
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Has a movie ending ever garnered legitimate anger from you before?*

My pick for this would be this horror movie from a while back called The Devil Inside

Not only was it already a pretty meh movie, not only did it end on a cliffhanger, not only did it cut to black with text telling you to go to a website to get your ending, not only was that website full of nothing but clips from the movie you just saw, but the website doesn't even fuckin' work anymore. This exists on every copy of that movie. It's permanently dated. When I saw this in theaters, the audience went from silence to audible groans to shouting. I've had plenty of movies that I didn't like before but this is one of the only one's that's ever actually made me upset with what they tried to pull.

What's your pick, Era?

*If your answer is The Last Jedi or "No because I'm an adult", you will be drawn and quartered, and then politely asked to leave


Oct 25, 2017
The Devil Inside is the movie that legit left me pissed. What a waste of time and money.

Edit -

To this day, I still don't know the ending. I refused to give their site any clicks for that bullshit. Glad the site is down for good.


Oct 29, 2017

Made an otherwise enjoyable horror flick a complete piece of trash that I will never watch again.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't remember the title of this movie, but it was one of those slasher flicks where people get murdered by a killer in a remote camping area and the last survivor fights back.

All that happens, and suddenly in the last 10 seconds of the film it cuts to her screaming in a hospital bed. The writers wanted to throw in a "Was it all a dream?" plot thread without any foreshadowing whatsoever. It just had to be in there for the sake of it.


Oct 25, 2017
Gone Girl. Dark Places (book ending) is even worse, haven't seen the movie though but assuming it has the same/similar ending, that too.


May 31, 2018
Not really at the time but thinking back the ending to Midsommar was genuinely fucked up (and not in a good way).
The main male character is literally raped (he's drugged out of his mind and coerced into having sex with a completely sober woman) but because he was a dick beforehand the film treats it as if it was his fault and then gives him the typical 'horror movie punishment' (getting horribly murdered). It's a film about getting rid of toxic people that uses "got raped," as an example of toxicity...


Oct 25, 2017
I wouldn't say angry, but 10 cloverfield lane's ending brings the movie from a 9 to an 8 for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Probably M:I-3 the first time I saw it. Typical Abrams not telling us what the Rabbit's Foot was after all the mystery boxes in Lost


Oct 25, 2017
The entire movie was trash but I felt very ripped off by the final fight of Ultraviolet, which takes place entirely in the dark.

Violence Jack

Drive-in Mutant
Oct 25, 2017
I laughed so hard at The Devil Inside's ending.

The ending to Matrix Revolutions is the last one I can think of where I left pretty angry. Also, Alien Covenant comes to mind as it was way too predictable what was going to happen, not to mention the last 20 minutes feeling like a generic monster movie filled with cliched horror tropes.

The ending to Gone Girl made me angry, but that was the point.

Oh yeah, fuck the ending to Glass as well. Especially
David Dunn's death by drowning.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't see the movie but learning about the ending to "Tyler Perry's Temptation" movie was infuriating. It's awful in a way that's actively harmful to society.

Made an otherwise enjoyable horror flick a complete piece of trash that I will never watch again.
I wasn't angry but "Oh it's just *well known iconic film*" was deflating as hell


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Not really at the time but thinking back the ending to Midsommar was genuinely fucked up (and not in a good way).
The main male character is literally raped (he's drugged out of his mind and coerced into having sex with a completely sober woman) but because he was a dick beforehand the film treats it as if it was his fault and then gives him the typical 'horror movie punishment' (getting horribly murdered). It's a film about getting rid of toxic people that uses "got raped," as an example of toxicity...
Dude was one of the worst boyfriends I'd ever seen and he did a ton of shit (discounting his girlfriend's feelings, treating her sister's murder-suicide as an inconvenience, eyeing other women, forgetting his girlfriend's birthday, stealing his best friend's thesis and then acting like his best friend is the bad guy for it, seeing his girlfriend witness a suicide fresh off her sister's suicide and then doing nothing as it continues), but that freaky-ass barn orgy was NOT on him. Dude straight up got drugged but it's treated like he was cheating on her and is used as justification for his death.


Ugly, Queer, Gender-Fluid, Drive-In Mutant, yes?
Apr 22, 2018
Tampa, Fl
The Haunting.

Tries really hard to play the psychological game of "Is it real or is the protagonist crazy" just to go LOL ghosts are real an here is an ending that makes no sense.


Oct 25, 2017
I love the Witch, one of my favorite movies of all time, but those final 30 seconds are so goofy and out of place lmao

really taints what would otherwise be a perfect film


Oct 25, 2017
Not really at the time but thinking back the ending to Midsommar was genuinely fucked up (and not in a good way).
The main male character is literally raped (he's drugged out of his mind and coerced into having sex with a completely sober woman) but because he was a dick beforehand the film treats it as if it was his fault and then gives him the typical 'horror movie punishment' (getting horribly murdered). It's a film about getting rid of toxic people that uses "got raped," as an example of toxicity...

It was shameful that many in the Midsomar thread thought this was hilarious.
Dec 22, 2018

the ending is best part of the movie

It would have been if it had ended a minute or two sooner. The end was so contrived and unbelievable with its timing, I literally laughed out loud for a solid minute at how stupid it was. I don't think that's the reaction the director was aiming for.

Anyway, for me High Tension and the Mist are probably towards the top of the list. The Blair Witch Project would also be ip there. Glad I never saw the movie in the OP; that sounds terrible.


Jun 19, 2019
The Dark Knight Rises, I hated hated hated it so much, it was cheesy and frustrating.


Herald of Stoptimus Crime
Oct 25, 2017

Everything after Dent's death is so incredibly fucking forced and it annoys the shit out of me.


Oct 27, 2017
The Pledge

Completely broke me in all kinds of emotional ways. Fuck that ending, for existing. Great movie though, but fuck I hate the movie.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017

Somewhat visceral disaster movie that somehow manages to degrade further into untenable stupidity. The angels--.... aliens--....

... The angel-aliens have apparently mastered space travel but are dumb enough to think that two kids and two rabbits are gonna be enough to restart humanity and rabbitdom. Even assuming the Space Eden has some kind of weird, Annihilation effect or some shit that allows this to be possible, why those two kids in particular? Why did you need an apocalyptic scavenger hunt to choose who to take, especially when it wasn't a reflection of the kids' abilities or worthiness? They didn't figure out a damn thing; they just lucked into being related to Nicholas Cage, and frankly that's some privileged bullshit. Give some other kids with less fortune a chance to restart humanity.

Frankly I checked out at angel-aliens at the theater but now that I'm reiterating my thoughts I'm only more annoyed.

Finale Fireworker

Love each other or die trying.
Oct 25, 2017
United States
I really don't like the cloning machine twist at the end of The Prestige.

I understand the themes and everything, but I think it's such an unrewarding payoff to a movie that has mostly practical, and consistently interesting, explanations for its mysteries. I really wish the final reveal hadn't taken a science fiction swerve.


Oct 27, 2017
I really don't like the cloning machine twist at the end of The Prestige.

I understand the themes and everything, but I think it's such an unrewarding payoff to a movie that has mostly practical, and consistently interesting, explanations for its mysteries. I really wish the final reveal hadn't taken a science fiction swerve.

Don't read the book then. It takes 8 or 9 genre swerves in the space of a few pages.