Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
This is blatantly wrong on so many levels, and a straight up abuse of power.



As noted by Alejandra Caraballo, this regulation straight up just bans care for anyone with Autism. As this regulation requires "any existing mental health comorbidities of the patient have been treated and resolved." This also means that if you experience any form of depression (which, with gender dysphoria, you probably do) then the care is permanently banned until you're an adult.

Oh, and you also can't get care if you are experiencing "social cognition", which is a nice way of saying that a trans youth cannot know any trans friends.


Additionally, the "emergency regulation" is very ambiguous as some have noted, and could theoretically prevent healthcare for ALL trans people. The specific "guardrails" mention do not specify if they are for adults or for children in areas that they need to be specified in.

The regulations can be found here. As noted, they last up to potentially 180 days. Which could cause devastating consequences to anyone who is not able to get hormones that they need.
May 26, 2018
Reminder that America was working on its own fascist genocidal movement before we jumped into WW2

There won't be a war this time to turn our national head in the right direction. If we survive this shit, it will be as a civilization traumatized by our citizenry. Being American has never be a proud thing for many, and it sure as Hell ain't about to improve.

King Alamat

Nov 22, 2017
Does anyone actually wake up and feel proud they're from Missouri? Like, every red state is in a race to the bottom wrt trans rights, but they've always been and will always be trash to live in.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
CIS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LISTEN.... AND CALL YOUR FUCKIN SENATORS. Seriously please people are dieing. This is your modern day aids crisis actually fuckin help your fellow trans people


Oct 27, 2017
But if you call it genocide, then you might offend the people that support genocide. And isn't that just as bad?

Not even that, you are also offending the "good liberals" who want to passively ignore it and go about their day. Oh said "people who support genocide" I was mistaken, that's the same group.


Oct 25, 2017
"Social contagion" is a pretty evil way to put "you have a trans-affirming friend."


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
"In an effort to protect children" - what a gigantic piece of shit. I'm just so fucking tired of transfobic discourse. Its just pure hatred, its so despicable.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Straight-up ignoring medical advice from all the top health organizations that are trusted for literally any other kind of treatment. Beyond fucked up. Just getting away with genocidal regulations that go against *all* science and research just to make sure no trans kids can exist.

meowdi gras

Feb 24, 2018
There is no non-emergency red state officials won't inflate into an "emergency" in order to enact their fascist, genocidal agenda.

Captain C

Oct 27, 2017
I feel sick reading this. Fucking hell, I don't even know what to say or do anymore.

It's also unsurprising and disappointing to see how little attention it gets everywhere (but even here) when actual fucking genocide is occuring in the United States. Barely even a "so sad" let alone support.

CIS FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LISTEN.... AND CALL YOUR FUCKIN SENATORS. Seriously please people are dieing. This is your modern day aids crisis actually fuckin help your fellow trans people

Basically this, and even more.

Deleted member 21411

Account closed at user request
Oct 28, 2017
I dunno how useful calling your senators would be when they're the ones that'd be hyped for a pogrom.
More reason to call them. The alternative is sit there and allow it which means there's no opposition. Annoy the shit out of your politicians because doing nothing clearly ain't fuckin working.

Signed: a god damn trans woman who has nothing but disgust for apathy


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Jesse Singal gonna be like you can't blame me even though a huge part of this is Jamie Reed's nonsense that he featured over and over


Oct 27, 2017
Fucking disgusting, so much for caring for peoples' lives. And it always seems to be under the bullshit excuse of "protecting the children".
Android Sophia

Android Sophia

The Absolute Sword
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno how useful calling your senators would be when they're the ones that'd be hyped for a pogrom.

More reason to call them. The alternative is sit there and allow it which means there's no opposition. Annoy the shit out of your politicians because doing nothing clearly ain't fuckin working.

Signed: a god damn trans woman who has nothing but disgust for apathy

Protesting does have an effect. Many senators go along for the party lines, and will become averse if enough people protest.

Jesse Singal gonna be like you can't blame me even though a huge part of this is Jamie Reed's nonsense that he featured over and over

Oh right. I forgot this is tied to that bullshit. Maybe the Attorney General should be going after her for HIPAA violations instead. :\


Oct 28, 2017
If it's written law why would you need to inact emergency regulation

It's not in the law, he's trying to redefine a term to make the law openly hostile to trans people.

