Bo Neslek

Oct 25, 2017
Canada's Ear
User Warned: Inflammatory Generaliations
ITT dudes who don't like lead female heroes in 'muh Star Wers' provide us with more displays of their impressive couching skills.

Edit: Oh, pardon: #NotAllTLJHaters.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Also holy shit @ that reddit leak for Episode IX. That sounds...bad, if it was true. He did get a lot of big details about Episode VIII right.

Then again a lot of those details change but if the plot beats of Rey and Kylo being secrelty in love with each other and Rey turning out to have a lovechild with a mysterious father are true, bleh.
I refuse to believe it...however the B plot about Kylo I don't mind.

ham bone

Alt account
Apr 12, 2018
I like The Last Jedi but this premise is silly. It doesn't matter if the third movie is a modern masterpiece that all future films are ranked against or it's a abject, humorless, Jar-Jar riddled crap-fest. The Last Jedi will still be the movie it is.


Nov 7, 2017
Yes this is indeed it and The Last Jedi is a flawless film.


There is so much more to the backlash to episode 8 than men complaining about women characters, but whatever.

Big One

Oct 25, 2017

There is so much more to the backlash to episode 8 than men complaining about women characters, but whatever.
I was being sarcastic, lol. Of course the film has flaws. For reference, it's my third favorite Star Wars film ever. However I also feel like this movement to shut down any critique of the film to be infuriating. Whether it's just stanning for the franchise or just straight astroturfing I don't care either way.


Oct 26, 2017
ITT dudes who don't like lead female heroes in 'muh Star Wers' provide us with more displays of their impressive couching skills.

The criticism I see online for TFA and to a much, much bigger extent TLJ has nothing to do with Rey being a female hero.

I can give you a huge list of all the problems TFA and TLJ have without even mentioning Rey.


Nov 7, 2017
I was being sarcastic, lol. Of course the film has flaws. For reference, it's my third favorite Star Wars film ever. However I also feel like this movement to shut down any critique of the film to be infuriating. Whether it's just stanning for the franchise or just straight astroturfing I don't care either way.

I was pretty jazzed to use that gif if you were sincere, but good to know you weren't lol

I do agree, I had never blocked anyone here on on the old site, but I blocked 2 users because of their super toxic defense of this movie.

Deleted member 14002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
However I also feel like this movement to shut down any critique of the film to be infuriating. Whether it's just stanning for the franchise or just straight astroturfing I don't care either way.


Even though we disagree about the movies quality I'm glad that you're able to discuss criticism.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Their cheif mistake was putting the films directly after the OT. It was just a mistake. It ended where it was supposed to and their focus on trying to deconstruct that whole universe, without any actual deconstruction that made sense (For instance, somehow destroying a few planets took down the whole rebellion? What? The universe is massive and likely partially being out from under the Empires thumb would have created a far stauncher opposition than a few planets. Maybe someone can explain that one to me better, as it may be covered somewhere.) But they took a vastly expanding universe, one that arguably the Prequels really laid a path for. Regardless of how good it was, it introduced a lot of factions, areas and really opened the universe up. That and TOR.

Anyway my point being they reigned this expanding universe back to a large degree, made it really myopic. And set it in a place where characters were familiar, for nostalgia reasons. But I think was a mistake, as they should have developed their own chunk of the Star Wars universe instead. Set a few hundred years after maybe if they really wanted to reference it. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie etc. Are legends, their name well known or whispered depending on your story direction. Maybe they reference them through Holocrons, or records. Little easter eggs etc. Making that whole dynamic a focus, for me just never sat right.

I wanted something new.


Oct 25, 2017
This honestly reminds me of "wait until Episode 2/Episode 3... that movie will make Episode 1/2 good!"

The Last Jedi is better than those two movies but it does a poor job of being the middle movie in a trilogy that's based off old adventure serials.


Oct 28, 2017
TLJ was a film you make to end a franchise because you're kind of sick of making sequels to it. While it tries to profess renewed hope and whatever at its end, the entire film betrays a very cynical self-satisfying Director that shouldn't have been tasked with one of the tentpoles, let alone 'the middle one'.

Have you ever listened to Rian Johnson give interviews? He is one of the least cynical people I have ever heard. He was incredibly thoughtful in his decisions. Listen to some of the long form podcast interviews he has done.


Oct 29, 2017
Tlj was terrible. Glad there was another sw thread so I could make my voice heard again. I have no hype at all for ep 9. I really don't care where this trilogy goes. Jj set it up well with ep 7 and now Rian ruined it. Ruined!


Oct 25, 2017
I loved 8 and was very bleh towards 7. But the sum of 8's parts were not equal to its whole. The Rey, Luke, and Kylo story had everything I wanted. It developed Rey and Kylo, made Luke flawed outside of naive, and gave the force new life away from skywalker. I think it's a perfect switch to a franchise that was always so.... well who of these old people is she related. When it destroyed that notion. It destroyed the line between the dark and light. It made our great hero... falter. And then need to redeem himself.

But the other 2/3 of the flick range from bad to alright


Oct 26, 2017
here's my hot take:

Rogue One is the best Disney Star Wars movie

come @ me

I feel the same but honestly it's a low bar. I don't feel like rewatching Rogue One either and I liked the film.

