
Mar 4, 2019
Dragonball Super has been over for some time now and was curious, how is regarded as another entry in the series. Is it seen as worse than GT, better but still a lackluster part of the franchise or does it hold up compared to the original


Oct 25, 2017
Way better than GT, and actually a real continuation. Generally the consensus with Super seems to be that it started off really rough, but ended up being respectable to great.

Most likely nothing will ever be as stellar as DB/Z as a whole.


Oct 25, 2017
Better then GT, had a hard time finding its place until the Goku Black arc. Tournament of power is one of the best arcs in the entire series


The Wise Ones
Oct 25, 2017
Lots of flaws, but baby steps in the right direction concerning utilizing the cast of characters and using their abilities / personalities the right way. They have been more enjoyable than they have been in the past 20 years due to poor management of the franchise. A breath of fresh air.

Goku has become insufferable and needs a fix though.

The broly movie was a creative abortion on the story front so I hope what comes next does better.

That being said despite the huge flaws I somehow remain positive, because they have been making continuous progress so there is no reason to believe it won't keep getting better and better even if the bar wasn't super high.


Actual Brazilian
Oct 24, 2017
São Paulo, Brazil
Only insane people would rank it below GT.

Overall I think the series is widely liked, but the only arc that I would describe as loved would be the Tournament of Power. Every friend of mine who was watched it, likes it.

I would never rewatch any episodes from before that last arc, but I think that the Tournament has some of the best episodes in the entire canon (like that Roshi + Vegeta team up).


Oct 25, 2017
People really warmed up to it with the Future arc and especially with the ending of the tournament of power. Broly being the best dragon Ball movie is the cherry on top


User requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Best thing to happen to Dragon Ball since the Freeza Saga.

Jiren and Goku Black are better villains than Cell and Buu.

Mr. Keith

Oct 31, 2017
It went a long time before it found its footing but after it hits some amazing highs. It ended soon after though which was a bummer.

They did manage to keep the hype going with Broly so I'm hopeful Part 2 just takes off if it ever happens.


May 2, 2018
I think general consensus is that it's superior to GT, but for most of its run to-date it was an unworthy follow-up to DBZ. While it still has yet to and probably never will hit the genre-defining highs of OG DBZ, I think most of the fandom are simply elated to have Dragon Ball back, and for it to be entertaining.

Super struggled initially, but for the 2nd half of its run it seemed to really find its identity and establish itself as a confident product in its own right. For the past 2-3 years now Super has had an extremely enthusiastic reception, and that seems to only be increasing. The most recent super arc was extremely beloved, the Broly movie was almost unanimously praised, and the current manga arc is some of the best content since Cell.


Oct 25, 2017
Much better than GT. Gets better and better as the series continues.

Doesn't hold a candle to DB or Z.
Oct 25, 2017
Starts out extremely rough and improves massively from the Goku Black arc and beyond.

By the time the Broly movie comes out it finally has a great production behind it that could spell out great things for the future.


Oct 31, 2017
By the average person who watches Dragon Ball? I think it's roughly DBZ > Super > GT and then never having seen the original. Which is a shame. You also only need to see three or four videos of hundreds of people in an outdoor crowd raucously watching Super episodes as they come out to know people love it.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
People eat super up like candy just like Toei intended when they brought it back.

I get it, super has a lot of decent points...but on the whole i just dont like the whole revival of dragonball, ever since "yo goku and his friends return", something has just been off about how they have attempted to expand the universe


Oct 25, 2017
The Stussining
Was very well liked and received when I was on campus and a new episode dropped I saw dozens of people watching it on their phones watching it all day. Probably the second most popular iteration of the show in the United States. Can't speak about elsewhere.


Oct 28, 2017
Was very well liked and received when I was on campus and a new episode dropped I saw dozens of people watching it on their phones watching it all day. Probably the second most popular iteration of the show in the United States. Can't speak about elsewhere.

well, here in mexico they fucking televised the jiren-goku fight episodes on city halls, bars, restaurants and the like


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I think most people like it. We all know the depths of quality this series can reach with GT so Super being decent makes it a very welcome thing.


