
Oct 25, 2017
Are curved monitors supposed to look a bit dark from the sides when seen directly in front on them?

I have noticed that my new one looks (Samsung C27FG73) like that.
My Asus XG27VQ is a VA panel as well. Looks fine on the sides but bleed is very obvious on all sides. It's a consistent straight bleed though.

Premium Ghoul

Oct 27, 2017
What can I do to judge the health of my external hard drive? It's a 2TB USB 3 WD Green that plugs into the wall for power and it's probably about five years old at this point.

Lately it's been going to sleep at strange times (in the middle of copying/streaming stuff from it) and it also randomly disconnects itself from my PC and then reconnects about 30-45 seconds later.

CrystalDiskInfo has this to say but I'm not sure how to interpret all the stats


Oct 25, 2017
What can I do to judge the health of my external hard drive? It's a 2TB USB 3 WD Green that plugs into the wall for power and it's probably about five years old at this point.

Lately it's been going to sleep at strange times (in the middle of copying/streaming stuff from it) and it also randomly disconnects itself from my PC and then reconnects about 30-45 seconds later.

CrystalDiskInfo has this to say but I'm not sure how to interpret all the stats

Yeah, CrystalDiskInfo could be improved so much by having an option to turn raw values into something decipherable by humans.

I'm currently using Western Digital Data LifeGuard Diagnostics tool - though I'm not sure how accurate it is for non-WD drives - as CDI was giving me lots of errors for a drive that was brand new and didn't have any Windows Event Viewer errors. You could use LifeGuard alongside Event Viewer, to double-check, but looking at your screencap of CDI, nothing there seems bad, and it should warn you - where it currently says "Good" - if your drive is failing.

Given what you're describing, it sounds like it's either an issue with where it's plugged in, or the cable running from drive to PC. Maybe also check the settings related to it in Windows Device Manager and Windows Power Options - it may be there's some "suspend after X minutes" or "allow the PC to turn off power" option that got enabled with a recent Windows update.

Deleted member 11517

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I just did a disc cleanup and it told me it would free up 12GB of space, took forever finishing and now it looks like it didn't free up any space?
Was 50GB free before and after disc cleanup...

And when I do disc cleanup again it tells me it would free up about 50MB, so where did the 12GB go, it doesn't make sense?

Also restarted the PC, still no change. :/


Oct 26, 2017
I think Steam in-home streaming (via my Steam Link) is causing delayed blue screens. My computer has blue screened once a day for the past 10 days or so. Then I got a hunch it was my steam link's doing--and I didn't use in-home streaming for two days, and didn't get crashes on those days. The crashes can happen soon after ending a streaming session or up to 6 hours afterwards. BlueScreenView says it's the nlvddmkm.sys file (which I can't delete and replace, because I don't have permission to modify the file even though I'm the only account and thus an admin). That file seems to be related to Nvidia display drivers. So, I used DDU and device manager in safe mdoe to uninstall all the old Nvidia drivers and reinstall with the latest (and didn't reinstall Geforce Experience). This hasn't fixed the problem. I need to do further testing, like reinstalling Steam or something, because I'm pretty sure in-home streaming is somehow related to the crashes.

I'll also try uninstalling MSI Afterburner, even though I haven't been using it to overclock when the crashes occurred.

The weirdest part is the crashes never happen WHILE I'm doing something intense or otherwise; I have yet to witness one occurrence.


Oct 28, 2017
Hi guys n gals,

Have just installed Kaspersky Total Security on my Windows 7 PC and now streaming sites like Netflix / Crunchyroll no longer work. I can login and view the available progams, and the automatic previews that play when you highlight a program play, but when you click to start watching it I get error code F7701-1003. I've searched the net but can't find a solution.

On a side note, Youtube works fine.

Any help greatly appreciated.


Oct 25, 2017
Windows 10 making my head explode.

I want to black out serial numbers in photos before putting stuff on Ebay.

I do this using the Win10 tools, save it... and end up with a fucking video of me blanking out the serial number. I can then save an image from my video and it looks far worse than the original image.

