Oct 25, 2017
The whole post just feels like town, but that Sparks vote is bold to a degree that I don't see scum doing that and I kind of respect it


Oct 25, 2017
Big fan of my meta having evolved to the point where i show up late, semi delierious, insult everyone as creatively as i can and am lauded for it.

The whole post just feels like town, but that Sparks vote is bold to a degree that I don't see scum doing that and I kind of respect it
hey look at it this way, if he really is the doctor then we have the consolation prize of spark role claiming correctly for thr first time ever.


Jul 11, 2021
I think in general that post was convincing play by discovery
Lot of depth but all spontaneous, capable of switching modes beween intricate and shallow thoughts with ease, great flow, get the sense that he was really just taking in what he saw and slapping down thoughts as they came, also just... pretty good takes?


Oct 25, 2017
Given I wasn't in the game where Fate was neutral or mafia, I've personally only seen his town games. The game where he was mafia he was much more subdued and calculated but his neutral and town play seemed pretty similar when I was reading them which was a rapid-fire post count and aggressiveness of prodding and questing. His play this game is leaning more towards his mafia game than his town game given he is much more subdued and less spew-heavy than I'm used to seeing. While he did note that he wanted to go for a playstyle change, it still comes off worrisome to me.
Oct 25, 2017
I think in general that post was convincing play by discovery
Lot of depth but all spontaneous, capable of switching modes beween intricate and shallow thoughts with ease, great flow, get the sense that he was really just taking in what he saw and slapping down thoughts as they came, also just... pretty good takes?

Yeah, Stan is really good at making those obvious townie posts which is nice. There's this mix of new ideas and ones that seem decently popular where it just doesn't feel calculated.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there a quicker way to check what games players have participated in and what alignment they've rolled? I've been using:


Mafia Game Data

to look at games I've looked at before but it'd much easier for me to search by player than by game given I haven't played with enough people in here.


Jul 11, 2021
[He/Him] Funky Dude Sparks - UTC-5
[He/Him] Randomless|Ran - UTC-5
[She/Her] Sawneeks|Sneeks - UTC-7
[He/Him] Stantastic|Stan - UTC+12

[He/Him] HPSauce|HP - UTC+1

[He/Him] Maolfunction|Maol - UTC-7
[He/Him] TheChuggernaut|Chugg - UTC-6

[He/Him] Anexanhume|Anex - UTC-4
[She/Her] Ephidel|Ephi - UTC+1
[He/Him] EzekelRAGE - UTC-6
[He/Him] FateShirou|Fate - UTC-9

[She/Her] CheshireCat - UTC-4
[He/Him] Neki - UTC-7

[He/Him] EvilChameleon|EC - UTC-4
[She/Her] Hawthorn - UTC-4
[He/Him] NeonBorealis|Neon - UTC-6
[He/Him] jman1954goat|Jman - UTC-7
[He/Him] Lone_Prodigy|LP - UTC-4

Tiers alphabetical

HP's honorary top tier but can never be too careful with sponged reads
Bottom tier is pure lazy "I don't have any reason to townread these people


Oct 25, 2017
If I was the doctor I wouldn't even try counter claiming someone like Sparks or Blarg given that it'd probably make the town situation worse. So if you want to take his word at face value, sure he could be the doctor but the real doctor would never want to claim against them, nor should they want to.


Oct 25, 2017
Not to mention Sparks had a powerful role in MGS but he failed to use it over six days because he didn't read it properly. If Sparks really is the doctor I'll take it as a win if he saves one person. This doesn't make me afraid to vote there though.


Oct 25, 2017
To give proper context rather than just being a spitefull dickhead, Sparks has a long history of misreading his role PM if reading it at all, many a game has been derailed by a spark roleclaim that was either flat out erroneous, repeatedly contradicted itself and did everything it possibly could to render itself as suspect as possible, or apparently entirely made up upon him never having read the role Pm in the first place.
Oct 25, 2017
If I was the doctor I wouldn't even try counter claiming someone like Sparks or Blarg given that it'd probably make the town situation worse. So if you want to take his word at face value, sure he could be the doctor but the real doctor would never want to claim against them, nor should they want to.