One Winged Slayer
May 22, 2018
It's pretty good for what it is. The Broly movie and the big fight scene in the last episode alone justify its existence.


Shinra Employee
Oct 26, 2017
Excellent filler? Then Broly movie was really good though.

It's good but there's no sense of tension...maybe when they animate the current arc in the manga as the villain is actually pretty good in my opinion and now there's a real sense of doom.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's great or anything, but it has that fun gag comic vibe I always felt Z was lacking, and I'm glad it exists.


Jan 28, 2019
The first two arcs are hot garbage compared to the movies, the Champa arc is fun but not really great at all, feels like filler. Goku Black arc is decent but drags on a lot. Tournament of Power would benefit from being 10-15 episodes shorter. Overall, it's good, but not as good as the peak of Dragon Ball or Z (up to the end of the Freeza arc, not a fan of Cell or Buu arcs either.)

The Broly movie and Battle of Gods are the best Dragon Ball movies we've ever gotten.
Oct 25, 2017
One thing people don't realize is that if they held DBZ to the same standard they hold DBS, if you thought Super was bad then Z was terrible. It's all stupid nonsensical garbage that is built around hyping fights up and then watching those fights. And at that, Super did an incredible job.


Oct 25, 2017
I think it's largely mediocre, which is unfortunate. The Future Trunks arc is the best one, but it still partially feels like milking a similar plotline from Z (Cell Saga). The rest of it is either adapting movies into a longer form or non-stop tournament battles, which I found very tiring. The Tournament of Power is just about half of the whole damn thing, and the final antagonist is a really crappy nothing character.

Beerus and Whis are fantastic additions to the ongoing cast though, and basically anything involving them is grade A.

One thing people don't realize is that if they held DBZ to the same standard they hold DBS, if you thought Super was bad then Z was terrible. It's all stupid nonsensical garbage that is built around hyping fights up and then watching those fights. And at that, Super did an incredible job.
Maybe, but it's about how the formula is wrapped. DBZ presented different scenarios where the world (or another world) was at stake, with clear antagonists to battle who had their own motivations. Nonstop tournament fights are completely soulless in comparison. The stakes don't feel real. And it's even worse when it's only happening because Goku wants to fight tougher people. Every arc in Z felt like a journey. Most of Super takes place in an arena. It just isn't as satisfying.


Oct 27, 2017
It took a looong time to finally get to a serious arc... and when the serious arcs hit it was really disappointing. I really wanted to like it but Future Trunks saga like nothing happened, such a straight-forward arc looping Goku/Vegeta/Trunks vs Black fights... and then after that arc we get a tournament that does a terrible job of making you care about any of the contestants involved. Eh, I think they went to soon on the ToP and I wasn't really interested, and it really hit a slog after U6 lost until it finally got to the main event. Also Jiren always suckeddddddddddd.

Overall Super seriously lacks adventure, something DB & Z had in spades and to be entirely honest even GT kept up - not to say GT was better overall, I mean there's still other qualities involved of course. But geez Super introduced a whole expansion into Gods and a multiverse but it's just like a large skeletal structure with no meat on the bones.
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Oct 27, 2017
Crappy animation during most of the series. Too much fan service, fan fiction and light tone for my taste. The Black arc had major potential to be one of the best, if not the best, but they fucked it up. Redoing the first two movies was a major mistake. Despite those things, it was fun and had some amazing memorable moments. Still nowhere near DB or Z. I found it funner than GT, but I still prefer GT.

I do like how it was it's own thing and didnt try to be DBZ 2.


Oct 29, 2017
I grew up watching DB and it's a very special anime to me so when I saw some people saying this one was good I was happy and decided to watch it and... it was really bad?

I can't remember how many episodes I saw but it didn't felt like DB at all so I ended up dropping it quite soon. And then I started seeing images online of Goku and Vegeta with blue hair and stuff and a gold Frieza... lmao

DB GT was also pretty bad from what I recall.

