
Oct 25, 2017
I mean..we all have the reviewers we enjoy and give credence to..but a lot of other reviews are incredibly positive?

Not digging up old bones, but Jason has (to his credit) pretty much made his opinion clear.

Personally, I tend to really like and generally agree with the GameExplain reviews and they're openly critical of some points but also really love the game and recommend it.

I'm so excited for tomorrow.


Feb 12, 2018
The structure makes it sound like Assassin's Creed 1 but the other stuff sounds promising.

Repetition and busywork sounds tedious tho

I will probably buy anyway cause I need new Switch stuff.


Lower scores than I expected so far but it should still be fun... right?

EDIT: Fuck, I can feel all the excitement for this game draining out of me. Seems like this is just another disappointment to add to the pile...

Did you play it yet? Why do people ignore the positive reviews? Because again, the reviews themselves are contradictory. Some say the stories are good and it works the way they do it, and others say they don't. It seems people are losing the ability to make their own decisions.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
Polygon's article is a good example of how the game can be extremely charming for its first few hours (the writer says he hasn't finished it all) but once you've played through all 32 chapters, the repetition really gets at you.

And, to answer a question many of you have, there is no epilogue or final chapter, despite the misinformation that was floating around. The stories do not intersect at all. Nintendo tells me there's some sort of post-game content but couldn't tell me what it was or how to unlock it, so we'll see what that turns out to be.

I know Nintendo's been weird with postgame content in the past (it was Mario 3D Land where they wouldn't let reviewers talk about the postgame levels everyone liked the most, right?) but that's kinda bizarre. You'd think they'd want people out there talking about that.

Not to seem pretentious but I think a lot of people are going to into this game expecting the wrong thing. Wasn't it heavily inspired by a creators D&D group? Its not really meant to be a heavily intertwined story. Everyone has their own personal venture to go on.

It seems to be more like a western RPG than a JRPG due to the mission/story structure.

...wouldn't a D&D group inspiration lead to a more connected story that adjusted to the party? I don't really get the logic of "D&D -> not intertwined", hah.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
Texas, United States
Sounds like it does some interesting things but the story stuff is a big negative for me. I'm going to wait for awhile and play it when I don't have so much going on.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand how there's such a discrepancy between these reviews and Jason's comments. Was he...."playing it wrong" or something?

Legitimate question as it just seems like he's so far removed from what so many others think.

different opinion and all, just like with xenoblade 2 back in december


Very low key
Oct 25, 2017
I'll grab it when there's a price cut but the Kotaku and Gamespot reviews in particular highlight issues I was concerned about (poor writing, grind and repetition).


Nov 2, 2017
Digitally Downloaded 100
Octopath Traveler is a beautiful game that somehow never gets tired. It has a labyrinthine plot that bravely attempts to give eight characters the same scope and development as eight sole protagonists would get in lesser games. It's also a game that bravely makes the story all about those characters, with the world, harsh as it can be, almost secondary to the insular unit and their individual arcs. That sheer ambition is all the more impressive because Octopath Traveller uses sprites. Little 2D characters made up of even littler squares. People need to play this game if only to realise that not everything spectacular needs to be photo-real.

Destructoid 7.5
Octopath Traveler is a small triumph in that it mostly delivers on its promise to give us eight stories worth seeing through.


May 31, 2018
I think you got a bit carried away with the hype threads on here if you were expecting this to be a critical blockbuster. These scores are pretty good for the kind of game it is

Nah, I wasn't expecting it to be on the level of BotW or God of War but some of the reviews are definitely souring any excitement I had for the game, especially Kotaku's. I've still got it in preorder but I'm not really "hyped" in any way to play it.

Did you play it yet? Why do people ignore the positive reviews? Because again, the reviews themselves are contradictory. Some say the stories are good and it works the way they do it, and others say they don't. It seems people are losing the ability to make their own decisions.

I know it's not logical at all but that's just how I feel. As I said above, I'm still keeping the preorder so it's not like I won't play the game for myself to find out whether my current feelings are warranted or not.


Oct 25, 2017
So, Jason Schreier don't liked it (as expected, but had a few aspects he liked) and many reviewers are saying the stories are lackluster. Which really suprises me because from the three prologues I played so far, the narration was a really strong point.

I wouldn't say "many." A lot of them are praising the stories. Because they're all so different, I think it boils down to expectations and personal taste.

Deleted member 2791

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Game has glowing reviews but people focusing on the only one that isn't sounds like ResetEra as its finest.


Oct 25, 2017
Can't wait to get my hands on it. Been trying to finish up as many games I could to clear space. This weekend is going to be all Octopath Traveler!!


Jul 6, 2018
Sydney, Australia
This will probably end up low to mid 80s. Seems to be dividing the critics a bit on scoring - the common complaint is the story, but reviewers seem to be divided on how much it hurts the game.

Seeing a lot of 8s.
Oct 27, 2017
Amazing, everyone is so focused on this Kotaku review despite praise elsewhere. Jason is the same person who loved NNK2 and despised XC2, maybe his tastes may differ from yours? Were people expecting universql praise? Um


Oct 25, 2017
It seems like the aesthetics and combat are what carries this one.

