
Jan 16, 2018
The Internet rn



Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Well, if this is taken from the protagonist's viewpoint, then she is actually less tall than him. She's looking up.

She does appear taller than the other witches here though. Could be because she is standing on the first steps of stairs and the player is further up.

...or she has used some form of magic to keep us suspended in the air while they talk. Absolutely also possible.

She might just be looking at the camera. It's a trailer after all.

I'd bet that's the case, that Ethan is suspended upon something. Otherwise those other women are very, very small.

So...about that...

Well, there it is.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
This sounds weird as heck. The average contestant on America's Top Model is 5'10" or 178 cm tall, so nowhere near your height. The tallest contestant ever who has a Wikipedia page is 6'2" / 188 cm so still a bit off. Were they all wearing 7" platform shoes?

The reason I mention this is that I'm an inch shorter than you (or so I thought; now I'm wondering if I'm taller than I assumed) and live in one of the world's tallest countries, in a university town to boot (young people have not yet started shrinking due to disc compression, and students are taller than similarly aged non-students) which would reasonably make it one of the tallest metropolitan areas around. Yet I have only once in my life seen a woman taller than me (10 years ago), and only see maybe one guy per week who's taller than me out of the thousands of people I pass every week.
They were wearing stilettos. Then again, some of 'em might have been even taller than me even without the high heels. It's rare that I see women who are taller than me, but it does happen every now and then. Not so long ago, I met one in the local grocery store.
Nov 1, 2017
So here's the thing. Maybe it's worth celebrating the fact that there's clearly enthusiasm for a video game portrayal of the female form that totally breaks from the norm?
She's realistically proportioned despite being tall, her outfit is cool without showing stupid amounts of skin, she looks to be in her 30's or older and doesn't have the complexion of a doll. From the pictures and brief snippets of video she appears to carry herself with a large amount of self assuredness.
How many times have we heard "She uses her sexuality as a weapon!" as pathetic justification of crass female portrayal. Well there's a genuine opportunity to actually play with that dynamic here in a sincere fashion.
This is exactly why i am immediately drawn to this character. I just got done playing Code Vein which is an anime Dark Souls clone and while the gameplay was serviceable enough it was absolutely filled to the brim with that tired old "big titted anime girl with jiggle physics wearing clothes that barely cover the breasts" trope and i'm just exhausted by it all. But... i recognise i am absolutely the furthest thing from the target audience for Code Vein, or hell most anime in general. It's not for me to like because it's not designed for me. In comparison this character feels like a breath of fresh air.

I am a dude, it is not my place to decide what is and isn't acceptable topics of discussion on sexualization. It matters more how other people think than what I do.
And this right here is the problem I have. I've not seen a single person in this thread actually say they are offended either by the portrayal of this character (who's name i don't know so shall just refer to as Vampire Lady for fear of learning spoilers) or the people joking around in this thread. Or offended by those who are serious in their thirst for Vampire Lady but i'm going to go out on a limb and assume most people are just messing around. But there do seem to be a few people saying "But what if this is offensive to someone?" and i'm just not here for men especially being pre-emptively offended on behalf of women. I think there's some good discussion that could be had between people who are offended and by those who aren't who together can find a middle ground that allows for people to be whimsical or find humour in the subject of female sexuality without it spilling over into outright offence. But the problem with that is anyone can choose to take offence at anything they don't like even if the intent is not there to cause offence. Where do you draw the line? If i get banned for saying this (and if i do then please make it a permanent ban) then i guess that's one way to find out.

I've spent most of my adult life coming to terms with the fact that my very existence alone offends people and is an affront to their religious beliefs. I've literally been chased down the street by a group of men who were so offended by the sight of me holding hands with someone of the same gender that they felt compelled to kick the shit out of me. As a result i spend very little time worrying about whether or not i cause offence because i rarely intend to actually do so and often its something entirely out of my control. This does mean that i'm almost definitely not coming at this from the most nuanced perspective so take everything i say with that in the back of your mind.