Anyway, for me DB ended with Z and that's perfectly fine, it was absolutely amazing. Every now and then I watch some clips on YT of memorable moments.
Aug 7, 2019
Blows DBZ out of the water (not that that's a hard thing to do)

Probably the only time I've ever enjoyed the franchise


The Fallen
May 9, 2018
Future trunks arc was shit. Like so bad the show never fully recovered from it. Also, the show's creators have a genuine fear of thinking outside the box as far as where the overarching plot goes. The tournament of power had soooo many shitty filler episodes, with a few cool scenes here and there.

The only way to make the Vegeta and Goku dynamic interesting is to have them become sworn enemies again, so either sideline them or go fucking all out. Have vegeta become GoD and betray beerus or some shit.

edit : also, prop your two best original characters in supers' conception to the forefront, Monaka and Hit. Hit especially is THE best character introduced since Beerus and was robbed of a solid rematch against goku. They should have had Hit kill jiren


Oct 30, 2017
The beginning of the Future Trunks arc was the best DB has ever been. It led to the worst, most anti-climatic ending ever that did not live up to its set up. The rest of the arcs are horrible to mediocre.

I have alot of the same problems with Super as I do with GT, namely that everything revolves around Goku. The latter arcs are better about this but still my favorite character Piccolo gets absolutely 0 shine.

The production on it was all over the place too, it's ugly for like 100 episodes and then suddenly it looks great.


Nov 4, 2017
The beginning was a tad rough but towards the end of the last run I was really, really enjoying it. The last movie was gorgeous IMO. They actually put money into the animation again.


Oct 25, 2017
I acknowledge that it put the franchise back on the map, but I also think it is a horrible show without many redeeming qualities.


Oct 28, 2017
I haven't seen Super yet (I will eventually), but some of the stuff just seems odd to me. I don't like the villain designs, like goofy looking Jiren, a green Supreme Kai, an evil Goku, and what appears to be a gold-plated Frieza, when the original show had such drastically different designs and transformations for the big three (Frieza, Cell, Buu). These seem bland by comparison.

Not only that, but the new transformations seem uninspired too, with Goku changing his hair blue, red, silver, etc. At least GT gave us SSJ4, which is a unique look.


I wish Jim Ryan would eat me
Oct 25, 2017
I haven't seen Super yet (I will eventually), but some of the stuff just seems odd to me. I don't like the villain designs, like goofy looking Jiren, a green Supreme Kai, an evil Goku, and what appears to be a gold-plated Frieza, when the original show had such drastically different designs and transformations for the big three (Frieza, Cell, Buu). These seem bland by comparison.

Not only that, but the new transformations seem uninspired too, with Goku changing his hair blue, red, silver, etc. At least GT gave us SSJ4, which is a unique look.
While they could have done something better for hair colors, the story reasons behind red, pink, and silver hair are pretty good. Blue is dumb in all regards.

Evil Goku is done a lot better than everyone thought it'd be handled.


Oct 27, 2017
Too many tournament arcs, not enough tension in the fights because somehow Goku just happens to befriend the most powerful entities around like Beerus and Zeno for there to be any real threat, fanfic levels of writing just like GT, ludicrous power scaling, transformations after transformation with different hair color, uneven level of animations, and weak music. Goku as the main character has also become unlikable and kind of a dick. And a personal gripe for me is the characters show very little sign of battle damage. I rarely see them scream of pain, shows battle wounds, broken bones, or droplets of blood, nothing. It makes for fights that are unconvincing and lacking intensity and danger.

Thumbs down from me.
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Jun 6, 2018
I liked it.

Broly movie even got my dad hyped and he isn't that interested in animated stuff lol.

Edit: Also Jiren hate will not be tolerated 😂. Best character.
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Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I could never get over the terrrrible (or at best inconsistent) animation. And the writing is pretty weak, too. Goku has become a one-note parody of himself. I want to see a Goku-less dragonball show set after Z, I think that'd be way more interesting. It has its hype moments but overall I think it's pretty wack. Goku Black arc was alright I guess.

Oh yeah and Jiren is one the most terrible, amateur hour character designs I've ever seen.


Oct 27, 2017
It got better over time. The Tournament of Power and its build up was fantastic, everything before was pretty middling at best. The Black Goku arc started strong but the stakes felt so low because they made it real clear up front that Black couldn't pass into the real timeline so who cares.

Better than GT, worse than Z and Dragonball.

