
Oct 28, 2017
I'm talking mostly about gameplay, though the story is great too !

I tried to come back to every Metal Gear Solid games but no matter what I play, MGS2 is the only one I can come back any day of the week.

MGS2 more than holds up, it still plays like a dream. It's so surprising because it managed to make its technological improvements at the service of fun, and still retaining a rock solid 60fps on top of that. It's not a Far Cry 2 situation where their engine was mostly irrelevant to what the game's mechanics were about. The attention of detail was made to be a blast to play to discover new things to interact with. That moment with the shadow of Vulcan Raven in the tanker ? That was great.

It all goes at a brisk pace too. You go to the tanker, you move around, every room is a puzzle to take care of and then you're done. Then you take control of Raiden and it goes even faster as he is nimbler. Some rooms are even more intricate, sometimes even with a dash of verticality, but you can always go to your destination in less than 15 seconds if you so wish in every room.

And the bridges that connects the struts are SO good, it's another type of stealth, it's less about hiding and more about solving what's in front of you. Will you take care of the guards or the drone ? Do you move around with the ledge and risk not having enough grip or do you just make a run for it ?

The Big Shell is also just so fresh too...in a visual way. This mix of orange with blue sky and sea makes it like you're in another world entirely, and not just next to Manhattan. It's like you're at the beach in a way, I feel I'm breathing this fresh air that is so different from the oppressive look of Shadow Moses.

MGS2 is like the arcade equivalent of the MGS series, it's inviting you to try again and do better everytime you come back to a strut. And obviously it works all in the context and the theme of the game and Raiden as a character. It's a game with a game-like structure, you're basically playing VR missions but you have to walk to the next mission in each area. And we all know VR Missions was the best part about MGS1 ;)

MGS2 simply nailed what needed to be nailed: it's fun, responsive, packed with details and fast-paced. My only nitpick is that I can't invert both X and Y axis in first person mode, but that's mostly because I'm a monster since even games released in 2018 doesn't do that.

It's the only MGS I can come back to at any time and have a lot of fun. Going back to MGS3 after it was such a slog, it's like controlling a dying horse.

What's your opinion on the gameplay of MGS2 ?


Oct 27, 2017
My favorite thing about the gameplay, specifically the PS2 version was how well it used the dualshocks pressure sensitive face buttons. The only other game I can think of that used them well was Gran Turismo 3


Oct 25, 2017
Just running through the Tanker with Snake is endlessly fun.

Snake Eater is more refined but it's not really a pick up and play type of experience, you need to invest yourself.

My only gripe with MGS2 is that I wish it had a 3D camera like MGS3. In most rooms it's not an issue but some of the struts with Raiden can be really tough with the fixed camera.


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
The only thing I disliked about it was finding the bombs, other than that the pace was spectacular, The themes for the game are relevant today and overall its a fantastic game. MGS3 is still my fav HOWEVER MGS2 will always hold a special place in my heart at being the best Metal Gear game.


Oct 27, 2017
It's still a great game, but fixed camera and first person aiming are a nightmare nowadays. I wish they brought more modern camera controle like they did for 3...

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
It's neck and neck with MGS3 for me in terms of best in the series, far and away better than the other games.

I agree that 2 has the better core gameplay than 3 by a hair. I appreciate the slower survival aspect of 3, but 2's snappy and arcadey feeling is so good. 3 probably has a better campaign by a hair though.

Big Shell is one of the GOAT level designs. The tanker is a cool opening, but it's pretty linear. Look at how much use each compact strut gets as the challenges escalate throughout the campaign, and you usually get to choose your path between them as well. The VR missions and snake tales further highlight just how versatile the mechanics and levels are (huge shame 3 never got any).
Oct 27, 2017
Meh, it's really hard for me to go back to any MGS that predates Subsistence. Having that free 3rd-Person camera is a change I can't live without.


Oct 25, 2017
It's neck and neck with MGS3 for me in terms of best in the series, far and away better than the other games.

I agree that 2 has the better core gameplay than 3 by a hair. I appreciate the slower survival aspect of 3, but 2's snappy and arcadey feeling is so good. 3 probably has a better campaign by a hair though.

Big Shell is one of the GOAT level designs. The tanker is a cool opening, but it's pretty linear. Look at how much use each compact strut gets as the challenges escalate throughout the campaign, and you usually get to choose your path between them as well. The VR missions and snake tales further highlight just how versatile the mechanics and levels are (huge shame 3 never got any).

I'm with you, MGS2 and 3 are both masterful. I probably prefer the latter since it's my first MGS, has a more affecting story and replayed it the most.

MGS 3 has a lot of tedious aspects but I still appreciate for the sandbox survival sim that it is. Both of these games attention to detail is unparalleled.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017
Its one of those games I still play once a year because of how great it is.
I want to play it with the world of 2018 in my mind. I imagine it'll give a very different experience than the early 00s

FUN SIDE NOTE: Metal Gear Solid 2 was the first game I beat for my PS2


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
I want to play it with the world of 2018 in my mind. I imagine it'll give a very different experience than the early 00s

FUN SIDE NOTE: Metal Gear Solid 2 was the first game I beat for my PS2
When I was younger I played games but rarely beat them, this one I was playing and I introduced my friend to it after school. We stayed up all night to beat it and back then it blew our fucking minds esp at 4 am with the turn off the game thing. We legit thought we had to it was creepy as fuck. It introduced me to what gaming can be, and then we rented MGS1 and have been huge fans of the series ever since. Shame how it is now.