Erin Reed on twitter pointed out that this kind of stuff has been overturned before, but they don't care because the point is to galvanize their base around the hate and push forward the genocide in anyway they can.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Pieces of shit. These pigs know trans kids won't disappear, but they can make them suffer and potentially kill themselves from being miserable.

And for those already on gender-affirming care, they don't care about how that will literally kill them because of the lack of medication. Fuck them. Fuck them all.


Dec 12, 2018
Leave us the fuck alone. Fucking scum all of them and everyone that doesn't speak up against this shit.
Oct 29, 2017
Slippery slope fallacy and whatnot, but Republicans are never content to just stop at one act of evil. Lawyers are regulating medicine. If this is popular and works, they'll go further.


Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky Makes it Illegal To Be Trans Under 18

In addition to what's happening in Missouri, Kentucky has just passed Senate Bill 150 which:

seeks to ban gender-affirming healthcare for trans youth, requires doctors to detransition young trans people and prevents schools from discussing gender identity or sexual orientation with students of any age.

The bill's original focus was on schools, with provisions to force teachers and students to misgender their own pupils and classmates, and allow parents to opt their children out of any lessons discussing sexuality.

There's more, it includes:

a ban on gender-affirming healthcare for trans young people, and requiring school districts to form policies that "at a minimum" would prevent trans children from using bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity.

SB 150 also specifies that doctors must create a timeline to taper off treatment for children currently receiving hormone therapy or puberty blockers – but only if immediately stopping the treatment could physically harm them – in service of the ultimate goal of detransitioning young people.

Will the already-passed bill be signed into law? Well:.. 100% certain:

The bill is now moving over to Governor Andy Beshear's desk to be signed into law or vetoed within 10 days.

It is expected that Beshear will veto the bill, but then the veto is likely to be overridden when the Republican-majority legislature returns for the final two days of the session (29 and 30 March).

Kentucky passes the 'worst anti-trans bill' in America

Lawmakers in Kentucky have passed an amended anti-trans bill, which targets the rights of vulnerable young trans people in the state.


Dragon Girl Supremacy
Oct 25, 2017
Kentucky Makes it Illegal To Be Trans Under 18

In addition to what's happening in Missouri, Kentucky has just passed Senate Bill 150 which:

There's more, it includes:

Will the already-passed bill be signed into law? Well:.. 100% certain:

Kentucky passes the 'worst anti-trans bill' in America

Lawmakers in Kentucky have passed an amended anti-trans bill, which targets the rights of vulnerable young trans people in the state.
They want dead kids. They'd rather kill kids than to let them be trans. I'm so fucking tired of this shit getting away with absolutely zero repercussions.
Dec 9, 2018
New Jersey
Cis liberals need to understand the urgency of this crisis. The longer they're gonna handwave it away as a "red state issue", the more trans lives are going to impacted by this genocidal campaign. Biden should do a national address emphasizing this problem (it wouldn't solve this but it would sound the alarms to the nation which is important), but he won't because it's not a political priority for most Democrats.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
Probably a good time for anyone in a Republican state to call their representatives. And those in Democratic states too.

There is probably a decent script up somewhere too for it for those who get phone anxiety.

I live in New York but doesn't hurt to call. If I find a script I'll post one in the thread.


Oct 27, 2017
This is gross. It's also something that your average liberal isn't going to get up in arms about. I was talking with a friend a few weeks back. She's probably what I'd describe as an, "I'm with her Hillary voter" who was concerned because her cousin was publicly transitioning. My friend thought that her cousin wasn't old enough to make that decision, but after talking a little further, it turns out the cousin is 25! I pushed back pretty hard, but it was pretty surprising to hear someone who's generally a good, empathetic person cave to these kinds of talking points.


Oct 25, 2017
This is gross. It's also something that your average liberal isn't going to get up in arms about. I was talking with a friend a few weeks back. She's probably what I'd describe as an, "I'm with her Hillary voter" who was concerned because her cousin was publicly transitioning. My friend thought that her cousin wasn't old enough to make that decision, but after talking a little further, it turns out the cousin is 25! I pushed back pretty hard, but it was pretty surprising to hear someone who's generally a good, empathetic person cave to these kinds of talking points.
And anecdotes likes this are very common, which is the scariest thing. We have no allies, and our population is miniscule to be able to get anything done, let alone fight back.