
Oct 25, 2017
Hope the state eats him alive. We don't need another W style rehabilitation for these fascists.


Oct 27, 2017
As unfortunate as it may be, there is some sense to this. It honestly risks keeping Trump relevant and in the forefront of the news when Biden is trying to accomplish other things. Let states like New York do their thing without the political fallout that may occur if it comes from the Biden administration. Biden can avoid being able to be painted as going on a political "witch hunt", which would play into the right wing narrative ("Oh, they stole the election and now they're coming after conservatives")


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
Cleveland, OH
Reposting from PoliERA:

One thing we've learned from the Bill Barr DoJ is that U.S. attorneys value their independence and aren't easily coaxed into investigating or not investigating things due to pressure from above.

The U.S. attorneys are going to do their thing, and I don't anticipate that Biden or his AG will interfere, even if they might want to.
That was my takeaway too. That Biden also said that he won't interfere with whatever the Justice Department wants to do, plus any state charges that may await Trump in New York, show that Trump may be wrapped up in legal battles for the next few years or so.


Oct 27, 2017
Lmao this first page is full of apologists. A lot of you call Trump a fascist and say things like "Mango Mussolini", but he shouldn't be prosecuted federally because???? Which is it? Is he an existential threat or not? Some of ya'll just really wanna go back to brunch.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck that.

This won't be a popular statement on this board, but I think this is the right move for Biden's administration. Any step we can take to reduce partisan bullshit at the federal level needs to happen. Further polarization and demonization of the "other party" is untenable for our democracy at this point.
Ah yes, the let powerful corrupt assholes get away with it doctrine totally served us well and definitely helped reduce partisanship....


Oct 25, 2017
It's the smart move. Federally, he's a former President, and it would likely be very challenging to get him on Federal charges.

State level, that's an entirety different ballgame.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
The President should NEVER be involved in DoJ decisions. This is good. This is how it's supposed to operate.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm fucking sick of hearing about Trump, let the states do whatever they want. Move on.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't think Biden personally should be the one to chase it, as it will just add to the cult of MAGA's persecution complex over Trump and their desire to martyr him as some kind of political prisoner...

However there should 100% be some high level investigations into Trump, his family, the businesses, sexual assault cases and whatever else that was being suppressed while he was president and protected.


Oct 25, 2017
I understand not investigating what has happened while he was sitting President, as that seems to be the role of the House and Senate (and leads to nothing as we saw already). But if he is going to ask the DoJ to stop any investigations that are feom things prior to Trump becoming President, I think this is a horrible idea. There is no reason why there should not be investigations on crimes commited before January 20, 2017, as otherwise it just means that once you become President you are immune to criminal prosecution, which is shitty precedant to set.
Pretty sure he's just positioning himself as above the fray while letting the DOJ and the states do what they want.

But there's nothing America hates more than confronting and reckoning with its failures, so.
I hope that is the case. IRS investigations should continue, along with States using their rights to prosecute.

Deleted member 69501

User requested account closure
May 16, 2020
"But the most important thing on this is that he will not interfere with his Justice Department and not politicize his Justice Department."

Some of y'all need to learn how to read before you react.

This was always going to happen. A sitting president directing members of his staff to prosecutes a very popular former president...I cannot see how this could possible come back to bite you in the ass

Deleted member 33057

One Winged Slayer
Nov 14, 2017
There are so many priorities that he should be focusing his time on, so I get it.

the House, DOJ and State AGs on the other hand can and should go crazy with the investigations.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
If there's anything America hates more than truth, it's reconciliation.

Far easier to have a negative peace full of empty unity than actually do the difficult work of seeking justice.


Jan 16, 2018


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao this first page is full of apologists. A lot of you call Trump a fascist and say things like "Mango Mussolini", but he shouldn't be prosecuted federally because???? Which is it? Is he an existential threat or not? Some of ya'll just really wanna go back to brunch.
He should be prosecuted and held accountable for his crimes. That doesn't require Biden to make prosecuting him a personal, Presidency-defining crusade.


Oct 26, 2017
Biden is in a damned if you do and damned if you don't situation. Just in this thread, liberals want justice for the things the orange clown did. But the right would see it as e witch hunt confirming trump distorted view that everyone is working to get him. Even if things brought against him are fair.

