
Oct 26, 2017
Hey everyone,

We'd like to discuss XP farming.

Story Creator Mode was designed to be a tool for players to let their creativity and imagination run free as they build their very own Stories to share with others, using a modified version of the tools our own designers used to develop the quests in the game. However, since the launch of the beta we have noticed an increasing flow of "farming quests," that exploit the tool to get large amounts of XP. These exploits risk jeopardizing the overall quality, integrity, and purpose of Story Creator Mode and results in less visibility for the creative, interesting and frankly fantastic community stories that have been published.

We want to focus on rewarding creativity by highlighting quality quests and we are working on fixes and adjustments to reduce the impact of such farming quests on the player experience. We are also changing Story Creator Mode's terms of use to prevent creators from publishing these kinds of Stories.

We are working on the following fixes and adjustments to reduce the impact of such farming quests on the player experience, shifting the focus back to the tool's intended design and use – as well as actively combatting exploits moving forward:
XP farming quests will not appear in our automatic recommendation system - this includes the Hall of Fame and the trending section.
Stories that are reported for exploitation or cheating will be hidden moving forward.
Our terms of use will be updated to reflect the misuse of the tool.
We will be sanctioning those who continue to willingly and intentionally misuse the tool.
Implement further solutions with upcoming title updates. We will share more information as we near these updates.

/ AC Community and Development Teams



Oct 25, 2017
uhm, wait a second - it's a single player game; why would:

a) anyone farm XP? I hit the level cap in Odyssey like 50% into the game, also the game scales with your level, so shit doesn't get easier
b) anyone care?


Oct 25, 2017
uhm, wait a second - it's a single player game; why would:

a) anyone farm XP? I hit the level cap in Odyssey like 50% into the game, also the game scales with your level, so shit doesn't get easier
b) anyone care?
because their last 2 games have had crappy XP to the point we've had to do all of the boring side missions that no one wants to do just to be high enough of a level to do the mission


Oct 26, 2017
unless they patched it, there was already a way to level up in seconds. Since u can button map anything u want. If you made crouch the same as the button to recruit knocked down enemies. You could walk up to them to where it says press b to recruit, and just tea bag them nonstop and u get experience every crouch because it thinks u are pressing b to recruit when u are just crouching.


Aug 20, 2018
Do u really need to issue a statement when your audience is just having fun and not impacting others?


Oct 30, 2017
unless they patched it, there was already a way to level up in seconds. Since u can button map anything u want. If you made crouch the same as the button to recruit knocked down enemies. You could walk up to them to where it says press b to recruit, and just tea bag them nonstop and u get experience every crouch because it thinks u are pressing b to recruit when u are just crouching.

Is this still possible? I was really enjoying the game, but the grind is a bit much at times.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, if people can farm xp faster, Ubisoft is losing money on MTX.
More reasons to hate grindy AAA GaaS designs


Jun 12, 2019
Dear Ubi,
Guess what, i cheated your game systems.
Your dear lootbox store ? I got unlimited credits in it.

I do whatever the F i want in a single player game i bought.
/ sweetie

they really cannot way to be in a full stream world so we cannot circumvent their business practices.
They will embrace it fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuul arms length,
"for the gamers"


sorry for the colorful shortened language, that kind of thing makes me angry, still sweet but angry
Oct 27, 2017
"We made this mode to let you guys come up with cool ideas and do pretty much whatever you want. Except that. You can't do that. And frankly, you shouldn't want to. It cheapens your experience. Trust us on this."


Oct 25, 2017
They should have realized that this was bound to happen. LittleBigPlanet was full of levels aimed at easily unlocking certain trophies a decade ago.


Oct 27, 2017
Devs need to really stop thinking people will play nice with their toys. If there's a shortcut, people will take it, and abuse it


Oct 25, 2017
uhm, wait a second - it's a single player game; why would:

a) anyone farm XP? I hit the level cap in Odyssey like 50% into the game, also the game scales with your level, so shit doesn't get easier
b) anyone care?

They raised the XP cap to 99 and if you started the game now you'd never reach max level for a long time. For example I didn't hit level 99 until episode 1 of Fate of Atlantis. I did every single thing in the game, every ?, puzzle, treasure etc.
I did hit the original cap very early though.

But yeah Ubi only cares b/c its monetized. So dumb.


Oct 25, 2017
They raised the XP cap to 99 and if you started the game now you'd never reach max level for a long time. For example I didn't hit level 99 until episode 1 of Fate of Atlantis. I did every single thing in the game, every ?, puzzle, treasure etc.
I did hit the original cap very early though.

