Deleted member 9317

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
New York

welcome to the nineinchnails thread_
This is where you can chat up and talk about all things Nine Inch Nails with fellow ERA folks, including ranting about live tour, new and past albums, news spottings, black attire, meathead perspective, livenation, scalpers, tapeworm, atticus ross > trent reznor, HTDA and the red robe.


Nine Inch Nails (or NIN) is a music project of Trent Reznor, circa 1989. Active members are Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.
Discography [Halos]:

There are currently 32 bodies of work created by nine inch nails (numerically labelled 'Halo'). This includes EP, LP, singles, visuals and remix albums. Most nine inch nails fans are the collector, picking things up to own as many halos as you can.

Halo 01: Down in it [Single, 1989]
Halo 02: Pretty Hate Machine [LP, 1989]
Halo 03: Head Like A Hole [Single, 1990]
Halo 04: Sin [Single, 1990]
Halo 05: Broken [EP, 1992]
Halo 06: Fixed [Remix EP, 1992]
Halo 07: March Of The Pigs [Single, 1994]
Halo 08: The Downward Spiral [LP, 1994]
Halo 09: Closer To God [Remix EP, 1994]
Halo 10: Further Down The Spiral [Remix EP, 1995]
Halo 12: Closure [Live Album, 1997]
Halo 13: The Day The World Went Away [Single, 1999]
Halo 14: The Fragile [Double LP. 1999]
Halo 15: We're In This Together [Single, 1999]
Halo 16: Things Falling Apart [Remix EP, 2000]
Halo 17: And All That Could Have Been / Still [Live Album, 2002]
Halo 18: The Hand That Feeds [Single, 2005]
Halo 19: With_Teeth [LP, 2005]
Halo 20: Only [Single, 2006]
Halo 21: Every Day Is Exactly The Same [Single, 2006]
Halo 22: Beside You In Time [Live Album, 2007]
Halo 23: Survivalism [Single, 2007]
Halo 24: Year Zero [LP, 2007]
Halo 25: Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D [Remix EP, 2007]
Halo 26: Ghosts I-IV [Double LP, 2008]
Halo 27: The Slip [LP, 2008]
Halo 28: Hesitation Marks [LP, 2013]
Halo 29: Not The Actual Events [EP, 2016]
Halo 30: The Fragile: Deviations 1 [Double LP, 2017]
Halo 31: Add Violence [EP, 2017]
Halo 32: Bad Witch [LP, 2018]
Nine Inch Nails Universe:

Pretty Hate Machine Era [Halo 01 - 04]:


Halo 01: Down in it [Single, 1989]
Halo 02: Pretty Hate Machine [LP, 1989]
Halo 03: Head Like A Hole [Single, 1990]
Halo 04: Sin [Single, 1990]

Broken Era [Halo 05 & 06]:


Halo 05: Broken [EP, 1992]
Halo 06: Fixed [Remix EP, 1992]

The Downward Spiral Era [Halo 07 - 12]:


Halo 07: March Of The Pigs [Single, 1994]
Halo 08: The Downward Spiral [LP, 1994]
Halo 09: Closer To God [Remix EP, 1994]
Halo 10: Further Down The Spiral [Remix EP, 1995]
Halo 11: The Perfect Drug [Remix EP, 1997]
Halo 12: Closure [Live Album, 1997]

The Fragile Era [Halo 13 - 17, 30]:


Halo 13: The Day The World Went Away [Single, 1999]
Halo 14: The Fragile [Double LP. 1999]
Halo 15: We're In This Together [Single, 1999]
Halo 16: Things Falling Apart [Remix EP, 2000]
Halo 17: And All That Could Have Been / Still [Live Album, 2002]
Halo 30: The Fragile: Deviations 1 [Double LP, 2017]*

With_Teeth Era [Halo 18 - 22]:


