Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
I mean good but indoor dining and gyms are still open right? :/


Dec 23, 2017
Lock it all down again. It's only going to get worse during the holidays if we don't act now.


Oct 25, 2017
Other things should have been closed before schools honestly. Should have kept them open till you can't.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean good but indoor dining and gyms are still open right? :/

Yup, Cuomo is gonna wait as long as possible before doing that, partly due to states finances but also to feed his ego. Our numbers are gonna keep going up as long as indoor dining is allowed, I pass some restaurants and just shake my head at the amount of maskless people inside. Closing schools isn't really going to accomplish anything


Oct 25, 2017
Ontario is at 4.5% and our buffoon of a premier just keeps repeating "everything is on the table" in regards to options, and doing nothing.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Sad for NYC and hoping we can stave off the sort of hospitalization and death rate that we saw in the Spring. Treatment and knowledge about the virus has come along way, and the near universal mask wearing in the NOrth east helps.

Isn't this still the first wave?

No, especially for regions like the North East, where you had a spike in March-May, a lull from May-Oct (or so), and then now we're firmly in the second wave.

As a country though it was really just a rolling wave throughout the whole summer, and it's sad for me to look at regions outside of the North East or PAc West, who could have learned from our failures in March and APril and prepared themselves better.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Yup, Cuomo is gonna wait as long as possible before doing that, partly due to states finances but also to feed his ego. Our numbers are gonna keep going up as long as indoor dining is allowed, I pass some restaurants and just shake my head at the amount of maskless people inside. Closing schools isn't really going to accomplish anything
Oct 27, 2017
Isn't this still the first wave?
I thought it was the 3rd?
This is really just the second clear wave in NY. Nothing happened over the summer. And since it is mostly due to an environmental change (cooler weather, more indoor activity) it's kind of silly not to consider it a distinct wave, even if nothing changed with the virus itself.

Also, for reference in absolute case numbers, the real daily case peak in NY in spring was probably upwards of 80K. The state is at 5K per day now which is technically half of the confirmed case peak but is still nowhere near the real peak (not that we want to see it get even half that bad ever again).


Oct 25, 2017

Hopefully we'll grit our teeth and do what needs to be done instead of bitching about everything else that's still open, because the main point is stay the fuck inside

...but I know we won't. :(


That's some catch, that catch-22
General Manager
Oct 25, 2017
Wear your damn mask. That's all you need to do, wear the damn mask.
Dec 12, 2017
Yup, Cuomo is gonna wait as long as possible before doing that, partly due to states finances but also to feed his ego. Our numbers are gonna keep going up as long as indoor dining is allowed, I pass some restaurants and just shake my head at the amount of maskless people inside. Closing schools isn't really going to accomplish anything
Indoor dining has existed in NYS for months though, since June. It's straight false to say the numbers are up JUST due to indoor dining. Cuomo won't put up more restrictions until the hospitals are overrun.


Oct 25, 2017
So incredibly glad I moved out of NYC prior to Covid.

My son is in a infinitely better school district, that was already prepared for remote learning back in April. Everyone got a laptop. And we only spend $8000 per student compared to NYC and it's laughably terrible for a 50% college ready rate at $25k per student.

Best funded school district in the country with the worst results.

Wear your damn mask. That's all you need to do, wear the damn mask

NYC has damn near 100% mask compliance even on the sidewalk. The problem is the city in its collective idiocy (and AOC approved) does not build housing. The primary spread in the city was overcrowded housing (demonstrated by elmhurst and corona being devastated).

The city refused to legalize housing construction since 1963.

Poorer families (elmhurst/corona) are typically 1 family to a bedroom because of that.

The Albatross

Oct 25, 2017
Public schools were open?

Yeah, and it was generally seen as successful. They tracked it by hard metrics, mandated masks, and also ramped up testing in all of the public schools, testing healthy people regularly. This spike in NYC seems less to do with the hybrid school model from ~Sept and more to do with the naturally cooling weather and what everybody suspected ... that this fall and winter is going to fucking suck.


Oct 25, 2017
Unless the data is massively different in other places, where I am atm indoor dining isn't anywhere near the main cause. The main causes are large areas with hundreds of people in there for hours at a time. So churches, weddings, extended family gatherings, schools, etc.

Closing "indoor dining" isn't gonna do anything except kill more businesses. And no matter what, shit is gonna get worse over the winter.

House parties/gatherings are also a huge issue.
Oct 27, 2017
Indoor dining should absolutely close. But it's been open in most of the state for months, and while limited capacity only opened in NYC relatively recently, NYC also isn't rising as fast as other parts of the state.

