
Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Before anything else, please bear in mind that I'm speaking from my experience as an Indonesian citizen who happen to own a PC, PS4, and Switch. No XBox so I may be misinformed about it but I've done my research.

So anyway. Indonesia, many people may not know its location or haven't even heard about the country. It's such an insignificant country especially when it comes to console revenue. Despite that fact, Sony reached out to us and give us full support on everything.

Sony Center
Yes, Sony actually opened a branch here a few years ago in the PS3 era, providing full support on selling the consoles and warranty claims as well as repairs. Today, they have 6 Sony Centers across the country, with dozens of official stores and service/repair centers. Consoles and games are plentiful here, we don't need to import and worry about warranty and other services.

On the other hand, Microsoft and Nintendo never bother to even open a small office. They haven't officially released their consoles here so we have to import to get one. And of course, no warranty and official service for us. Just like the consoles, we also have to import the games or buy from resellers.

Playstation Store
On top of physical goods support, Sony also offers digital support. PSN is fully accessible from Indonesia, and everything is purchasable with our currency, IDR. It doesn't stop there, they also give a decent regional pricing policy, which means that digital games on our PSN store are cheaper than the default $60 price tag. For example, God of War was 600k IDR at launch, or equal to $40. Horizon was also cheap as far as I remember. Unfortunately, this doesn't apply to all games (just like Steam). Most 3rd party publishers still set the pricing from the $60 straight conversion. Speaking of Steam, Dragon Quest XI is cheaper in PSN than on Steam.

On XBox One, people usually use a US or Singapore account to be able to purchase games on the store. As for the Switch, we can't even access the eShop unless we setup a special proxy/nds on our network settings. They simply don't want our business.

Gift Cards
This seems like a non-issue for developed countries, but in my country, most people are still reluctant to open a credit card account. The majority of people are still comfortable with debit cards and cash, therefore buying games directly from the console and/or PSN will be a huge turnoff. And here's where Sony step in by distributing Gift Cards of our currency to fill our PSN wallet. We can buy them digitally and physically in minimarkets. Just like games, Gift Cards are also often on sales which is always a good thing to have. Even though I buy most of my console games physically, I have a few digital PS4 games on my account.

Ultimately, it's just disappointing that Microsoft and Nintendo haven't made a move on us after all these years. XBox 360 can still be seen in stores, the Wii was very popular, and NDS/3DS are basically everywhere even my non-gamer cousin has one. And yet, they're still abandoning us. I wonder what should we do for them to notice us.

Now, the situation might be varied across countries. I'm fully aware that I can't say that most other countries with the similar economic situation as Indonesia would have the same treatment from the 3 console manufacturers. I've looked up on wiki and some sites to see the list of supported countries of each console, but I guess that won't be enough.

Therefore, I'd like to hear it straight from you, console owners who are not from UK/EU/Japan and many other well-supported countries. Tell me about the support of Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo in your country, and maybe we can come up with a conclusion later. Though I'm not gonna diminish insights from everyone else. If you know something about this stuff, please do tell us.
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Oct 25, 2017
hmm about eshop, i can access Japanese eshop without proxy/vpn. But yeah they don't have presence here cept for Sony.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Sony has a fantastic worldwide network the other two can't match. It's one of Sony's biggest strengths.


Oct 27, 2017
Is why they win globally and are a global brand unlike Xbox and Nintendo.

Also top notch support for native languages in their games.


Nov 3, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, Sony seems to be the only ones attempting to reach out to China gamers as well as supporting their development studios (China Hero Project).

Deleted member 4247

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
More Sony games are translated to Swedish than Nintendo games (they never are). Seems a bit inverted. Some games like Ratchet even have Swedish VA (which I personally hate, but still), while others like Uncharted have Swedish subtitles. Zelda, Mario? English.


Oct 27, 2017
Nintendo is likely to expand in these markets with the Switch. Their last really successful console was the Wii...they werent able to sell the WiiU to the western audience or their home market - no way in hell it would have succeeded in even smaller markets.

Switch though is a system that could perform well in those countries as well.
Oct 27, 2017
Indonesian here as well, agree on all counts that Sony's support here is amazing. The availability of gift cards with our local currency and customer support is a godsend.

