
Oct 25, 2017


Platform(s): Xbox One, Xbox 360
Release Date:
Xbox One [Backwards Compatibility] April 16th, 2019​
Xbox 360: June 3, 2008​
Genre: Action
Price: $29.99
Player(s): 1
Format: Digital/Physical
Developer: Team Ninja
Publisher: Microsoft Game Studios


How does this compare to the original game?
Ninja Gaiden II drops a lot of the platforming seen in the original game and introduces a more linear levels to keep you focused on the combat. The game also introduces a dismemberment system that allows you to instant-kill wounded enemies.

Does my disc or existing digital purchase work for this?
Yes. If you own the game already, either physically or digitally, you can play Ninja Gaiden II on your Xbox One.

X Enhanced?
Yes. Ninja Gaiden II is launching into the backwards compatibility program with "X Enhancements". On an Xbox One X the game should render around ~1755p as the original game ran at 585p. Xbox One base consoles will still run MGII at the original 585p resolution.

Will the game still suffer from performance issues?
While analysis specific to the game will come later there is a precedent of 360 games running better on both the Xbox One X and the base console. Screen-tearing will also be removed when playing on any Xbox One console.

Pre-patch staircase?
Backwards compatible 360 games are based on the current, patched build, so you'll be encountering a less populated stairway.

How does the stair sequence run?
Note: 30fps video
Just played through, not sure if it was "the staircase," but "a staircase" (lol) in Chapter 10 and tried to not kill that many dudes (I just had to Izuna drop a few of them. How could you not?) and just led them around me. Got to the top of one area and did the Wind Blades ninpo and killed them all. Seems to run fine. (I'm not a fan of the "old" staircase so I'm happy with this).

Again though, it's been a long time since I played through this game and part, so I'm not sure if there's a worse area.

How do I play the game?

via a Master Ninja

All existing DLC will work with this release. There's a mission mode and additional costumes available for purchase.

Can I buy this with Xbox store credit?
Yes, but only from an Xbox 360 console.

Does my existing progress carry-over to Xbox One?
If you uploaded your 360 save to the cloud on that console, yes.

Why do folk talk up this release in comparison to the Sigma rerelease?
The original release, while missing the extra characters and overpowered weapons, includes more enemies, better performance, additional loading, more blood and additional dismemberment. There were also, poorly received by many fans, balance changes made in Sigma that increased the enemy health and strength to make up for their lowered population.

X gameplay footage?



Metacritic - 81

Destructoid 8/10
Fans of high-speed action titles can't go wrong; in fact, they'd be foolish to look anywhere else for anything better this generation. It's just disappointing that Ninja Gaiden II -- which is said to be the last in the series -- isn't quite the flawless masterpiece I'd hoped for. But even if it doesn't set a new bar, at least it stands as a fine example of excellent, highly stylized, fast-paced fun.

Gamespy 4.5/5
If you're a fan of action games, then Ninja Gaiden II is an absolute must-have. The gameplay mechanics are phenomenally satisfying, and mastering Ryu's diverse weapon sets can easily entertain you through multiple play-throughs, giving this strictly single-player experience an extended life. You'll see yourself getting better over time, and the results are both gory and fulfilling. This is videogaming in the strictly old-school sense, an interactive experience that's light on storytelling and all about mastering all that's involved until you are skillful enough to defeat one of gaming's few truly capable challenges. Ninja Gaiden II is unrelenting and even unforgiving at times, but mastering the deadly art of Ninjitsu will leave you feeling very satisfied.


Xbox 360 Marketplace Listing
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Self requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Awesome. Australian store has it up for $49.99 but i suggest just buying it from any store honestly. It should be $20 max


Oct 27, 2017
X enhanced??? When did this happen, oh lawd.

Did any other titles get the enhanced treatment?
Oct 25, 2017
This game is finally getting me to buy an Xbox One. I can't wait to hear about how this runs for S and X users, hopefully it's locked 1080p/60fps at least.


Oct 25, 2017
This game made me rebuy a 360 just because no other game has matched its combat engine. Sekiro is the only game that's come close to the pure gratification in feedback that you get when murdering fools


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck yeah. Good OP.
I don't have an X1, but looking forward to replaying it again in the future.
I never played a "modern" Ninja Gaiden - are these like DMC?
Not really. All 3 are a bit different, but they're all pretty hard and focused on efficiency and surviving enemies trying to actually kill you (rather than the pretty basic AI of DMC enemies - outside of bosses).
Watch this:

Some good yt comments from that video
In Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, God Hand, ect., the protagonist is made wacky and crazy while the world is at least semi-serious. But in Ninja Gaiden, the world is made wacky and crazy while Ryu is serious at all times.
Ninja Gaiden 2 is like walking to work, and the second you open the door, BAM you get hit with a pipe. Then, when you take your lunch break, BAM the same guy beans you again with a spiked bat. Then, on your washroom time, the door gets kicked in and he shoots three explosive crossbow bolts straight into your crotch and then does an izuna drop on your body as you get juggled by the explosions. By this point you've had enough. You attack him when you leave for work, dodging his attack and breaking his arm. At which point, he screams wildly, leaps towards your throat, and kamikazes himself. And you do this EVERY SINGLE DAY.


Oct 26, 2017
Holy shit, i havent been in gaming side in months and I walk in to this.....Hot Damn!!!

Kage Maru

Oct 27, 2017
Major Nelson said it may not be available digitally on all storefronts yet, but it will be.

edit: found the tweet:

Thanks, looks like I'll have to wait until I get home.

Delisted long ago, but my digital copy showed up as owned in the XB1 store without issue.

I'm installing right now

I can see the store page listed in the OP but when I try to buy it, it loads to a page saying it's not available in my region.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah disc isn't working for me. Damn it. I don't want to wait until tomorrow lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Sweet, still have my copy.

Also just to save some people who never played before some unneeded aggravation... you can block the explosion. You'll know what I mean.


Oct 26, 2017
It's still so amazing to me how easily you can just keep playing your old save thanks to their cloud save system. Like, this shouldn't be THAT easy. The games are just suddenly there, you click a button and then you can just play the save you created 10 years ago on a different console. Have to remind myself everytime how fricking awesome that really is.


Prophet of Truth - Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
It's still so amazing to me how easily you can just keep playing your old save thanks to their cloud save system. Like, this shouldn't be THAT easy. The games are just suddenly there, you click a button and then you can just play the save you created 10 years ago on a different console. Have to remind myself everytime how fricking awesome that really is.

It's fucking amazing and this doesn't get enough love imo
Oct 27, 2017
UK here, just restarted my console and it's installing now.

Might have been restarting after midnight as i tried that earlier and it didn't work.


Oct 27, 2017
This is what we were waiting for everyone. Just 10m playing and it's so smooth and gorgeous. Now to get my cloud saves working and try the staircase fight.

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Holy shit the dd is 30 bones?
Will need to track down a physical copy here lol
Mine's in Italy goddamn


Oct 27, 2017
Best combat engine to this day.... Goddamn I have it on my old 360 but this makes me very tempted to get a Xbox One....


Oct 27, 2017
I'm playing Ninja Gaiden 2 right now and it looks like a remaster on the X! I'm blown away, this is NUTS! No more sub-HD, washed out brightness and screen tearing here, this game looks so sharp now with a punchy image and good blacks! And i haven't see annoying framedrops, it's smooooooth 60fps.

Thank you BC team at MS!!
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