
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Wild that compared to Mando and Boba Fett, this show's music was the least memorable


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Anyone saying that none or even most of the post -Disney Star Wars scores aren't good or memorable has some big "bitch eating crackers" syndrome

Hyun Sai

Oct 27, 2017
I only remember the Mandalorian theme from the recent star wars composers to be honest. Perhaps also Boba Fett, but it doesn't stay as much in my memory.


Oct 27, 2017
I really need to push back on the idea that because something isn't hummable like a Street Fighter 2 tune doesn't mean it's good or memorable.

Look at Howard Shore's Silence Of The Lambs, has sections that aren't short enough to be hummable by the average person, yet a very memorable soundtrack. Same goes for his LOTR OST.


Oct 25, 2017
John Williams undoubtedly did better and more iconic work for the prequels than the sequels, but let's not forget that he was ~67 when he did TPM and ~82 when he did TFA. I realise inspiration doesn't necessarily follow a linear path, but you can't expect him to keep putting of work of the same astounding quality as his prequel work again and again.

For what it's worth, a never really liked Rey's theme too much. Sounds like something more suited to Harry Potter. For me, Duel of the Fates and Anakin's Dark Deeds are better examples of how you can broaden Star Wars' sonic palette and still have something that feels fresh and recognisably like Star Wars.

I say this as someone who likes the first two films of the ST and thinks the PT is mostly garbage.

As for Obi Wan Kenobi's score, it was generic, low budget nothingness. Why did they have to ask permission to use Williams' iconic themes? Even random games use the music liberally.


Oct 26, 2017
Is "Asking John Williams for permission" a recent thing or something? Because I don't remember usage of Williams' themes was such a big deal before. I mean, every single Star Wars videogame used stuff from the Star Wars movie soundtracks. I doubt that for every game they called Williams to ask if he was okay with using the songs.

This whole "We don't know if we have permission"-thing is super odd. Surely Disney/Lucasfilm owns the rights.


Oct 25, 2017
Kylo's theme slaps, big part of what made his introduction in TFA memorable. There's definitely good shit musically in the Disney Star Wars era, its just nowhere near as consistently brilliant as we were once used to for this franchise.


Nov 3, 2017
You have to remember that part of what makes you think the music is "good" is tied to the fact that what you were seeing was good. And not to mention that you've seen these movies 100 times, and heard the music in countless games over and over. Add that to the fact that stylistically most of John Williams's music is very similar. So movies like Indiana Jones, E.T., Jaws, and Super Man all have similar themes to Star Wars. I'd be willing to bet most people only remember one theme from Jaws (as you've seen it the least). It isn't that you remember them because John Williams is good, but because the movies are damn good as well and all tied to a certain era of film. Though, he is good.

That is what makes it even more insane they don't just take his scores and use them intermittently in the new shows. Why not? You are using everything else from the movies. It is literally banking on nostalgia. Can you imagine if Nintendo tried to make any of their Mario or Zelda games without the old themes? They literally run on nostalgia fuel. Stop trying to pretend Star Wars is anything more than that.


Sep 3, 2018
This is all so frustrating to me. If Williams really has final say on whether Disney gets to use his themes, that's a completely untenable situation. I don't think the Kenobi show needed wall to wall Williams music, but even as little as just 15-30 seconds of classic themes per episode would've helped a lot, in my opinion.

I imagine this is not a legal issue, but more of "we shouldn't make Williams unhappy' kind of thing. From my understanding this might largely stem from some disagreements around the Rogue One soundtrack, which Williams apparently was very unhappy with at first, to the point that they had to make some big large minute changes. Williams was also reportedly angry about not being offered the job of scoring that movie.

Also, bizarrely, Williams now somehow has more creative control over the music in projects he's not the primary composer of, than the ones he actually scored. Since Lucas, Abrams and other Star Wars directors has always been free to cut up his music as much as they wanted to fit the overall movie they were making.

I do wonder, though, if this is gonna lead to a case where Williams' estate is making these kinds of decisions, which I think would be even weirder than where we're at now. It's also all so weirdly arbitrary, since they're apparently free to use the themes in animation and video games as much as they want.

At least I can stop being frustrated with Deborah Cho's and Natalie Holt's decisions regarding the music in Kenobi, and instead direct my frustration towards Williams, where they clearly belong.


Oct 28, 2017
The whole audio mix on this show was underwhelming, not just the music. Going from obiwan to stranger things it felt like I got a whole new sound system with how much better stranger things sounded.

Astro Cat

Mar 29, 2019
All I wanted was Duel of the Fates during the final showdown and I'll never understand that decision.


Oct 25, 2017
I imagine this is not a legal issue, but more of "we shouldn't make Williams unhappy' kind of thing. From my understanding this might largely stem from some disagreements around the Rogue One soundtrack, which Williams apparently was very unhappy with at first, to the point that they had to make some big large minute changes. Williams was also reportedly angry about not being offered the job of scoring that movie.




