
Oct 31, 2017
Also, Bloomberg doesn't want Trump to win, so an independent run wouldn't fly either. (since it would pretty much guarantee Trump's reelection, which will already be a close call in the battleground states)

Gimme a break. In a matchup between Trump and Warren or Bernie, Bloomberg will want Trump to win.


Oct 25, 2017
"Time to help my rich friends."


Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
I don't think he's really going to run, just covering his bases.


Oct 27, 2017
Bloomberg isn't going to do jack squat, his candidacy has always been for Beltway insiders and newspaper editorial boards, voters aren't going to give a shit

Won't stop it from dominating a few pointless news cycles, this is Schultz all over again

He's worth 52 billion compared to Schultz's 4 billion. He can mount a billion dollar campaign and it won't even effect his fortune, this is a bigger deal than Schultz IMO.


The Fallen
Mar 13, 2018
Real talk time.

Seriously? This is where you draw the line? After everything the Trump administration has done to minorities, the LGBT community, migrants and the country's reputation and integrity in general, you balk at the possibility that the Democratic candidate will raise your taxes.

Don't think the people haven't forgotten the 1%'s reaction to Trumps election, saying there's the economy would collapse. Yet you were fine with it... just as long as you got your tax cuts. Your kind may claim to be woke, but you still think you can get away with paying money to anti-LGBT organizations, fund candidates against unionizing and the minimum wage and know-tow yourselves to dictatorships such as China as if your base would think nothing of it.

Worse yet, it's apparently beneath you to spend a fraction of that money on downballot races and state elections that desperately need it. Likely because there's the chance that someone who wins would also raise your taxes.

Like... it's ridiculous how much Steyer, Bloomberg and the like are trying to preserve their neoliberal order when it's clearly not going to last much longer. Both both the left and the right have crapped on your indecisiveness for the past few years. It's time to make a choice. You're either going to get a socialist future where your tax rate will return to the to FDR levels or a fascist one where the government forces you to support its convervative nationalist order. At least pick one that most people would be fine with.


Aug 7, 2018
Warren and sanders has em all shook. Good. We're coming for your money.

If anything Warren has to be shook at the recent polling the NYT has done which would see Trump beat her handily across most swing states.

Bloomberg probably won't "fully run" but rather try to steer the Dem primary's main narratives towards a different direction. I don't think the ultra-liberal approach by Warren or Sanders will yield positive results in the long run, especially as Trump seems to be immune to the Impeachment Process.

Deleted member 22490

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Seriously? This is where you draw the line? After everything the Trump administration has done to minorities, the LGBT community, migrants and the country's reputation and integrity in general, you balk at the possibility that the Democratic candidate will raise your taxes.
Bloomberg doesn't care about that shut. After all, he was responsible for the horribly racist stop-and-frisk policy in NYC. If he gets the nomination, I won't be voting for that racist.
Oct 27, 2017
Rich people have no loyalty, zero allegiance to anyone other than access to their wealth. The ultra-rich hate democracy, because it dilutes their ability to buy power. They are at best an agitator against society, but mostly an enemy. Billionaires should not exist. The sooner society corrects this aberration, the better.


Nov 2, 2017
Bloomberg was also responsible for having the NYPD mass arresting and brutalizing protesters when NYC hosted the 2004 Republican National Convention.

Deleted member 7130

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wish him great success in leeching votes and poll numbers off Biden.

Don't know if he'll be that effective, but god speed boomer.

Hell, if I could run for prez right now I'd basically try to out boomer Biden and suicide crash his campaign
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Oct 26, 2017
lmao. Quite the confluence of cultural shifts that has taken place for "ok bloomberg" to be legitimately funny


Oct 25, 2017
I thought we were supposed to be narrowing the field of candidates? The sooner we can whittle it down to a three way race between Biden/Bernie/Warren, the better.


Oct 29, 2017
He will really help Warren and Sanders. The guy will rally a lot of support against rich people, just from the sound of his voice.