I think there's something a bit sad that this thread has to have a big old warning slapped on it by moderators. I dunno man. I genuinely believe the OP started this thread as a bit of light relief, something silly and fun we could all have a chuckle about to distract us from the near constant, oppressive misery that a lot of us are forced to live through what with everything that is going on in the world. That's definitely the spirit in which i participated in this thread. And now i'm thinking i shouldn't have participated. If anyone is genuinely upset at anything i have said then I apologise, that wasn't my intention. Fuck it man, i need a break from this site.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
And this right here is the problem I have. I've not seen a single person in this thread actually say they are offended either by the portrayal of this character (who's name i don't know so shall just refer to as Vampire Lady for fear of learning spoilers) or the people joking around in this thread.
There's been a number of people who have said they find certain comments in this thread creepy and over the line lol.

the problem with that is anyone can choose to take offence at anything they don't like even if the intent is not there to cause offence
This is a pretty whack view to hold as well, fwiw.


Oct 25, 2017
This is exactly why i am immediately drawn to this character. I just got done playing Code Vein which is an anime Dark Souls clone and while the gameplay was serviceable enough it was absolutely filled to the brim with that tired old "big titted anime girl with jiggle physics wearing clothes that barely cover the breasts" trope and i'm just exhausted by it all. But... i recognise i am absolutely the furthest thing from the target audience for Code Vein, or hell most anime in general. It's not for me to like because it's not designed for me. In comparison this character feels like a breath of fresh air.

And this right here is the problem I have. I've not seen a single person in this thread actually say they are offended either by the portrayal of this character (who's name i don't know so shall just refer to as Vampire Lady for fear of learning spoilers) or the people joking around in this thread. Or offended by those who are serious in their thirst for Vampire Lady but i'm going to go out on a limb and assume most people are just messing around. But there do seem to be a few people saying "But what if this is offensive to someone?" and i'm just not here for men especially being pre-emptively offended on behalf of women. I think there's some good discussion that could be had between people who are offended and by those who aren't who together can find a middle ground that allows for people to be whimsical or find humour in the subject of female sexuality without it spilling over into outright offence. But the problem with that is anyone can choose to take offence at anything they don't like even if the intent is not there to cause offence. Where do you draw the line? If i get banned for saying this (and if i do then please make it a permanent ban) then i guess that's one way to find out.

I've spent most of my adult life coming to terms with the fact that my very existence alone offends people and is an affront to their religious beliefs. I've literally been chased down the street by a group of men who were so offended by the sight of me holding hands with someone of the same gender that they felt compelled to kick the shit out of me. As a result i spend very little time worrying about whether or not i cause offence because i rarely intend to actually do so and often its something entirely out of my control. This does mean that i'm almost definitely not coming at this from the most nuanced perspective so take everything i say with that in the back of your mind.

I think there's something a bit sad that this thread has to have a big old warning slapped on it by moderators. I dunno man. I genuinely believe the OP started this thread as a bit of light relief, something silly and fun we could all have a chuckle about to distract us from the near constant, oppressive misery that a lot of us are forced to live through what with everything that is going on in the world. That's definitely the spirit in which i participated in this thread. And now i'm thinking i shouldn't have participated. If anyone is genuinely upset at anything i have said then I apologise, that wasn't my intention. Fuck it man, i need a break from this site.
There are some in an other thread that have said they aren't comfortable with it. Maybe some don't feel like saying it here because of pressure put on them.


Oct 25, 2017
This is exactly why i am immediately drawn to this character. I just got done playing Code Vein which is an anime Dark Souls clone and while the gameplay was serviceable enough it was absolutely filled to the brim with that tired old "big titted anime girl with jiggle physics wearing clothes that barely cover the breasts" trope and i'm just exhausted by it all. But... i recognise i am absolutely the furthest thing from the target audience for Code Vein, or hell most anime in general. It's not for me to like because it's not designed for me. In comparison this character feels like a breath of fresh air.

And this right here is the problem I have. I've not seen a single person in this thread actually say they are offended either by the portrayal of this character (who's name i don't know so shall just refer to as Vampire Lady for fear of learning spoilers) or the people joking around in this thread. Or offended by those who are serious in their thirst for Vampire Lady but i'm going to go out on a limb and assume most people are just messing around. But there do seem to be a few people saying "But what if this is offensive to someone?" and i'm just not here for men especially being pre-emptively offended on behalf of women. I think there's some good discussion that could be had between people who are offended and by those who aren't who together can find a middle ground that allows for people to be whimsical or find humour in the subject of female sexuality without it spilling over into outright offence. But the problem with that is anyone can choose to take offence at anything they don't like even if the intent is not there to cause offence. Where do you draw the line? If i get banned for saying this (and if i do then please make it a permanent ban) then i guess that's one way to find out.