My issue with all 3 Disney-era Star Wars films is the lack of interesting characters. I really want to like Rey but I find her to be one-dimensional and boring. I don't understand Kylo Ren's motivations and why he has teen angst and if they're really positioning him as the villain of Episode IX then I don't know what to say.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Listen to yourself talk.
"Rey having ablities because she's special is bullshit!"
"What about Luke?"
"That's different, he's special!"

People complaining about the force are being ridiculous. It's magic! It's just magic! It's all bullshit and it doesn't have to make sense and you know it.
Theres literally nothing special about rey tho, the movie established that she is a nobody and even her parents were judt assholes who left her, with no backstory that they were poweful jedi or whatever, the whole point is that she isnt special


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
After epsiode VIII i have no excitement for episode IX. This trilogy is a mess from character development and storywise.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Part 8 sucked. And did nothing to move the storylines built in episode 7 and just created a whole lot of mess. Mark Hamill recently said he doesn't care about SW anymore and moved on. Based on the leaks that came out recently by a guy who was right about 70% of episode viii part ix is gonna be a super hot mess lol and final nail in the coffin for SW.
Plot leak:
Mark hanill don't care anymore:

Also originally rose didn't exist I think. It was finn and Poe going to canto blight.
Somebody actually referencing Mike Zeroh's videos with a straight face? Jesus Christ.


Oct 25, 2017
Their cheif mistake was putting the films directly after the OT. It was just a mistake. It ended where it was supposed to and their focus on trying to deconstruct that whole universe, without any actual deconstruction that made sense (For instance, somehow destroying a few planets took down the whole rebellion? What? The universe is massive and likely partially being out from under the Empires thumb would have created a far stauncher opposition than a few planets. Maybe someone can explain that one to me better, as it may be covered somewhere.) But they took a vastly expanding universe, one that arguably the Prequels really laid a path for. Regardless of how good it was, it introduced a lot of factions, areas and really opened the universe up. That and TOR.

Anyway my point being they reigned this expanding universe back to a large degree, made it really myopic. And set it in a place where characters were familiar, for nostalgia reasons. But I think was a mistake, as they should have developed their own chunk of the Star Wars universe instead. Set a few hundred years after maybe if they really wanted to reference it. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie etc. Are legends, their name well known or whispered depending on your story direction. Maybe they reference them through Holocrons, or records. Little easter eggs etc. Making that whole dynamic a focus, for me just never sat right.

I wanted something new.
I still hope this will happen, I still want it to happen I'm not really invested in any of the new star wars output so far but man growing up on the prequels, so my strongest connection to the franchise being the old republic games I do believe the canvas for super entertaining stuff is there. So I'd rather they stop being beholden to the old stuff if it doesn't pay off for anything and just actually expand the universe with new stuff.


Oct 27, 2017
TLJ was a film you make to end a franchise because you're kind of sick of making sequels to it. While it tries to profess renewed hope and whatever at its end, the entire film betrays a very cynical self-satisfying Director that shouldn't have been tasked with one of the tentpoles, let alone 'the middle one'.
Dude I've been saying this since December on this forum. Thank you for encapsulating, my very thoughts, especially when it comes to Rian, the way he wrote the movie was mind boggling, and for Kennedy to adore his assasination of the OT, is something I think she will one day have to answer for.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Dude I've been saying this since December on this forum. Thank you for encapsulating, my very thoughts, especially when it comes to Rian, the way he wrote the movie was mind boggling, and for Kennedy to adore his assasination of the OT, is something I think she will one day have to answer for.
What is it with you and making someone 'pay' for making a film you didn't like? It's goddamn weird.


Oct 25, 2017
If you think you're ever going to hear about Smokey again I have a Maltese Falcon to sell you.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I doubt they'll even mention Snoke in IX other than to repeat that Kylo succeeded him as Supreme Leader. It'll be even less relevant with the expected time jump.


Oct 26, 2017
There are no questions I have for basically any of the characters that hinge on another movie. When Empire ends, Han's fate is up in the air, we just had the revelation about Vader, and Luke is just getting his footing after being beaten to a pulp.

After The Last Jedi... where is there left for anyone to go? Rey has accepted where she's from and is on her lone road to becoming a jedi. Finn is now "woke" and staunchly anti-First Order thanks to Rose, Poe is now in a leadership position after being a treasonous idiot for two and a half hours, and Kylo Ren has cemented his place as the villain of this story.

The only hanging thread is "how are the resistance fighters gonna beat the First Order?", and that's never been the compelling question in Star Wars.

This is basically where I'm at. JJ loves the "mystery box" concept, and the company mismanaged these films to the point where the next movie, that should have paid off these mysteries, instead goes in the "eh, don't give a shit" direction, which puts kneecaps whatever the next movie was going to try to do.

Why should I care about Rey at this point? She had no character really in TFA, and was more of a "unbridled potential" in terms of character and story. Then TLJ comes out and removes all of that pretty perfectly. Finn ended TFA in an interesting position that was retconned within 10 minutes of TLJ, then gets saddled with the Jar Jar of this trilogy. Poe had interesting development for dumb reasons, but still not sure what his role would be going forward.