Halo 18: The Hand That Feeds [Single, 2005]*
Halo 19: With Teeth [LP, 2005]*
Halo 20: Only [Single, 2006]*
Halo 21: Every Day Is Exactly The Same [Single, 2006]*
Halo 22: Beside You In Time [Live Album, 2007]

Year Zero Era [Halo 23 - 25]:


Halo 23: Survivalism [Single, 2007]*
Halo 24: Year Zero [LP, 2007]*
Halo 25: Y34RZ3R0R3M1X3D [Remix EP, 2007]*

Wave Goodbye Era [Halo 26 - 28]:


Halo 26: Ghosts I-IV [Double LP, 2008]*
Halo 27: The Slip [LP, 2008]*
Halo 28: Hesitation Marks [LP, 2013]*

The Actual Events Trilogy Era [Halo 29, 31, 32]:


Halo 29: Not The Actual Events [EP, 2016]*
Halo 31: Add Violence [EP, 2017]*
Halo 32: Bad Witch [LP, 2018]*
Live / Tour:


Current touring members of Nine Inch Nails are Alessandro Cortini, Atticus Ross, Trent Reznor, Robin Finck, and Ilan Rubin.

World Tour 2018 [DONE]

Cold And Black And Infinite US Tour 2018 [DONE]

Side Projects:


Post-NIN, Trent Reznor has worked on various side projects and remixes.

Soundtracks [1994 - Present]

Natural Born Killers [Soundtrack - 1994]
Quake [OST - 1996]
Lost Highway [Soundtrack - 1997]
Tetsuo: The Bullet Man [Theme - 2009]
Call Of Duty Black Ops II [Theme - 2012]
The Social Network [OST - 2010]*
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo [OST - 2011]*
Gone Girl - [OST - 2014]*
Before The Flood - [OST - 2016]*
Juno [Theme - 2016]*
Patriots Day [OST - 2017]*
The Vietnam War [OST - 2017]*
Mid90s [OST - 2018]*
Bird Box [OST - 2018]*

Tapeworm [1996 - 2009]

"Vacant"; "Passive" [A Perfect Circle - 2005]
"Potions"; "Potions (Deliverance Mix)" [Puscifer - 2009]
"Ignorant" [Unreleased]
"Be Kind To Them" [Unreleased]

Saul Williams [2007]

The Inevitable Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust! [EP, 2007]

How To Destroy Angels [2010 - Present]*

Sigil 01 - A Drowning [Single, 2010]*
Sigil 02 - How To Destroy Angels [EP, 2010]*
Sigil 03 - An Omen [EP, 2012]*
Sigil 04 - Welcome Oblivion [LP, 2013]*
* with Atticus Ross.

Helpful Links:

nine inch nails website -
NIN Collector -
Live Tour Page -
The Meathead Perspective -
Multitracks and Remixes -

Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nice job with the OT!

How about we start by telling about how we got into NIN?

Im born in 1990, so I obviously wouldn't have gotten into NIN much later than most, but I remember when I was 7 or so, I saw The Perfect Drug video playing on MuchMusic like everyday. And that's pretty much all I knew of Nine Inch Nails until 2005 when an OXM demo disc had the music video from The Hand That Feeds.

I remember thinking that they must've replaced the lead singer or something cause he didn't have long hair anymore or the facial hair.

And then around the same time I knew some guy at school at was obsessed with NIN, and he would explain to me that NIN is one guy basically, and how Hurt wasn't actually a Johnny Cash song. My mind was blown. But it still didn't really care much for NIN. My musical tastes were still developing I suppose.

It wasn't until the summer of 2007 that I truly started to become a fanatic of NIN. I usually would play the music stations playing on my satellite. And one one day, Terrible Lie came on. It was just something about the energy of the song. It was something I never heard of in my life.

I went and asked my obsessed friend to recommend me some stuff to listen to. And the rest is history.

So I would like to hear how you peeps got into NIN, and especially what the song was that made you a fan.