I hope Nintendo follows suit and acknowledge us in third world countries.


Dec 7, 2017
Fantastic to hear Sony supporting smaller countries. No wonder PlayStation is such a global juggernaut.


Oct 25, 2017
This has been the secret to Sony's success for a while now. They're a truly global brand. I recall the PS2 getting support in small countries for far longer than it did in the major ones.


Oct 27, 2017
More Sony games are translated to Swedish than Nintendo games (they never are). Seems a bit inverted. Some games like Ratchet even have Swedish VA (which I personally hate, but still), while others like Uncharted have Swedish subtitles. Zelda, Mario? English.

Yeah Sony does a good job translating his titles across multiple languages in Europe, i don't really used them since i don't like dub material but its pretty good for people who do.

Deleted member 249

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nintendo is likely to expand in these markets with the Switch. Their last really successful console was the Wii...they werent able to sell the WiiU to the western audience or their home market - no way in hell it would have succeeded in even smaller markets.

Switch though is a system that could perform well in those countries as well.
Switch is likely to catch on in markets like India, because those markets prefer mobility over all else. If Nintendo would actually make the effort to expand to those markets, they'd actually do well; they don't, and neither does MS. Sony does, and that's why PlayStation is a global brand.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
because we get so much more detailed sales data for usa, japan and the UK, those markets seem to many to be the most important

we have a pretty big blind spot for markets outside of those, and so have many of the other platform holders

it's good to see sony rewarded for their worldwide focus


Jan 15, 2018
ERA is a largely English speaking forum with news and updates coming from English speaking sites. It only gives us a picture of the English speaking regions (plus Japan) in any great detail.

If you look at the global console market, particularly the way some countries have stagnated, it's clear Sony's continued growth is down to emerging regions. They maybe small individually but add upto multi-million console and game sales.

Some companies don't even have a presence in these countries let alone tailor content and services for them. Even with us UK/European gamers, you get the impression some of these companies think showing up at Gamescom once a year, is adequate.


Oct 27, 2017
Switch is likely to catch on in markets like India, because those markets prefer mobility over all else. If Nintendo would actually make the effort to expand to those markets, they'd actually do well; they don't, and neither does MS. Sony does, and that's why PlayStation is a global brand.
Nintendo is going to expand in those markets - that where the growth is coming from. Until last year they had trouble to have enough consoles for the markets ready they are already invested in. Their main markets will always have the priority and with them going after mobile and launching the online subscription it might be better for them to wait until they have all basics function in place before expanding.

I can see more on this front happening next year.

They're everywhere, that's why I love these funny little bubble MC threads so much.
JPN market is a bubble now ? lol


Oct 26, 2017
Yeah I'd say Nintendo could do really well in a lot of reasons if they matched or at least approached Sony's level of support their. A lot of money left on the table for them.

Brands like Mario, Pokemon and to a lesser extent Zelda are still pretty well known even in countries that Nintendo have never operated. Even just iconography like the 1up mushroom etc at kind of universal. I know that this was somewhat the goal of their mobile efforts, but that's a half-measure.

Sony are basically uncontested in a lot of markets, because they're the only ones making the effort.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
In Portugal every Sony exclusive gets Portuguese voice over.
And is Portuguese from Portugal, not Portuguese from Brazil like other publishers do.


Oct 25, 2017
I think Sony's strong support of regions like South East Asia or the Middle East will pay off for them in the long run (if it doesn't do it already). The sales focus is clearly on US/EU/JP, but some developers/publishers have found reasonable success in other smaller regions and therefore will not leave the Sony ecosystem anytime soon. I am mainly thinking about franchises like Yakuza or Trails (Kiseki) which have a decent fanbase in Asia.
Sony is even supporting them with localizations from time to time. I think some Kiseki games were localized by Sony into Chinese and Korean for example so I don't think any of those developers will jump shit anytime soon, even if the Switch is more successful in their home turf Japan.

Deleted member 3897

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Sony has really good support here in Norway too. I don't remember a single Sony first party game that doesn't have Norwegian subtitles at least. Many games, like R&C 2016 (on top of my head) even have Norwegian voice acting.

Deleted member 721

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Brazil i feel its like that


Why? Because an Xbox X is about the same price than a pro, Microsoft stuff IS usualy cheaper here.