How do I do this?

Premium Ghoul

Oct 27, 2017
Windows 10 making my head explode.

I want to black out serial numbers in photos before putting stuff on Ebay.

I do this using the Win10 tools, save it... and end up with a fucking video of me blanking out the serial number. I can then save an image from my video and it looks far worse than the original image.

How do I do this?
Seems like something you could easily do in Paint.


Oct 25, 2017
Windows 10 making my head explode.

I want to black out serial numbers in photos before putting stuff on Ebay.

I do this using the Win10 tools, save it... and end up with a fucking video of me blanking out the serial number. I can then save an image from my video and it looks far worse than the original image.

How do I do this?
Mspaint or Snipping tool


Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys n gals,

Have just installed Kaspersky Total Security on my Windows 7 PC and now streaming sites like Netflix / Crunchyroll no longer work. I can login and view the available progams, and the automatic previews that play when you highlight a program play, but when you click to start watching it I get error code F7701-1003. I've searched the net but can't find a solution.

On a side note, Youtube works fine.

Any help greatly appreciated.

I don't want to be "that guy", but I'd just suggest uninstalling Kaspersky. Windows Defender has come a long long way, and Kaspersky has been blacklisted by the US government "in response to allegations by U.S. officials that the company's software could enable Russian espionage and threaten national security." They had a good rep a few years ago, but Windows Defender + Malwarebytes will be as good as anything, I think.

If you don't want to uninstall, then I don't have another suggestion, sorry.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone, quick question. I have i7-3770k, GTX 1080 ti with 16gs of ram running on a 144gz gsync monitor. I've been noticing a drop in performance across different games (DQ11 and Destiny 2 namely), and I'm not sure why. CPU usasge and GPU usage remain around 40-60%. I know my CPU is older but it doesn't look like its bottlenecking that much. The weird thing is that in Destiny 2, lowering all the settings have zero effect on FPS.

Any reason why this may be? Maybe the new drivers?


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
Hello, I have a question. First it might be helpful to see what kind of PC I have.

  • i7 CPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • GTX 970
  • SSD harddrive
  • Windows 10
  • 3 monitors running at 1080p
So I've had some time to finally continue playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. Sometimes it feels very smooth with recommended settings, other times it's very choppy. Here is what I've tried to do to make sure it's more smooth

  • Close any web browsers
  • Disable (not just turning off) any other monitor than the one with the game on
  • Try low settings in Tomb Raider
  • Restart my pc
  • Freeing up more space on my ssd
It still feels kind of random when I play smoothly, and when it start being choppy. Is the next step to start shutting down programs in task manager? What is the cause of this? (Btw, last time I had time to play Tomb Raider was in January, so I can safely say I'm not using my pc for games as often as I'd like.)

Deleted member 10852

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
i always tried to play in borderless window and i can archive 60fps always in differents games, the problem is still looks chopped, no 60fps feeling.
my vga is connected to a display port monitor and a receiver via hdmi, both 1080p.
in fullscreen i dont have problems.

gtx 1070
12gb ram / 4x2 and 2x2
Oct 27, 2017
Hello, I have a question. First it might be helpful to see what kind of PC I have.

  • i7 CPU
  • 16 GB RAM
  • GTX 970
  • SSD harddrive
  • Windows 10
  • 3 monitors running at 1080p
So I've had some time to finally continue playing Rise of the Tomb Raider. Sometimes it feels very smooth with recommended settings, other times it's very choppy. Here is what I've tried to do to make sure it's more smooth

  • Close any web browsers
  • Disable (not just turning off) any other monitor than the one with the game on
  • Try low settings in Tomb Raider
  • Restart my pc
  • Freeing up more space on my ssd
It still feels kind of random when I play smoothly, and when it start being choppy. Is the next step to start shutting down programs in task manager? What is the cause of this? (Btw, last time I had time to play Tomb Raider was in January, so I can safely say I'm not using my pc for games as often as I'd like.)

Unfortunately the game suffers when you are in some areas, namely the Soviet installation and another one later in the game, with stutters every now and then.

