
The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019

Banner made by: the glorious nin!!!

Game: Nier Gestalt Mafia
Gamerunner: lokiduck and Verelios
Players: 20
Complexity: Role Madness
Day/Night Cycle: 48/24

You have to watch it on Youtube D: The magic is ruined.

Devola: There once was a world that was dying, with few people living on it doing their best to survive.

Popola: They lived in towns where they were protected from monsters and Shades that would do them harm, but sometimes that wasn't enough.

Devola: Everyone, monsters and people alike were just living their lives, when a mysterious fog rolled over the land.

Popola: Everywhere it traveled, anyone living there disappeared and no one knew where they went.

Devola: But now our town of Home Town and many other towns have been swept into the fog, and we have come here.

Popola: We don't know where here is but it is a thick fog that makes it so no one can see who anyone else is.

Devola: Those who have appeared here have come together because they are scared and think higher numbers will keep them safe.

Popola: Little do they know that some of those here aren't being truthful… that they may be lying.

Devola: Those struggling in the fog, if they work together, maybe we can get out of here, maybe we can all return to our homes. Enemy and ally alike, we need to work together if we are to survive.

Verelios has died!!!

As a beautiful singer, you and your twin sister live in a small town where you spend your days singing to children and your nights in the tavern singing to the lost souls drinking their nights away, easing the hearts of listeners. The tavern owner always sings his praises about how you brighten his establishment at least.

You are Devola of Home Town and you are a Singer!

You are aligned with the Ones Struggling to Live in a Dying World (That is Town).

You win when all threats to town are eliminated.

If you are night-killed, you will announce one town role in the game upon death.

Besides your abilities, you will have the ability to vote during the day phase, and you definitely want to if you want to take out any threats to town!

Game thread is located here: https://www.resetera.com/threads/ni...ass-start-making-sense-and-play-mafia.222523/
If you have any questions please contact the game runners Verelios (RIP) and lokiduck!

Good Luck Modding the game! ;D

[He/Him] jman1954goat|Jman - UTC-7 NEW
[He/Him] Hagi - UTC+1 NEW
[He/Him] MrHedin|Hedin - UTC-4 NEW
[He/Him] Fanto - UTC-5
[He/Him] turmoil7|turm - UTC-3
[He/Him] TheChuggernaut|Chugg - UTC-6
[He/Him] Fran - UTC-3
[They/Them] Sorian - UTC-4
[He/Him] Stantastic|Stan - UTC+12
[He/Him] Stuart444|Stu - UTC+1
[They/Them] Aeleus|A - UTC+1
[He/Him] Kalor - UTC+1
[He/Him] Funky Dude Sparks - UTC-5
[He/Him] SalvaPot - UTC-8
[They/Them] Reki - UTC-4
[He/Him] Razmos - UTC+1
[He/Him] Vincent Alexander - UTC-6
[He/Him] Benghis Khan|Ben - UTC+10
[He/Him] nin - UTC+1
[He/Him] Lone_Prodigy|LP - UTC-4
[He/Him] Stove - UTC+10 NEW

Replacement List:
1. [He/Him] LaunchpadMcQ - UTC-7
2. [He/Him] Kopite - UTC+8
3. [He/Him] malus - UTC+2
4. [He/Him] Zippedpinhead|Zipped - UTC-6
5. [She/Her] Swamped - UTC-4

Mentorship program
For new and returning players who would like some assistance, we offer a mentorship program where a volunteer veteran player can assist you. If you are interested in having a mentor for this game, please contact your gamerunner. For more info, please check the main MafiERA OT.
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The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019
What Is Mafia?
Mafia, also known as Werewolf, is a famous social deduction game that puts two teams against each other: Town and Mafia. Mafia players know who everyone in their team is, while Town players only know their own alignment. Cut into two 'Phases', Day and Night, the game entails Town trying to eliminate the Mafia via discussion and voting while the Mafia are trying to not get caught in order to match or outnumber the Town in order to win.

Interested in joining or learning more? Check out our Mafiera OT!

1. All site-wide rules apply here.
2. Do not use slurs or bigoted language.
3. Please do not put active players on an ignore list during a game.
4. Unless explicitly told otherwise, players may not discuss this game outside of this thread.
5. Unless explicitly told otherwise, players may not directly quote or post screenshots of any PMs, posts, conversations, or any other type of document that was not made in this thread.
6. Players are allowed to lie, within reason, about any game-related material such as the content of a role PM.
7. Please do not refer to, or discuss, player activity outside of this thread, for the sake of the game's integrity. This includes discussing circumstances around player replacement.
8. Please respect all of your fellow community members in terms of personhood and accessibility. In this community we require that you respect person's pronouns and be aware of accessibility when using non-default text (do not change text color unnecessarily and be mindful of small and large fonts' impact on readability).
9. Failure to adhere to a player's personal pronoun will result in a private warning. On the second offense that player will be removed from the game.

