Maximum Spider

▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Cleveland, OH
(Mark your spoilers! This is thread is for people to talk about movies, TV shows, video games and anything else that's best experienced with no prior knowledge. As such, we're not trying to undercut the premise of this thread by spoiling these types of experiences.)

I'll start the thread off with a couple of examples:

Malignant (2021, James Wan)

Talk about spoilers and horror movies is inseparable. It's up to the individual, but many people think that spoiling the ending of a horror movie can actually ruin it. I won't go that far, but I do think the experience of watching a film like Malignant for the first time can be lessened by it being spoiled. As for the movie itself, it's pretty fucking crazy. It goes places you wouldn't expect and takes some wild swings along the way. You either hate this movie or love it.

Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, (1966, Mike Nichols)

I honestly feel bad for anyone who's seen any review or critical analysis of this film before seeing it. The performances here are some of the best I've ever seen. I can't think of any other piece of work that's best experienced by going into it blind.

(One final note, please don't make this thread about spoiler culture and if you're tired of it, or whatever. Just ignore this thread and move on, please.)


Two Pieces
Apr 16, 2018
Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, (1966, Mike Nichols)

I honestly feel bad for anyone who's seen any review or critical analysis of this film before seeing it. The performances here are some of the best I've ever seen. I can't think of any other piece of work that's best experienced by going into it blind.

My favorite movie of all time, and you're right


Oct 25, 2017
One Cut of the Dead - All you need to know is "one-shot zombie movie" and honestly, the rest falls into place as you go. Best watched with others, but alone works as well.

Sorry to Bother You - It goes places.

VHYES - Kid gets a video camera for Christmas.

Triangle - The plot summaries manage to both not do this movie any justice while also being a little too *wink wink* about it. Lots of movies with this name, so this is the 2009 film starring Melissa George

Lucky Forward

Oct 27, 2017
I was able to watch the Bob Odenkirk movie Nobody totally unspoiled and I really enjoyed it. After I watched it, I read the description on the Amazon video screen, and they spoil far, far too much of the movie in a sentence or two.

Watching unspoiled, I totally took the main character at face value as a timid accountant. The Amazon description talks about him "calling on skills from a hidden past" and the Amazon video web page auto plays footage of Bob being lethal in the bus fight.


Oct 25, 2017
Terminator 2.

If you're completely new to the franchise, the direction of the movie very carefully doesn't reveal to you that the T-800 is on your side this time until the first major action scene.


Oct 27, 2017

It begins like a corny eighties romance. When it ends you will have been on a journey. Strongly recommended. Don't read up on it beforehand.


Oct 28, 2017
Triangle - The plot summaries manage to both not do this movie any justice while also being a little too *wink wink* about it. Lots of movies with this name, so this is the 2009 film starring Melissa George

Kudos for this namedrop - it's greater than the sum of its parts and stays with you longer than most B-movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Terminator 2.

If you're completely new to the franchise, the direction of the movie very carefully doesn't reveal to you that the T-800 is on your side this time until the first major action scene.
Very good choice. Even the original theatrical trailer did a pretty good job of keeping that secret. Not entirely, but pretty close!

It begins like a corny eighties romance. When it ends you will have been on a journey. Strongly recommended. Don't read up on it beforehand.
Excellent movie. I was lucky to go into this one blind, and was glad for it.


Nov 15, 2017
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Saw it with my friends this sunday and the only thing i knew about it was that it was talked about a lot

Holy shit


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Everything, Everywhere, All at Once

Saw it with my friends this sunday and the only thing i knew about it was that it was talked about a lot

Holy shit
Came here to say this. I had already seen the trailer, but my wife had no idea what we were watching going in. It turned into one of the best moviegoing experiences for us.

Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
I had the entirety of Midsommar spoiled for me in real time by drunk house guests, and I can only assume it would have been incredible to take in blind.


Oct 25, 2017
I only knew the basic plot points of Oldboy when I originally saw it:
A man is imprisoned for 15 years, doesn't know why, or by who.

Suffice it to say there is so much more to the movie than that.


Oct 25, 2017
Seattle, WA
Go spend the $2 to rent or $5 to buy Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes.

It's an incredible movie, roughly only an hour long, subtitled but easy to follow, and is one of the most creative things I've watched all year.


Oct 25, 2017
The Stanley Parable. The one thing In can say: play the Demo and if you like it get the full game. Relevant again because Ultra Deluxe releases next week.


Oct 25, 2017

Its just fantastic television and not knowing what you're getting into is the cherry on top.


Nov 2, 2018
I went into Jurassic Park when I was 13 completely blind. Had never even heard of it. Was a heck of a thing.

These days? It's a little harder to point to a movie when you've got a whole industry of YouTube reactors putting up trailer videos daily.

That said, the series Black Sails is criminally underappreciated and should be required viewing.


Sep 18, 2018
The greatest movie watching experience I've ever had in my life was a film called Under The Blossoming Cherry Trees.

The summary I read before I streamed it was a sentence long and it turned out to only describe the very first thing that happened in the movie. Any actual summary would both fail to capture the film and ruin it.
Dec 16, 2017
Most things are better going in blind. I'm trying to be better about turning off trailers part way through if the movie looks like it's something I want to see.


Oct 26, 2017
Primal Fear
The Fly

really i guess when you think about it most things but these are ones i was glad to see without knowing.


Oct 25, 2017
One Cut of the Dead - All you need to know is "one-shot zombie movie" and honestly, the rest falls into place as you go. Best watched with others, but alone works as well.

Hell yeah. One of my favorite movies in the last ~5 years. I ended up watching THAT part again right afterwards.


Nov 12, 2017

Its just fantastic television and not knowing what you're getting into is the cherry on top.
So I just started watching this knowing nothing. Love it. After watching two episodes, I opened my YouTube app and had a thumbnail from someone called "Heavy Spoilers" get recommended with a massive season finale image in the thumbnail "big finale twist! What does this mean for Season 2?".

Of course there's nothing I can do now. I'm still watching it. I love it. But now I'm thinking about that reveal while I watch.