Not really. It may work but it may also glitch. It's always better to have similar modules in your PC.

I see, then I will get the same model, thanks!


Oct 25, 2017
If I buy used or refurb pc am I looking for trouble?

Very much depends where you're buying from. Chain store that sells demo products cheap? You should be good. Ebay sellers? Ehhhh. Things you should look out for are GPU wear (from bitcoin mining) and CPU (just because heavily used PCs will have thermal paste that might need to be replaced). I sold my custom-built desktop on Ebay a few years back, and it was in perfect condition, so it's possible to get good machines for half/three-quarters actual price. If you're unsure, ask to have a look at benchmarking software temperatures - it's easy for someone to run CPU and GPU benchmarking for 10/20/30 minutes, and screencap the maximum load and highest temperatures with the programs still running in the background.

I'm sure there's other stuff I'm forgetting, but people here should be able to fill in the missing info. :)


Oct 25, 2017
The left click on my mouse is acting like the middle button, like it opens new tabs with left click and closes it if i click on a tab. I thought my mouse just broke so I plugged in a different nearly new one and its still doing it. any ideas?


Jan 3, 2018
Anyone else having issues with recent Geforce Experience driver updates? This is 2 updates in a row now where the driver update completely messed up my drivers causing my GPU (1070) to run at roughly half speed. I've had to do completely clean installs of the drivers to fix the issue.

Edit: Drivers appeared to be still borked after DDU cleanup and reinstall. The problem might have been MSI Afterburner. Not entirely certain since I haven't done extensive testing of this. GPU seems to work well after preventing Afterburner from launching on startup.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Certain Windows apps appear to have corrupted text and/or text boxes


Happens in Paint 3D - annoying because the crop feature is dead handy - and the photo app, shown above.

Latest version of Windows 10 x64, tried removing and reinstalling the apps, no joy.

Anyone have a clue? Not the worst thing if I have to live with it - I can use older MS Paint to crop, for instance - but kinda annoying. :/

Joe Spangle

Nov 1, 2017

With the new cards coming out and the benchmarks surfacing im thinking that i will probably pick up a 2080ti once its back in stock.

My current card is a Titan xp which ive watercooled and so if/when i get the new card i will probably give the old one to a friend. Is it easy enough to remove the waterblock and fit a new fan cooler or the original reference fan cooler? ive looked about and cant really find that many fans to buy, OCUK has a couple which look just like a heatsink and a couple of fans.

I remember having to take out about 50 million screws to get the reference fan cooler off so i dont really want to stick that back on.

Any thoughts?


<<Tag Here>>
Oct 25, 2017
For a non-Gsync monitor, what option is best here? With triple buffering on?




Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know why I'm getting this? It started after getting my 2080 and installing the (required) latest drivers.

I should test it on my old GPU.



Oct 27, 2017
I'm having an odd cursor issue. For example, when I am typing into the dialogue box it is as though my mouse clicks on something else so that I can no longer type. When on Steam I am typically using a controller and so this cursor thing basically clicks on the desktop, which either pauses my game or sends me to the desktop. It happens every five to ten seconds so playing games is effectively impossible. The thing is it happens even when I turn my mouse off.

I've restarted my PC multiple times, turned the mouse on and off but nothing has changed.

My computer has gone through a few changes over the past 24 hours. I installed a RTX 2080 and put through nvidia driver updates. Everything was fine yesterday after the installation.

Overnight I installed a 2018-09 Update for Windows 10 which appears the most likely cause of the problem.

Any help would be greatly appreciated as this issue is unbelievably annoying.

EDIT: Nevermind, worked out what the problem was. Related to my keyboard strangely enough.
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Joe Spangle

Nov 1, 2017
Bah, an annoying thing happened yesterday with Steam.

I have a lot of categories for my millions of games as im sure you all do. I was having a slow day at work yesterday and so i thought i would log into my Steam account and play a bit of Kerbal Space Program (because im hooked on it at the moment). I haven't logged in at work for quite a while and when i did all my recent categories have disappeared and i just have one big long list of games.

