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Deleted member 32374

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Nov 10, 2017

So, I'll add that I think I found the source of my anger. It isn't the nice things or the toys, its the security and not having to focus on survival or knowing a loved one is facing food insecurity, even after you send them money. Its having your own apartment, not listening to every single noise your 10 year old car makes, not skipping dental work or avoiding the doctor just to avoid co pays and deductibles. That's what your garbage, shitty, joke of a toy and game collection looks like to me, fucking security.

And yes, I'm a hateful, angry and bitter person. They're not just senior citizens anymore.

EDIT: I've taken everyone off ignore, see my latest posts. TL:DR, I was being a petty patty last wed and snapped, turns out I'm too old for that shit and I've got riches, just not in the way of possessions.

I do. I'll admit it. Sometimes its interesting to see a rare piece of old computer equipment or a really unique setup. Other times, I hit the ignore user button after someone posts their "humble" setup with a pristine room, leather furniture, oled and premium consoles. Its a humblebrag, own it.

This isn't the fault of the majority of those sharing their pick ups or setups, its cool to be proud of your refuge or finds and please post away. Everyone is welcome here, poor, middle class and well off. Its a personal problem, a I get jealous, then self critical, then angry or depressed. I stay out those threads now after a few days where I went home and then went to bed.

So, anyway, anyone else?
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Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh UK
Aspire to get the things you want in life instead?

Most people have worked hard or been lucky for the possessions that they own.

I quite like seeing a beautiful set up personally.
Oct 27, 2017
Nope not at all.

I live simply so as long as I have my laptop, headphones, TV, and iPad...

Well I guess I'm sorta well off but I am not engaged with video games or VR, etc. No real fancy stuff.

Having a GF helps you forget about money too. I make most of our food at home so no need to visit restaurants much either. Or eat out much.


Oct 27, 2017
I get a little jealous, sure, but I am mostly happy for them.

Now, turning that negative emotion inward? I have that in spades. I often feel like a failure because I never seem to have the free capital to spend on fun stuff. It's a stupid thought process, but it's what I have.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh UK
Jealousy is definately an emotion we could do without, it can be debilitating for some people and drive them to do horrible stuff.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Aspire to get the things you want in life instead?

Most people have worked hard or been lucky for the possessions that they own.

I quite like seeing a beautiful set up personally.

What little I have has come by luck and work and it's the same for most others I agree. Again, beyond the humble brag, it's a personal problem.
Oct 30, 2017
I'm just usually green with envy. I don't take someone else's good fortune personally...unless they attempt to complain about it.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
Its just possessions and consumerism. Don't get depressed over those. They are nice to look at but it shouldn't trigger negative emotions.


Oct 25, 2017
I've never been personally jealous of vapid displays of wealth and such. I grew up surrounded by very wealthy people, and I've never really felt that I've been lacking anything I've wanted and needed.

What it does do to me, however, is remind me of how fucked up our world is and our priorities. It angers me because I see so many people that can't afford basic necessities for themselves to even survive. Especially if the people flaunting what they have are hypocrites or think they somehow have a divine right to what they have.

I think I'm...becoming less and less okay with it, and I'm not sure what to do with those feelings.


Oct 25, 2017
Edinburgh UK
What little I have has come by luck and work and it's the same for most others I agree. Again, beyond the humble brag, it's a personal problem.

I do understand, my little girl becomes very jealous of people.

It's not something that she can stop, it just seems to built in to her make up. It does cause her problems though and she has tried to work on it.


Oct 26, 2017
Dunedin, New Zealand
I can understand some feelings of jealousy, but to hit "Ignore User" based on this jealousy seems strange. You can of course do what you want, but to be so jealous of a small humblebrag that you can't stand to communicate with that person ever again seems to dip into the ''going too far" end of things.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
I do understand, my little girl becomes very jealous of people.

It's not something that she can stop, it just seems to built in to her make up. It does cause her problems though and she has tried to work on it.

As much as a lot of us try to fight it, "he who dies with the most toys wins" somehow has worked itself into our personal tallies of self worth.


Oct 30, 2017
Never. I may be envious when I see some really nice gear, but I don't begrudge the poster their stuff.

