
Oct 25, 2017

" Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. When the time comes, the path you've chosen will determine your fate... and perhaps the fate of others as well. "
Link to Steam Page 19.99$

OMORI on Steam

Explore a strange world full of colorful friends and foes. When the time comes, the path you’ve chosen will determine your fate... and perhaps the fate of others as well.


Launch Trailer

2014 Kickstarter Trailer

What is OMORI?

OMORI is a " candy sweet dreamy psychological horror 2D turn based RPG " (thank you Dusk Golem for that apt description). The game takes inspiration from Earthbound and takes place mostly in a dreamworld where you face sometimes cute, sometimes horrifying enemies in turn based combat. Don't want to spoil anything but this dream may not be as peaceful as it at first seems, and you do have to wake up eventually...

Battle System

The unique spin on turn based battles in this game is the Emotion System. Emotions are status effects that you can inflict on enemies and your party. Each emotion has pluses and minuses, such as Angry which will boost your strength yet lower your defense. There is a basic rock paper scissors element to the battle system where Angry beats Sad, Sad beats Happy, and Happy beats Angry. Some of your skills are emotion dependant to gain extra effects so figuring out which emotions to cause for the situation and to do the most damage is the basic flow of the system. There is also the damage gauge, after you get hit you gain a point in the damage gauge which can be spent on either bonus follow up attacks that can do more damage, heal, cause Emotions, or other combinations of things or you can save them up for a large all out attack.


The main character, quiet and reserved.

One of Omori's best friends. She is a bit strong headed and is always fighting with Kel. She tries to be kind to everyone else though.

Another of Omori's best friends. He is very active and resilient. He can be rude and absent minded at times but he's always trying his best.

You guessed it, another of Omori's best friends. He is the older brother of the group and and takes care of everyone. He loves to cook but just don't ask him to run around too much.


Currently no full reviews from any websites! Sitting at a 98%"Very Positive" on Steam.

Final Impressions from this thread.

Ok so ever since my backer key activated I've been binging this game non-stop and finally.

Hoooollly this game is a TRIP. The battles were fun, the story is great, a great soundtrack, I have negative regrets backing this game. It was very well worth the wait IMO, glad it came through.

30 hours WELL SPENT.

I'm just putting together my thoughts on the game, because I think a lot of parts are really, really cool, but that it just doesn't come together cohesively enough.

I think that the biggest thing I'm wondering is whether it would be better to have gone the way of other RPG maker games and just ditched the combat altogether. It's just so boilerplate and brainless that I can't help but think think that it puts a damper on everything else. There are two main mechanics setting it apart from other RPGS, but I don't think that they're fleshed out enough to carry what's supposed to be the main meat of the game. The first, the emotion system, presents a way to marry buffs and debuffs with the standard rock-paper-scissors element system in other RPGs. Making it so that you can change your party's and your enemies' elemental affinities on the fly has a lot potential, but the game doesn't go far enough with it. I think part of that is that none of the skills themselves are typed. A fireball will always deal fire damage, but there isn't a single skill that will only deal Anger damage, for example. All the attacks deal regular damage, and take on the affinities of whatever your character currently has. Some attacks gain bonus effects while the user has a specific emotion, but they're just that – a bonus. They're not really needed at any point in the game, so you can get away with just spamming whatever your strongest attacks are.

What's more is that that game just never asks you to change up your strategies. You get to decide what emotions your characters and opponents have, and if an enemy changes their emotion, changing it right back costs all of 5 SP. Setting your characters to one emotion and your opponents to its weakness is a strategy that works for 100% of the game. Some opponents make it impossible to change their emotional states, but all that means is that you need to change what emotions you use. Sadness is weak to anger, but you can't give it to your opponent because they're always happy? Just make your characters sad, which is happiness's weakness, and use the exact same strategies as before. I feel like having more situational skills, as well as opponents that decide the pace of the battles, would help keep the combat more fresh. Bare minimum, it would encourage you to use your full skillset. The game is less rock-paper-scissors and more "you're always rock, and they're always scissors".

Then there's the follow-up system, which lets you spend points for extra actions. One problem, though, is that two of the characters – Hero and Omori – have really uninspired effects, and are stuck with them for the entire game. All of Hero's follow-ups involve the same healing effect and just change the target. Omori gets an extra attack, a speed debuff, and the super special (which you can only use if you have 10 points). But because that special is so expensive and is rarely needed, it basically wastes a slot, leaving him with one fewer extra actions compared to everyone else. Aubrey and Kel are better, because their follow-ups give them access to more emotions or let them give emotions to teammates. It just makes me wonder what could have been if the follow-ups were customizable/equippable and again, set up so that there isn't always one option that is always better than all the others. Why not make it so that some follow-ups change your emotions for the worse and put you at a temporary disadvantage? Why not put the follow-ups on cooldowns so that you have to cycle between them all before they refresh? There's nothing like that in place, so the game allows you to use the exact same attacks – with a few changes here and there – for the entire game.