Nintendo got a tiny little better, but Its still garbage.


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
hmm about eshop, i can access Japanese eshop without proxy/vpn. But yeah they don't have presence here cept for Sony.
Yeah, I couldn't access it even though I changed my region to US. It's probably because I made an Indonesian account from the start, or probably because of my provider.

Proxy is the only way for me to access the eShop.


Oct 25, 2017
Sony need to fix that regional version lock shit.
Other than that, their support is good for Chinese text localization, still a lot of room to improve.

Deleted member 37739

User requested account closure
Jan 8, 2018
Yup, EU is probably the most ambitious in this aspect. Just to take something as simple as PlayStation.com: the site is supported, in full, in 37 different countries and 22 languages. A less comprehensive version runs in another or dozen smaller territories/languages as well - and that's just for SIEE! It's good to see the positive return!


Oct 26, 2017
I'm glad you get really good support in Indonesia, OP. I'm Australian and live in Malaysia at the moment. The games here are mostly RM200-240 which is about $50-60. In Australia the RRP after the exchange rate is $60-70 (although at one stage it was $79-99 and people voted with their wallets by buying overseas). The prices in Malaysia aren't too bad if I do need to buy something Day 1. That said, I don't really have many ways to buy physical games, particularly online, there are only 3 online stores I can buy from and most trickle feed their games and stay at full price to 'maximise' their profit OR literally sell Day 1 orders to turn over as much stock as possible. In Australia there are lots of sales when the larger department stores have excessive demand and need to get rid of stock, though with the wafer thin margin on the games now, a few department stores like Myer, KMart stopped stocking games.

The best way to buy games easily is digital on Steam (with regional discounts or something like CD Keys), or via PSN sales. That's why it boggles my mind that Nintendo never has any sales, because its not like I'm running out of things to play and if its not at a price I want to pay for it, I'm happy to wait. Obviously Nintendo has a different idea how to operate its business and is very successful at it, but they could be a little quicker to discount their products.

Btw I never thought a country with 100m people would be classified as 'small' unless there are two tiers US, Europe, Japan and everyone else.


Oct 25, 2017
Same here in the Philippines, the games are actually adjusted for regional pricing ala Steam. They also have expo, events and official playstation centric shops here. It's the main reason why PS is probably the biggest here when it comes to 'legit gaming' since majority of people/cafes/shop pirate their games. Base on my observation it's kinda the same on other SE Asia countries.


Dec 18, 2017
The actual support here in Denmark is worse than Microsoft, at least when i tried both. Got some indian with broken english, who i had trouble understanding and it took forever with multiple misunderstandings even though my problem was fairly simple. Also tried it another time with a Sony TV and they again couldn't comprehend a simple exchange. Took them forever to recognize that they had send a wrong shipment to Denmark so every TV was meant for the east european market.

I still buy their stuff, so i guess the joke is on me. You usually sort the problems out with the retailer here in Denmark, so it's not the biggest problem. But my god was the support bad when i actually had to talk to Sony.

Microsoft was way better and they had Danish support. Really does make a difference when you can actually understand each other. I also got a number so i could talk with the same person and they called me after i had gotten my Xbox One back from repair and asked me i everything was ok. Stellar support.

Nothing against indians, but it's just not good when both the customer and the support speaks with a heavy accent because neither speaks english as their native language.

Sorry for the rant, just wanted to point out that Sonys support isn't good in all small countries.

Deleted member 11413

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
It's why they have such a lead this generation in sales, and why they were able to get to nearly the same level of sales as the 360 by the end of last gen. All of those small markets add up.

Deleted member 8861

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
I'm Turkish, and I definitely agree.

Hell, Nintendo hasn't even sold anything here since 2012 (distributor went under after releasing OG 3DS), and while Xbox does sell consoles and games, they do nothing special.

Sony has Sony Centers, and they're even releasing their first party titles with Turkish subtitles nowadays. They're easily the best. No gift cards though. Sigh.

Azure Wanderer

Jun 27, 2018
it's as if these companies don't realize that people in poor countries like fun and shiny things too.

the VG market potential is astronomical and it's only the companies' fault for its poor global presence.

price accordingly and people everywhere will come to you. Sony is doing baby steps but still, the console price is still too damn high (higher than in the US) in most countries.


