
Oct 27, 2017
It was quite fun today, so many raids, managed to do about 10 with two friends.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Decided to not buy the event pass, so I'll get the Regiwhatever from EX.

Did do 1 Regirock so far, and got a shiny! They are popping up everywhere, so I'll be sure to try for the others later on.


Jan 31, 2019
Didn't it say 10 additional free passes?

I thought that would make 11 with my daily free pass. I only got 10 and felt a bit scammed.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't it say 10 additional free passes?

I thought that would make 11 with my daily free pass. I only got 10 and felt a bit scammed.
No, just 10 free for the day (during event) instead of the usual 1 for the day. Though, it be 11 if you didn't use yours yesterday


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
We lucked out and can barely beat the Regis with just the three of us.

It took my wife and me about two hours to finish the event, but my daughter probably won't because of the evolution requirements. We had extra candy but she did not. She's the only one to grab a shiny (Regirock) so she's probably not too bummed.

empty feat

Oct 29, 2017
Yorkshire, UK
We lucked out and can barely beat the Regis with just the three of us.

It took my wife and me about two hours to finish the event, but my daughter probably won't because of the evolution requirements. We had extra candy but she did not. She's the only one to grab a shiny (Regirock) so she's probably not too bummed.
Aren't the challenges supposed to change to something doable after the event, so she can still get gigas?

There's decent interest around here, the weather is just crap. Just did a rock with another two (all sat in our cars lol), will try get the other two tomorrow.


Prophet of Truth
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I am busy for most of the day, so I definitely wouldn't have been able to do this even heh, although I might still have a little time to try a Registeel raid if it spawns nearby then.


Oct 25, 2017
There's someone in my local discord who bought the Regi pass when it became available, then asked 'how are people getting regigigas' today when screens were being posted. I don't think he even used all of his passes because he had no idea what the event/questline even was... yet he still paid for it.


Oct 26, 2017
We had a big turnout for the event in my town. Did 32 raids, 2 shinies on my second account, but nothing on main. It was a lot of fun minus the terrible weather.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Aren't the challenges supposed to change to something doable after the event, so she can still get gigas?
I think so. She should have caught all the necessary Regis by the end, it'll just be the last step of evolving 7 Steel types.

She's got ballet rehearsal later so I'm going to take her phone and try to lure the rest of them for her before 7pm.


Jan 31, 2019
Had a very good day, despite the Regis. The special research kinda sucked and it felt like a Skarmory research day at some point lol. But spending the whole day raiding, PVPing and trading was very awesome. Went 0/10 for shiny raids but got a shiny Swinup (haven't played on CD, so yay!) and later a shiny Skarmory (rates looked pretty good, plenty of people got one). Also finally hatched a Nincada and got good IV Cranidos and Tyranitar out of the research. Also got Carnivine and Meteor Mash Metagross from trades which was really awesome. I'd give it 8/10, very awesome event with the negative being simply that it was about the Regis (which is what we signed up for obviously but still).

Also, it was totally okay that there were no Go Fest like boosted shiny rates as some people expected/demanded. I barely had time to shiny hunt, would have made the whole thing extremely stressful.

No, just 10 free for the day (during event) instead of the usual 1 for the day. Though, it be 11 if you didn't use yours yesterday
Ah, bummer. We all thought we'd get 11, maybe there was something wrong in the translation we got. I'll have to check it later.

Edit: just checked, even the English version says this:
"Up to 10 additional Raid Passes at no cost during the Special Research story event time period when you spin a Photo Disc at a Gym."

I mean, it says "10 additional during the event period". That's false advertising to me, I picked my basic one up before the event started and I only got 9 additional ones. I'm gonna complain, let's see if I get something out of it.
Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
On holiday in Venice, me and my friend just about managed to do it. We fell just short of being able to duo the raids.. luckily in St Marks square a couple other people jumped in after we started the lobbies.. We thought a fair few people might do them on hatch but no such luck. No-one else joined in a couple other parts of the city we tried.. The city while having plenty of poke stops doesn't really have any good gym clumps. No shinies, but only completed 3 raids.

enjoyed the event to get regigagas.. got a 96% ttar as well, which is nice.