Honestly, I think a good chunk of the RPG trappings weigh down the game. The dreamworld is largely disconnected from the more psychological parts, and because there's next to zero character development during these sections – which make up the majority of the game – parts of what's supposed to be the main content end up feeling like filler. None of it's terribly interesting, and it just feels like an also-ran of Earthbound/Mother. I got very little out of the Western region, which just felt like it dragged on and on. The dreamworld is where the game gets the most interesting in art style and music – and some of the tracks are really, really good – but it's just window dressing for some real structural problems. The enemy design also seemed strange; a lot of the enemies were just variations on bunnies. They weren't just recolors – a fair bit of effort had to go into making drawing and animating the new enemies – but they were just variations on the same enemy type. With the premise being what it is, you would think the enemy selection would be more imaginative.

All that said, I think the game really picks up (just not from a combat perspective) during the fourth major area and doesn't slow down until the end. That's part of the game's saving grace – and what left me feeling more positive about it overall – but I really think the game was in need of some editing. For as good as those last sections are – and as much as they fulfill the promises from the trailers – that doesn't change that a good chunk of the earlier content is just meandering and boring. I have to wonder if they felt pressured to have more content in there just to make up for how long it took them to complete the Kickstarter.

I'm probably going to be a minority in here, but I don't think so. I do think it's worth playing at some point if the premise interests you, but I don't think it's something everyone should play ASAP. If you do buy it, though, do not expect a horror game.

Finished the game myself. I spent ALOT of time secret hunting and I'm basically forced to commit right now that some of the Keys are either going to be added in a patch or are so stupidly obscure that it's gonna take some time before anybody finds it.

Otherwise I do kinda feel that it was sorta oversold as a horror game but the main story is really amazing through I found the real world stuff to be infinitely more interesting than the dream sequence stuff which often feels like padding.
I beat the game like 20 minutes ago. That absolutely lived up to my expectations for the game, in my top 5 for the year, and I can safely and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested. Fantastic art, music, gameplay (even if towards the end it gets a bit dull), and story.

I feel like I absolutely have to process that ending before I write down any feelings on it. I know there are multiple but I got the basic "good" ending.

I also want to go back and find a lot more secrets cause it's incredibly obvious I missed quite a bit. Took me 23 hours according to Steam but I did leave it on for a bit while doing other stuff so probably around 21-22. There are still a bunch of side quests I never finished so there is def more to get out of it.

Give it a 9/10

And that's the OT. Been waiting over 6 and 1/2 years for this game and so far it's living up to expectations in a good way.
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音楽オタク - Comics Council 2020
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
A mountain in the US
Thanks for putting this together! Whenever I made Omori threads, I felt like the game didn't have nearly as much interest as I expected. Let's change that. I'm only at the very beginning, but it's wild and weird so far!

Dlanor A. Knox

▲ Legend ▲
Apr 6, 2018
This game really does sound like a huge sleeper hit, pretty much everyone playing it is praising the game, but not a lot of people know about it. (hell, I learned about this game's existence last month even though it seems right up my alley)

I bought the game today, will dive in once I finish up one of the games i'm currently playing, I don't like to play too many games at the same time.

Soundtrack also seems fantastic:



One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Seven years of development but I didn't even hear about it until I saw that last thread. Seems like it may be something special so I picked it up. Haven't gotten very far yet.


Classic Anus Game
The Fallen
Jul 14, 2018
I'm just hearing about this from a bunch of people and looking at your descriptions it definitely sounds cool. Is a Switch port planned?


Oct 25, 2017
Thanks for the OT! It's still hard to believe I am actually playing it after waiting for so long, and it's been great so far. Hope more people get on it, for now at least, I think it does deserve attention.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm so excited to sit down with this when I get back to my computer post-holidays. I backed this thing in high school and I'm so happy to see the team get this released!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nice OT

Played a few more hours this morning.
I am really liking this game.


Oct 25, 2017
Didn't back but it's been on my radar for years and it totally delivers so far.


Dec 3, 2018
Man, there's something about manipulating my enemies emotions so I can effectively beat them down. Am I the baddie?


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Thank you for making the OT absolutely love the game so far 5h in.

Small tip right-click the .exe of the game and turn on 640x480 resolution. There will only be borders left and right in fullscreen mode and not top and bottom as well, there is more blur but apart from that it won't look any worse. You need to have scaling mode set to Aspect Ratio and Perform scaling on GPU set in the Nvidia control panel (I guess there is something similar for AMD) for it to scale the game window correctly.
Edit: I posted a better non blurry solution here for non integer scaling resolutions like 1080p.

