Deleted member 23850

Oct 28, 2017
Don't play jokes on people you don't know, that's pretty much it.


Oct 27, 2017
The good kind of April Fool is an anti April Fool joke, like the 2d Bayonetta game that actually is a game, or the Jack the frost metroidvania game by Atlus. Path of Exile developer made the game as battle royale for an AF joke, it was really cool. Companies/people need to do something cool like this to celebrate this controversial day if they want to, something practical, something fun, definitely not causing harm or distress in the way.

Serebii Webmaster
Oct 24, 2017
I like pranks and jokes that are clever, like Google's, ThinkGeeks etc., things that are fun but obviously pranks

I don't like misinformation


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
If I had some of pranks played on me (like being lit on fire) like OP, I would probably hate it too.

I feel like April Fools Day is kind of a litmus test for people's tendencies. People who tend to be cruel will come up with cruel pranks. Corny people and corny pranks. Ironic pranks for ironic people. And people who get grouchy easily will more quickly get grouchy about it.

I'm an aloof person, so my tendency is to not really notice it.
Feb 24, 2018
So with April Fool's day over for the past few days, it brings me to the other thing I don't like about it and this has gotten on my nerves in more recent years the more and more I've been on the internet, the aftermath.

Where people act like complete jackarses to people who had been pranked or made to feel upset in some way or feel smug and rub it in that they didn't get fooled. Seeing a bit of it in Gaming Forum section right now in Platinum Games threads (don't care about those games but that attitude rubes me the wrong way regardless), but it's something I've noticed elsewhere and it always ticks me off when it's the prankster doing it, like you "joke" failed and upset people, being a arse about it isn't going to change that nor is going to make you any more likable.

Thankfully this is not something I've experienced much in real life (not saying it doesn't happen, just hasn't happened to me often).


Animation Programmer
Oct 30, 2017
I give an example of why I hate April fools jokes.

I'm a big fan of Grace Petrie, a really cool folk/protest musician. She posted on her twitter that Netflix was going to do a documentary on her and I got really excited about it. She even included some mocked up Netflix show artwork.

Except it's an April Fool and Netflix are not making the show.

And now I'm sad because there's no documentary and I feel stupid for getting my hopes up.

I just don't get why this is supposed to be funny? "I lied to you and you believed me! ha-ha!"?


Oct 25, 2017
I hate it too and I'm very glad that it was not celebrated this year.

I'm a very gullible person and even the slightest pranks can get very carried away with me.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't like being pranked, like at all, after years of severe bullying, both emotionally and physically, I don't find them funny at all and will stop being friends with you if you do after I told you so. So it may not come as any surprise I don't like April Fools Day all that much.

I don't hate all of that, the fun games Google does some years are and I like ones that are very creative and don't hurt anyone or a funny videos, but quite frankly, most people aren't funny and most April Fools just aren't funny.
Are you my soulmate or something? I'm exactly the same and I'm a proud member of the party pooper bandwagon.

Agree with you all the way OP.


Oct 31, 2017
I do like little events or small easter eggs and fun things added to games that's all good fun, every has fun time.

I hate websites doing fake articles, studio's doing fake announcements and such, that's just not funny and it's not original.


Aug 5, 2019
It's all fun and games until someone gets seriously hurt. That's one of the things that bothers me the most about the whole thing. Some pranks can get people killed, ya know.


User requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Its fucking shitty but these dumb fucking pranksters need to pull off some epic gags for the internet points! "We found a cure for cancer....le april fooooools"

The Bear

Forest Animal
Oct 25, 2017
I had someone announce they had 39 Celcius fever and dry cough on Facebook as April Fools.

I was not amused.