
You wouldn't toast a NES cartridge
Oct 26, 2017
Just a test for now.

How do you feel about this?

Microsoft says it's starting to test ads inside the Start menu on Windows 11. The software maker will use the Recommended section of the Start menu, which usually shows file recommendations, to suggest apps from the Microsoft Store.

"This will appear only for Windows Insiders in the Beta Channel in the US and will not apply to commercial devices (devices managed by organizations)," says Microsoft in a blog post.

The app promotions can be disabled in the Settings section of Windows 11, but it appears that Microsoft will enable these by default. Microsoft is seeking feedback on the changes, so it's possible the company could decide to ditch these ads in development builds of Windows 11 if there's enough feedback that suggests they're not going to be a popular addition.


Microsoft starts testing ads in the Windows 11 Start menu

The first ads in the Windows 11 Start menu will look familiar.


Oct 29, 2017
You want people to pay for the OS. That means you don't need ads. Even considering it is pretty dang offensive imo.


Aug 26, 2018
I paid like $200 for my windows 10. No way in hell I'd want ads for that. It'll eventually be a permanent part of the OS.

Microsoft being Microsoft. What a vile company.


Definitely not shooting blanks
Jan 5, 2020
Finally. I hate having to wait for ads I like them to hit as close to the start as possible. Hopefully my devices one day can sense when I'm getting ready to turn them on and can start the ad even before I start.

One can dream.


Dec 16, 2018
They already have ads. I've gotten popup ads to resub to Game Pass months after I stopped and I just got a popup ad a few weeks ago telling me to check out whatever the fuck that new AI thing is they have. Both times it took me out my whatever I was doing in fullscreen. Trash ass company.


has a title.
Oct 25, 2017
Let's put an ad ticker right by the clock while we're at it.

for fucks sake


Oct 25, 2017
How bad do things have to get before people start switching to Linux based OS? or are too many programs reliant on windows?


Oct 27, 2017
Been a dev in the MS ecosystem for nearly 30 years and this is exactly the kind of thing that will make me exit the entire Windows/MS world for open alternatives.

OS Software should be for the users and their needs, not a scheme for captive eyeballs in the service of ads and dark patterns.

For fuck's sake. Stop ruining every last thing in the service of next quarter's earnings.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been thinking about ads lately.

I wish they tracked me more, like actual tracking not whatever halfass tracking they do now.

Advertising should know that at this time of year I'm stocking up on various types of hardwood charcoal. Advertising should know that I like romance manga and be constantly feeding me new releases/preorders.

But no, I constantly just see a bunch of bullshit.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Linux looking extra good lately, it just sucks that while many people could probably switch to Linux and miss little to nothing from Windows, I know there's a lot that would not be able to make that switch be it for things like Photoshop, certain games, or something else.

I know you can turn the ads off, but already when Win11 has already been enshittened from 10, putting ads just makes things worse.

Gay Bowser

Oct 30, 2017

It'd be one thing if Windows was free, but it's not.

The annoying thing is that there's actually a lot to like about Windows 11, but it's like they can't keep getting in their own way with shit like this. Like they want a bunch of people to stick to Windows 10.

Been a dev in the MS ecosystem for nearly 30 years and this is exactly the kind of thing that will make me exit the entire Windows/MS world for open alternatives.

OS Software should be for the users and their needs, not a scheme for captive eyeballs in the service of ads and dark patterns.

For fuck's sake. Stop ruining every last thing in the service of next quarter's earnings.

It actually irks me, quite a lot, that Apple introduced ads into App Store. And that's in the App Store, and that's still bad.

I remember a presentation where Steve Jobs explained Apple's philosophy on ads like this: "We make devices that we want to use, and we don't want ads. So we can't get there." And I actually don't think that was just marketing BS. I think one of the secrets of Apple's success is that it did have somebody at the top who was willing to be uncompromising on things like this, who actually did really give a shit about the user experience and had the pull to keep shit like ads from happening.

Ads are a deliberate corruption of the experience in service of profit. When Google shows a "recommended" ad result above what's actually the most relevant result, that's making their search worse. I get why a company like Google might need to operate this way; they need to generate revenue and it seems unlikely that many people would pay a subscription to use a search engine (though some do!). But there's no excuse for ads in a paid product like Windows or an iPhone.


