Deleted member 3010

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Oct 25, 2017
I can't wait to see how stone cold solid the democrat's case could be, making them look like downright clowns for dismissing it.

Not that it would be surprising though.

The Llama

Oct 27, 2017
The Senate is never going to vote to remove him, and people really need to stop thinking they will ever have a shred of dignity.

We need to make sure the narrative after they don't remove him is that they Republicans are 100% complicit in Trump's criminal acts.
Yep. The Dems should absolutely go forward with impeachment, but don't expect the Senate to actually remove him.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
This is something people should have known going into this.

This is absolutely going to cost them in 2020.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Right now Republicans keep dodging questions about the substance, they don't want to be on the record defending his behaviour. I'm not saying they'll change their mind, but if Bolton testifies publicly, they will have no other choice but to talk about it. Support for impeachment is slowly growing and we are just at the beginning, there were today's elections with a big loss in Kentucky. I'm curious to see what the dynamic will look like after his testimony.
It's a dumb play either way. It could backfire, like people are saying, and end up giving them more, free publicity.

Or it could totally work and hand Biden--arguably an even stronger candidate--a bigger advantage.


Oct 25, 2017
if the glove don't fit, you must acquit


Nov 7, 2017
(1) Of course he would say this
(2) No shit
(3) We knew this from day zero
(4) It's Congress's duty
(5) It's an inquiry
(6) Testimony is evolving
(7) Literally someone effectively flipped on Trump today
(8) Trump IS guilty...

Umbrella Carp

Jan 16, 2019
Turtlefuck is probably thinking at this point doubling down on Trump populism is their only chance in 2020. If they run with Pence, I can see them losing all 3 chambers.
Oct 25, 2017
If Mcconnell still had control, he would never allow it to get this far and just slowly bury it like they did everything else for Trump's first two years. He and Barr are really no different than one another and just hide shit and complain and lie when Democrats dig for the truth.

Democrats have been always been terrible at the messaging game since people like Pelosi and Schumer lead the party and never want to push back on anything.

Republicans at the very least know the game and how effective repetition is when your entire party is consistent on pushing arguments meant to trigger an emotional response. Just keep hammering those same arguments constantly and people will eventually start to believe it truthful or not.


Oct 29, 2017
I'll never comprehend Republicans' willingness to shield and protect Trump above all else, knowing the orange shitstain will humiliate them and throw them under the bus the instant it becomes convenient.


Oct 25, 2017
Man it's so cool to have this elected official come out and literally say, before any kind of trial or presentation of evidence, that he's already made up his mind on what to do. Super radical. Just fuckin awesome.


Feb 24, 2018
I think this is a bluffing tactic. Something to portray the republican party as having more unity than it really does, and to sow uncertainty for impeachment backers.

Beer Monkey

Oct 30, 2017
The fun is literally only getting started and the bedwetters and trolls are going through the roof. McConnell is literally just being himself and working on keeping the troops in line. Ignore that shit and keep watching the show.


Oct 27, 2017
We'll see what happens when Bolton testifies.
You seriously think there is literally anything's ng that could be said that woukd get over a dozen Republicans to defect? We could get testimony of Trump unequivocally raping someone and that wouldn't happen. Trump will not be removed from office through this trial.
FF Seraphim

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017
The Dems should push the trial during Mitch's most busy campaigning time. Whoever opposes him would probably still lose but that would probably cause Mitch to spend more money.

Deleted member 60096

User requested account closure
Sep 20, 2019
not surprising, the only thing that will make the GOP turn on trump is if he loses the election, then they'll point to all their public statements where they disavowed him, ignore the many in support of him and all the times they said what he was doing was bad then voted in favour anyway, the republican voters will fall for it and the status quo will go back to pre-Trump except with more overt dogwhistles.


Oct 28, 2017

There could be HD Video of Trymp going "I Donald J Trump am using Quid Pro Quo to get dirt on Joe Biden which is an Impeachable Offense " and still they would acquit.

*The next day*

"I didn't say that. There's no proof. Noooo proooof. It's just the Democrats with their usual lies, saying there's a tape of me. There's no tape. No one's seen me. If they had seen me, they'd know about me because there would be a tape. Which there is not"


Oct 25, 2017
And its also part of what will lead to their downfall so great, keep it up. He can either be impeached and they can prop up somebody else for 2020, or they can drown along with Trump. Take your pick.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think McConnell saying the sky is blue is very newsworthy.

Anyway, they'll vote to remove when Trump's cult turns on him. So, never.

Which is fine. Senate Republicans are hurt either way, there are no good plays for them in this case.


Oct 25, 2017
The Senate is never going to vote to remove him, and people really need to stop thinking they will ever have a shred of dignity.

We need to make sure the narrative after they don't remove him is that they Republicans are 100% complicit in Trump's criminal acts.
IIRC, Jeff Flake said that he's been talking to Senate Republicans, and he said that if it were an anonymous vote, there is easily already enough Republican support for the impeachment of Trump. Plenty of Republicans have had it with Trump's bullshit and they're eager to throw him under the bus so that he can stop fucking things up for the rest of them (there are also obviously Republicans who love everything Trump is doing, and are tripping over themselves to suck his dick). Trump could be impeached tomorrow, if the vote were anonymous.

But the problem is that Mitch McConnell will never allow it to go to an anonymous vote. The turtle wants to publish the names of any traitors to the Republican cause, so that the Republican Party can destroy any dissenters. If the Republican Party cuts off it's support for any Republican Senator, then that Senator will lose their seat, guaranteed. The Republican Party is trying to keep everyone in line by threatening to fire them.

The tipping point will have to come when Republicans see that defending Trump will cost them their seats. If they're going to lose either way, they're going to turn against the ones they hold responsible for this mess (that being Trump, and the portion of the Republican Party that sides with him).


Prophet of Truth - You’re my Numberwall
Oct 26, 2017
They'd probably acquit Nixon if that were held today ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Oct 26, 2017
Did the media even push back against his lie that they aren't even providing the same due process that Nixon and Clinton had? Or how about pushing back on him admitting that he doesn't even care to look at the evidence, he has already made up his mind?

Part of the problem here is that the media is absolute shit and just amplifying his 'side' of things.

I don't think any of that is true. I mean if you're talking about Fox, then yeah, its mostly parroting Trump, though even they have exceptions.

I'm not sure where you're getting your news but I've been watching the media pushing back on all that.

Not that it really matters though, the crime was so blatant the it's nearly impossible to spin.