
Oct 25, 2017
Over on TheForce.Net, one of the lit board's posters got a hold of the upcoming The Star Wars Archives: Episodes I - III and has been leaking details from it. The book primarily focuses on the prequel trilogy, but there are a few times that George gets into some of his ideas for the ST. Here's the original thread if you want to read it yourself: https://boards.theforce.net/threads/star-wars-archives-episode-1-3-the-prequels.50055016/

First, some intriguing ideas from his PT backstory, just to get those out of the way:


Some further clarification on the light and dark sides of the Force and Rule of Two above, including something I don't believe I've ever seen George say before, which is that there was no war between the Jedi and Sith. The Sith destroyed themselves and the Jedi came in to clean up the mess. Obviously this changed by the time we get to TCW, where it's mentioned that the Jedi and Sith fought wars in ancient times using kyber-powered superweapons.

Another detail that George seems to have changed his mind on by the time of TCW, but which the OP mentions on TFN, is that at one point Syfo Dias was going to be an apprentice that Sidious had before Maul.

And now for the stuff you probably care more about.

George's ideas for the ST evolved over time, and the things discussed in the book don't quite seem to match up with what we already learned from the art books or previous interviews. So this could be some of the earliest ideas, prior to the development of Kira, Hobo Luke, etc. It seems like the plot was going to start much sooner than the 30 year time skip that it ultimately ended up at. I'll just quote the relevant posts from TFN here since they're already summaries/paraphrases.

Darth Maul was in it thx to his TCW resurrection and his apprentice was Darth Talon lifted from the comics.

Inspiration was among others post-Iraq war rebuilding and and people not letting go starting their own nation and making trouble, like ISIS.

PT was the Father, OT, the son, ST would focus on the Daughter and Grandchildren both, hence Leia and offspring.

Prominent criminal elements like Hutts and gangsters feature into the story.

Set few years after ROTJ with the first movie already!

Luke searching for Forcesensitives to train, be it little kids or survivors of the former wars.

When it comes to the Chosen One... it's Leia or rather ended up being her. She is the hope and the one rebuilding and reuniting where others in her family were more destroying the old and sickened parts that ruined the past. Luke too rebuilds, but Leia is more the rebuilder than him.


The following is a quote by George Lucas:
"There's something like 100.000 times more Whills than there are midi-chlorians and there's about 10.000 times more midi-chlorians than there are human cells."


Paul Duncan: "You introduced Midi-chlorians in Episode 1 as indicators of the Force."
George Lucas: "This is the cosmology. The Force is the energy, the fuel, and without it everything would fall apart. The Force is a metaphor for God, and God is essentially unknoweable. But behind it is another metaphor that, which fits so well into the movie, I couldn't resist it."

Later on, he also goes into the difference between the, as he calls it "Personal Force" and the "Cosmic Force". One's own energy created by ones own cells and body, vs. the cosmic energy our energy returns to as our body dissolves upon death.

Some of you might recall that there are already known earlier Lucas quotes about the Whills that sounded rather disturbing:

"From Wookieepedia:
In the 2018 book James Cameron's Story of Science Fiction, Star Wars creator George Lucas explained that he intended the Whills to be microbiotic beings who fed off the Force and controlled the entire universe. They were capable of creating certain destinies for people, such as the Chosen One prophecy."

This is still true and heavily expanded and explained in Archives so that it no longer sounds as dark as it did previously out of context. The Whills feeding off the Force is another natural symbiosis and why they need the Force to stay strong and alive for without it they'd die. Hence them manipulating events for balance and upholding that symbiosis.

Or if you want the short version:


What do you think?

Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I think the underlying story concept is a lot more intriguing as a continuation of the Original Trilogy than what we got in the Sequel Trilogy(which is just another rehash of the Empire as the villains), but I would have to know way more to make any sort of judgment about it as the overall conclusion of the Skywalker Saga. Including new characters and more specific story beats.

I think Darth Maul being the big baddie would be way more interesting than the return of Palpatine.


Oct 31, 2017
It sounds cool but it doesn't seem like it would make for a very good mainline movie trilogy. Sounds like something out of an EU comic book series or something


Oct 28, 2017
Sounds more interesting than what we got, I hope someday Disney will do something with this like maybe a comic or something


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Maul becoming the new big bad is kinda weird...but better than using the Emperor again, I suppose.

