experience that everyone should have, whether you're a superhero fanatic or just a PlayStation gamer looking your next first-party fix.

Push Square8/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a confident sequel that builds on the previous games in practically every way possible. Smart additions and refinements to traversal, combat, and open world activities mean this is the best Spidey game from Insomniac yet. We do have some minor criticisms about the story, and the combat does become repetitive eventually, but this is overall an absolute blast full of moments that'll surprise and delight.

Rectify Gaming9.5/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is one of the best sequels ever made, and one of the most accessible games I've ever had the joy of playing.

Screen Rant5/5
Spider-Man 2 is a towering achievement in every metric; at the very least, it's one of the PS5's preeminent offerings.

I went into Marvel's Spider-Man 2 expecting it to be one of my favorite games this year and still walked away impressed by what the developer was able to pull off. Both story and gameplay have taken large steps forward, and I'm fully convinced that there is no studio that could make Spider-Man games better than Insomniac Games. It's a massive win for the Insomniac, for PlayStation Studios, and for longtime fans of Spider-Man.

Sirus Gaming10/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a culmination of superhero games in decades. Insomniac outdid themselves this time, and Spider-Man 2 is what every Spidey fan is looking for. It's such a spectacular game and an incredible sequel. Spider-Man 2 isn't just a technical feat; it's brimming with lovable characters and exhilarating combat, accompanied by a compelling and emotional story, and has a city full of activities that will get you sidetracked. Spider-Man 2 deserves a Game of the Year award.

Slant Magazine5/5
In Spider-Man 2, we have the most elevated idea of what a AAA open-world game could be. Insomniac's New York City isn't an empty place for the player to destroy at will, Peter and Miles aren't audience ciphers, and the story isn't there for padding. Great power has been employed to bring this world to life on a scale unprecedented, even for AAA games. Insomniac's great responsibility was in filling that world with life, love, and something even Peter's Uncle Ben forgot to imbue his nephew with, and most games of this type must aspire to emulate: Insomniac's Spider-Man sequel is a game driven by great purpose.

You absolutely need to play Spider-Man 2. Insomniac is the pinnacle Sony studio, showing off not only what it can do, but what the PS5 itself can do.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is not only another incredible entry into this franchise but the best one yet. Between improvements to traversal, an enthralling narrative, and a densely packed world, Insomniac has taken each element of their previous games and elevated it.

The Game Crater9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling, exhilarating gameplay and cinematic spectacle. It is a phenomenal experience from start to finish thanks to its rich, deeply emotional narrative, explosive set-pieces, refined combat and immensely rewarding side content.

The Jimquisition8/10
Spider-Man 2 continues the high level of slickly presented entertainment seen with Insomniac's first jaunt to Manhattan. Playing as the Spider-Men is yet to be anything other than beautiful, both figuratively and literally. Great as it may be, it's held back by some dodgy writing that fumbles its payoffs and dips too often into waffle. Between those moments of deflation, however, there is a truly gorgeous and absorbing game packed with delightful action where simply moving feels good.

The Loadout10/10
Spider-Man 2 is hands-down the best game of the PS5 era so far. It's visually stunning, narratively brilliant, and somehow manages to improve Insomniac's already stellar traversal and combat from previous Spidey games. It's a masterpiece.

The Outerhaven Productions4/5
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a good game, a solid outing for Spider-Man fans. However, there are some issues under the hood of this game that really need to be addressed in patches over time, or just let Insomniac do the Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales 2 that they really want to do instead of pushing them to keep doing Peter Parker Spider-Man stories that they clearly no longer want to do… I hope they make it up to Venom fans with some good DLC.

Spider-Man 2 feels like it's right in the centre of Sony's blockbuster sequel design philosophy. Where Horizon Forbidden West did the same thing but bigger, The Last of Us Part 2 elevated itself technologically, narratively, and most importantly, ambitiously. Spider-Man 2 falls between these approaches - it has some of Horizon's safety, but with a slice of the elevation The Last of Us brought. Spider-Man 2 is the future of polished, competent, elevated sequels, and brings with it so many technical flourishes and a perfect execution of the formula that it stands in a class of its own. Like Miles' own motto, Spider-Man 2 can be itself, and be greater.

Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic sequel, building on the excellent foundations of its forebear while delivering a story that drives these beloved characters forward.

Shifting perspectives, changing abilities, and an expanded open world playground make this sequel into a bona fide blockbuster.

Tom's Guide4.5/5
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a textbook example of a video game sequel done right. It retains everything that was great about its predecessor while also refining the experience in key areas. The biggest improvements come in the form of engaging side missions, but the highly cinematic main story is the ultimate show-stealer. This is the best Spider-Man video game ever made.