I've spent most of my adult life coming to terms with the fact that my very existence alone offends people and is an affront to their religious beliefs. I've literally been chased down the street by a group of men who were so offended by the sight of me holding hands with someone of the same gender that they felt compelled to kick the shit out of me. As a result i spend very little time worrying about whether or not i cause offence because i rarely intend to actually do so and often its something entirely out of my control. This does mean that i'm almost definitely not coming at this from the most nuanced perspective so take everything i say with that in the back of your mind.

I think there's something a bit sad that this thread has to have a big old warning slapped on it by moderators. I dunno man. I genuinely believe the OP started this thread as a bit of light relief, something silly and fun we could all have a chuckle about to distract us from the near constant, oppressive misery that a lot of us are forced to live through what with everything that is going on in the world. That's definitely the spirit in which i participated in this thread. And now i'm thinking i shouldn't have participated. If anyone is genuinely upset at anything i have said then I apologise, that wasn't my intention. Fuck it man, i need a break from this site.
Not sure you need to be bothered by the moderator note at the bottom when there is good reasoning why objectification of a female character in such a thread might not be the most positive experience for certain users. Some people in the thread are crossing the line in this thread thinking it gives them carte blanche to objectify other tall female characters. Did you think that such a thread about objectification might also remind certain people of the "near constant, oppressive misery" that they're living through? It's not escapism for everyone.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe Capcom is condoning this blatant sexualization of their wholesome Resident Evil franchise.

I don't know how much you know about horny culture, I am an expert, but honor and shame are big parts of it.

Capcom, do something before it is too late.


Oct 27, 2017
I can't believe Capcom is condoning this blatant sexualization of their wholesome Resident Evil franchise.

I don't know how much you know about horny culture, I am an expert, but honor and shame are big parts of it.

Capcom, do something before it is too late.
A resident evil dating sim would legit be great. I believe there's an otome RE4 game out there.


Oct 27, 2017
sexualization is kind of vampire fiction's entire deal so it's a bit confusing seeing people argue about whether she is or isn't. that's just basic Themes built into the genre and it's not inherently bad/good

Deleted member 64002

User requested account closure
Feb 19, 2020
To be honest I really love her so much what a great monster that chases you. Just the vintage noir attire just makes me think femme fatale. I might actually pick up re8.


Nov 14, 2017
Cool design, but I'm not in horny jail.

i like the look of this game. Hopefully it improves on RE7. The beginning with the family was great, but I got bored when I was shooting black blob monsters. Just didn't feel good like it did shooting zombies in older RE games


Oct 25, 2017
I am a bixexual girl and i love this thread and the tall vampire lady.

I think she has a great and unusual design, and of course people are thirsty for her, tall confident women are hot as hell.

Also i am pretty sure most of the posts in this thread are kinda playing it up for effect, it's just a fun thread.
Yeah I'm in the same boat and I would like to think my years on this and the previous forum have shown I'm fairly critical of sexist designs/attitudes so I'm not trolling to defend obnoxious behaviour.

This thread is funny and while there may be the occasional poster taking it too far most are either just appreciating how cool her design is or having fun with the sexual stuff. I don't get the boys club labelling for something like this. There has been plenty of topics on this forum that are very clearly exclusively directed at men but this isn't one of them.


Oct 8, 2018
Just to be clear, I don't want her to have sex with me—that would be demeaning to her. I want her to crumple me into a little ball and throw me away like the man trash that I am.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe Capcom is condoning this blatant sexualization of their wholesome Resident Evil franchise.

I don't know how much you know about horny culture, I am an expert, but honor and shame are big parts of it.

Capcom, do something before it is too late.


I understood that reference.jiff


Oct 29, 2017
So that scene is going to most likely have the tall lady picking him up and impaling him on the hook. I also like to believe they created her specifically for the jarring perspective when playing the game in a not yet announced PS5 VR.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
People are sick. I mean how desperate you have to be to have a fetish with a video game character.



Oct 25, 2017
Her design is really neat, looking forward to seeing more of her/other characters in the game. Been enjoying the character designs direction of the franchise lately and there being more interesting and unique designs to the antagonists.