
Oct 27, 2017
...and the President of the United States. 62 million people voted for Trump. Can we label ALL of those people unilaterally?

Sorry, but I feel it's dangerous and irresponsible to blanket anyone who wears that hat as a bigot or racist, or even a sympathizer of those traits. Perhaps they are, perhaps this guy is, however life is not so Black and White that we can label all of those people because of their voting preferences, nor can we do the same for this particular article of clothing.

Absolutely yes, I'll be damned if it makes you uncomfortable.

The President who throws children in internment camps. The base that espouses his hatred and bigotry. Not being labeled as a racist.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
We see videos of people who are ignorant to things they are highly opinionated on on a near daily basis on this site. You can't possibly believe what you just wrote.
Cool so he's just supremely ignorant to the bigotry he's supporting.

Same outcome, don't care. If he's gonna double down on wearing shitty stuff in public then he should do the bare.minimum 30 seconds of research or reap the consequences. But let's be honest, he knows what Trump's platform is otherwise he wouldn't have bought a hat.


Apr 17, 2018
I'm sorry, how are those arguments different?

How much more damage must be done before their ignorance is inexcusable? How many children imprisoned, how many dead? You're sitting on a comfortable ledge overlooking history where you can safely say the confederate flag and swasktika are hate symbols after the damage has been done.
Oct 27, 2017
How much more damage must be done before their ignorance is inexcusable? How many children imprisoned, how many dead? You're sitting on a comfortable ledge overlooking history where you can safely say the confederate flag and swasktika are hate symbols after the damage has been done.

Of course I am! We all are! These things are not instantaneous, the passage of time is what gives symbols their weight, and meaning.

Have you ever visited right leaning message boards? Some of the Steelers boards I visit are filled with posters who aren't afraid to talk politics (especially after Trump turned NFL players protests into "disrespecting the flag" rhetoric).. The opinions they espouse over subjects you and I definitively see as racist and bigoted are casually explained away as necessary evils and/or whatabouted with past presidents. These guys are extreme cases and I would never argue that they are ignorant to the details of their arguments, but again I say, 62 million people voted for Trump. I don't think it's a stretch to say that there are a number of people who are flat ignorant to the severity or unprecedented nature of many of Trump's actions. The MAGA hat may one day be immediately seen as a hate symbol, but I don't feel that has happened yet, and it likely WON'T happen for a while yet (At very least, as long as Trump in in office - he's a sitting President, no way the MAGA hat will be acknowledged universally as a hate symbol while its purveyor is still in office).

Ones full of shit and the other is a load of shit.

And you know it.

So you've got nothing. Gotcha.


Apr 17, 2018
Of course I am! We all are! These things are not instantaneous, the passage of time is what gives symbols their weight, and meaning.

Have you ever visited right leaning message boards? Some of the Steelers boards I visit are filled with posters who aren't afraid to talk politics (especially after Trump turned NFL players protests into "disrespecting the flag" rhetoric).. The opinions they espouse over subjects you and I definitively see as racist and bigoted are casually explained away as necessary evils and/or whatabouted with past presidents. These guys are extreme cases and I would never argue that they are ignorant to the details of their arguments, but again I say, 62 million people voted for Trump. I don't think it's a stretch to say that there are a number of people who are flat ignorant to the severity or unprecedented nature of many of Trump's actions. The MAGA hat may one day be immediately seen as a hate symbol, but I don't feel that has happened yet, and it likely WON'T happen for a while yet (At very least, as long as Trump in in office - he's a sitting President, no way the MAGA hat will be acknowledged universally as a hate symbol while its purveyor is still in office).

"Viewing" it as a hate symbol is not the same as it actually "being" a hate symbol. People denying you service, demanding you to take it off, and explaining why it represents hate is what gradually transforms a hate symbol into being publicly acknowledged as taboo. Which is what this manager was doing by asking him to leave.
Oct 27, 2017
"Viewing" it as a hate symbol is not the same as it actually "being" a hate symbol. People denying you service, demanding you to take it off, and explaining why it represents hate is what gradually transforms a hate symbol into being publicly acknowledged as taboo. Which is what this manager was doing by asking him to leave.

You do have a point there.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
If you're in Vancouver and you're as angry as I am, the company that owns this shit hole also owns Season's, Carderos and the Sandbar.