It's just fall conditions are starting to overwhelm the existing mitigations.


Oct 27, 2017
Ontario is at 4.5% and our buffoon of a premier just keeps repeating "everything is on the table" in regards to options, and doing nothing.
AB at 7%. You guys got nothing on our fucking premier, amazingly

And conveniently, detailed provincial testing data is unavailable online due to "technical errors"


Oct 25, 2017
So incredibly glad I moved out of NYC prior to Covid.

My son is in a infinitely better school district, that was already prepared for remote learning back in April. Everyone got a laptop. And we only spend $8000 per student compared to NYC and it's laughably terrible for a 50% college ready rate at $25k per student.

Best funded school district in the country with the worst results.

C'mon man.

How many people live in your new city/state?

What are the demographics?

I mean, I'm actually happy for you individually here, but any discussion about what it costs to do things in NYC versus anywhere else will never be a legitimate apples-to-apples deal.

Deleted member 46493

User requested account closure
Aug 7, 2018
Personally I've stayed safe and seen very few people but since August I've noticed people my age and older (22-early 30s) are back to IRL dating, house parties, etc. Lot of Halloween parties where not everyone knows each other in small apartments. And yes, these are all educated office workers who voted blue.

I would bet that's it vs. indoor dining or schools.


Oct 28, 2017
Meanwhile here in Omaha we hit 32% the other day and nothing! There's a sub shortage so classes have to merge together if someone can't cover. Fucking idiots running things.


Oct 25, 2017
Personally I've stayed safe and seen very few people but since August I've noticed people my age and older (22-early 30s) are back to IRL dating, house parties, etc. Lot of Halloween parties where not everyone knows each other in small apartments. And yes, these are all educated office workers who voted blue.

I would bet that's it vs. indoor dining or schools.

That is it. The data is in that responsibly managed indoor dining does not cause any kind of mass spread. Putting 40 young people that don't give a shit in a house for five hours yelling is what does it.
Oct 27, 2017
C'mon man.

How many people live in your new city/state?

What are the demographics?

I mean, I'm actually happy for you individually here, but any discussion about what it costs to do things in NYC versus anywhere else will never be a legitimate apples-to-apples deal.
His thing is to shit on NYC and NYS literally every chance he gets. All possible opportunities. Caught a ban during the pandemic peak for sarcastically feigning surprise that such a filthy city would be ravaged by a pandemic.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
Some people haven't given a fuck here for a minute. Police just busted 200 people at an illegal warehouse Fight Club in the BX.


Oct 27, 2017
As time has gone on, the more I've learned and read about this, the more my thinking on this has changed and I'm at the point now where I think school closures are doing more harm than good. Particularly elementary school closures. They are incredibly damaging to students (to say nothing of the strain on parents and teachers) in ways that may we never fully calculate for years, and classrooms have not shown to be superspreader environments or have children shown to be vectors for the virus. There's certainly a lot more danger in stuff like school sports, but I don't know anymore that classroom closures can be justified as a net good. And it's especially insane to be closing schools while maintaining daytime openings for restaurants, bars, gyms, etc. which are by far more conducive to virus transmission and have shown to be as such.


May 9, 2018
and yet indoor dining is still open??

it's so surreal passing by restaurants and seeing people in the windows eating like nothing is wrong


Oct 25, 2017
Its the holidays.

We saw a spike after rosh hashanah.

This is the post Halloween and Election Day spike.

Thanksgiving is going to be worse and that lead in the Christmas, Hannakuh and New Years and going to make January absolutely deadly.


Nov 20, 2017
Huntington, WV
We've been sitting at 6+% for 2 weeks in WV and our governor just now put out a mask mandate, saying you don't have to wear one if you have trouble breathing. Nobody here wears the damn things and our ICU at the hospital I work at is at 90% capacity, over 75% of that being Covid. We're super-fucked when flu hits.

My father-in-law is a teacher, in his early 70s, and has to go to a physical classroom with kids and no real ventilation in a building that's like, 70 years old. He's been a teacher for over 30 years but he's afraid that he's going to be signing his own death warrant if he stays.


Oct 25, 2017
C'mon man.

How many people live in your new city/state?

What are the demographics?

I mean, I'm actually happy for you individually here, but any discussion about what it costs to do things in NYC versus anywhere else will never be a legitimate apples-to-apples deal.
Sorry let me correct my statement.

NYC is the best funded school district in the world.

I do not think anyone can justify supporting that institution after this. The district's inability to provide effective education in normal times is now disastrous and abusive to the kids. No amount of demographics and cost of living can justify spending 3 times as much while completely failing children.

I don't know what I would do if I was still in nyc.