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Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017
Played Mystery Heroes.

Got a character I was good at. Died. Got Zarya who I'm the worst with. Died. Random character and then died. Zarya again? Died. Another random character and died. Zarya? Why Zarya??? Died. Zarya again!

Meanwhile the red team? Bastion, Mercy, Brigitte, Brigitte, Symmetra, Bastion, Zen, another Zen, ANOTHER Brigitte.

I freaking love Mystery Heroes mode sometimes....

I feel like it prioritizes certain heroes at points.
There was a day where I played Doomfist and Wrecking Ball for like 75% of the matches I did.


Oct 28, 2017
Seeing significantly longer queues in last several days. Also toxic teams in comp that are refusing to play any tanks. Feels like something broke in the player population recently, very weird.


Nov 4, 2017
Did they change Lucio in the past week? I'm playing him now on comp and he feels SUPER slow. Maybe i'm just dead tired because the game feels slow overall.


Oct 29, 2017
I think the next few months will be rough for the game, especially on console. Apex is a symptom of how the community feels. Apex is a good game, but it's more that the last torch bearers for Overwatch are getting tired of it and the direction it's gone the past few months (or years). People are going to start finding other places to invest their energy if Blizzard doesn't start doing more than the bare minimum.


Oct 25, 2017
Haven't noticed an increase in toxic players but definitely getting paired up with the same people a lot in the same night. Even paired with the same 5 stack twice and I don't think that's ever happened to me.


May 25, 2018
Yea I tried competitive yesterday and to be fair I've only played like 6 or 7 comp matches and it was the first time it said
'warning long wait for fair match'. I'm silver rank.


Oct 28, 2017
So that's where all the tanks have gone? Damn you Apex. Only the DPS kiddies left. Really need to up my tank game then.


Feb 7, 2018
Seeing significantly longer queues in last several days. Also toxic teams in comp that are refusing to play any tanks. Feels like something broke in the player population recently, very weird.

Even in QP and during the weekends i have such a long queue times now. Especially if it's full stack. Almost every time it's more than 3 minutes, sometimes even 4-5. I feel like this game is kinda dying?

If they don't do something amazing for the Archives event...

Deleted member 1627

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Apex and lack of significant new content are taking their toll. Once the new map hits people will return and it will be a beautiful nightmare once again. Get excited!


Oct 25, 2017
I am aware... is the community not into those maps?
They are not. I personally don't mind them, but many people say they wouldn't play them at all if given the option. Paris is a gorgeous map, and OWL is starting up soon, so that'll stir some interest, but it's not gonna be like super huge I don't think. Plus, Apex currently stole other MP game's thunder a bit.


Oct 28, 2017
5 games in a row, 2-3 minutes queue time each and 4 of those had the same teammates getting shuffled in each match. Gold rank.
Apex Legends is basically killing this game in the southeast asia region.


Oct 25, 2017
Blizzard has been so complacent and so arrogant for so long that if Fortnite didn't teach them to start competing more aggressively, I don't think Apex will. They'll just keep chugging along, bleeding players while keeping the game in maintenance mode on the backs of the few whales who still buy lootboxes.


Oct 25, 2017
I really hope Jeff and his team can figure out what's wrong with the game (way too many stuns, cc and such) and really try to fix this game. I just dont think the team really knows what they are doing and are just throwing stuff into the game to see how it works and then blindly stick to their changes even if they fail.


Oct 27, 2017
Blizzard has been so complacent and so arrogant for so long that if Fortnite didn't teach them to start competing more aggressively, I don't think Apex will. They'll just keep chugging along, bleeding players while keeping the game in maintenance mode on the backs of the few whales who still buy lootboxes.

I feel terribly sorry for anyone caught in the loop of spending money on loot boxes when a new event rolls round for Overwatch if that's all they ever check in for, poor souls.

I really hope Jeff and his team can figure out what's wrong with the game (way too many stuns, cc and such) and really try to fix this game. I just dont think the team really knows what they are doing and are just throwing stuff into the game to see how it works and then blindly stick to their changes even if they fail.

Outside of OWL and their current 'update' schedule I don't think they actually care much for the game and adding to it. It has a sold foundation of characters and they must still have enough players not to care, they really need to sort ranked games out though, it doesn't feel like a team game at all.


Oct 26, 2017
I honestly think blizzard is going through hell right now and they can't event look at the game to know what to do


Oct 29, 2017
Either they're making Overwatch 2 or half the team is about to be let go/reassigned. There's no other explanation for how little effort they're putting into the game.


Nov 23, 2018
So sad reading you guys talk about the state of the game for the "newcomers" like me. I hope they find a way to save the best team-based game since TF2.



Nov 22, 2017
Apex has had an impact but folks have declared Overwatch's sky to be falling since a year after launch.

If you can still get in a game vs people of your skill and have a good time, s'all good.

On an unrelated note, who do I speak to about fewer master players in my gold/plat QP games, please and thank you


Oct 25, 2017
Technically they're not putting any more or less effort into it than they did during its heyday -- we still get a new hero every four months, a new map every four months, new skins with the seasonal events, etc. The only thing we don't get anymore are new modes with the seasonal events. The problem is that games like Fortnite showed up doing more on a regular basis than Overwatch did, and Blizzard didn't adapt. They're also extremely slow to react to widespread complaints about balance, competitive modes, LFG/role queue, and others.