Oct 27, 2017
Had a very good day, despite the Regis. The special research kinda sucked and it felt like a Skarmory research day at some point lol. But spending the whole day raiding, PVPing and trading was very awesome. Went 0/10 for shiny raids but got a shiny Swinup (haven't played on CD, so yay!) and later a shiny Skarmory (rates looked pretty good, plenty of people got one). Also finally hatched a Nincada and got good IV Cranidos and Tyranitar out of the research. Also got Carnivine and Meteor Mash Metagross from trades which was really awesome. I'd give it 8/10, very awesome event with the negative being simply that it was about the Regis (which is what we signed up for obviously but still).

Also, it was totally okay that there were no Go Fest like boosted shiny rates as some people expected/demanded. I barely had time to shiny hunt, would have made the whole thing extremely stressful.

Ah, bummer. We all thought we'd get 11, maybe there was something wrong in the translation we got. I'll have to check it later.

Edit: just checked, even the English version says this:
"Up to 10 additional Raid Passes at no cost during the Special Research story event time period when you spin a Photo Disc at a Gym."

I mean, it says "10 additional during the event period". That's false advertising to me, I picked my basic one up before the event started and I only got 9 additional ones. I'm gonna complain, let's see if I get something out of it.

SKarmory research day, just without the shiny chance. Did 50+ research tasks and a raid even and 0 shinies. Same for the Regis btw. And all the Pokemon from the main quest line were bottom tier IV as well, it is basically wasting 9 euros on a few k xp i didnt need and some stardust, and 1 dex entry


Oct 27, 2017
Only did 11 raids, at least got 1 shiny Regirock and a Swinub. Didn't realized Skarmory is quest only so didn't get shiny

Not claiming Regigagas until they release Shiny.


Jun 20, 2018
Only did 11 raids, at least got 1 shiny Regirock and a Swinub. Didn't realized Skarmory is quest only so didn't get shiny

Not claiming Regigagas until they release Shiny.
I'm not sure that's worth the wait, it's going to take at least a year before they release shiny gigas

empty feat

Oct 29, 2017
Yorkshire, UK
There's someone in my local discord who bought the Regi pass when it became available, then asked 'how are people getting regigigas' today when screens were being posted. I don't think he even used all of his passes because he had no idea what the event/questline even was... yet he still paid for it.
The amount of people on reddit who were under the impression they wouldn't have to raid or that they could solo t5s, like, you've played yourself, they made it pretty clear.


Oct 25, 2017
Edit: just checked, even the English version says this:
"Up to 10 additional Raid Passes at no cost during the Special Research story event time period when you spin a Photo Disc at a Gym."

You left out the last two sentences.

"These Raid Passes will not be available after the event period is over. You cannot hold more than one Raid Pass at once


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Since my back kinda made it a lot harder to get out and do stuff, I have beaten FOMA! At least for now. It certainly helps that I got all 3 regi shinies in 1 try lol.

Speaking of which, been going into work last few weeks now, and been really feeling so much better lately. Still gotta little while to go, but am now able to drive around a bit on my own to play more. Slowly beating the standing/walking issue. As I get better, I will likely get the sense of FOMA back lol

At the very least, I have come to conclusion for raids that unless it's very useful, I'd rather get it's shiny. So things like Armor Mewtwo I'll just completely skip,etc


Oct 25, 2017
Decided to finally get around to doing the Thousand Year Slumber missions. Add me as a friend?

5708 0435 1811


Oct 25, 2017
Did my 11 raids, no shiny. No shiny from any of the research tasks either. I did find a shiny Swablu in the wild, my 651st check.

Got a perfect Regice *shrug*

Jeff Vader

Oct 25, 2017
I had known better than to pick up the pass but I had thought I had it squared away but no dice. Oh well, I did do the minimum to get Regigigas at least but missing out on so many raids does suck.