Oct 27, 2017
I got into them probably around the middle of my high school years when my music tastes were beginning to branch out. Listened to the local rock station, they played Head Like A Hole a lot, and I really liked it. This was around the time of Limewire and Kazaa so I downloaded a whole bunch of stuff that was NiN and the fair amount that was similar but not, lol. With Teeth was the first physical album I bought, and I was at Bonnaroo when he announced that was their final tour/show or whatever he said, I was a little, uh, deep in some festivities, but I really remember him just saying "Don't be sad, don't be sad" after the whole audience went "Noooooooo". Ah, fun times. Lol.
Oct 25, 2017
I remember NIN being referenced in Kerrang magazine and then when Linkin Park first hit they cited NIN as an influence a bunch of times. I saw Downward Spiral at a Kmart around 2001 and grabbed it as a result. Had to track down the other albums on our yearly holidays to a big city once I was hooked!


Oct 25, 2017
The Fragile may be my most listened-to album of all time, but I became a fan sometime between TDS and The Fragile.
Fixed is a great remix album.
I have too many of the Halos.


Oct 25, 2017
How about we start by telling about how we got into NIN?
I watched Woodstock '94 on PPV at my friend's house (he had a black box, the greatest thing ever at the time) and was blown away by NIN's set. It's one of the most legendary live performances ever if you ask me. But I was a kid without any money, so after that I subsisted on hearing singles on the radio (Head Like a Hole, Terrible Lie, Down In It, March of the Pigs, and Closer were in constant rotation at the time). A few months later I found a bootleg cassette at a flea market with their Woodstock performance on it. Come to think of it, given how nondescript it was, I don't think I had any idea what was even on the tape at the time, but it was cheap so I convinced my mom to buy it for me. It was pretty much the only thing I listened to until the end of the year, when I got a gift certificate to a local record store for Christmas. Obviously I used that to buy Pretty Hate Machine and The Downward Spiral.

I didn't end up buying Broken until much later, but after hearing it on the Woodstock bootleg, Happiness in Slavery became far and away my favorite song.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't remember exactly how I got into them. I was around 13 when Downward Spiral came out. More than likely, my sister who is a couple years older said it was good and I bought it. It was definitely one of my first cds I bought and is still one of my favorite albums. I like the earlier stuff a lot more. I haven't heard much after The Fragile but I think I'll check out the new album.


Oct 28, 2017
One of my friends turned me onto NIN with Broken. Nin's most recent release at the time. Bought Downward Spiral on release day and saw him live a few months before Closer got mainstream. I was surprised how the crowd reacted to that song at the concert so I was not surprised it became a hit (even tho I was shocked it made it on the radio with the whole I wanna fuck you like an animal lyric).

Seen him 4 times. Last one for With Teeth. Recent output has been meh for me but I grew an appreciation towards Hesitation Marks when I picked up the vinyl.
Oct 25, 2017
I can't remember exactly how I got into them. I was around 13 when Downward Spiral came out. More than likely, my sister who is a couple years older said it was good and I bought it. It was definitely one of my first cds I bought and is still one of my favorite albums. I like the earlier stuff a lot more. I haven't heard much after The Fragile but I think I'll check out the new album.
With Teeth shares a lot with the earlier albums stylistically, I definitely recommend giving it a run.


Oct 25, 2017

I got into NiN via Rock Band 1 having The Hand That Feeds. Shoutout to Rock Band and Guitar Hero for helping shape this generation's music taste.


Oct 25, 2017
How about we start by telling about how we got into NIN?

my cousin had these stacks of VHS tapes she would replay constantly of MTV recorded music videos. I saw the video to Wish, Sad But True and Longview in one go, that really changed my perspectives on music from age 7 going forward. I was purely in a classical/funk/r&b parent zone until that moment.