Fuck all those places.
Boycott them all, Canada. You know what to do. Show them just how TOLERANT you are of those who are complicit to bigotry.
I'm fairly certain that most people here would be fairly clueless about the correlation to do that, despite the fact I believe those same people would be behind the manager's side.
Jan 29, 2018
Enjoy being jobless , mixing work and politics at best that family just went to eat somewhere else but the manager can't pay rent now .. only he comes out looking like a loser


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck this place. I won't ever be supporting this company for backing up a bigot.
Enjoy being jobless , mixing work and politics at best that family just went to eat somewhere else but the manager can't pay rent now .. only he comes out looking like a loser
Yeah what a loser standing up against bigotry!

Politics affect our lives and absolutely fucking matter. They aren't like expressing different opinions on a movie. Taking a stand against bigotry is what any decent human being should do. I did it multiple times working retail as did my coworkers and we all were backed up.


May 21, 2018
A person shouldn't be served because they are wearing a hat belonging to the campaign of the sitting President of the United States that almost 60 million people voted for? I'm not saying he should've gotten fired for doing it but it's shitty for business and I'm sure Canada's conservatives will be avoiding that establishment like the plague.

Good luck lol


Oct 25, 2017
...and the President of the United States. 62 million people voted for Trump. Can we label ALL of those people unilaterally?

Sorry, but I feel it's dangerous and irresponsible to blanket anyone who wears that hat as a bigot or racist, or even a sympathizer of those traits. Perhaps they are, perhaps this guy is, however life is not so Black and White that we can label all of those people because of their voting preferences, nor can we do the same for this particular article of clothing.
It said the restauarant asked him to take his hat off and only kicked him out when he refused. If he's just some guy that had the hat on for some reason but didn't want people to think he was a racist, he could have taken it off. But he didn't.


Oct 25, 2017
A person shouldn't be served because they are wearing a hat belonging to the campaign of the sitting President of the United States that almost 60 million people voted for? I'm not saying he should've gotten fired for doing it but it's shitty for business and I'm sure Canada's conservatives will be avoiding that establishment like the plague.

Good luck lol
"He's really popular so it doesn't matter how bad he is lol"


Oct 28, 2017
...and the President of the United States. 62 million people voted for Trump. Can we label ALL of those people unilaterally?

Sorry, but I feel it's dangerous and irresponsible to blanket anyone who wears that hat as a bigot or racist, or even a sympathizer of those traits. Perhaps they are, perhaps this guy is, however life is not so Black and White that we can label all of those people because of their voting preferences, nor can we do the same for this particular article of clothing.
They voted for a man whose racism was never in question and was the main driving force of his campainging. Their actions mean this administration will leave us with a lifetime of racist policies and conservative judges in the supreme court to protect those policies and furthering the country's racial discrimination. All of them are, unequivocally, racists. You don't get to be apart of the driving force of these problems and then act as though you're not guilty.

Of course I am! We all are! These things are not instantaneous, the passage of time is what gives symbols their weight, and meaning.

Have you ever visited right leaning message boards? Some of the Steelers boards I visit are filled with posters who aren't afraid to talk politics (especially after Trump turned NFL players protests into "disrespecting the flag" rhetoric).. The opinions they espouse over subjects you and I definitively see as racist and bigoted are casually explained away as necessary evils and/or whatabouted with past presidents. These guys are extreme cases and I would never argue that they are ignorant to the details of their arguments, but again I say, 62 million people voted for Trump. I don't think it's a stretch to say that there are a number of people who are flat ignorant to the severity or unprecedented nature of many of Trump's actions. The MAGA hat may one day be immediately seen as a hate symbol, but I don't feel that has happened yet, and it likely WON'T happen for a while yet (At very least, as long as Trump in in office - he's a sitting President, no way the MAGA hat will be acknowledged universally as a hate symbol while its purveyor is still in office).

So you've got nothing. Gotcha.
Why are you acting as if ignorance alleviates the root behavior? Racism is racism regardless of if they know it. I would even imagine most racists don't think of themselves as racist but as people who speak the "uncomfortable truth" or believe "stereotypes exist for a reason". There is no reason to excuse them for being ignorant, the underlying behavior is the same regardless.