Oct 25, 2017
"Actually, if we were going to use the Vader theme, I don't think we should use it until episode six, because he's still half Anakin, half Vader at this point. When his mask cracks open at the end, and he says 'You didn't kill Anakin Skywalker. I did,' you realize now he's Vader, now he's earned his 'Imperial March'." Now when you hear it, it's so powerful. Deborah didn't want that theme playing every time you see Darth Vader, she wanted to explore his journey to get there.

yeah I was annoyed by the lack of imperial march, but when I saw it all play out... it was wonderful saving it for the very end.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe don't let this person score any more Star Wars. Not a single memorable track was created.

I don't really think it's her fault. Her music for Loki was absolutely incredible.

The problem with Obi-Wan is that the source material is so bland and generic there wasn't much of anything to squeeze out of it musically.


Prophet of Regret
Oct 25, 2017
The most puzzling for me is that she composed the Loki music, and it was quite delightful and kinda quirky I liked her work there. Which is all the more disappointing.

You're encapsulating perfectly my complaints as well. She's a great composer but her score here sucks and REALLY brought down the show at times. I've seen several rescores for the pivotal scenes and it's a tragedy how much her music lessened the impacts.

I don't really think it's her fault. Her music for Loki was absolutely incredible.

The problem with Obi-Wan is that the source material is so bland and generic there wasn't much of anything to squeeze out of it musically.

This certainly makes her job harder but it doesn't excuse the score we got. There are plenty of shitty movies/shows out there that have fantastic scores. Lady in the Water is my favorite example.


Sep 16, 2020
Lack of legacy themes aren't the most egregious part of the score. The complete lack of any memorable music is the problem, the mandalorian has a brand new score and has numerous memorable themes, the main theme for example, the book of boba fett to a lesser degree as well, the main theme is dope. The music is the most underwhelming part of an already quite underwhelming series, saved only by a few amazing moments carried by good performances by some of the actors.

Exactly this. The lack of themes would be forgivable if the original material wasn't so bland and generic. It's a workmanlike score that shows zero passion for the material.

It's particularly baffling because her score for Loki was incredibly distinctive and otherworldly.


Oct 28, 2017
Everything about Kenobi show was underwhelming despite filled with staffs with strong resume working behind the scenes --- director, cinematographer, music. It's weird.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This certainly makes her job harder but it doesn't excuse the score we got. There are plenty of shitty movies/shows out there that have fantastic scores. Lady in the Water is my favorite example.

I think the problem is just that modern Disney Wars, as a film universe, just doesn't have the kind of flexibility or creative wackiness necessary to pull off something like the blending of the Loki theme with Flight of the Valkyries from the penultimate episode of Loki.

It's just a bland universe run by boring people who want everything to be as safe as possible. And considering the point of comparison I'm making here is Marvel, which is also known for being extremely safe, that speaks to just how bland Star Wars has become.

Jerry Goldsmith made a career out of making great scores for underwhelming movies.

That's not entirely what I mean. I'm saying that creatively, modern Star Wars is so fucking bankrupt and empty that it's literally holding back the people who could make it better.


Oct 27, 2017
It's just another example of how badly this IP needs to move on from these old characters. If we had a new setting and characters then we wouldn't need to rely on 40 year old music cues that belong to a nonagenarian.

A galaxy to explore and everything is focused around one family and a few desert planets.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't mind if they don't use legacy themes but I would like more prevalence given to scores like they used to. The scores user to soar in and around the visuals and now everyone seems to try to hide them underneath the film or show.


Oct 25, 2017
The most puzzling for me is that she composed the Loki music, and it was quite delightful and kinda quirky I liked her work there. Which is all the more disappointing.
I was pretty disappointed.
I loved Loki's score a lot for how memorable and interesting it was and I still listen to it here and there.

I was hoping she'd be able to bring that same freshness to Star Wars but it sounds like that was stifled. :( The score for Obi-wan didn't do anything for me.
Wow, her work on Loki was so good.

The Obi-Wan soundtrack did not compare at all.
I don't really think it's her fault. Her music for Loki was absolutely incredible.
It's particularly baffling because her score for Loki was incredibly distinctive and otherworldly.

Time constraints might be a factor explaining the quality difference between Loki and Obi-Wan Kenobi:


‘Obi-Wan Kenobi’ Composer Breaks Down Her ‘Star Wars’ Sound and Reveals Cherished John Williams’ Gift

On the heels of the Disney+ series' official trailer, Natalie Holt discusses building new themes for planets and Stormtroopers and where she falls in the canon of 'Star Wars' composers.
What was the biggest challenge of scoring for this series?

I wish I'd had more time, but you know, we all say that. (Laughs.) It's that part where you get to run-off and record some things and play around a bit. Loki had the pandemic happen in the middle of it, so I think we had like an extra four months or something because it was lockdown. And things just took longer in that period of time. Now everyone's kind of getting back up to speed again. I miss the luxurious extra month to create. But now everyone and everything's in person, which is also amazing. I got to go over to L.A. and be in the same room as Deborah and record with the orchestra there in the room. That was so special to have that live experience with this project.