Once I see more of the setup I'll consider this, but unless we get a doctor flip (Or a counterclaim, but please don't do this) I doubt I'm voting here. Seriously, we need to stop trying to murder our doctors


Jul 11, 2021
To give proper context rather than just being a spitefull dickhead, Sparks has a long history of misreading his role PM if reading it at all, many a game has been derailed by a spark roleclaim that was either flat out erroneous, repeatedly contradicted itself and did everything it possibly could to render itself as suspect as possible, or apparently entirely made up upon him never having read the role Pm in the first place.

Okay but the question isn't really "Is he doc" it's "Is he town"
Do you think he claims doc as wolf here?


Oct 25, 2017

Okay but the question isn't really "Is he doc" it's "Is he town"
Do you think he claims doc as wolf here?
i can easily see a scum sparks panicking at the slightest resistance and thinking that fake claiming doctor is a good idea to fix it, esp given how much town voting out the doctor on D1 is a bigly meme here.

Im not asking you to think the same here, your scepticism is more than fair, just saying that iv lived through this too many times lol.


Oct 25, 2017
like, the idea that sparks read that hes the doctor, properly internalised that information, and attached enough importance to that function that he felt the need to bring it up even before it was under threat rather than much, much, later is all already the opposite to what id expect from him.
Oct 25, 2017
like, the idea that sparks read that hes the doctor, properly internalised that information, and attached enough importance to that function that he felt the need to bring it up even before it was under threat rather than much, much, later is all already the opposite to what id expect from him.

I mean, he was asked to read it more than once lol


Jul 11, 2021

The claim timing is weird af no matter how you spin it, but it still seems an odd way for a wolf to go there in response to one guy suggesting policying him


Oct 25, 2017
Anyway I can be talked into a vote for c4 or anex
You walk back Anex but I'm curious about your thoughts on the former now.
It's an opinion that goes against the grain so far, even if you're expecting someone else to do the legwork for it. Why him specifically?

Ephidel do you scum read me still and if not what made u change ur mind and if u still do why arnt u voting for me?
I'm not voting for you because I'm not voting for anyone yet.
And there is no "still"
I understood why other people were, and it was a decent case made, but Neon's post gave me an accidental kick in the rear because what he was criticising was just, well, you.

I spent a bunch of last game deciding nothing you did looked particularly towny and ultimately town reading you in spite of it, so the actions dissected weren't alignment indicative imo.

But don't have a town read on you yet either, you're quieter than last game and less pushy so you're lacking some drive and oompf. I know you said you were going to play differently, but different play begets different impressions, obviously.
I also think one of your comments towards hp was excessively rude, frankly.
I wouldn't feel particularly bad if you were an end of day train nor particularly opposed to finding myself on it, but I'm not interested in boarding it just yet. I'm still looking around.

Right so Fate is doubling down on his bitching and moaning "im a whiney ass and thats everyone elses problem" play i dont have an alignment read on this as the other time i saw it he was a neutral, but would be fine kicking him out since it just fun vampirism.
I don't actually recall him being neutral 🤔
But he has been hostile and unrepentant about it before, yes.

Everytime i log on in the morning and see the bunch of pages in fron of me i wonder why i still play this game.
Because you like us really <3
Well some of us. Probably.

In random other comments I'm having a laugh at Anex's reading test after I pulled one on him before. And
I'm not quite sure how I feel about LP following up his intentional scum roleplay that worked too well by seemingly doing much the same again yet. I don't feel great there, but I'm not sure how much of that is me following versus me thinking.

C4, now you finished your Fate iso I'm curious if you've reconsidered that 'attention to detail' line.


Oct 25, 2017
I am noting all the Sparks discussion and paying a vague form of attention to it.
As ever he causes a distraction.
I get it though.


Jul 16, 2020
I see a few people besides me were also suspicious of LP, so I'm going to switch my vote there and see if we can't get a train. I do think he's good when town in later days, but he's come off as suspicious right now enough that I'm ready to kill him.

vote: LP/highlight]

interesting discussion, btw, on our community norm of basing votes on more than pure suspicion. I like that we do it this way. I think that unless you make allowances for players individual natures, RL business, etc, mafia can easily turn into an assumption that there's a "right" way to play, to play that way is to be town, and to play less than optimally is to be mafia, when of course what you roll often has nothing to do with how well you present yourself as town.

my own "would vote" list is not a scum list— I don't have many good scum reads so far, I guess LP is one but it's still so light and based on so few posts that I'm second guessing it even as I vote for him. Rather it was a list of people I don't town read and don't have a reason to want to avoid eliminating on D1.

