
User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
So i think often when we discuss games we didnt like we speak about them subjectively in a way that sounds objective. For instance people might say "what an awful game" in a thread for a game that reviewed well and built up a large following. I see this a lot for games like Destiny, bioshock infinite, fallout 4, GTA IV, FFXV, Pokemon sw/sh, and MGS V (sorry for all the abreviations). I think its more interesting to take the hyperbole out, and start being able to admit that a game is good from an objective stand point, even if you didnt enjoy it.

for me I didnt enjoy any of the mainline boarderland games, or the last of us. But i can totally understand why people love them. I also cancelled my death stranding pre order once the reviews came out because it didnt seem like a game i would be interested in. But that being said i can totally admit that objectively those are great games, even if I have issues with some of the gameplay. Another example would be Classic style resident evil. I totally get why they are hailed as classics, but to me they feel to clunky. But again i understand that my view on that is not the common consensus on those games, and that despite my issues with the tank controls, they have other objectively great qualities.


Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty much my thoughts on valve's output, you could fill an orange box so to speak with their perfectly good titles that I don't gel with.


Oct 22, 2018
There is no objectively good game. A game thats good for someone might be trash for another.

For example, youll have to put a gun to my head before Ill ever admit that GTA 4 was ever good.

Deleted member 7883

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Basically every Naughty Dog game from the PS3 onwards. Their flavor of cinematic experiences just ain't for me.


Oct 25, 2017
Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild.

For Mario, it just felt like more of something I've already played to death throughout my life. BotW lacking real dungeons and such rubbed me the wrong way. Dungeons were by far the highlight of the franchise for me.


Oct 27, 2017
GTA games. I find them incredibly boring for some reason. I'll try giving GTAV a go again. I can appreciate the work put into them though and the realisation of city exteriors is impressive (even though it feels somewhat hollow to me).

Oddly I enjoy RDR (but mostly the side activities and traversal - not the combat).

Don Fluffles

Oct 28, 2017

He makes a good explanation.

If you instead replace objectively good with, say, "Games with a high metascore" or "award winning games," then you'll get the responses you want.

Personally, I think the massively acclaimed Red Dead Redemption is a pile of horseshit. The movement and gameplay is too focused on animation realism over being responsive. The mission design takes the open world potential and kicks it out the door as if it were Call of Duty.

Deleted member 2620

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think there are objectively good or bad games, but I do think it's good to acknowledge elements of games that you think were well-realized even if you don't enjoy them.

Something like Persona 5, for example, has a ton of elements that I think are incredibly cool and took a lot of experience and effort to execute. I also don't like playing the game.


Oct 25, 2017
I dont think you really can be objective about something as subjective as an entertainment product. Beyond stuff like bugs, glitches, performance etc. But that aside. The two that first come to mind are Sekiro and Devil May Cry 5.

I think Sekiro is a good game, just not one for me. The rhythm game-esque combat, the amazingly tedious story, dull characters, formulaic lore and lack of "rpg elements" just werent to my taste.

Similarly I think DMC5 is a good game but not for me. It looked really nice and the combat, while you were in it, was good. Oh and the amazing looking hair. Everything else was mediocre to bad. The terrible story, the try hard attitude, the first playthrough basically being a learning run and so on. I can see how they might not bother others but I found it a real chore to finish it.


Editor at Nintendo Wire
Oct 27, 2017
Sekiro, Dark Souls, Bloodborne, basically every souls-like. I can really appreciate the craft but I don't have the patience for how they handle difficulty and retrying. I've officially given up on ever really liking them at this point.

Valve's games besides the Portal series do nothing for me but they're obviously well crafted and historically important.

I have a hard time getting into strategy games (FFT, Fire Emblem) but it isn't impossible for me like Souls games are, it's basically just something I can really commit to once in a blue moon. I had a fun time with Fire Emblem Awakening last year, tried to play Echoes, Fates, and Three Houses, couldn't get into 'em.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think I can answer this. All the games I am not interested in could be the best game of all time but if I am not interested then....


Oct 25, 2017
TLoU, between the theme and gameplay I just couldn't get into it. I tried different difficulties, including dropping it down to easy after giving up on the gameplay just to try and enjoy the story and never made to the end.


Feb 19, 2018
Practically most / nearly every Sony 1st party game for me. Horizon ZD, GoW, Last of Us - I accept that they're well crafted games, but, even if it's a harsh word, I actually hate most of them for their game design.
The games I like from Sony are Last Guardian or Bloodborne e.g., I'd say those are more or less focused on level design, gameplay and interaction, while the others mentioned are rather story heavy.
Only thing I'm actually still somewhat curious about is Spiderman.


Oct 25, 2017
Botw....I guess.
Fire emblem. The xenoblade games. Most jrpgs in general that are considered good.


Oct 26, 2017
Horizon Zero Dawn.

Beautiful world, cool protagonist, good combat (against the machines that is).

I was bored to tears.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Beaumont, CA
I think Guilty Gear is probably the biggest example for me. I really like how Xrd looks and the series has always had a really sleek aesthetic and all but I just can't bring myself to like its characters, music, or anything.

Vagrant Story on PS1, I have tried countless times to play this game but the battle system just wasn't for me.
Oh man, same here. I LOVE Matsuno's style and the Ivalice setting, but I just can't get into the gameplay.


Sep 21, 2018

He makes a good explanation.