Too Much Gaming4/5
You can't go wrong with Spider-Man 2 if you were sold on the original game - it's a fantastic use of the source material, and I think the studio has found its new specialty as they've delivered a superhero video game that might not only make one a fan of Spider-Man but a fan of Insomniac Games as a studio.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is exactly what you want from a sequel, building upon the web-swinging traversal and thrilling combat with numerous upgrades, while also making the most of the PS5's cutting-edge hardware for improved visuals and instantaneous loading.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is exactly what fans could have hoped for. It brings the trilogy of PlayStation titles home perfectly, and provides an experience any fan of the Spider-Man property will walk away from satisfied. Don't miss out on what could very well be one of the best games of the year, and one of Insomniac's best games to date.

Use a Potion10/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a roaring success for Insomniac Games, with the sequel managing to improve upon everything that came before it in the previous titles. Sure, there's familiarity to be found in the combat and the New York setting, but there have been enough innovations and additions made to ensure the experience still feels incredibly fresh and thrilling. Add to that the gripping story, the clever Spider-Man swapping dynamic, the traversal that looks and feels wonderful, and the sheer wealth of things to do across the varied missions, and it'll become clear that this isn't only the best Spider-Man game that has ever released, but also one of the best PlayStation 5 games too.

Spider-Man has never soared so high, bringing it home in a title full of heart, high-octane action and vibrant storytelling. This is the definitive superhero game.

Spider-Man 2 is exceptional. In your hands, it's the best a superhero game has ever felt. On your eyes, it's a pure tour de force of what the PlayStation 5 can do. On your heart, it's heavy, enticing, exciting. The open world is a tonic, the characters are a riot, the villains are unbelievable in the best way. Suspend your disbelief in a neat little web above your head, dive in with your mask pulled tight over your face, and prepare yourself for the daftest, most earnest action game of 2023. It's a 20-or-so hour hoot you're not going to be able to put down until the post-credits scene has rolled.

Video Chums9.1/10
With oodles of variety, rewarding combat, and eye-popping cinematic visuals, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is undoubtedly a game worth buying a PlayStation 5 for. It's one of the best action games ever made.

It's hard to find fault in a game that will no doubt have you hankering for a radioactive spider bite of your own. Reality being what it is, you're better off playing Marvel's Spider-Man 2 over and over again.

Washington Post3.5/4
The problem arises when you may realize what I did: I've felt all this before.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 feels like the perfect, albeit safe, evolution of the formula first introduced with the 2018 game. With a highly emotional story, much-improved traversal, great visuals and performance, and industry-leading accessibility, this sequel is very likely to win over most fans of the original. However, a bigger shake-up may be needed for the inevitable Spider-Man 3.

We Got This Covered4.5/5
Spider-Man 2 is a tour de force, elevating an already great franchise into a fantastic one. Most, if not all, of the bumps and wrinkles have been ironed out, and what we're left with is one of the best superhero games ever made.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a masterful example of passionate game creation, blending a white-knuckle comic book adventure with the beautiful pathos of being human. It is sensational. It is spectacular. It is Spider-Man. (Two).

Worth Playing9/10
Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a great sequel to a great game. It's bigger and more focused, and it captures everything that made the first game work. From start to finish, it is as fun to play as its predecessor, and if it has one "flaw," it is that you're getting exactly what you'd expect. I can't get enough of the game, so when I completed it, I instantly set out to finish all of the challenges. Kudos to the development team.

Spider-Man 2 is easily the best PlayStation first party game this year. I went from thinking it wouldn't make my game of the year (to be fair it has been a stellar year) to definitely being on my list. Insomniac has truly evolved this series into the best franchise currently on the PlayStation platform. This entry is no different and it combines the best of both of the previous games and takes it to the next level. The main story is simply outstanding and one of the best superhero narratives I have ever played. The visuals are stunning and it is immensely fun to play. I cannot recommend this enough and I expect it to be at the top of a lot of best of lists come the end of the year.




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Spider-Man 2 Review - Kinda Funny Gamescast

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Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 delivers an incredible story about heroes and villains grappling with loneliness.There's quite a bit of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 that can ...

Good Vibes Gaming

Spider-Man 2 - The Best PS5 Game

#ReviewCodeProvidedByPlayStation #Spider-Man2 #PS5Spider-Man 2 is both Insomniac’s greatest work to date -- and the most compelling reason to own a PS5 to da...

Push Square

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Review - Is It Any Good?

Spider-Man 2 is finally here! With an expanded New York, two Spider-Men, and a brand new story to experience, there's plenty to be excited about with this hi...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review - Spider-Man 2 PS5 Spoiler-free Review (New Gameplay!)