You can also use a integer scaling factor of 3x (or 4x on 4k) if you have a 1440p screen for perfectly scaled crisp pixels AMD/Nvidia cards starting with Turing or apps like Lossless scaling should do the trick.
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Jan 28, 2018
Loving the game so far. Definitely has a slow start. But for people who are JRPG fans that shouldn't be much of an issue.


Oct 25, 2017
So I think I made a mistake early on and missed something.

In the first Sunny section I decided not to open the door for Mari.

Did I miss out on anything important?


Jan 28, 2018
So I think I made a mistake early on and missed something.

In the first Sunny section I decided not to open the door for Mari.

Did I miss out on anything important?
Nothing major. Just couple second long mildly creepy scene. I missed it and got curious and looked at some footage.


Oct 25, 2017
My god is this really good. Just did one of the major boss battles and the music was astounding and the stuff that hit afterwards was really emotionally effecting.

If it keeps it up at that level of quality then there might be a new GOTY candidate.


Oct 20, 2019
Loving so far. Mainstream indie horror game potential especially since it already has exposure.


Oct 26, 2017
One small correction: the damage gauge is actually called the energy gauge. I forgot it even had a name until I got a piece of equipment that scales its stat off of how high the gauge is.

As for my impressions, I'm still enjoying it, but I really can't shake the feeling that this game could have benefited from being slimmed down. There are recurring sequences throughout the game that are really interesting, but you have to complete a major area to get to the next one, and those can kind of get long in the tooth. The main part of the game also feels reminiscent of Earthbound and Undertale to a fault – it doesn't feel like it tries to stray too far from their formulas and tone. This same part also feels largely disconnected from the psychological parts – everything bright and sunny is basically played straight.

I've also noticed that there's one strategy that you can use to trivialize most of the game: inflicting your enemies with Sad and just making your teammates angry. Anger boosts your attack at the cost of defense, but angry characters deal more damage to and take less damage from sad characters. So this just boosts your attack a lot, while offsetting the main drawback. I've found two bosses that this doesn't work against, but that's it. It gets even more effective when enemies constantly waste turns removing their Sad emotion, only for you to reapply it for the equivalent of 5 MP. This strategy also gets easier to use over time, as you gain new ways to stack your emotion effects more quickly.

After having put about 10 hours into the game and beating the first three major areas (out of what's likely 4–5), I'd say that the art and music are top-notch, but that the battle system is a little shallow, and that the moment-to-moment story is only just fine and only picks up when those recurring sequences happen. There's also been very little horror so far.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
I'm about to dip back in, I'll post more thorough impressions when I'm done in a few hours. 4 hours in, plan to go for 3-5 more hours.

Sputnik Sweetheart

Oct 31, 2017
I'm only an hour and a half in so far but really enjoying myself. The music so far has just been fantastic and perfectly matched every moment.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Never got my kickstarter code and the kickstarter messsaging...thing...seems to have gone dark.

This project is cursed, I swear.


Dec 14, 2018
I wonder if this will be like Hollow Knight. Where it basically gets nothing but praise, but no one takes notice until the console release.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm 9 hours in right now and just finished "Chapter 1". Ive been looking forward to this since the Kickstarter and its definitely not disappointing so far. If it stays this good through to the end its probably gonna be my GOTY. Absolutely loving everything about it. The slow burn is fine with me because everything is really well paced so I feel constantly engaged.

I hope there's some kind of warning when you reach the point of no return on collection the keyboard keys for the hangman puzzle. I almost have them all but I'm worried its gonna lock me out of the best ending if I dont collect them.


Oct 25, 2017
Nothing major. Just couple second long mildly creepy scene. I missed it and got curious and looked at some footage.

Yeah, I looked it up earlier and it wasn't much. I just finished the first day with real-world Kel and when it started I was worried for a second that I had missed out on a lot of stuff by being a shut-in. I don't wanna accidentally lock myself out of a "golden ending" or something.
Oct 28, 2017
15 hours in. I figured from the trailers it would be horror mixed with child-imagination shenanigans but it's like 5% horror at most. Surprisingly I like the real-world segments alot more, the dream sections don't really feel like they have clear stakes or anything.


Oct 25, 2017
Probably low chance of someone knowing this but

Any idea where the T key is? I believe I can get keys beyond it but I can't find T.

Edit: found it, it's on the main path I just assumed I missed it
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Oct 26, 2017
Probably low chance of someone knowing this but

Any idea where the T key is? I believe I can get keys beyond it but I can't find T.
Not yet.

It's either in the teleporter area, or the area after that. It looks like that following area has at least three keys, with one key per section. I'm in the final section, so I'll let you know if I find it there.

Edit: Okay, it's next to impossible to miss the key. It's possible you'll find the next two keys before it, though.
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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Game is doing pretty well it seems especially for a rpg maker title. Might be the biggest launch ever for one, this obviously includes backers but still.