Oct 26, 2017

I first discovered NIN in the early 90's, when young me would got the latest rock news from the magazines Raw and Kerrang (it was the pre-internet days). The hype had begun for TDS, and admittedly the first time I played the album my reaction was.. "what did I just listen too??" and that's how I discovered the best albums are usually the ones that make you react that way. Purchases of Broken, Pretty Hate Machine and the Natural Born Killers soundtrack all followed, the latter also being a gateway towards discovering other acts, most notably Leonard Cohen.

I stayed up until some stupid hour to listen to them live at Woodstock, and I've been hooked ever since. I've only seen them live three times - London in 2005 (With_Teeth tour), Milan in 2013 (where I got to witness the amazing Hesitation Marks 'stop making sense--inspired light show) and Cardiff in 2014. Would have bought tickets for Robert Smith's Meltdown this year if they announced the shows in good time, instead of last minute when my June is already rammed full of gigs (including 'associated acts' A Perfect Circle, QOTSA and RTJ).

Finally, around ten months ago I turned into a screaming fanboy with 'The' Nine Inch Nails appeared on arguably the most important episode of the season of Twin Peaks we never thought we'd see.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow, and today was fucking nuts. I don't know if TR's experiment was a success, but it's something I'll remember forever... goodnight


Oct 26, 2017
Some non-NIN songs featuring Reznor:

Queens of the Stone Age: Kalopsia

and Fairweather Friends from the same album (can't find the studio version on YouTube unfortunately)



Oct 27, 2017
Not fanatical for NIN, but I've been listening since I was a little kid. My first exposure was around when Downward Spiral came out. I remember seeing the cassette in my cousin's room and he put it on. It wasn't until the Year Zero ARG though that I got hooked. The whole thing was so ridiculous and awesome at the time. Only saw NIN once in 2009 on the NIN/JA tour. It was like, the one time they didn't play "Hurt," haha.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Got into them during the With Teeth European festival tour in 2005 when they were playing the Rock Werchter festival. Been a fan ever since and NIN is my most listened to band on by a landslide.

Seeing them during 3 times during the upcoming European tour, which feels kind of mean compared to a;; the effort most Americans just had to go through to get even one ticket.

BTW OP, minor error in the post: The Rise and Liberation of NiggyTardust is marked as an EP while its clearly an LP.

Deleted member 28076

User requested account closure
Oct 30, 2017
I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow, and today was fucking nuts. I don't know if TR's experiment was a success, but it's something I'll remember forever... goodnight
There's no way it won't be a "success," which is particularly what's so maddening about it. NIN as a brand name alone will sell out venues, so it doesn't particularly matter whether the presale was in person or online, financially. Despite the fact that all Trent did was make the same amount of money while making the actual purchasing experience significantly worse, he can just hold up the fact that the tickets sold out anyways and be like "well I guess it worked!"


Oct 27, 2017
Did anyone queue up for tickets today? It was a mere 8 hours of standing in line for tickets here in LA today ...


Oct 25, 2017
There's no way it won't be a "success," which is particularly what's so maddening about it. NIN as a brand name alone will sell out venues, so it doesn't particularly matter whether the presale was in person or online, financially. Despite the fact that all Trent did was make the same amount of money while making the actual purchasing experience significantly worse, he can just hold up the fact that the tickets sold out anyways and be like "well I guess it worked!"

I mean, I have a lot of issues with how today was handled at LA. Lines were long, they didn't have early enough staff handling transactions, it took damn near an entire day for many, and then opening up a new line an hour into sales separate from the one we were in led to angry crowds, line cutting, and chaos (thankfully this separate line didn't last long). But I doubt I would have gotten tickets if it was like any other Ticketmaster day of sale, so I guess there's at least that. :/

I'm fucking exhausted after today.


Oct 25, 2017
Got to the line at 7:30 am. Waited until doors opened at 10 and got our tickets by Noon. End of the line went for blocks. Good times though, brought back the good ol times of concert ticket sales.