Loan Wolf

Nov 9, 2017
Love to see the classic MGS games remastered on the Fox Engine, shame it went to waste after Kojima's departure

Red Alert

Mar 25, 2018
Not for me.I felt it was too boring to play and unoriginal, felt like mgs1 with ps2 graphics all the time adds nothing new.

While mgs3 on other hand plays amazing and felt like bond thriller


Oct 28, 2017
I loved Raiden too, he was a great character that really broke the mold.

So weird how he turned into some kind of hottie in his MGS Collection artwork, lol. Imagine a remake with Raiden looking like this


Wait, you what?

You invert both the Y AND the X axis in first person?!

I lost track of myself. I can't go back anymore.
Dec 3, 2017
I replay it several times a year, and mess around in VR quite a bit. Unmatched. It blows my mind how Konami didn't make this their Reisdent Evil 4. It needs to be on every platform. The original PC release did not do the game justice, but I think they'll take the PS3/360 port and re-release it elsewhere eventually— that's my hope anyway. It came out on Vita and Shield so hopefully one day we get it on Steam/current platforms.


Oct 28, 2017
I can play and greatly enjoy any classic MGS at any point of time. Same with any great game.

I replay MGS1/2 most for the plot stuff tho. Gameplay-wise MGS3 is king imo.


Oct 25, 2017
Yes it is, It's an incredible game that holds up to this day. I haven't replayed it in years but I should.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I agree completely. It bothers me when people group MGS with today's "cinematic" games, because this series is extremely "gamey", mechanically reach and just generally well designed despite having a heavy focus on story too.

MGS2 in particular is so good. It's normally brushed aside in favor of 3 from a gameplay perspective, but I love it, it's a complete refinement of the MGS1 formula and it's more puzzley approach is pretty fun and a great way to encourage experimentation.

I love how it holds up visually too, they did such an incredible job with the environments, they feel very real in a weird way, it's hard to explain, but going outside at Big Shell for example, feels like being truly there, feeling the wind blow and all.

I gotta say though, I can go back to just about any Metal Gear game, at least mainline. They're that good.


Oct 27, 2017
I consider MGS 2 a great game but I'm gonna troll here:

It's clear MGS 2 inspired Kojima to make P.T. you know, because Big Shell is one eviroment looping over and over again.


Oct 27, 2017
The way the game did reflections was amazing, as was other Konami PS2 games. Instead of rendering reflections in real time they simply copied and pasted the objects upside-down, made them semi-transparent and placed them exactly below where their original models were. It looked great and was performance friendly. Not to mention the whole ice cube melting physics.


Oct 28, 2017
I love how it holds up visually too, they did such an incredible job with the environments, they feel very real in a weird way, it's hard to explain, but going outside at Big Shell for example, feels like being truly there, feeling the wind blow and all.

I agree with you. It really felt alive. I think MGS5 kinda got the same feeling when it came to Mother Base. The sound design, the creaking of the shell, it just works wonderfully well.

Lost track indeed.

What the hell is wrong with you?

Playing a game that forced me to play in inverted X/Y pretty much managed to make its way into everything I play now. It's a virus.

Sir Guts

Use of alt account
Oct 26, 2017
One of my all-time favorite games! I always come back and get the same joy as playing it for the first time.

Deleted member 4353

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Both MGS 2 and 3 are the last great MGS games. There's just something magical about the big shell. Raiden was a great lead that was ruined in the later games just like pretty much everything else in the series.

I need that game on PS4.
Oct 27, 2017
I played all of these games for the first time a few years ago (I had dabbled with the series prior but never really dove deep into them), but I didn't find MGS2 very immersive at all. MGS3 Subsistence was incredibly immersive, but 2? Nah,


Oct 28, 2017
Yea its awesome. Was fav game until i finally played mgs3. Thats pips it to me. Id much prefer to play 2 than day 4 or 5. Just need it to go BC on my x.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I agree. Still so damn good and fun to play.

I need 1 2 3 remade on Fox Engine tho


Oct 27, 2017
I've played it for the first time this year and I have to agree!

Except for the first person aiming, though. That sucked. Some of the bosses were only a problem because I was fighting the controls to aim at them. This on the PS3 version.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah original 3 MGS games hold up really well in my opinion. They have snappy and clean controls, and the gameplay is perfectly tailored to meet the demands of the game itself. I never feel constrained by the tech itself like in other similarly aged games.


Oct 27, 2017
I'm watching my friend play through it (and the whole series) for the first time, and even as an observer it's utterly engrossing, even after nearly 2 decades, even after countless replays.

It never gets old and I always feel like I learn a new layer of it each time.

Is it possible to get games like this anymore in this formulaic AAA age?

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
Gonna need a metal gear collection again with 1 in HD too.

This game is still mind blowing, I think about it every now and again.


Oct 26, 2017
I think I enjoy it more these days than I did when I played it on the PS2.

Need to do my yearly replay soon.


Nov 2, 2017
Can you finish Metal Gear Solid 2 with a DualShock 4? Does it get too hard without pressure sensitive buttons?

Fancy Clown

Oct 25, 2017
You can finish it just don't expect to hold up guards with any automatic guns, and forget about some of the VR missions without a Dualshock 3.

On Vita you can draw and holster your weapon with the D-pad to avoid the lack of pressure sensitivity with the face buttons. I beat the VR missions on it as well. If the DualShock 4 allows for that function as well it should be completely playable.


50¢ - "This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
The PS2 is still my preferred way to play MGS2 due to the pressure sensitive buttons - and unlike the original release of MGS3 it targets 60fps.