
Oct 28, 2017
A thread for the movies that have gotten rotten upon rewatch

I'll start the thread with 2 picks on the top of my head

One is pretty much any movie that has it's comedy be just characters being uncomfortable around gay people, one movie I remember doing this a lot was Boat Trip starring Cuba Gooding Jr., as a kid I remember enjoying this movie but yeah, pretty a majority of the jokes in this movie are homophobia

Another one I ended up hating upon rewatch is the 16 Candles

Mainly just for this scene right here


Oct 30, 2017
i enjoyed 16 candles actually

recently i was going through a Hughes phase and watched 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, and Weird Science for the first time, and enjoyed them all a decent amount, possible even 16 Candles the most


Oct 25, 2017
Most Kevin Smith movies. I rewatched Mallrats and Chasing Amy recently and they were both uncomfortable to watch.
Oct 30, 2017
The Princess Bride is a FANTASTIC film, one of my favourites, but the awful synths in the soundtrack have aged terribly.


Oct 27, 2017
Weird Science is terrible. The scene where Anthony Michael Hall gets drink and starts jive talking to the black patrons of the bar is so cringey.


Oct 27, 2017
The Dark Knight

Every line has been memed so extensively, and the whole thing is so ridiculously serious about itself.


The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Many of those 70s and 80s comedies that make light of things like rape (Revenge of the Nerds) and are rampant with homophobia / transphobia.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
The Dark Knight

Every line has been memed so extensively, and the whole thing is so ridiculously serious about itself.
Yeah, I loved it at the time of release. But I'm not gonna lie, I can't deal with the wetness in the way Heath Ledger speaks these days. I think it caught my ear because of bad sound balancing at a friend's house years later, I didn't notice it initially, but I can't unhear it now.


Oct 30, 2017
16 candles is garbo, same for st elmo's fire
Holy shit St. Elmo's Fire was booooring. I loved John Hughes movies in my younger days but never saw that one until recently. I'm not positive that it "doesn't hold up" so much as "kinda always sucked."
16 Candles I haven't seen since high school but I hated it back then, despite generally loving John Hughes.

Lost in Translation the thread
You've now activated a sworn member of Lost In Translation Defense Force. I watch this yearly and it'll never not be good. What do you think doesn't hold up? Aside from Scarlett being 17 at the time of filming.

The Unsent

Oct 25, 2017
For me

The force awakens, because its weaker aspects were exaggerated in ROS, and it makes the sequel trilogy look overall more cynical and even more uninspiring.

I like The Last Jedi but I find it a bit hard to watch now, because one of the central themes, was stomped on, in the next film.

You don't need to come from a special bloodline or destiny, to be the hero.

Also the interesting set up was squandered that the villain didn't need to be a emperor-type.

I can't help feeling what a shame that was, when watching it.


Jan 5, 2018
The Pool
Avatar. The only thing it had going for it was 3D and that was a passing fad.

Hard disagree, I've actually come back around on it since loving it and then making fun of it like most of us did in the 2010s. Super fun. Incredibly well made. Mostly pretty good politics actually (the u.s. military is evil imperial shit). Like, that movie got people to stand up and cheer in the theater for U.S. soldier-standins getting absolutely Bodied by an insurgent indigenous population. In 2009.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I dont know if my pick is within the spirit of the thread but for me is Rocky IV.

I dont like the Reagan like propaganda of USSR BAD USA GOOD, it feels like the movie is 60% music, 30% acting and 10% robot commercial, apollo's death is a mere plot device that is superficially awknowledged by both Rocky and Duke (With 0 mentions of Apollo's family)

The only reason that I could give the movie a pass is that the music is superb, so at least it wasnt painful to watch in that regard, and that overall Drago is a one dimensional yet really cool character.


Oct 25, 2017
i enjoyed 16 candles actually

recently i was going through a Hughes phase and watched 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, and Weird Science for the first time, and enjoyed them all a decent amount, possible even 16 Candles the most

I looove John Hughes and I think 16 Candles is an awesome movie even now for how crazy it is. But yeah I agree with the overall issue that the Long Duk Dong stuff and the Geek in the car was really bad. I give it a "pass" because Gedde Watanabe is a sport about it (saying "it was the times" or something; and I genuinely like that weird love story between him and the stocky chick) and that The Geek didn't actually do anything (but the implication and the two of them rolling with it creepy).

Weird Science is terrible. The scene where Anthony Michael Hall gets drink and starts jive talking to the black patrons of the bar is so cringey.

lol poor Anthony Michael Hall, he can't catch a break.

I guess I'll die another day...

Made slightly better by the fact it's (a) something Pierce Brosnan hated as well and (b) it's friggin hilarious. x)

Anyways. I loooove Trading Places. I still think it's a one-of-a-kind with a great premise....but then this ...

...really kills the mood nowadays. I hate it too, because him entering in with his ""disguise"" is what gives them up to the bad guy.
But I mean...I know a bunch of movies that did this...It was just a go-to for shock-comedy. :/ But it really taints it now.

Too many to name, but a lot of movies had "I'm not a f*g" in some way as well (latest I remember hearing was in 2008 for a garbage Dane Cook movie ...who called himself this for crying at a movie...).
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Apr 24, 2018
I remember loving Superbad when it first came out. I saw it again for the first time in about 12 years a few months back and i thought it was unfunny and i didn't enjoy it like i did back in the day. It's crazy how one's taste can change thought the years.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
Ace Ventura for sure. Watched it recently and had forgotten t about the ending.
Yeah, I'm ashamed I found that part so funny as a kid.
The Polar Express is the most ugly movie of all time.
That film was always shit, even when the CG was cutting edge.

That song that is literally just Tom Hanks shouting "HOT CHOCOLATE!" over and over. Fuck me. It was one of my ex's favourite films, and in retrospect that was a damning indictment of her as a person.


Oct 25, 2017
Sin City, though the source material hasn't either.

Yeah this one was really disappointing. Does every single woman have to be ooozing sex?? >___>

While good, Total Recall looks old even for something from 1990.

It's still got that 80s stink all over it, yeah.

Oh which reminds me:
These two

There's Something About "Blade Runner" | Features | Roger Ebert

A new look at the role of hero and villain in Ridley Scott's "Blade Runner."

Ace Ventura for sure. Watched it recently and had forgotten t about the ending.

I still love the humour in these movies even if the ending didn't land. I thought it was clever enough to have the culprit totally disguised, but it's just the gross and unnecessary reaction to it that's horrible. ... (okay the psychiatric institution isn't great either, but the physical comedy of Jim Carry exploding out of a box kills me).
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