I have absolutely no reason to give a shit about this universe at this point, or the non-story that has developed over these last two movies. Just left with an overall "What's the point again?" vibe.


Oct 26, 2017
Literally felt like a slap in the face.

People go on about getting over the OT... that shit was set up as the freaking stinger of TFA that we waited 2 years to see only to get a dumb joke.
For me I was cringing so hard at the very pretentious "cool" posing of Luke at the end of TFA. That whole setup was very lazy in terms of how to tease a sequel ("Character Unlocked: Luke. See you in 2 years"), and I just hated how it rode on the back of a very pompous vision of a Jedi standing there all self serious.

Luke throwing away the lightsaber was the moment where Rian Johnson personally acknowledged how phony it was. It was the only way they could have won me over.

I know Johnson actually had JJ put that TFA ending in, and I still don't love it, but considering it only exists to be swatted down as pretentious, I appreciate it retrospectively.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Horse pucky. I saw the original trilogy in the theaters, I witnessed people's reactions first hand to TESB, it was huge, and popular, and it was what EVERYONE was talking about that year. TV shows, magazine covers, toys, lunchboxes, Trapper Keepers, TESB was literally everywhere, and everyone couldn't wait to see Ep 3 after that. It was just as popular then as it is today.

The reason: it's an utterly fantastic movie, and arguably still the best (technical) Star Wars film to date.
For sure, there's a reason the Vader reveal immediately became a part of the lexicon.


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe but I doubt it? I thought the prequel films got better as they went on but it didn't make any of the predecessors better.

I also don't like TFA less after seeing TLJ (or the original trilogy less after watching the prequels).

JJ would have to pull off a miracle.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Why should I care about Rey at this point? She had no character really in TFA, and was more of a "unbridled potential" in terms of character and story. Then TLJ comes out and removes all of that pretty perfectly. Finn ended TFA in an interesting position that was retconned within 10 minutes of TLJ, then gets saddled with the Jar Jar of this trilogy. Poe had interesting development for dumb reasons, but still not sure what his role would be going forward.
What's the retcon with Finn? That he came out of a coma?


Oct 27, 2017
So THAT'S why they gave him a WHOLE TRILOGY OF MOVIES to make after he finished TLJ.

This is also from the people who thought that hiring Colin Trevorrow was a good idea and have had an concerningly abnormal amount of production drama, reshoots, and mid stream director firings.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
This is also from the people who thought that hiring trevero was a good idea and have had an abnormal amount of production drama, reshoots, and mid stream director firings.

What do what other directors have to do with Rian Johnson, when his last movie made $1.3 billion without any of the drama you cite there.


Oct 27, 2017
What do what other directors have to do with Rian Johnson, when his last movie made $1.3 billion without any of the drama you cite there.

Nothing, but you cited him getting his own trilogy as proof of his credibility when there have been no shortage of bad or questionable top down decisions with the overall managing of the brand.


Oct 25, 2017
Theres literally nothing special about rey tho, the movie established that she is a nobody and even her parents were judt assholes who left her, with no backstory that they were poweful jedi or whatever, the whole point is that she isnt special
My overall point is that complaining that Rey learns to use what is functionally magic bullshit too fast is ridiculous. Realistically, the force exists as plot spackle. It's just there so the character can do a thing and move the plot along. The mysticism of it is just there because it's cool.

I actually love TLJ, because it realizes that Star Wars is boring and stagnant and tries to shake it up. Many people are going "There's nowhere for it to go now", when the opposite is true. Before the only place to go was Jedi, Sith, Skywalkers, Doomsday weapons over and over and over. Now they have to try to make a story without that and I'm excited to see what that will be.


Oct 26, 2017
What's the retcon with Finn? That he came out of a coma?

That he gets slashed in the spinal cord with a light saber, and is back on his feet not long after with seemingly no after effects. The state he leaves one movie has absolutely no bearing on his state going into the next. He has absolutely no purpose or real role in the movie, so if he had stayed unconscious, recovering through this movie no difference would have been made, making this all the more baffling/stupid.


Oct 25, 2017
That he gets slashed in the spinal cord with a light saber, and is back on his feet not long after with seemingly no after effects. The state he leaves one movie has absolutely no bearing on his state going into the next. He has absolutely no purpose or real role in the movie, so if he had stayed unconscious, recovering through this movie no difference would have been made, making this all the more baffling/stupid.
This is a universe where getting all 4 limbs sliced off is more a painful inconvenience than a permanent crippling. You think they can't fix spinal damage?

Deleted member 5666

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing, but you cited him getting his own trilogy as proof of his credibility when there have been no shortage of bad or questionable top down decisions with the overall managing of the brand.
They are 3 of 3 in terms of box office success and critical reception. Outside of the MCU there isn't a single franchise that has had better success in the past 5 years than the Kennedy era Star Wars films.

Band management indeed.

3 films in a row doing over a billion dollars and all 3 critical hits. I mean what terrible management. And now Solo is tracking to do huge at the box office. What a disaster.