I liked Stan's post, but don't like how quickly people have given him a firm town read based on so little (c4, Chuggs, & sneaks). Yes I do think scum Stan would be so bold with that sparks vote, given that he had a good argument ready for it.

about sparks himself, I was mainly thinking that it wouldn't occur to him to claim doctor if it wasn't something he thought he saw in his role pm. I'd like him to be able to at least submit some heals if he is doc, maybe hoping too much. But hearing that he fake claimed doc d1 in a different game gives me pause. What game? Still wouldn't vote today though.

chuggs is in a tunnel on me, nothing I can say that won't be further proof of guilt in his eyes.
I don't like these posts. The woe is me portion feels like frustrated scum, which I get it, I've been there, but I'm also not falling for it. The LP and the Anex read in the first one are the big red flags for me. The LP portion feels like a genuine scum read, but despite being someone who she's scum reading she only kind of sees the case on Anex?

And then we go down to the second post and Anex is on her would vote for list, while LP is nowhere to be seen?

And again, I have no clue why Thorny is scum reading the people she's scum reading. It feels like she's hoping if she says the names enough, people will fill in the blanks themselves. My vote is staying where it is.

mentioned above, it's not really a scum list. It's who remains after I took off the people I town read or wouldn't want to vote today. I did explain why, I know you don't find it convincing, but at this state it's not about being persuasive it's about getting my thoughts out in the open.

you have a good point about LP tbh. Should have been on my list by then. I was tired & still in the mindset of wanting to keep LP around as a good player, which in retrospect does not make sense given my read.

not following about anex however.

. Me and Fate ending up on her scum list with no elaboration after we both scum read her is also just the worst vibe

exactly why I would not put you both on my "would vote" list (not a scum list) if I was mafia, bc I would know I would get this response "oh no, you did something that hits my checklist mafia behavior" I know to avoid that checklist as mafia. As town I like to be honest because I care more about catching mafia & making the right moves to get town to a win than I do about performing town play.


Jan 10, 2018
I see a few people besides me were also suspicious of LP, so I'm going to switch my vote there and see if we can't get a train. I do think he's good when town in later days, but he's come off as suspicious right now enough that I'm ready to kill him.

vote: LP/highlight]

interesting discussion, btw, on our community norm of basing votes on more than pure suspicion. I like that we do it this way. I think that unless you make allowances for players individual natures, RL business, etc, mafia can easily turn into an assumption that there's a "right" way to play, to play that way is to be town, and to play less than optimally is to be mafia, when of course what you roll often has nothing to do with how well you present yourself as town.

my own "would vote" list is not a scum list— I don't have many good scum reads so far, I guess LP is one but it's still so light and based on so few posts that I'm second guessing it even as I vote for him. Rather it was a list of people I don't town read and don't have a reason to want to avoid eliminating on D1.

I liked Stan's post, but don't like how quickly people have given him a firm town read based on so little (c4, Chuggs, & sneaks). Yes I do think scum Stan would be so bold with that sparks vote, given that he had a good argument ready for it.

about sparks himself, I was mainly thinking that it wouldn't occur to him to claim doctor if it wasn't something he thought he saw in his role pm. I'd like him to be able to at least submit some heals if he is doc, maybe hoping too much. But hearing that he fake claimed doc d1 in a different game gives me pause. What game? Still wouldn't vote today though.

chuggs is in a tunnel on me, nothing I can say that won't be further proof of guilt in his eyes.

mentioned above, it's not really a scum list. It's who remains after I took off the people I town read or wouldn't want to vote today. I did explain why, I know you don't find it convincing, but at this state it's not about being persuasive it's about getting my thoughts out in the open.

you have a good point about LP tbh. Should have been on my list by then. I was tired & still in the mindset of wanting to keep LP around as a good player, which in retrospect does not make sense given my read.

not following about anex however.