Oct 25, 2017
My first exposure was the Head Like a Hole video, I would have been around 12 or so, I remember watching it but not thinking much about the music. A couple years later as I turned into a moody teenager The Downward Spiral would be released and then the infamous Woodstock performance and I was sold- hook, line and sinker. My first big boy concert would be Prick, Atari Teenage Riot, nine inch nails and David Bowie at Southpark Meadows in Austin in Oct (?) of '95, that experience would fuel my love of live shows over the next decade as well as serve as my first introduction to mosh pits. The 'salt and teeth' shirt would be my first band shirt (I may still have that fucking shirt, holes and all). I was soooo fucking stoked for the release of The Fragile, it was the first album I gave a "proper" listening to- set up the speakers all special like and turned the lights off, got blazed and listened. Shortly there after I would catch nine inch nails again, this time with A Perfect Circle up at the Starplex in Dallas.

As years have gone on and nine inch nails has released various things I have always tried to catch them live when they come around and still listen to the new material although I will say that none of the recorded material has resonated with me in the same way Pretty Hate Machine, The Downward Spiral and The Fragile did yet there were various pieces that I enjoyed and the material always translated well live (maybe even better than recorded, esp. Hesitation Marks).

I do have to say that I am really glad that I did not have to stand in line to catch tickets for the show we will be catching this fall although I was prepared to, and may try to catch some tickets for one of the Dallas shows when they release online but won't be too sad if it doesn't work. It will be interesting to see nine inch nails at a festival, that I haven't experienced yet. I rate the band as one of my favorites and hopefully will get to continue to go to shows for years/decades to come. Should probably figure out some tattoo to get as well, 25+ years listening to the band deserves a spot alongside all the other crap drawn on me!


Oct 25, 2017
Coming into the thread to say two things:

1) Good work on the OT, looks great!

2) Mildly hot-take: I miss Rob and wish he'd still do the album art cause recent art has kind of sucked.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Before I got into NIN, I only ever listened to Christain Rock music, and occasionally some Linkin Park. In my family, we were only allowed to listen to Christian music.

I got into NIN when I was 17 (2007) and Year Zero had just come out; I was pretty late to the party. Anyways, I heard Suvivalism on the radio and I really liked it, and I decided to buy Year Zero based on that song alone. The whole album blew my mind, and I really wish I had heard about NIN a few months sooner because the viral marketing sounded like a fun experience.

After Year Zero I bought The Downward Spiral, and once again my mind was blown. Then later I bought The Fragile, and that is the album that made me a NIN fan for life, and they instantly shot up to become my favorite band of all time. I've bought every release of theirs since, and I look at Trent Reznor as one of the greatest artistic visionaries of my lifetime. To me, he can't release anything bad (except for maybe Everything, but it was at least an interesting experiment lol).

Throughout high school I had to hide the fact that I was listening to NIN from my parents. I can't imagine my moms reaction if she'd heard me listening to Heresy or Closer lol. Once I moved out and went to college, I posted on Facebook that I was going to my first NIN concert (NINJA) and my mom called me that day and grilled me on who NIN was. It was pretty funny. She's definitely loosened up over the years, but there was a time that I was sheltered from a lot of great music.

So that's my story of how I got into NIN. I was a sheltered Christain boy, and NIN helped pull me out of the mediocrity of Christain rock music and opened my eyes to much greater and diverse world of music.


Oct 28, 2017
anyone in line out here in denver? i'm about 250 people deep & got here at 645

i heard people left the lines yesterday with sunburns. we definitely have the opposite problem today with some extra cloud coverage


Oct 27, 2017
anyone in line out here in denver? i'm about 250 people deep & got here at 645

i heard people left the lines yesterday with sunburns. we definitely have the opposite problem today with some extra cloud coverage

We looked at the line last night around 8 and there were about 15 ppl here. We got here at 5 this morning and it was cold as hell.