Jan 31, 2019
I'm 99% sure I got 12 passes total. Two free ones from Friday and Saturday plus the extra 10 event passes.
After some sleep, I just realized I got 11 passes total as well haha. I had 14 Regis total after the event, minus Gigas and the three I've gotten from research breakthroughs makes 10. Big oversight with that is that I didn't even have a Regirock before the event, so I really did 11 raids. To make it worse, others in my group also miscalculated, I guess 8 hours of playing isn't the best idea hahaha


Oct 25, 2017
I just checked out of this event/weekend completely. It feels good to take some distance from the game, definitely been having a more casual playstyle these last few weeks. I do my lunch hour walk in the work week but not much beyond it. I'm kind of over aggressively shiny hunting too. Mostly looking forward to news of the greatest hits CD weekend, because I'm hoping the first year is included.


Jan 31, 2019
Fuck me, I hatched a 15/13/13 Deino. Outstanding.

I just checked out of this event/weekend completely. It feels good to take some distance from the game, definitely been having a more casual playstyle these last few weeks. I do my lunch hour walk in the work week but not much beyond it. I'm kind of over aggressively shiny hunting too. Mostly looking forward to news of the greatest hits CD weekend, because I'm hoping the first year is included.
Yeah, I hope so too. I need that Smackdown Tyranitar. And more Meteor Mash Metagross, although I'm very happy with the one I traded yesterday.


Oct 28, 2017
This Colossal Event was apparently huge in my town. My friend went and says at least 20-30 showed up which is the norm for most raid days.

If this becomes a reoccurring thing I'll most likely drop the game. I've only been playing a few months and while I don't mind dropping $5 here and there I like that I can do it at by own pace and still not miss anything.

Sorry if this comes off too negative, but as a new player I'm already worried.


Jan 31, 2019
This Colossal Event was apparently huge in my town. My friend went and says at least 20-30 showed up which is the norm for most raid days.

If this becomes a reoccurring thing I'll most likely drop the game. I've only been playing a few months and while I don't mind dropping $5 here and there I like that I can do it at by own pace and still not miss anything.

Sorry if this comes off too negative, but as a new player I'm already worried.
I mean, what did you miss out on with this event? You can get Regigigas in less than a month and you could have participated in the raids yesterday as well, without buying the pass. We had plenty of players join us for some raids during the whole day and just do one of each for example. Shiny rates were also the same for every player. It really didn't feel like the event excluded non-ticket players. The only thing you missed out on was a good chance at shiny Skarmory.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I have none and it upsets me. :(
You have like 20 billion shinies. Trade for one! Not to mention your 20 million + stardust! I actually traded 1 of my shinies with the move away for a shiny.

I'm kinda hoping that December's double CD allows for 2018's CD moves to be earned when evolving.


Jan 31, 2019
Speaking of Metagross, they might as well give Flash Cannon a buff. They almost instantly buffed Psychic for Mewtwo which also made Gardevoir's already bad CD move useless less than 2 months after it happened. And yet they have such a huge difference between steel type attacks more than a year after Beldum's CD.


Oct 26, 2017
You have like 20 billion shinies

Speaking of, I hatched a shiny Magby today on the way to a Regi raid, then following the Regi raid I had 3 "Win a Raid" research tasks stacked from yesterday's event which happened to have a shiny Skarmory! Woohoo! But that's not all, I then went and did a Klink raid and got my 2nd shiny Klink. 😄


Oct 27, 2017
I would complain about the Ex Raid being on 11 November, but it is Armistice Day so I'm home.
So more good things because of Regi Raid Day.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Speaking of, I hatched a shiny Magby today on the way to a Regi raid, then following the Regi raid I had 3 "Win a Raid" research tasks stacked from yesterday's event which happened to have a shiny Skarmory! Woohoo! But that's not all, I then went and did a Klink raid and got my 2nd shiny Klink. 😄
I hate you. lol

But seriously, congrats!