Insomniac just gets Spider-Man. We know this, given the deserved success of Marvel’s Spider-Man in 2018 and Spider-Man Miles Morales in 2020, but with sequel...

Next Gen Base

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) Review (4k60fps)

Greater together? Peter and Miles team up, to try and take down one of the most iconic comic book villains in the form of Venom. Throw in another big bad in ...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Accessibility Review - Access-Ability

More accessible than most AAA games, but still with noteworthy caveats.Edited by Jane Aerith Magnet-Dale.Music: “Back to Earth” by Bedroom Programmer.


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review - The Final Verdict

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is a fantastic sequel- it is, in fact, exactly the kind of sequel you were probably hoping it’d be. Not only does it improve upon its p...

WhatCulture Gaming

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review

Insomniac is back with the long-awaited sequel to Marvel's Spider-Man, but is Marvel's Spider-Man 2 as good as the original? Watch our review to find out...F...

Steve Saylor

Marvel's SPIDER-MAN 2 - Accessibility Review (So Far) - PlayStation 5

PATREON - love Insomniac Games. I think we all do lately with what they’ve done for the Spider-Man franchise, the storytelli...


A New Standard Of Elevated Sequels - Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review | GoodBuy?

Does Spider-Man 2 swing its way to great heights, or could it be greater still? Here's our official review of this long-awaited spider-duo sequel.#spiderman2...


Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Review – Beyond Astonishing

Dive into the sensational world of 'Spider-Man 2' on the PS5 with COGconnected's in-depth review. Discover how this game takes the iconic web-slinger to new ...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review

#Shacknews #review #spiderman2Captured on PS5 - Fidelity modeRead Our Review Here:

Giant Bomb

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 REVIEW + Ask Your Questions

Grubb, Dan, Jan, and Bakalar swing in time to thwip away with their impressions of their time with Marvel's Spider-Man 2! 00:00 - Mic Check preamble03:55 - R...

Game Crater

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review in 3 Minutes

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a triumph in masterful storytelling, exhilarating gameplay and cinematic spectacle. It is a phenonemal experience from start to fini...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - My HONEST Review of the Game!

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 - My HONEST Review of the Game! With just 4 days to go until Spider-Man 2 releases worldwide, I can finally give you my Review of the g...


SPIDER MAN 2 PS5 REVIEW - Happy Console Gamer

Spider-Man 2 game review on PS5 no spoilers review, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is an upcoming action-adventure game developed by Insomniac Games and published by ...


So I Platinum'd Spider-Man 2 (Spoiler-Free Review)

SPOILER FREE REVIEWFirst I would like to thank Insomniac and PlayStation for the opportunity to review Spider-Man 2. In this review I discuss all the things ...

Spawn On Me Podcast

Spider-Man 2 Game Review: Insomniac Does It Again!

In our SPOILER-FREE review, I talk about Spider-Man 2 and how it is Insomniac's best game to date. I share some thoughts about how this game elevates the Spi...


Spider-Man 2 - Before You Buy

Spider-Man 2 (PS5) is here! How is it? Let's talk.Subscribe for more: ▼Buy Marvel's Spider-Man 2: Watch...

Digital Trends

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review | Standout Superhero Sequel

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a massive sequel doubles the size of the original's open-world, adds tons of new features, and comes with two playable Spider-heroes...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 Review - Spectacular, Sensational, and Amazing

Join us as we dive into the web-slinging world of Marvel's Spider-Man 2 on PS5! In this comprehensive video review, we'll explore the stunning graphics, imme...


Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a Masterpiece - REVIEW

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a masterpiece. A PlayStation title decades in the making, Insomniac has drawn lessons from the best in the class. There are elements...


Marvel's Spider Man 2 Review (Spoiler Free)

WellPlayed's Ash Wayling reviews Marvel's Spider Man 2.Read our written review: captured u...
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Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
We loved it, although it is largely more of the same. (Not a bad thing, of course, just worth noting.)

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Review

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is a confident sequel that builds on the previous games in practically every way possible. Smart additions and refinements to traversal, combat, and open world activities mean this is the best Spidey game from Insomniac yet. We do have some minor criticisms about the story, and the combat does become repetitive eventually, but this is overall an absolute blast full of moments that'll surprise and delight.



Editor-in-chief at
Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, it's fantastic. I loved the first two, and this just smashes everything together into an all-out assault on the senses. The story's a little bit more intimate and straightforward this time out, but the combat and traversal are still superb, the new mechanics slot right in, and everything just fits. This might be topping Arkham City as my favourite comic book game. Platinumed the game in 33 hours, and I want to go straight back in. It's that good.

Tech wise, it's ridiculous. 40fps fidelity mode is the perfect mode for this, but I played in performance mode when capturing. Insomniac are outdoing themselves with everything they put out.

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