Dec 2, 2017
A number of parties were held in Downing Street in the run-up to Christmas last year while indoor mixing was banned in London under COVID restrictions, Sky News understands.

Following reports that a large party was held in late December, it has also emerged that Number 10 staff gathered after work and drank alcohol to wind down, despite rules stating that mixing between household bubbles was banned.

On 18 December, 40 people attended a bash in Downing Street, where staff drank, chatted and celebrated late into the night, according to a report in The Mirror newspaper.

Sky News understands the individuals at this party let their hair down with games, food and drink.

It has been reported as a Christmas party, but one government aide said it was convened to say goodbye to a colleague working in Downing Street who was moving to a new role elsewhere.

On 16 December, two days before the large Downing Street bash allegedly took place, London moved into Tier 3 restrictions, where all indoor mixing was banned unless individuals were in household bubbles.

Downing Street has insisted that no rules were broken during the period.

When pressed on the gatherings staff held throughout the period a Number 10 spokesman said: "COVID rules have been followed at all times."

On Tuesday, Downing Street was forced to deny claims that Boris Johnson broke coronavirus rules with parties at Number 10 last Christmas after the Mirror newspaper claimed the PM made a speech at a leaving do on 27 November - when the country was in the second lockdown.

The PM's spokesman on Wednesday reiterated at a regular briefing with journalists that "at all stages the rules have been followed".

COVID-19: Number of parties held at Downing Street in run-up to Christmas last year, Sky News understands

On Tuesday, the Mirror claimed the PM made a speech at a leaving do on 27 November - when the country was in the second lockdown - and allowed a festive party to proceed on 18 December when London was in the grips of Tier 3 restrictions.


Oct 25, 2017
It would be more surprising if the fucking Tories had followed the laws they themselves put in place.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I'm sure the sanctions/punishments put into place for those responsible will be swift and severe.


Dec 12, 2018
This has got to be a lie. Tories always follow the rules, just like we have to. You telling me they're cunts? Surely not.
Oct 28, 2017
I want to know why this is only coming to light now. There's NO FUCKING WAY journalists didn't know about this.

They were probably all there actually.

Fucking absolute toilet of a country.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
I sure am glad I missed seeing my niece and nephews last Christmas. Really did my part.

Dan Thunder

Nov 2, 2017
Did anyone read the transcript from the Press Secretary. Literally every answer was a variation of "I can't comment but COVID rules were followed at all time."


Oct 27, 2017
The journalists were there, most likely. Laura's silence bought by a fucking salmon canape.

"Inside tory sources say the salmon tasted amazing!"

Seriously there's no way they didn't know, know way they didn't decide outright to keep quiet and if I had to guess more than a few particular ones were there without doubt, who those few are I'm sure people can guess but you rightly named the most clear one. Fuck the Tories and fuck anyone who votes or supports these assholes. There are no good tories.

Imagine acting like it took a year for you to uncover this story when there were so many people there.....imagine acting like no one in journalism heard about this kind of thing but we had a "leaked" video of a cabinet member having an affair and such in the last year......just doesn't seem likely that they wouldn't have known for a long time about this.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Did anyone read the transcript from the Press Secretary. Literally every answer was a variation of "I can't comment but COVID rules were followed at all time."

There was a thing yesterday that Starmer brought up about Tories promising 40 new hospitals, basically there is a government made guide to state that when asked about them, any upgrade, refurb, touch up to an already built old hospital be referred as a new hospital!

That's so beyond spin.


Oct 27, 2017
COVID rules = no parties. Therefore rules were not followed.

I don't understand how you can spin this?????

Literally black and white. Case closed.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 28, 2017
Rules for thee but not for me

I can't remember who said it, but I saw someone in an interview theorising that the reason some countries were so late in putting restrictions in place was that the people in charge assumed most people wouldn't follow them... because they assumed most people would be like them and would try to dodge them.

The idea that most people would genuinely follow the guidance (at least early on) was kind of mind-blowing to them - they assumed most people were as selfish as them.

Edit: It was Rutger Bregman about 12 or so minutes into this:

Last edited:


Oct 27, 2017
A fine just means it's legal for the rich anyway which is how they operate.