Oct 27, 2017
Here in Croatia (4.2 million people) only PlayStation is oficially supported: few games got Croatian subtitles like God of war, Detroit, Beyond, Hidden Agenda, there is PlayStation Store where you can buy with kunas (Croatian currency) since 2009.,...


Editor at Push Square
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, Sony's always been really good at building its brand outside of the "recognised" countries. It's one of the reasons PlayStation is so popular around the globe.


Oct 29, 2017
I'd like to add localization to the list. Sony pretty much dubs all their games to Portuguese, and they don't half ass it either, they hire top Portuguese actors to do them. And not just random selections either, for example they hired a well known comedian for LittleBigPlanet to kinda mimic Stephen Fry on the original version.

If people are wondering why Portugal is Sony land, that's why, they actually care.

Nintendo has been stepping up their game lately though, Microsoft? Ha!


Dec 7, 2017
I'd like to add localization to the list. Sony pretty much dubs all their games to Portuguese, and they don't half ass it either, they hire top Portuguese actors to do them. And not just random selections either, for example they hired a well known comedian for LittleBigPlanet to kinda mimic Stephen Fry on the original version.

Awesome to hear that :)


Oct 25, 2017
Very unfair to compare Sony which has a large network built and they're not only selling gaming consoles but other electronics as well. There are just not enough incentive for Nintendo to support these developing countries.

And though you can't even select Indonesia as country for creating Nintendo Network account, Nintendo is definitely better here at retaining the price market for used games, very nice that I can still sell my Zelda copy for full price, you can't do that with Sony games, too much discount. This not only hurts the market but gives a perception of cheapness for a game. With Nintendo, you know you'll got premium product quality not withstanding because of perceived value of their game.

Jaded Alyx

Oct 25, 2017
Where I live, there's no official support from any of them. Games/consoles don't officially release here and there will never be a local support office or anything of that nature.

Buying games digitally though, from what I understand, in terms of ease, it's Nintendo out in front and Sony last.

We can access the US eShop and use local cards there no problem, or use local PayPal accounts, buy digitally from Amazon or Nintendo.com, or cards from Amazon. If you want to change region, it's very easy to do so. From what my friends tell me, the only real way to buy games on PSN here is to either buy digitally on Amazon, or use a PSN card.

Still, I'm very happy that it's actually possible to buy games for all three platforms relatively easily. No longer do people have to import games and then pay an additional 60% for duties and fees.
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah, most of Sony's first party games have a Polish VA here in Poland meanwhile Nintendo isn't even offering subtitles or a translated console interface. MS is a little bit better with all of their games offering subtitles and a couple of them full VA.


Oct 27, 2017
Sure, that's why despite the PS3's disastrous launch, it was still able to beat out (or close to) the Xbox 360 last gen. Microsoft and Nintendo can't match Sony's global dominance as of now. Maybe the Switch can eventually.


Oct 25, 2017
This is pretty much a result of Sony giving its regional divisions so much autonomy. While it has resulted in some issues like inconsistent policies and games releasing fine in one place while having issues somewhere else, it did allow PlayStation to expand much faster and more aggressively outside the big, well-developed western markets.

The actual support here in Denmark is worse than Microsoft, at least when i tried both. Got some indian with broken english, who i had trouble understanding and it took forever with multiple misunderstandings even though my problem was fairly simple. Also tried it another time with a Sony TV and they again couldn't comprehend a simple exchange. Took them forever to recognize that they had send a wrong shipment to Denmark so every TV was meant for the east european market.
Just FYI, PlayStation is completely separate from the Sony consumer electronics division, and your experience with one would not reflect how things are run at the other. And in Denmark PlayStation support is run by Nordisk Film - a Danish company - and AFAIK they run local call centers.


Oct 31, 2017
Here in Croatia (4.2 million people) only PlayStation is oficially supported: few games got Croatian subtitles like God of war, Detroit, Beyond, Hidden Agenda, there is PlayStation Store where you can buy with kunas (Croatian currency) since 2009.,...

Malo nas je, al nas ima! One of the reasons why Playstation is king.


Oct 27, 2017
Except for credit card support, but at least now I-m happy that I never linked my credit card to my PSN.