Oct 25, 2017
so what is this, banking on passivity and that maybe a billion users won't turn this feature off, so they automatically make millions just by flipping a switch?

Microsoft sucks so much.


Sky Van Gogh
Oct 25, 2017
Man, Recommended was actually vaguely useful in the Start Menu, though more because Microsoft took a hatchet to the thing and destroyed a bunch of useful stuff with the Windows 11 upgrade (listen, I liked those damned Metro tiles, even if the Windows 8 implementation was horrid; the "Pinned Apps" panel is a terrible replacement). It would highlight apps you recently installed, which is a nice feature. Now I have to turn it off because Microsoft wants to shit it up with ads.

I actually don't mind Windows 11 for the most part but what the hell with this change.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of this. I had it pop up recently when I was setting up my new PC. The desperation was shocking.

Microsoft’s new Windows prompts try to stop people downloading Chrome

The prompts appear on the Chrome download page.


Microsoft has never been a fan of Windows users downloading Chrome instead of using Edge, but the company has now stepped up its campaign to keep people using its built-in browser. Windows 10 and Windows 11 have both started displaying new prompts when people navigate to the Chrome download page, in an effort to discourage people from installing Google's rival browser.
We've been able to confirm at least one prompt on a Windows 11 PC, and it appears these new prompts are also appearing for some Windows 10 users, too. These aren't pop-ups or prompts you'd typically find inside a website, either. They're rendered natively by Edge, and other websites aren't able to display similar prompts.

That makes these a little different from the messages that Google displays when you're running Edge and use its online services, which appear within webpages when you visit services like Google Search and Gmail. Google uses these to try to encourage users to switch to Chrome over Edge.


I'll think about it
Oct 25, 2017
Morizora's Forest
Outside of gaming I haven't found too much that I can't workaround without too much hassle with initial setups and stuff using mac or linux. I've yet to update to W11 and now I want to even less. That said, I run multiple OS for different things anyway and my windows OS is mostly for entertainment because I expect stuff like this.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017

.... any points for viewing ads? Asking for the MS Rewards thread I swear


Dec 20, 2017


Jul 30, 2022
United States
Microsoft can continue to eat dicks. They need to make Windows Home free if they want to pull this shit and leave Pro and Enterprise folks out of this.


Oct 27, 2017
The thing is, you can disable them for now, sure. But this is merely the introduction. Microsoft has been slowly squeezing their OS into being a marketing, customer data collection and sales platform for decades now. Introducing the Microsoft store, integrating skype, xbox and onedrive, Edge, Cortana and now co-pilot, making you use a microsoft account to install Win 11 (unless you jump through loopholes, which they keep closing, to get in with a local account), selling you on office365 subs. Extending the amount of tracking they do of you with all kinds of "conveniences" for you. Ads have already appeared elsewhere; this is merely an extension that will solidify until they remove the option to disable it.

But they have such a grip. I really wish regulators would go after them for their integrations. An OS should be for the user, not exploiting the user.


Oct 26, 2017
Don't worry, they're working on "fixing" that too.


Microsoft blocks even more customization apps in Windows 11 version 24H2

Microsoft appears to be blocking even more apps for customizing the user interface in Windows 11 24H2. Users noticed that ExplorerPatcher joined the recently blocked StartAllBack app.

yo wtf, the only reason I started using StartAllBack is because the default explorer always crashes on me even after fresh installs. Also don't like how they keep changing the context menu.

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I use Edge primarily. I actually think it's better.

There was a short time when Edge was kinda nice. But it's loaded with so many little things you have to turn off now just to get a decent browsing experience that I can't recommend it. Shopping, shopping notifications, Microsoft Rewards, Discover, co-pilot, etc.

It's an extension of what we're seeing with Windows 11 in general. Some nice features and a lot of intrusive marking stuff being included all across the operating system. Like ads being included in the start menu.

Super Craig

Oct 27, 2017
There was a short time when Edge was kinda nice. But it's loaded with so many little things you have to turn off now just to get a decent browsing experience that I can't recommend it. Shopping, shopping notifications, Microsoft Rewards, Discover, co-pilot, etc.

It's an extension of what we're seeing with Windows 11 in general. Some nice features and a lot of intrusive marking stuff being included all across the operating system. Like ads being included in the start menu.
Glad I'm not the only one that's noticed this. I've just switched to DuckDuckGo for now.