El Bombastico

Oct 25, 2017
Lucas didnt create her


Darth Talon

Darth Talon was a female Lethan Twi'lek who became a Sith Lady in Darth Krayt's One Sith in 137 ABY. Talon was styled with black Sith tattoos covering her body including her head and lekku; each tattoo had been earned in ritual combat and inscribed by Krayt himself. As a Sith apprentice, she was...

I'm well aware. Legacy is my SW favorite comic series. But Talon's aesthetic hasn't aged well...

Rodney McKay

Oct 26, 2017
I think it's kinda cool. Don't know how if or how the Whills would play into the main story other than just being a physical explanation for "fate" (same way midi chlorians were just a physical explanation for the Force, which didn't end up being a big part of the PT).

Sucks that Solo bombed and we might not get crime-lord Darth Maul (well, maybe still in the Obi Wan show if that's still happening).

The only thing i really want from Star Wars going forward is more new things. Not just new ships or characters, but stories beyond STRONG BADGUYS vs. GOOD UNDERDOGS.
Oct 25, 2017
I can only imagine the amount of hoops they would have to jump through to have Maul still being alive after ROTJ, and not being some old geezer.


Oct 30, 2017
It's my dream to have a movie about microbiotic organisms who manipulate and control the entire universe.

The Silver

Oct 28, 2017
The inspiration behind it, post Iraq war, power vacuums and smaller terrorist groups rising up as the Republic tries to find itself again is really what the sequels should have been about.

But we got OT redux.


Oct 25, 2017
There wasn't really much of anything to Darth Maul until the Clone Wars animated series, where he was fleshed out really well and became an interesting villain. I think this plot, in the right hands, would have put the franchise in a better place than the recent movies --- but I also agree that it would probably work better in graphic novel format or even as a tv/animated series.


Oct 25, 2017
I would have been down for it.

I figure this partly plays into the live action show about the underworld of Coruscant he was developing before it got cancelled.

Same with Star Wars 1313 exploring something similar.

I suppose the stuff that they did with Darth Maul in Solo counts as George's idea making it in.
Nov 2, 2017
Very interesting, but I think would work better as a live action series vs a movie. It doesn't seem to have the bombast movies would require.

I love that Lucas was willing to use Maul though, even though it absolutely wasn't his idea to bring him back in the first place. And his love of sticking Talon with Maul just because they are red and black is the funniest thing.

I'm sad that we didn't get the story of rebuilding. That's what I wanted to see.


Oct 27, 2017
I like it, as someone said above it's like an actual sequel story to the OT rather than just doing it over with different takes. Maul actually is set up in other media for doing his own thing including the crime syndicate so I'm game to see it explored. (poor Solo cliffhanger)


Sep 9, 2020
Very interesting, but I think would work better as a live action series vs a movie. It doesn't seem to have the bombast movies would require.

I love that Lucas was willing to use Maul though, even though it absolutely wasn't his idea to bring him back in the first place. And his love of sticking Talon with Maul just because they are red and black is the funniest thing.

I'm sad that we didn't get the story of rebuilding. That's what I wanted to see.
*pushes toys of Maul & Talon together*
"They're friends"


Oct 28, 2017
i mean, if he would have not let 30 years past, maybe they could have done this.

but there is no way this would be made on 2012.


Alt account
Nov 1, 2019
I would have been down for it.

I figure this partly plays into the live action show about the underworld of Coruscant he was developing before it got cancelled.

Same with Star Wars 1313 exploring something similar.

I suppose the stuff that they did with Darth Maul in Solo counts as George's idea making it in.

One thing that bothered me is that we have not been back to Coruscant hell it was not even mentioned in the sequel trilogy.

I think it's weird given that it was the capitol of the republic, the empire and a city were major events happened.

The city was quite important in both books, comics, games and the animated shows.

I was so confused as to why lucasfilm seem to shy away from the city in live action


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
One thing that bothered me is that we have not been back to Coruscant hell it was not even mentioned in the sequel trilogy.

I think it's weird given that it was the capitol of the republic, the empire and a city were major events happened.

The city was quite important in both books, comics, games and the animated shows.

I was so confused as to why lucasfilm seem to shy away from the city in live action
They purposefully moved away from Corucsant because it represented alot of what fans disliked about the prequels.