exactly why I would not put you both on my "would vote" list (not a scum list) if I was mafia, bc I would know I would get this response "oh no, you did something that hits my checklist mafia behavior" I know to avoid that checklist as mafia. As town I like to be honest because I care more about catching mafia & making the right moves to get town to a win than I do about performing town play.
That's a lot of red there Hawthorn


Jul 16, 2020
Here it is in readable format:

I see a few people besides me were also suspicious of LP, so I'm going to switch my vote there and see if we can't get a train. I do think he's good when town in later days, but he's come off as suspicious right now enough that I'm ready to kill him.

vote: LP

interesting discussion, btw, on our community norm of basing votes on more than pure suspicion. I like that we do it this way. I think that unless you make allowances for players individual natures, RL business, etc, mafia can easily turn into an assumption that there's a "right" way to play, to play that way is to be town, and to play less than optimally is to be mafia, when of course what you roll often has nothing to do with how well you present yourself as town.

my own "would vote" list is not a scum list— I don't have many good scum reads so far, I guess LP is one but it's still so light and based on so few posts that I'm second guessing it even as I vote for him. Rather it was a list of people I don't town read and don't have a reason to want to avoid eliminating on D1.

I liked Stan's post, but don't like how quickly people have given him a firm town read based on so little (c4, Chuggs, & sneaks). Yes I do think scum Stan would be so bold with that sparks vote, given that he had a good argument ready for it.

about sparks himself, I was mainly thinking that it wouldn't occur to him to claim doctor if it wasn't something he thought he saw in his role pm. I'd like him to be able to at least submit some heals if he is doc, maybe hoping too much. But hearing that he fake claimed doc d1 in a different game gives me pause. What game? Still wouldn't vote today though.

chuggs is in a tunnel on me, nothing I can say that won't be further proof of guilt in his eyes.
I don't like these posts. The woe is me portion feels like frustrated scum, which I get it, I've been there, but I'm also not falling for it. The LP and the Anex read in the first one are the big red flags for me. The LP portion feels like a genuine scum read, but despite being someone who she's scum reading she only kind of sees the case on Anex?

And then we go down to the second post and Anex is on her would vote for list, while LP is nowhere to be seen?

And again, I have no clue why Thorny is scum reading the people she's scum reading. It feels like she's hoping if she says the names enough, people will fill in the blanks themselves. My vote is staying where it is.

mentioned above, it's not really a scum list. It's who remains after I took off the people I town read or wouldn't want to vote today. I did explain why, I know you don't find it convincing, but at this state it's not about being persuasive it's about getting my thoughts out in the open.

you have a good point about LP tbh. Should have been on my list by then. I was tired & still in the mindset of wanting to keep LP around as a good player, which in retrospect does not make sense given my read.

not following about anex however.

Sawneeks It's this part mainly. Again, absolutely get it. Getting scum read when you're trying not to be sucks when you have other players coasting by on nothing because of meta, but it also feels like a real scummy line of thought. Like she can't actually argue against the scum reads, so we get this instead. Me and Fate ending up on her scum list with no elaboration after we both scum read her is also just the worst vibe

exactly why I would not put you both on my "would vote" list (not a scum list) if I was mafia, bc I would know I would get this response "oh no, you did something that hits my checklist mafia behavior" I know to avoid that checklist as mafia. As town I like to be honest because I care more about catching mafia & making the right moves to get town to a win than I do about performing town play.


Oct 25, 2017
Who do people think the most fallible townread here is
I don't see the inherent towniness in his posts today that you and chuggs seem to see.

I liked Stan's post, but don't like how quickly people have given him a firm town read based on so little (c4, Chuggs, & sneaks). Yes I do think scum Stan would be so bold with that sparks vote, given that he had a good argument ready for it.
I don't think Sneeks has actually posted since Stan has to be grouped in with them like that.

Based on the ISOs I've read of Zeke, he tends to play town as more snarky and biting while his mafia play he seems a lot more reasonable. I'm leaning that he's town for now at least based on what I've seen him posted on D1. Within his acceptable town range for me but I won't underestimate his ability to change at a flip of a coin.
So you think in this game so far he's tending towards snarky instead of reasonable?
I've been feeling pretty good about him because he's actually been doing visible things, though there are less truffleshuffles than I'd have expected, but I'd have said he leaned towards the latter so far if anything.