I don't have a ton of money, and there are lots of cool things I'd like to own but can't afford. I'm not bothered when other people can afford these things. What bothers me is when people of means try to get over at the expense of others who are less fortunate.

Deleted member 13642

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Nope, I haven't given up. A lot of people don't even enjoy their baubles, so.. I don't know. I'm more envious of a life with purpose surrounded by close, meaningful relationships.

Not that the material things that can accompany that aren't nice, but I think I finally see what it is I want out of life, even if it's a little late in the game, and I'm working on it. In spite of everything.

So no, it really doesn't bother me. For once.


Oct 26, 2017
Nah, it's the fuel I use to motivate myself lol. Always remember that there are people worse off than you.

Deleted member 1086

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Oct 25, 2017
Boise Area, Idaho
there's a lot of people here that have some really nice cars, and I thought my mustang was a nice car but it gets outclassed by some of the cars posted here that cost double
Nov 27, 2017
Im super privileged. I have it so good I catch myself saying to myself dude look at how incredible this is. Not a great story for this thread really, I guess if you have it be grateful.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
It's just stuff.

The only time I get jealous is when everyone is playing the same latest game at once and I'm not - like GoW right now or Monster Hunter World before it. I feel left out.

Other than that it's whatever. I've been lower class most of my life so I'm used to people having cool stuff and me not being able to ever afford it.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I steer clear of any "pick up" threads because they're just thinly veiled excuses to show off one's wealth.

Edit: Also the "what car do you drive" thread. No way I'm ever clicking that one, hoo boy.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
As I was just thinking about this, I realized that I'm only this vindictive online. All of my family/friends, only my sister and one of my oldest friends have decent means. I haven't once gotten depressed, or self critical after playing with their toys or visiting their places. Maybe its just that I assume the worst or the reality that I don't see the person behind the avatar online.
Oct 27, 2017
A lot of people are really salty here with jealousy I've noticed. There was one user who told me that I was lying about my age and my marriage and that I was actually a "12 year old who wants to have sex with their mom" because I said I fell head over heels for my wife the second I saw her, followed by them calling me an "immature paynis." It was pretty remarkable how bitter the person was, hahahaha.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
One of these days I might have enough money to cover my floor on vita games too.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
A lot of people are really salty here with jealousy I've noticed. There was one user who told me that I was lying about my age and my marriage and that I was actually a "12 year old who wants to have sex with their mom" because I said I fell head over heels for my wife the second I saw her, followed by them calling me an "immature paynis." It was pretty remarkable how bitter the person was, hahahaha.

I don't PM or shit up the threads. That's nonsense behavior lol.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Only if they're expensive boots and they refuse to tell me where they bought them.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Nah. Because most of the time when someone posts something they spent a lot of money on, I realize that I don't need something like that in my life. Also, if I save and be frugal, I can also buy nice/expensive things, just not that many of them.


Oct 27, 2017
I get jealous of clean and tidy setups in the Gaming setup thread.

I have twin toddlers. (a lot of those setups do look cold and sterile though tbh.)


Oct 25, 2017
Why be jealous of others when you can hate yourself for not being successful?
Dec 13, 2017
I don't get jealous much by possessions, more like the time people have to enjoy themselves and travel and all of that. I get jealous of people who've been to Japan, Italy, other places in the world I haven't been able to go to yet. Of course, I get a bit jealous of people driving the lambos and the ferraris too, but not as much as the traveling. I get more jealous about how it seems people spend less time working than I do and can have a certain lifestyle (says the man posting on a forum while at work). However, this just fuels me, I believe I can reach these same heights or surpass them and it gives me the motivation to push forward. Get jealous, but use that to push forward man. Some people got really lucky to have their stuff, but I'm sure there are a lot more who worked hard to get what they have.


Oct 25, 2017
Shallow consumerism is one of the worst aspects of geek culture. I used to run a forum, and the weekly "Show us what you bought this week!" thread filled with more games than they could play, hundreds of dollars worth, users would create was one of the reasons I washed my hands of it and left it to others.

Anyway, unless someone's showing off something cool and unique, ya, it gets me down sometimes, so I just tend to ignore those threads.