Oct 27, 2017
Enjoy being jobless , mixing work and politics at best that family just went to eat somewhere else but the manager can't pay rent now .. only he comes out looking like a loser

You have a questionable post history defending MAGA rights.

The USA have done much worse so I'm not shocked

I'm assuming you practice what you preach and are not virtual signalling.. so you boycott every company that has done buiness with trump and his supporters

Yeah a hat is a hat .. people getting into deep philosophical analysis as to how the hat has lead to the demise of America is amazing fear mongaring.. something the left do so well but manage to convince no one. The bitter sweet of it all is that it's a black man wearing the hat.

Symbol of oppression.. the mental gymnastics going on here is Olympic level. I'm all for people showing their support for whatever political party they support , as long as it's nothing illigal I can't personally take offence to it. It's the merch of the President ... The current man sitting in the White House .. it's his slogan he still uses and people rally over. You just need to learn to live with Trump for the next 6 years

Funny how we now have republicans throwing children in internment camps.
Jan 29, 2018
User Banned (Permanent): continued whataboutism arguments with a history of similar behavior, trying to circumvent a ban with an alt-account
You have a questionable history supporting the rights of racist, bigots.

Trumps not such a bad President I guess, we've done much worse. /s

Yeah you remember the atomic bomb or Slavery .. I think America has done much worse then put trump in the White house.

Questionalble .. only because you don't like it but it's me , deal with it.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah you remember the atomic bomb or Slavery .. I think America has done much worse then put trump in the White house.

Questionalble .. only because you don't like it but it's me , deal with it.

Questionable because you seem to have a tendency of defending the rights of bigots, racists and Nazi sympathizers. I guess we are all just fear mongering liberals. Your words.

Funny how you bring up Slavery when Trumps administration is literally throwing minority children in internment camps.
Jan 29, 2018
Questionable because you seem to have a tendency of defending the rights of bigots, racists and Nazi sympathizers. I guess we are all just fear mongering liberals. Your words.

Funny how you bring up Slavery when Trumps administration is literally throwing minority children in internment camps.

I'd have the exact same response if they threw out a dem supporter. It's it's questionable then feel free to ask me a question about it I'll happily engage , but I think you've already picked out the posts that I would have said in reply.


May 8, 2018
Sorry I'm going to take the opposite stand on this I don't condone denying service to anyone just because of political affiliations that sets up a bad precedence IMO.


Oct 27, 2017
Sorry I'm going to take the opposite stand on this I don't condone denying service to anyone just because of political affiliations that sets up a bad precedence IMO.

Bad precedence for what?

Racial bias against minorities Bias against women, LGBTQ+? That already happens. I don't see how refusing service to a hateful bigot will improve any of those things.

I'd rather take a stand against people that feel children need to be thrown into cages.

It seems some people are too comfortable with being civil and everyone getting along.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to leave this here.

Leave your politics at the door.
That hat has the slogan that was literally used during two presidential campaigns (Reagan, the orange lump).

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Half of this thread and the owner of the restaurant have gotten their lunch money taken in school didn't ya?

Of course democracy will die when a bunch of pussies are mostly "defending" it.


Oct 26, 2017
Letting fascist Nazi-wannabes go about their daily lives with impunity also sets a bad precedence.

But apparently no one cares about that slippery slope.


Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Good for the Restaurant Manager. The restaurants policy of tolerating fascist and racists symbols is not only illogical, but inexcusable.


Oct 27, 2017
Imagine being so divorced from the consequences of politics that you can just treat it as differences of opinion.


Oct 25, 2017
Fiddler's Green
No one should serve any prick wearing a MAGA hat. It's one thing to assume that anyone who voted for Trump is a shitbag. It's entirely another to make that assumption about people still actively supporting him. Fuck 'em, and fuck the people defending them.


Oct 25, 2017
...and the President of the United States. 62 million people voted for Trump. Can we label ALL of those people unilaterally?

Sorry, but I feel it's dangerous and irresponsible to blanket anyone who wears that hat as a bigot or racist, or even a sympathizer of those traits. Perhaps they are, perhaps this guy is, however life is not so Black and White that we can label all of those people because of their voting preferences, nor can we do the same for this particular article of clothing.

Fuck their feelings and voting preferences.

They know what MAGA stands for and if it doesn't we teach them by tossing them out.

They should consider themselves lucky we don't separate them from any kids they may have.