Game Behavior:
10. While mafia can be an intense and stressful game, with play becoming heated at times, please try to keep discussion as respectful and congenial as possible. Take a break if you feel heated. If someone is breaking a rule you are encouraged to alert your gamerunner and game watchers. Reports about in-game action and behavior will be handled by them, and the gamerunner will issue final rulings in the event of disagreements.
11. Being overly hostile towards your fellow players is not allowed. If the gamerunner and game watchers find a player has been overly aggressive, action will be taken. First a private warning via PM will be given. Failure to stop the behavior will then result in another private warning and the offender will be given a priority penalty. If these behaviors still continue then that player will be removed from the game.
12. Treat players, gamerunners, and game watchers with respect. Players who are bothered by behavior they perceive as uncomfortable or as targeted aggression should make their positions clear in game as everyone has a different threshold. If a player feels someone has crossed a line they should contact the gamerunner and game watchers, listed in the first post, about the issue.
13. Players should not perform moderator actions in game, including using highlight text outside of voting, or issuing day-end/start commands, or calling for the modkill or replacement of another player. While we understand mafia can be an intense experience, and players may wish to discuss in-game moderation decisions with the gamerunner, once a gamerunner makes a decision, please respect it as final.

14. Players are required to post a minimum of 10 posts per day phase. Failure to adhere to this will result in a private warning. On the second offense that player will be removed from the game.
15. If a player posts fewer than 5 posts in a day phase without alerting the gamerunner to their absence, they will be removed from the game without a warning.
16. If you are unable to continue playing for whatever reason, please contact your gamerunner.
17. If a replacement is added to the game, they may request the current/upcoming night phase to be extended up-to 48 hours to allow time to catch up.
18. Please do not theorize or discuss the reasons behind a player's replacement during a game.

Voting and Lynching:
19. In order to vote for another player to be lynched, you must present it on its own line and in the following format with no spaces: [ HIGHLIGHT ]VOTE: playername[ /HIGHLIGHT ]. Any other format will not be accepted.
20. To remove a vote from a player, you may simply vote for another player, or you may present it on its own line and in the following format with no spaces: [ HIGHLIGHT ]UNVOTE[ /HIGHLIGHT ].
21. Players may vote for a "No Lynch" to end the day phase without a lynch. This is done by using the formatting above and typing: [ HIGHLIGHT ]VOTE: No Lynch[ /HIGHLIGHT ].
22. When a player has received a strict majority of available votes (>50%), the day phase ends with the lynch of that player. Once a day phase has ended any in-game discussion stops and votes cast after that will not be counted.

Death and the Spectator Thread:
23. Once you are dead, you may no longer discuss the game in any manner with any of the remaining players.
24. Once dead, players may have a choice between the spectator thread and the replacement list. PM your gamerunner for more information.

25. Do not edit your posts or hide content in the formatting. Repeat offenders will be removed from the game.
26. If a player is banned or they are replaced due to inactivity they will have the lowest possible priority when signing up for a spot in their next game.
27. Gamerunners reserve the right to add, remove, or modify existing any rules at any point, and enforcement may be applied retrospectively. However, all players will be informed of changes beforehand.
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The Fallen
Mar 27, 2019


Oct 25, 2017
i hope we have a good clean game and walk away with an unfathomable amount of crippling guilt.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
All I know about this game is that is like Xenoblade but for pessimists.


Oct 25, 2017
Fanto has only posted once in five hours, I bet all the fun stuff is in meanies' chat.

Define "clean".

That sounds about right from what I know of Xenoblade XD
The only thing I know is that both series have an unhealthy fixation with ass cheeks.

Can't believe the disrespect, SMH.


Is this tag ok?
Oct 25, 2017
Fanto has only posted once in five hours, I bet all the fun stuff is in meanies' chat.
Nah, the fun stuff was in Stan's D&D game, where we had to contemplate for like 20 minutes about whether or not to kill a defenseless person, then we all went out to lunch.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean have you see Kaine's outfit?



Ok I see your point.

when you act with the best on intentions but its only far too late that you realise how much blood is on your hands
Nah, the fun stuff was in Stan's D&D game, where we had to contemplate for like 20 minutes about whether or not to kill a defenseless person, then we all went out to lunch.

These are related right. Like you both got in the savage mindset already.

But mafia is all about being nice!


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
Good time for me to say that I absolutely adore the thread title, nice work

Alternatively: Now pull you're head out of your goddamn ass and start fucking voting!