Oct 27, 2017
Just got avocado on my subway sandwich, so you plebes can't tell me nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I don't get jealous much by possessions, more like the time people have to enjoy themselves and travel and all of that. I get jealous of people who've been to Japan, Italy, other places in the world I haven't been able to go to yet. Of course, I get a bit jealous of people driving the lambos and the ferraris too, but not as much as the traveling. I get more jealous about how it seems people spend less time working than I do and can have a certain lifestyle (says the man posting on a forum while at work). However, this just fuels me, I believe I can reach these same heights or surpass them and it gives me the motivation to push forward. Get jealous, but use that to push forward man. Some people got really lucky to have their stuff, but I'm sure there are a lot more who worked hard to get what they have.

Bingo. I don't care about material possessions as much as I care about seeing the world, but as it is I'm 32 and I've yet to leave the US.


Oct 27, 2017
I get jealous of people who've been to Japan, Italy, other places in the world I haven't been able to go to yet. Of course, I get a bit jealous of people driving the lambos and the ferraris too, but not as much as the traveling. I get more jealous about how it seems people spend less time working than I do and can have a certain lifestyle (says the man posting on a forum while at work).

It may be more to do with where the poster is from and the work conditions they have. I'm very lucky that I get over 6 weeks of leave per year, and I go overseas a minimum once a year. (usually twice) Most of my wife's friends overseas are lucky to get 2 weeks off a year, and it's usually restricted to the same time every year.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm not jealous of people with wealth. I'm jealous of people with lots of free time to enjoy.

If I had a million dollars I wouldn't spend any of it, other than to invest it and live meagerly off the interest, but have plenty of time to do what I WANTED to, not what I HAVE to do.

That's what I'm working towards. I could care less about "nice" things.


Oct 25, 2017
Not really. I'm well aware of the fact that some people are way richer than me, or at least have way more disposable income. Or maybe they aren't, and are just way more willing to spend money on these things than me. Doesn't matter which one. If it makes them happy to spend their money on these things, then that's their choice. No reason to feel jealous.

I just go "damn, a lot of money went into that" and move on.
Dec 13, 2017
Bingo. I don't care about material possessions as much as I care about seeing the world, but as it is I'm 32 and I've yet to leave the US.

The US has some great places to see too! I want to go to Portland, Seattle, Chicago, LA, NOLA, but you still have time man you're young! I'm 27 and I feel like my youth is leaving me, but we've got plenty of time to see what's out there. Groupon has some good deal on travel, but I don't know how shady those are, I had a friend who used one once and said it was pretty great. I'm trying to plan a couple big trips next year, trying to see my motherland Spain and Japan, but we will see.


Oct 27, 2017
No. For one, I don't care about stuff like that. You realize most of its just a bunch of crap in your house. If it doesn't serve a purpose besides looking at it, I don't want it anymore.

But I try not to hold hatred in my heart for other people.


Oct 26, 2017
I only get bothered when someone seems to be doing better than myself and they post some "how do I <basic life/relationship shit>?"
Oct 27, 2017
Sometimes. Mostly about apartments and cars. I'm not that poor but a newish car seems like a ludicrously expensive thing.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
The US has some great places to see too! I want to go to Portland, Seattle, Chicago, LA, NOLA, but you still have time man you're young! I'm 27 and I feel like my youth is leaving me, but we've got plenty of time to see what's out there. Groupon has some good deal on travel, but I don't know how shady those are, I had a friend who used one once and said it was pretty great. I'm trying to plan a couple big trips next year, trying to see my motherland Spain and Japan, but we will see.

The wife and I are planning on going to Japan within the next few years, so it's coming up, but I just got married last year, looking to buy our first house later this lots of big purchases coming down the pipeline quickly and if there's anything that gives me anxiety it's spending money.
Dec 13, 2017
It may be more to do with where the poster is from and the work conditions they have. I'm very lucky that I get over 6 weeks of leave per year, and I go overseas a minimum once a year. (usually twice) Most of my wife's friends overseas are lucky to get 2 weeks off a year, and it's usually restricted to the same time every year.

Not gunna lie this made me a little jealous, lol. 6 weeks a year is insane! I'm self-employed so any time off has to be incredibly planned way well in advance and calculated and even then I've had a couple trips fall last minute because of work. I can't complain too much though because the work pays for the house and stuff.
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