Oct 25, 2017
Reminds me of the rumours in Private Eye that the first lockdown could have happened sooner but Boris delayed it so his wife could have her baby shower.


Oct 28, 2017
Lol at this only coming out now. Guess the press are turning on him now too considering many of them were probably there.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
If some of the press were there that would be a bad look, one, it could be held over them to play along with whatever the government says or they lose their job or two, they play along with government anyway so doesn't matter.


Oct 27, 2017
Utter scum through and through. Keep the knuckle dragging masses voting for you, you deplorable trash tories.


Dec 12, 2017
Lancashire, United Kingdom
It’s Time To Go
Dec 2, 2017
Downing Street denies any Christmas parties of any kind took place

No 10 claims there was no party in Downing Street last Christmas and it's 'statement of fact' no Covid rules were broken

The Downing Street lobby briefing has finished. It lasted longer than usual, partly because of another fruitless quest for clarification as to what did or did not happen at No 10 last December when staff had a boozy get-together. Here are the key points on topic.
  • The PM's spokesman denied that a party took place in Downing Street last December. He said:
As press secretary set out on a number of occasions when questioned about this originally, there was not a party and Covid rules have been followed at all times.

This is a slightly firmer line than we have had before. Downing Street has not denied reports, that first appeared in the Daily Mirror, that an event that would meet any conventional definition of a party (a large number of people drinking booze in the same room, until late in the evening, with games too, just before a holiday) took place just before Christmas in No 10 last year. (There was also a separate one in November.) At PMQs last week Johnson did not deny that a Christmas party took place, and in subsequent interviews he has never said there was no party. Initially No 10 did not deny that there had been a party either, but at one briefing last week the PM's press secretary (the party political spokesperson) said that what happened was not a party, and today the official spokesman (the civil service one) adopted that.

UK Covid: Javid tells MPs there are 336 Omicron cases in multiple regions – as it happened

Health secretary says there are now 261 confirmed Omicron cases in England, 71 in Scotland, and four in Wales

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
I going to guess they didn't call it a party or throw out invites, just come along and have some drinks and food that was a party and probably lots of big wigs and press who don't want to set their job on fire by proving it did happen and anyone else well, would you like to be on the honours list…


Oct 27, 2017

Gotta love the quote from Boris saying he is satisfied himself that no covid rules were broken during the party while ignoring that 1) the party itself broke the fucking guidelines and 2) the idea he can just decide if he and others broke the rules or not is absolutely fucking moronic.

The whole thing is ridiculous and that's before you even mention it took a year for this to come out when there were 40-50 people at the's weird how many "insider sources" certain members of the press get pretty much every day for the tories except for when the news would be bad for their friends in government who are partying it up during lockdowns.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK

Every single one of us was told that we had to keep socially distanced to stop the spread of Covid. We were told we couldn't go see family members, some for the last time, for Christmas, to save the NHS from collapse. We were told all this and the overwhelming majority of us followed those rules, not out of any sense of worry from legal consequences, but because basic fucking humanity told us that we had to make sacrifices to save lives.

And these absolute shitstains are laughing and joking about breaking the rules that they set up?

All of them should be fired, tarred and feathered, denied any public funds and left to rot on the scrapheap of history and I'm feeling fucking generous here.

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
It's kinda weird that journalists can get info on practically anything the government does but this Christmas party is a slippery fish they can't pin down. Someone is playing games, promotions, honours, access, running scared like journalists were there and staff have leaked it but journalists won't go all the way for obvious reasons or staff won't because they can leverage it.


Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
It's kinda weird that journalists can get info on practically anything the government does but this Christmas party is a slippery fish they can't pin down. Someone is playing games, promotions, honours, access, running scared like journalists were there and staff have leaked it but journalists won't go all the way for obvious reasons or staff won't because they can leverage it.

If only Allegra Stratton's husband knew what she was up to. Though I am hesitant to put anything the Spectator publishes in the category of journalism.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
If the tories had any dignity they would be pressuring Johnson to resign immediately
What's the point? It wasn't just Johnson. They were all there. The entire party is corrupt to its very core. Johnson would just be replaced by the guy who was in charge of cutting up lines of chang at the party.