Nov 23, 2018
Apex Legends is that now. Unlike other BR, you can only play it in squad of 3.

Nah man, there are so many differences it doesnt even compare. You can't do shit if you can't aim on Apex, while in OW, much like TF2, makes your game knowledge (maps & chars) and position shine.

You can by all means win a game in OW with a team that has less aim skill than the opponent, that doesnt happen on Apex or any other BR game.

Going back to the complains, I see the content delivery speed is not up to the market anymore but I understand they take more time to balance as its harder and harder to do the more content you have in the game...


Feb 8, 2018
Did they change Lucio in the past week? I'm playing him now on comp and he feels SUPER slow. Maybe i'm just dead tired because the game feels slow overall.
Yeah something is up with Lucio, I have 30 hours on Lucio this season but the past few days its like I "forgot how to play Lucio". I can't wall-ride for shit and keep getting stuck on level geometry, plus my aim is all wonkey (I died to a Mercy 1v1 lol).
So sad reading you guys talk about the state of the game for the "newcomers" like me. I hope they find a way to save the best team-based game since TF2.

When people say the game is "dying", that's only when compared to other popular AAA titles, there are still many players in OverWatch compared to the average game. I'm on PS4 and never have problem finding games, even in the early a.m.


Oct 26, 2017
I don't think this is a burnout for me. i still want to play the game, just not in its current state.
Yeap, i wanna play but my hatred for blizzard got so strong i can't even touch the blu ray for it...

I also feel i had better teamwork plays in apex because my friends dont tilt playing that so we can coordinate better...


Oct 29, 2017
I don't think this is a burnout for me. i still want to play the game, just not in its current state.

I'd agree with this. I'm tired of Emergency Bastion. Tired of so little variety in tanks, especially shield tanks. There needs to be a role queue, if for no other reason than to ensure 5 support mains don't end up on the same team. 2CP needs to be reworked. I could probably go on for a while.


Oct 25, 2017
At least at the ranks I'm most familiar with (Bronze/Silver) it's a matter of getting people the understand the rules on the game. I haven't really encountered the meta issues with OW because there frankly is no meta at my rank lol. Even that is frustrating though.

I don't think the game is "dying"/players being burned out is because it's bad, it's because it's not really rewarding on a consistent basis. Not to say we are all perfect players and it's the fault of the team 100% of the time, but the systems to encourage that good OW gameplay loop are honestly not there. It relies on a heavy emphasis of communication and knowledge with a smattering of technical ability. All of this relies on the individual players that make up the team. So it essentially becomes luck of the draw if you are playing pure solo Q. I think if it were at least easier to learn what went wrong, it could lead to some sort of rewarding feeling in what to do different next time. It's legitimately hard to know what went wrong, but because you have five other people to blame, it's easy to personify your frustrations.

The vision for the game is still incredible. But I think it's too idealistic in practice.


Oct 26, 2017
At least at the ranks I'm most familiar with (Bronze/Silver) it's a matter of getting people the understand the rules on the game. I haven't really encountered the meta issues with OW because there frankly is no meta at my rank lol. Even that is frustrating though.

I don't think the game is "dying"/players being burned out is because it's bad, it's because it's not really rewarding on a consistent basis. Not to say we are all perfect players and it's the fault of the team 100% of the time, but the systems to encourage that good OW gameplay loop are honestly not there. It relies on a heavy emphasis of communication and knowledge with a smattering of technical ability. All of this relies on the individual players that make up the team. So it essentially becomes luck of the draw if you are playing pure solo Q. I think if it were at least easier to learn what went wrong, it could lead to some sort of rewarding feeling in what to do different next time. It's legitimately hard to know what went wrong, but because you have five other people to blame, it's easy to personify your frustrations.

The vision for the game is still incredible. But I think it's too idealistic in practice.

i think this is why i have the most solo-q success tanking even in the low ranks in these days of CC everywhere: as a Reinhardt on the objective, I can be a nice focal point for people who aren't sure what to do.

Red Arremer

Oct 26, 2017

Omg, this sounds so bad.

Ridiculous. And all because Activision is "just" making ludicrous amounts of money instead of all of the money. The executives who get paid millions of dollars are not going to be affected by this at all, either. They're like a swarm of locusts.
It's also very likely this means that the media tied to Blizzard games but isn't making money directly, so the cinematics, comics and all that jazz, are going to be cut down significantly.


Oct 25, 2017
To be clear, Schreier's previous reporting has indicated that the cuts are coming from marketing and Q/A, not game development. Blizzard is actually ramping up hiring of developers.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Nov 17, 2017
I have yet to experience any sort of burn out and I've been playing since the beta days. Heck I'm even looking forward to the 2CP map. But the way that Blizzard and Activision are treating their employees just makes me not want to even touch the game right now. I'm in a state of anger over this.


Oct 25, 2017
So ActiBlizz says in their earnings call that they're planning to boost development of various franchises, including Overwatch. Note that we've heard this before, so don't make any assumptions, necessarily.


Oct 25, 2017
I know I said I wasn't having much trouble with Reaper but I'm still sick of his easy mode bullshit. The balance team in this game is absolutely braindead.

Deleted member 40102

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2018
I don't think that blizzard are doing less effort rather than core of the game is getting out dated pretty fast. I don't think anyone can do anything to fix it you guys keep saying blizzard are slacking off but I have never seen good suggestion to even revive the game. Its simple as that the CORE of the game is getting out dated its not them slacking.
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