But yeah Ubi only cares b/c its monetized. So dumb.
Oh, ok, thanks for the info.

WIth Ubisoft games, i just platinum them and never touch them again. The DLC is usually kinda shitty anyways.

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
There's something you can buy in their store that lets you gain xp faster. I'm not surprised they would want to shut this down.


Oct 25, 2017
If only technology allowed people to cheat in their own games using some combination of inputs. One day.


Dec 16, 2018
I saw on the Story Creator forums people whining about this issue, and honestly who gives a shit?

I WILL say though I do NOT recommend doing this (not because it's against the nature of the game, yada, yada) but because the more you level, the more it costs to upgrade your gear. I was Level 80, I did the EXP farm until Level 89 and realized (having gear that was still in the 70's) that the upgrade costs were insane and for the first time in the game (140 Hours) I actually didn't have the resources to upgrade my stuff. The impact of having such low gear is huge when you face off against Elites/Named Enemies. I got 1 Hit and at that point I had died maybe 3 times throughout. Took me a bit to upgrade some of my gear but this could completely break your game (unless on PC and cheat).

You could also use new gear but that would mean changing how you play.

I had no issues playing this game and gaining EXP/Perks, the complaints against that were always hyperbolic.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
Ahhh yes. Yet again I'm reminded why I hate most modern open world games 😆


Oct 26, 2017
Can you imagine how that conversation went?



Jan 25, 2018
Man I am so over Assassins Creed and Ubisoft games as a whole. Seeing this shit in a single player games makes my head ache.


Feb 2, 2018
a Socialist Utopia
This fucking parasite of a company with their ever present shit store in every one of their single player games. XP boosters etc... I hope they choke on their greed.


Oct 27, 2017
Lol, fuck off Ubisoft. You recommend that players of ACO-2 use extreme level scaling so everyone is levelmatched or above--this does not affect players at all. The only one this affects is you and your crappy, exploitative microtransactions baked into every aspect of Odyssey.

Don't be any more greedy than you already are, Ubisoft. It's disgusting.


Oct 25, 2017
And like that, it becomes much more obvious why Ubisoft is first in line for Stadia

Cliff Steele

Oct 28, 2017
I'm Lvl 69 and have basically every skill that I need. Since everything levels with the player why would I need to boost shit like that?


Oct 27, 2017
uhm, wait a second - it's a single player game; why would:

a) anyone farm XP? I hit the level cap in Odyssey like 50% into the game, also the game scales with your level, so shit doesn't get easier
b) anyone care?

The cap was moved to level 99, but it also isn't really a cap any more because you can keep on levelling afterwards. You get "mastery" levels, which award you with an ability point, but you don't gain a level. That's a good thing because it means your enemies stay the same level, your equipment levels don't fall behind your player level, and you still get an ability point to add to your mastery abilities.

As for why anyone cares, there's the common answer that they're selling XP boosters and don't want to negate that. However, there is also a gameplay reason - levelling up too quickly can break your game. If, let's say, you jumped from level 10 to level 99, you'd have a level 99 character with level 99 stats, but you'd only have level 10 equipment and you'd be against level 95 enemies (minimum). Anyone who did that would find that every combat encounter would be against enemies that took minutes to kill (but could kill the player in one hit).

unless they patched it, there was already a way to level up in seconds. Since u can button map anything u want. If you made crouch the same as the button to recruit knocked down enemies. You could walk up to them to where it says press b to recruit, and just tea bag them nonstop and u get experience every crouch because it thinks u are pressing b to recruit when u are just crouching.
They've patched this.

Doesn't level-scaling render this useless anyway?
Not really. All scaling stops at level 99, but you can still earn ability points. There's quite a big difference between a level 99 character with 0 mastery levels and a level 99 character with 100 mastery levels.

Ploid 6.0

Oct 25, 2017
"However, since the launch of the beta we have noticed an increasing flow of "farming quests," that exploit the tool to get large amounts of XP. These exploits risk jeopardizing the overall quality, integrity, and purpose of Story Creator Mode and results in less visibility for the creative, interesting and frankly fantastic community stories that have been published. "

Translation : However, since the launch of the beta we have noticed an increasing flow of "farming quests," that exploit the tool to get large amounts of XP. These exploits risk jeopardizing the specifically designed gameplay economy which would lead some people to ponder buying boosts from the MTX store.