Then when logging in back at home on my main PC it seems to have sync'd the work PC settings and so all my categories are gone. Why wouldn't it use the PC at home which is my main one and the only one that ive logged into for the last 6 months as the master? Is there a setting im missing?

EDIT - seems steam should sync it up but for some reason it didnt when i logged into the work pc but then did when i logged in at home.
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Oct 25, 2017
Anyone know why I'm getting this? It started after getting my 2080 and installing the (required) latest drivers.

I should test it on my old GPU.

Update on this problem for anyone looking at this in the future. Tested on a 1070 on a different PC. The problem DOES occur there too, so it's probably driver related (411.63).

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
I need help with something that has been plaguing me for awhile, and it still persists with my new RTX 2080.

I get graphical errors in Vulkan games. Happens in Doom. Happens in Wolfenstein II. Happens in RPCS3. It it's running in Vulkan, it happens. The glitches present themselves in two ways; Large flickering shapes of black on things like menus, and the other is something that resembles screen tearing. But it isn't screen tearing, as it happens with the slightest slowest movement.

I'm at wits end here, I basically can't play Vulkan games.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone else having issues with recent Geforce Experience driver updates? This is 2 updates in a row now where the driver update completely messed up my drivers causing my GPU (1070) to run at roughly half speed. I've had to do completely clean installs of the drivers to fix the issue.

Edit: Drivers appeared to be still borked after DDU cleanup and reinstall. The problem might have been MSI Afterburner. Not entirely certain since I haven't done extensive testing of this. GPU seems to work well after preventing Afterburner from launching on startup.

Anyone know why I'm getting this? It started after getting my 2080 and installing the (required) latest drivers.

I should test it on my old GPU.

I'm not having these issues in particular, but I did do a fresh install of Windows last week and have had nothing but problems with my 1080ti ever since. Not sure if it's tied to these newest drivers or not, but I'm getting stuff like hard-locks in games that aren't all that graphically intensive (Pillars of Eternity for example), my GeForce experience program and overlay seem to only work when it feels like it now, and I'm getting tearing all over the place in Overwatch which shouldn't be happening (and didn't happen prior to my windows re-install) because I have a G-Sync monitor. Overwatch FPS counter reads a solid 141 and it's tearing all over the place.

When I saw they pushed a new driver yesterday only a week after the last release, I figured it was known issues but none of them got fixed.



Well, Tosca isn't for everyone
Oct 31, 2017
Is Origin Access region locked? If yes, where are good deals on Origin Acess, or you can just buy from the Origin Store?


Oct 27, 2017
Conceptually, why can a cpu without an integrated gpu not display any video whatsoever? Software rendering is slow, but it is a thing, and early PC's didn't even have GPU's, right? Shouldn't a CPU be able to do anything a GPU can do, just slower?
Oct 27, 2017
So, uh, my AC unit leaked water last night while I was sleeping, and because I am such an idiot I put my PC on the floor almost directly under it, and the constant dripping splashed one side of it. Fortunately enough, I think, is that it was unplugged from the wall socket.

I immediately took it apart and opened to inspect the damage and IT SEEMS that nothing inside is wet. I took the PSU from its slot and there seems not to be any water under it, but I am fairly sure at least a drop or two had to get inside.

Will it ever be safe to turn it on again?


Oct 25, 2017
So, uh, my AC unit leaked water last night while I was sleeping, and because I am such an idiot I put my PC on the floor almost directly under it, and the constant dripping splashed one side of it. Fortunately enough, I think, is that it was unplugged from the wall socket.

I immediately took it apart and opened to inspect the damage and IT SEEMS that nothing inside is wet. I took the PSU from its slot and there seems not to be any water under it, but I am fairly sure at least a drop or two had to get inside.

Will it ever be safe to turn it on again?

Put it in a bag of rice. /s

It should be fine, maybe give it the weekend to dry? Or maybe take a hair dryer to it, not sure but that might push something deeper into say the PSU..

You could also tear it down to bare minimum, remove the GPU and go integrated if that's possible. Remove all but 1 stick of RAM, disconnect drives. Add things back slowly. That'd be the most cautious route.


