
Oct 25, 2017
Well we aren't getting really any info here other than a release date. I mean it's great to see a new film is planned but we're over 2 years out. Any guesses on which timeline this would likely follow? As for me, I hope it's something related to the older Trek series', I've had enough of the recent series of movies. First one was great, next couple I didn't much care for.

Today, Paramount Studios announced that they will be releasing an untitled Star Trek Universe movie on June 9, 2023. As of now, the film is untitled.

This will be the first new Star Trek film since the last installment in the Kelvin-verse series, Star Trek Beyond, director Justin Lin's 2016 installment. As of now, there is no official information concerning the director of this latest movie, nor do we know whether or not we'll be exploring more of the Kelvin-verse, perhaps pick up from where Star Trek: Nemesis left off with The Next Generation films, or if the film will follow a new plot entirely through the Prime timeline.



Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen
Ya know, I have very mixed feelings about this. I loved the majority of the TOS movies, still watch them all from time to time. A couple of TNG were good but overall the movies don't hit anywhere close to the quality of the shows.


Oct 26, 2017
I demand 90 minutes of Avery Brooks sat on a blue screen flying through space talking about jazz.

Edit: or the Kelvin cast inserted into the background of Star Trek 4 following the cast of the original film around.
Nov 27, 2020
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen
I'd say that Trek doesn't belong on the big screen...unless we've gotten to know the characters on the small screen and it's been a while since we saw them. It's why the TOS movies worked, because every one of them was like a mini-reunion, and the passage of time was felt. The TNG movies less so, since they followed the show immediately.

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen
Yeah pretty much agree, but I'll watch anyway. We're never getting a slow-paced, character-focused trek on TV ever again either though... so what can we do? Non-stop action trek is here to stay—because perceived attention span decline.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
This is rumored to be ST4 - Chris Pine etc.

Some of best scenes in classic Trek are from the movies though.
  • The Enterprise Refit
  • Khan - all of it
  • STIV - the whales
  • STVI - Klingon Shakespeare
  • STFC - best Borg movie
Yeah, but that was a different time.
I think they can do all the vfx just as well on TV in a much better format with smaller teams.
Trying to jam a space exploration story into a 3 act model that ends in an epic space battle really limits the types of story they can do.


Apr 14, 2018
I struggle with the idea of a Tarantino R-rated Star Trek movie. That it was even a possibility in the first place will color all future discussion of their upcoming film attempts. I think you can stay true to the themes of Trek with an R-rating, and just as well genre-heavy R-rated films are breaking box office records left and right (It, Deadpool, Joker...), but Tarantino's R-rating is a very different type than those films.


Oct 25, 2017
I demand 90 minutes of Avery Brooks sat on a blue screen flying through space talking about jazz.

Edit: or the Kelvin cast inserted into the background of Star Trek 4 following the cast of the original film around.


Oct 27, 2017
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen

You can put Trek on the big screen, you just have to tell stories that work better on the big screen which the Trek movies have been mostly awful at except for Khan, Undiscovered, First Contact and Star Trek 09. The fact we never got a proper war story and fleet battle in the last three movies is a sign of this.


This Guy Helps
Oct 27, 2017
Taratino or not, they're gonna have to shake things up if they want to reignite ST on the big screen.


Dec 19, 2017
Other than Star Trek Lower Decks which I loved, I haven't enjoyed a ST movie since First Contact and a TV show since Voyager. Haven't watched Picard yet but haven't heard good things...

Feels bad man.

I'm going to get into EU books and comics at some point to get my fix. Looks daunting though.


Oct 25, 2017
Other than Star Trek Lower Decks which I loved, I haven't enjoyed a ST movie since First Contact and a TV show since Voyager. Haven't watched Picard yet but haven't heard good things...

Feels bad man.

I'm going to get into EU books and comics at some point to get my fix. Looks daunting though.
I've been meaning to read the Destiny trilogy, heard really good things about those. But yeah the last time I went to a book store and looked at all the ST books, I had no idea where to begin. So I chose nothing.


Oct 25, 2017
Hot take Trek doesn't belong on the big screen
You're right but it's also a huge bonus for TV actors to get movie pay, which the TOS and TNG casts thouroughly earned. Blockbuster Trek with mainstream Hollywood budget casts are a risky business (unless they're massively successful I guess).

So I'm all for it.


Sep 18, 2018
I'd honestly rather another Kelvin film than them doing something unrelated to that or the old shows (and I can't imagine they're going to be making a TNG movie again). Unless they're going to go totally ridiculous with the concept.

Also, this would be an odd numbered Trek film (since in this house we include Galaxy Quest) so statistically it's not going to be great anyways.

Other than Star Trek Lower Decks which I loved, I haven't enjoyed a ST movie since First Contact and a TV show since Voyager. Haven't watched Picard yet but haven't heard good things...

Feels bad man.

I'm going to get into EU books and comics at some point to get my fix. Looks daunting though.

The first episode and Riker episode of Picard were good. The rest was... not exceptional.
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like this is a waste of time unless they bring on a household award winning / art house director like Tarantino.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I really loved the reboot movie and the Beyond movie. Hopefully this new one will be great


Dec 19, 2017
I've been meaning to read the Destiny trilogy, heard really good things about those. But yeah the last time I went to a book store and looked at all the ST books, I had no idea where to begin. So I chose nothing.

For the last 4 years I've been doing a read of Marvel comics via CMRO (started with the year 2000). And this year I started a chronological read of Star Wars (Legends) via the same site. This website also has a reading order for Star Trek, but I don't know how to tackle it, because there's simply no way I could possibly read all of ST in one lifetime, there's simply too much content.

So I've been googling what is considered the best novels of the franchise, and will likely just read the best of each era. I want to wrap up SW first though.

I also discovered something called Star Trek: New Frontier which encompasses books and comics and is kind of its own self-contained universe. I think this might be a good jumping in point.

I have zero interest in the Kelvin timeline, so...I hope the next movie is not that lol.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't understand how anyone could like Beyond. It had so many giant, ridiculous plot holes. It possibly broke the record for the number of Chekov's gun usage in a single film. It had some incredibly cringey scenes (the motorbike one in particular). And it made zero sense.

I honestly preferred Into Darkness, and that's saying something.


Dec 19, 2017
Movies like Interstellar and The Martian were better Star Trek movies than the last 3 actual Star Trek movies. I'm so tired of Kelvin movies breathless pace that wows audiences with pew pew action, only for them to take one step outside the cinema and go "wait, none of that shit made any sense".
Nov 27, 2020
I don't understand how anyone could like Beyond. It had so many giant, ridiculous plot holes. It possibly broke the record for the number of Chekov's gun usage in a single film. It had some incredibly cringey scenes (the motorbike one in particular). And it made zero sense.

I honestly preferred Into Darkness, and that's saying something.
For me, it's pretty simple. Beyond actually felt like Trek, something the other two hardly even pretended to be.


Oct 25, 2017
For me, it's pretty simple. Beyond actually felt like Trek, something the other two hardly even pretended to be.

I grew up watching TNG, DS9 and some of Voyager, and really enjoying Discovery now. It didn't feel like Trek to me at all. It felt like nonsense. Like intro Darkness it couldn't help but re-tread ground Trek has already done (officers who don't want peace trying to restart conflict with other races). It didn't explore anything new, it didn't have anything interesting to say. It was just a series of action shots strung together with very little holding them together.

God damn that motorbike scene!


Shinra Employee
Oct 30, 2017
Would love to see the cast from the prior new timeline movies get another go around.