In terms of the grindiness and repetitive dungeons it sounds like that stayed true to the games that inspired it. I've never really gotten much out of a JRPG story or felt any sort of connection or empathy for a JRPG character, so those aspects being lackluster means it's like nearly every other JRPG I've ever played.

Seems like I'll enjoy the game due to the atmosphere and music. The other shortcomings are disappointing, but I honestly wasn't expecting a masterpiece.

I'll keep my preorder.


Nov 22, 2017
Seems to be doing slightly better than I anticipated given how taken aback people seemed to be about the way the narrative is structured.

That's probably the least important part of the package for me and I've always taken the whole "Octopath" thing literally so I've got the feeling I'll be on the plus side of the divide. Can't wait until tomorrow.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm going to counter the Jason S. Kotaku review with posting these thoughts from Digitally Download:

Octopath Traveler neatly sidesteps that through its structure so every character has genuine purpose, emotion, and motivations within their arcs. It results in a behemoth of an overall narrative that is every bit as unwieldy as other works in which the author insists on giving every character a proper arc (Game of Thrones, anyone?), but it works. As long as you've got patience for the game, you're in for some of the most potent characters you'll ever have experienced in a JRPG.

It's nice that they've all got abilities unique to them outside of combat, too, and each time you add a new character to the team, you'll want to go backtracking and see how that new character can interact with the people of previous towns. Coupled with the side quest structure, it's easy to get very lost in doing everything but the main task in those early stages of the game (that task being adding all the other characters to your party), and somehow Octopath feels open, despite being far more linear than any open would game you might have played. This openness is further exemplified by the way that your team's reputation in areas can fluctuate based on your actions. That, coupled with who is in your party, can affect storytelling moments, and the number of combinations and permutations in the game mean that if you want to experience absolutely everything, you are in for one mountain of content to climb. The best bit about that, though, is that unlike in 99 per cent of other games, none of it feels shovelled in there simply to increase the length of the game. Every moment goes to building up the very personal stories of each of the characters, and, ultimately, making you care.

That paragraph alone I think is going to sell me on the game.


Press Sneak Fuck
Oct 25, 2017
Your review says "Finished all eight stories and did a handful of optional dungeons in 36 hours, three minutes".
Just to be clear: You mean 36 hours is your total game time or just the optional dungeons? Because the dev claimed it should be like 60 hours only for story.
I completed all eight stories (32 chapters) and did a handful of optional dungeons. My game's clock is at 36 hours, three minutes.

Deleted member 8232

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I am really not into the idea of the stories not converging. If it's also repetitive I'm definitely going to have to wait for a sale. Might be a good Christmas break game.

Why do they need to converge? I am perfectly okay with each character having their own story. In fact I prefer it.

Getting string Saga Frontier vibes from this. Not a bad thing


Oct 25, 2017
~80 metacritic seems about where I was expecting. Too bad that there are some very legit criticisms/issues, but I like what I've played of it and am still looking forward to digging into it this weekend.

Deleted member 8791

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I really don't understand how there's such a discrepancy between these reviews and Jason's comments. Was he...."playing it wrong" or something?

Legitimate question as it just seems like he's so far removed from what so many others think.
Jason heavily disliked Xenoblade 2, one of the highest critically acclaimed JRPG's last year. I think it's clear he has unique ideals when it comes to JRPG. Which is fine, since certainly there will be people that share them, and for them he'll be a very useful source when it comes to JRPG reviews. For the rest of us it'll be an outliner where we take his viewpoints into account but not much more.


Nov 2, 2017
TwinFinite 90
Octopath Traveler feels like a much more personal collection of tales that might go against what you'd typically expect from a JRPG. More than anything else, the way the characters fall together feels like coincidence rather than providence, and the game is far more concerned with telling intimate stories about grief, friendship, adventure, and redemption. You might not get to save the world, but there's joy to be had from just helping out someone in a bind and learning more about the deep history of Orsterra as you go. For what it sets out to do, Octopath Traveler excels.
Oct 26, 2017
Game has glowing reviews but people focusing on the only one that isn't sounds like ResetEra as its finest.
Glowing isn't the word for these reviews. They're good, yeah. But a lot do highlight what Jason has said but it hasn't affected them that much. It's a theme of the reviews and depends on how a certain person perceives them.


Oct 26, 2017
The structure/repetitiveness complaints kill it for me. Gameplay was solid fun in the demo so I'll buy it somewhere down the line, but for now, I'll wait.

Am-am I the only person who enjoys it?

I recently completed Final Fantasy 6 and had to grind to do all the optional bosses in the game. I didn't mind it one bit, part of the fun in a JRPG imo.

Grinding can be fun. I like to do it every now and then to coast through the next x hours of the game.


Knights of Favonius World Tour '21
Oct 25, 2017
I really don't understand how there's such a discrepancy between these reviews and Jason's comments. Was he...."playing it wrong" or something?

Legitimate question as it just seems like he's so far removed from what so many others think.

He's not far removed though? Look at the other reviews. That GameSpot review, even though it gave an 8, mentions some of the same issues, and so on.

It's going to be a matter of how much people 1. find something to be an issue to begin with and 2. prioritize it over other things in determining score. Kotaku's review is scoreless so you're going to focus more on the tone as a result, but that doesn't mean the higher scoring reviews don't contain the same points at times.