The country is very divided and throwing trump in prison will further the divide. While some people seem to ignore this divide, at some point it will turn into something very dangerous. It's why biden wants to avoid it. He wants to work to fix the country and not make the presidency about trump. Which would be ideal for trump after he leaves office imo as it will keep him in the spot light. The state attorney general would still go after him.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 19, 2018
So Biden is going to pardon him for any wrongdoings.
No, and he's not preventing others from investigating and/or prosecuting him. He's just not going to push for it himself.

It really is the best move and looks far less vengeful this way. There will be a line of people looking to make Trump pay, so focusing on the country over Trump is a good thing.


Oct 28, 2017
Let the DoJ decide that.
And also, let the states decide that.
Biden doesn't need to put it out there that he himself directed his DoJ to investigate the previous president. It sets a bad precedent going forward, tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
You all know

"But the most important thing on this is that he will not interfere with his Justice Department and not politicize his Justice Department."

Is a really important sentence, yeah? The story isn't that Biden's administration won't prosecute Trump, it's that Biden will not interfere with whatever the DoJ decides to do. Which means a federal prosecution is possible, but won't be at the orders of Biden.

Unless you all want the Biden version of the Saturday Night Massacre or Bill Barr?


Oct 25, 2017
Lmao this first page is full of apologists. A lot of you call Trump a fascist and say things like "Mango Mussolini", but he shouldn't be prosecuted federally because???? Which is it? Is he an existential threat or not? Some of ya'll just really wanna go back to brunch.

We're saying Biden doesn't make that call. Not directly. And that's how it's supposed to be, because the office of the Presidency is explicitly politicized, whereas the FBI and DOJ are (supposed to be) neutral.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Look, we all know he said he wouldn't get in the way of investigations. But if he's signaling this, it's a step removed from that. He needs to clarify his position, because the last thing that will heal this country is letting this administration get away with what it's done, and still doing.

If all else fails, there's still the state charges, but if Biden really goes down this path it sets a terrible tone for his presidency already.


Oct 25, 2017
The dude has committed crimes against humanity and lesser crimes. What does that say to Americans when they see leaders get away with that shit?

Deleted member 8752

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
You aren't protecting America from another psychopathic demagogue if you shield them from consequences after one wreaks havoc.
That's not true. There's always the danger of another Trump around the corner, regardless of what happens to the one we have. Think about it, has any conviction in history have ever truly deterred other bad actors from committing similar crimes? You cannot eradicate corruption. The only way forward is to continue to educate the voter base.
Fuck that.

Ah yes, the let powerful corrupt assholes get away with it doctrine totally served us well and definitely helped reduce partisanship....
Hey, like it or not, Trump appeals to millions of people. It's better to make him old news than continue to focus the country's attention on him.


Oct 25, 2017
I thought it was understood - even in other threads in this forum - that the Federal govt wasn't supposed to be doing anything explicitly, but instead NYS?

Why is there any controversy in not having the Federal govt go after Trump?


Oct 25, 2017
Aaaand. That right there just signaled the Fall of the American Empire. Historians will look back at this moment and think "what a stupid decision"

Can't wait for the next grifter to break things even worse because there are no consequences!
Oct 25, 2017
so let him stay out of it, biden himself can stay relatively quiet on the topic, sure. keep him out of it
other people will be spearheading the legal proceedings
make someone else the face of that work
there must be accountability
biden himself can take a step back from that but it should proceed regardless
doesnt make sense for him to be personally involved anyway


Oct 27, 2017
We can't let Trump become the next Reagan. His ass needs to face consequences so the right can't prop him up as their next deity.


Oct 31, 2017
Alliance, OH
This is disappointing if this comes true. And it may bite Biden in the butt if his lack of action allows Trump to run for reelection in 2024 and maybe beat him. But as the article mentions, Biden's investigations or lack of them do not affect state investigations, and it seems like New York state if further along than anyone towards prosecuting Trump and maybe his family too. Your thoughts?

Honestly, Biden has way more pressing issues when he gets into office. The health crisis and economic crisis (in that order) will be huge mountains to climb,. The best thing he can do is let things playout for Trump as they will.

Let the states do their thing and we can stop giving Trump the attention he craves. The worst thing for him is to be ignored and forgotten.

Trump will be wrecked by divorce (that's coming), the state of NY going after him and his whole family, massive debt collections, his foreign interests that he let down.. etc, etc. His world is going to crash down FAST.