If you instead replace objectively good with, say, "Games with a high metascore" or "award winning games," then you'll get the responses you want.

Personally, I think the massively acclaimed Red Dead Redemption is a pile of horseshit. The movement and gameplay is too focused on animation realism over being responsive. The mission design takes the open world potential and kicks it out the door as if it were Call of Duty.

dont link borderline pedos imo


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't really played Mario Kart since the N64 days.

He makes a good explanation.

If you instead replace objectively good with, say, "Games with a high metascore" or "award winning games," then you'll get the responses you want.

Personally, I think the massively acclaimed Red Dead Redemption is a pile of horseshit. The movement and gameplay is too focused on animation realism over being responsive. The mission design takes the open world potential and kicks it out the door as if it were Call of Duty.

I don't think there are objectively good or bad games, but I do think it's good to acknowledge elements of games that you think were well-realized even if you don't enjoy them.

Something like Persona 5, for example, has a ton of elements that I think are incredibly cool and took a lot of experience and effort to execute. I also don't like playing the game.

There is no objectively good game. A game thats good for someone might be trash for another.

For example, youll have to put a gun to my head before Ill ever admit that GTA 4 was ever good.

Agree with this. Especially GTA 4.


Oct 26, 2017
Out of massively-popular, well-produced things that I just don't get even after trying them, it's gotta be WoW. It felt like all the layers of the game melted away after a few days of the free demo and I was just staring straight into the exposed skeleton of the skinner's box so I never bought the real game.


Jan 16, 2018
RE4 and Bioshock. They impressed me but the fear factor was too high. Horror games just aren't for me.


Oct 25, 2017
DMC/GoW/Souls games - don't like the combat style

GTA/RDR - impressive games but I cant stand the movement and aiming...

Beth Cyra

Oct 26, 2017
Any high quality game with a silent protagonist. Some amazing software out there but I can't enjoy games that feature this like an Skyrim/FO3/NV and the like.


Oct 27, 2017
New York, NY
Baba is You, Stephen's Sausage Roll. Love a good puzzle game, which these are, but my brain just doesn't enjoy the block pushing Sokoban style once it ramps up.


Oct 25, 2017
Skyrim, Breath of the Wild, GTAV, Fallout 3, basically open world games. Lol. I can't while playing an MMO. They're just too big for their own good and I can't handle them.


Oct 25, 2017
The gaming community has a real problem with wanting subjective things to be objective.


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Well first we have to define what makes a game objectively good. There can be objective aspects of a game but those are filtered through a subjective viewpoint.

TLOU is a game commonly praised for its story with comments that err to the negative on its gameplay, yet it was the opposite for me, a bland game of cardboard people with frowny faces drawn on but with surprisingly deep and mechanical gameplay.


Nov 2, 2017
^ Forza Horizon as well. Incredible tech and open world, but it felt aimless and I found the UI (at least in 3) overly complicated.

I think it might be less Horizon and more that open world racing just isn't for me.


Oct 25, 2017
For everyone stating the games & series that weren't for them, are you saying that they're "objectively good" anyway? Why not just say you're indifferent or that are they're mediocre/bad?

Double 0

Nov 5, 2017
I have a hard time getting into any game with anime art styles. With some exceptions (Fighting games).

Deleted member 34949

Account closed at user request
Nov 30, 2017
Most Matsuno games for me. FF Tactics and FFXII are extremely well crafted games that have a lot of really good shit in them, but the latter bores me after 15 or so minutes, and I kinda hate the latter's battle system to the extent that I've given up on ever playing through it.

Hilariously enough, Vagrant Story is the only one I was actually able to get into, and that's arguably the more obtuse game from a mechanics perspective, lol


Oct 30, 2017
Fortnite, Apex, and etc. I just don't care for BR. I've tried to get into them, but at the end of the day I just don't enjoy them. Sure, FN has other modes besides BR, but the bread and butter of the game is BR.
Oct 28, 2017
Practically most / nearly every Sony 1st party game for me. Horizon ZD, GoW, Last of Us - I accept that they're well crafted games, but, even if it's a harsh word, I actually hate most of them for their game design.
The games I like from Sony are Last Guardian or Bloodborne e.g., I'd say those are more or less focused on level design, gameplay and interaction, while the others mentioned are rather story heavy.

i guess i feel pretty much the same


Oct 25, 2017
I have a hard time getting into many Nintendo first party games even though I know they are good. I've restarted BOTW a few times and get bored quickly. I know they are great games but for some weird reason the lack of full voice acting bothers me, or more accurately that weird "Nintendo voice" I guess reminds me of crappy cartoons from my childhood.

Opposite to some of the above, I absolutely HATED Last Guardian and Shadow of the Colossus. I recognize how beautiful they are and the interesting world but absolutely detested the controls and gave up on both after an hour or two. Some day I'll probably revisit and enjoy them a lot more but wasn't for me. I have bought them digitally and downloaded to my PS4 so ... someday
Oct 26, 2017
If by "objectively good", you mean beloved and/or critically acclaimed games that I just can't stand, then the Souls games fit that to a T. Demon's Souls in particular is a game I found borderline unplayable. The controls reminded me of games 10 years prior and the worlds were very dead and dull, with nothing to do besides killing things. It didn't help that the death system and lack of pausing were particularly grating. I know the game has its fans but I really don't see what's supposed to be brilliant about this game