Oct 27, 2017
Has anyone played Shadows of the Empire in the last…decade? I'm 75% sure it's nostalgia, but I feel that music stuck with me more as "star wars" than any of the three series music so far.
Jul 24, 2018
I don't really miss it in the games, after 100s of hours in them it kinda removes some of the joy out of various peices of music when you here it over and over again.

The music was definitely the weakest of the three live action shows but I honestly didn't notice the lack of legacy themes until it was pointed out.
I find it jarring without them and I never got tired of it personally.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 27, 2017
Lack of legacy themes aren't the most egregious part of the score. The complete lack of any memorable music is the problem, the mandalorian has a brand new score and has numerous memorable themes, the main theme for example, the book of boba fett to a lesser degree as well, the main theme is dope. The music is the most underwhelming part of an already quite underwhelming series, saved only by a few amazing moments carried by good performances by some of the actors.
Nailed it.

Easily the worst soundtrack for any Star Wars film/television project, so much of it feels like stock or placeholder tracks to convey the tone of a scene before things are locked down with the final score. It really undercuts a series that could have really used a boost to try and elevate the (mostly) underwhelming story beats.


Jan 2, 2018
My kid has this toy "Dino car" that plays a song that has all of the notes from the Jurrassic Park theme, but arranged differently and in a different order. Like a bootleg Jurassic Park toy.

The whole time watching the show, the music reminded me of that toy.
Jul 24, 2018
I just played enough Galactic Battlegrounds that everything used in that game is now more associated with it than the actual movies.
So I'm not against the fanfare not being used for every Star Wars Fame but something like Fallen Order or that KOTOR remake could do with one. I really liked them for the various class stories in SWTOR
Oct 25, 2017
I don't really think it's her fault. Her music for Loki was absolutely incredible.

The problem with Obi-Wan is that the source material is so bland and generic there wasn't much of anything to squeeze out of it musically.
I mean the freaking "kids cartoon" Rebels went so much harder on even the original bits of its soundtrack compared to the biggest show on Disney+
In addition to the fact that they aren't putting out any Star Wars movies so these shows are STAR WARS and they released it with that pathetic nothingness


Kanan and the Fire | Star Wars: Rebels Season 4 OST

In their attempt to escape from Lothal's capital, Kanan sacrifices himself to save his family.Music composed by Kevin Kiner. Star Wars: Rebels belongs to Luc...

Star Wars Rebels Season 2 OST - Journey Into the Star Cluster

Last edited:


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Can't say I remember any of the music in any of the new star wars media since Disney bought it.
Rey's theme and the March of the resistence are superb tracks, also Obi Wan's theme is so good, all done by John Williams, in fact I really lack his work in the sequels.
Mando's and Boba's themes are awesome, both done by Ludwig Goranson.
Basically eveything that WIlliams and Goranson have done in the DIsney era has been good to great.


May 20, 2019
Rey's theme and the March of the resistence are superb tracks, also Obi Wan's theme is so good, all done by John Williams, in fact I really lack his work in the sequels.
Mando's and Boba's themes are awesome, both done by Ludwig Goranson.
Basically eveything that WIlliams and Goranson have done in the DIsney era has been good to great.

I totally agree with this. Michael Giacchino's Rogue One score has some great leitmotifs as well. His Imperial theme and Stardust are both really good.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I totally agree with this. Michael Giacchino's Rogue One score has some great leitmotifs as well. His Imperial theme and Stardust are both really good.
Giacchino's work has been disappointing me since after Star Trek into de darkness (in my subjective opinion his last great work), not that I think he has done bad music, just that it hasn't been as great as his past works, especially not as great as what he did on LOST.

I didn't hate Rogue One's score, I just think it was close to greatness but failed to achieve it, even though I loved his track when Vader is in the hallway, but I can't exactly complain abotu that socre given he had less than 5 weeks to work on it.


May 20, 2019
Giacchino's work has been disappointing me since after Star Trek into de darkness (in my subjective opinion his last great work), not that I think he has done bad music, just that it hasn't been as great as his past works, especially not as great as what he did on LOST.

I didn't hate Rogue One's score, I just think it was close to greatness but failed to achieve it, even though I loved his track when Vader is in the hallway, but I can't exactly complain abotu that socre given he had less than 5 weeks to work on it.

That's fair. I agree that Rogue One's score isn't GREAT, but I do think it has some memorable stuff.

Crossing Eden

Oct 26, 2017
I mean the freaking "kids cartoon" Rebels went so much harder on even the original bits of its soundtrack compared to the biggest show on Disney+
In addition to the fact that they aren't putting out any Star Wars movies so these shows are STAR WARS and they released it with that pathetic nothingness
Honestly it can't be understated that they went ham with rebels. Like a character's introduction was some shit straight out of dark souls

and the slow buildup during this scene is simply a chef's kiss.

So much that it's instantly recognizable

Like I can never cosign the opinion that SW under Disney doesn't have memorable music.


Oct 27, 2017
The music was underwhelming, but that's not the "real" problem with the show.
It suffers from bad writing, camera work, and lack of fucking scale just like all the other live action Star Wars shows so far.