Dark Souls Man
Oct 24, 2017
Conceptually, why can a cpu without an integrated gpu not display any video whatsoever? Software rendering is slow, but it is a thing, and early PC's didn't even have GPU's, right? Shouldn't a CPU be able to do anything a GPU can do, just slower?
Well for one, it doesn't have the necessary hardware to actually output a video signal.

The Benz

Oct 27, 2017
My PC recently shut off during a fortnite match and hasn't turned on since. I hoped it was just a dead psu, but the same stuff is happening after replacing it. I pretty much hit the power button, see the AMD logo light up on my cpu cooler for half a second, and nothing else happens.

Don't know if it means anything, but I'm also using one of those motherboards that constantly light up even when turned off, so the lights there have stayed on.

Any help would be appreciated.

Update: It ended up being my dead GTX 970.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone, quick question. I have i7-3770k, GTX 1080 ti with 16gs of ram running on a 144gz gsync monitor. I've been noticing a drop in performance across different games (DQ11 and Destiny 2 namely), and I'm not sure why. CPU usasge and GPU usage remain around 40-60%. I know my CPU is older but it doesn't look like its bottlenecking that much. The weird thing is that in Destiny 2, lowering all the settings have zero effect on FPS.

Any reason why this may be? Maybe the new drivers?

Well this question was a while ago so maybe you got this resolved, but have you checked individual core usage? Sometimes one core/thread can be maxed while others are unused, causing the overall cpu usage to appear low. Seems a bit unlikely because modern games are usually pretty well threaded, but your cpu is old enough that it likely will slow down a beast like your 1080ti, especially at high refresh rates.


IT Tech
Oct 28, 2017
London, UK
I'm super confused about this weird GUI issue.

Does anyone know how to identify processes that are running on your machine?
I know that sounds vague, and your first thought is probably Task Manager, but what is this?

I've not installed anything recently and it sometimes goes away after a few resets. But it's obviously something running which is worrying.
I've killed most of the processes that are running in the background that I know of and it's still there.

I just don't know how to figure out what it is exactly.

I guess it It could be GPU related, but that's really bizarre, right? for my GPU to just stick a low opacity orange square in the corner.
My drivers and machine are all up to date.



Oct 25, 2017
I was looking to upgrade my MOBO to an 1151 socket but the new CPU I was looking at (i5 8600) is a bit out of my budget...

Would buying a AM4 MOBO and the Ryzen 5 2600 be a decent alternative?


Oct 27, 2017
I'm super confused about this weird GUI issue.

Does anyone know how to identify processes that are running on your machine?
I know that sounds vague, and your first thought is probably Task Manager, but what is this?

I've not installed anything recently and it sometimes goes away after a few resets. But it's obviously something running which is worrying.
I've killed most of the processes that are running in the background that I know of and it's still there.

I just don't know how to figure out what it is exactly.

I guess it It could be GPU related, but that's really bizarre, right? for my GPU to just stick a low opacity orange square in the corner.
My drivers and machine are all up to date.

Try using Process Explorer: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/downloads/process-explorer
It has an option in the toolbar which lets you drag a cursor over a window and it should identify the process - though I don't know if it will work since it appears to be an overlay of some sort.
There are also options to verify image signatures and check all processes running on the system with VirusTotal. These may help point to whatever rogue application is doing this.


Oct 25, 2017
Well this question was a while ago so maybe you got this resolved, but have you checked individual core usage? Sometimes one core/thread can be maxed while others are unused, causing the overall cpu usage to appear low. Seems a bit unlikely because modern games are usually pretty well threaded, but your cpu is old enough that it likely will slow down a beast like your 1080ti, especially at high refresh rates.

Thanks for the reply! My CPU ended being a problem, it was bottlenecking the GPU hard, ended up buying a new cpu and all was fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Should I get an x470 mobo if I plan on upgrading CPU a couple of years later? I'm thinking of getting a 2600 right now but I'm not sure if I should get an x470 or a b450 and save money.