Randomless you looked at him tartlet, where do you lean there now?


Oct 25, 2017
Feel better about Stan after that opening salvo.

Would definitely vote LP after that milquetoast start.

However, I'm going to start Vote: CheshireCat to start. Of the people who have the highest posts without a vote, she's near the top. Giving a temporary pass to HP for now because I'm interested to see where his farmers' almanacs go.


Jan 10, 2018
Feel better about Stan after that opening salvo.

Would definitely vote LP after that milquetoast start.

However, I'm going to start Vote: CheshireCat to start. Of the people who have the highest posts without a vote, she's near the top. Giving a temporary pass to HP for now because I'm interested to see where his farmers' almanacs go.
Wow thanks that's very kind.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Not sure I agree with you about roles, but sure I'll put a vote down since I'll be sporadically available

vote: EvilChameleon

I would still also vote for you, Chuggs, neki, or anex, as of now.
Idk if im tunnelling on you but im p sure scum!haw voted for EC
I could see it now, hawhaw talkign in scum chat on whos the eaiest to misylynch and the names of me, neki, chuggs coming up

I actually agree. Rereading that part, it seems that Fate making comments based on who is atround is a regular thing. Plus, he did mention that he was tired and (getting a bit meta here), making comments based on who is around is something that I also do from time to time.
I dont really like this turn around by neon
going to note it down, but this seems really fishy to me

Right so Fate is doubling down on his bitching and moaning "im a whiney ass and thats everyone elses problem" play i dont have an alignment read on this as the other time i saw it he was a neutral, but would be fine kicking him out since it just fun vampirism.
then go for it, plenty of people have voiced their desire to vote for me for one reason or another
the less posting, the less aggressive play, etc
I wouldn't feel particularly bad if you were an end of day train nor particularly opposed to finding myself on it, but I'm not interested in boarding it just yet. I'm still looking around.
contuine window shopping for a potential vote then


Feb 6, 2021
morning kiddos-

I am typing this while in a huge conference meeting so apologies if it doesn't make complete sense-

I've been trying to catch up since i went to bed. I'll do a deeper dive at noon when Im at lunch. but first thoughts are: what is FDS doing? I don't get why he role claimed in Post #665 and then no one asked him why he role claimed? He got no push back on that? If he is a doctor and town why wouldn't he protect that info? He just made himself a target, no? Why give out that info on D1, when there are really no hard takes yet. He just threw that out there and then it was kinda ignored at the time because he was being annoying. My first game ppl made a huge deal about role reveals, it was really only done to stop you getting axed. FDS had been saying all the time D1 is nonsense, so why is he acting in a way that might come off as risky?

I also don't get bringing up sorian in Post #678 "There are so many other people to investigate! LITERALLY LOOK AT THAT LIST! HOT CLUSTERFUCK TUNNEL OF NONSENSE with sorian alone"

wat? what list are you referencing? - there isn't a list on that page...i will look for it later

Anex voting for me obviously makes me sus of them. They have been having a hard time this (morning? last night?) and I would want to deflect to! But I can't see any version of game play where I am a valid choice for being voted out day 1. But I'm a safe choice to just park a vote because I'm a loner in this game so far. Maybe you thought I wouldn't hit back? Or that you could start a tunnel on me? You said " I'm going to start Vote: CheshireCat to start. Of the people who have the highest posts without a vote, she's near the top. Giving a temporary pass to HP for now because I'm interested to see where his farmers' almanacs go."

Pretttttty thin reasoning/ I'd rather not vote than just pick a random person an find a reason why i can vote for them

Half the votes of D1 have been payback for previous games, and some are probably from mafia. Either way, finding me sus b/c I haven't voted, seems stupid? it assumes voting is less sus than not voting , which i dont agree with. Different play styles maybe. But if we were ending the day right now, I'd vote you off the island.


Feb 6, 2021
With Stan - I don't remember a post where he said he was busy IRL, and the posts he's made so far haven't been enough for me to make a town read on him. I don't get how everyone else is, but I am meta-less in Seattle over here. I like his reads though. I am learning meta reading his posts so that is nice.

I did agree with him that FDS was being super sketchy though.