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Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Follow up to my post about fullscreen scaling above, i think i found a way to scale the image correctly on my 1080p screen without any blur or misshaped pixels after tinkering with scaling apps and such for a while without success:

The game scales with windows DPI scaling so if i set it to 150% in windows it looks like a perfectly scaled non blurry picture to me. Unfortunately there is no way to set a specific scaling when a app starts in windows so i have to set it back to 100% when i'm done playing sigh.
I also recommend setting the DPI scaling behavior to application in the properties of the exe.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm starting to question whether these hangman keys will help or not.

Definitely not a fan of whatever that was that popped up


Oct 25, 2017
I beat the game like 20 minutes ago. That absolutely lived up to my expectations for the game, in my top 5 for the year, and I can safely and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested. Fantastic art, music, gameplay (even if towards the end it gets a bit dull), and story.

I feel like I absolutely have to process that ending before I write down any feelings on it. I know there are multiple but I got the basic "good" ending.

I also want to go back and find a lot more secrets cause it's incredibly obvious I missed quite a bit. Took me 23 hours according to Steam but I did leave it on for a bit while doing other stuff so probably around 21-22. There are still a bunch of side quests I never finished so there is def more to get out of it.
Oct 25, 2017
I beat the game like 20 minutes ago. That absolutely lived up to my expectations for the game, in my top 5 for the year, and I can safely and highly recommend it to anyone who is interested. Fantastic art, music, gameplay (even if towards the end it gets a bit dull), and story.

I feel like I absolutely have to process that ending before I write down any feelings on it. I know there are multiple but I got the basic "good" ending.

I also want to go back and find a lot more secrets cause it's incredibly obvious I missed quite a bit. Took me 23 hours according to Steam but I did leave it on for a bit while doing other stuff so probably around 21-22. There are still a bunch of side quests I never finished so there is def more to get out of it.
Just finished as well with the good ending. I have to go lie down and process that ending.


Oct 25, 2017
After a couple of hours to cool down and me going back and doing the ending again, I'm coming away really liking it.

This was definitely a lot, and I'm including the whole lead up to it as well. For the whole game I was assuming Sunny was blaming himself for Mari's suicide and that pain was what was locked up inside, but I couldn't figure out why Basil was traumatized as well. In the last real world section it was incredibly effective with the group coming back together and looking through all the old photos and memories and confronting her death more directly. I thought it was incredibly well done and felt like it was going to an appropriate ending of Sunny helping Basil get through it since it seemed like he was starting to move forward as well.

But fuck I was not ready for the revelation that Sunny accidentally killed Mari and Basil helped him cover it up. At first I didn't know how I felt about that, I felt like it was almost counter pointed to message of the group moving past Mari's suicide, since you don't really know what people are feeling and sometimes people can hide their depression. But at the same time, I think that was kind of the point? Sunny living with the trauma of killing his sister and hiding it so he wouldn't be hated but then living with that guilt and making everyone else grieve over her assumed suicide made him depressed, isolated, and suicidal but he couldn't move forward and reveal the truth until this point. It also makes sense why he repressed it and why the dream world was above all that hidden trauma, him just trying to forget what he did. I don't think it goes against the earlier stuff cause those memories they bonded over were still real, and yes, Mari would likely want him to move forward.

That ending cutscene of Sunny and Mari playing piano/violin growing up together and meeting everyone was heartbreaking

Sunny coming forward with the truth at the end so he and Basil don't have to live with that soul crushing guilt and the belief that his friends would forgive him worked for me. What happens after is basically left up to the imagination but I do think eventually, they would forgive him after the initial shock. I'm not sure if there is supposed to be a central message in this ending other than maybe "Believe in the people who love you" and learning to forgive yourself no matter how much it hurts, (forgiving yourself including doing the things that are needed to obtain forgiveness not just ignoring it and saying you do).

I'm kind of just meandering now, but to wrap it up, yes I liked it. It was emotionally evocative and thought provoking in a way I did not expect, the music really helps sell it as well. I would like these characters to be happy.

Now I wonder what the other endings hold. Though I can guess the bad ending.


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah, I beat it, too. I can tell other people will be much more enamored with it than I was, but that the final stretch alone was enough to bump it up from a 6/10 to a 7/10 for me (5/10 is my definition of average, so I'm saying this is definitely an above-average experience overall). A lot of people are going to love this game.

edit: holy shit this is RPG Maker?
Yup, RPG Maker MV.

Now I wonder what the other endings hold. Though I can guess the bad ending.
The bad ending is really easy to trigger, but it didn't really rub the right way. What happens in it kind of makes sense, but the presentation was a little too edgy for my tastes.
Just press "no" when you get the mandatory Game Over.