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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK


Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered
- Uzzy

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Campaign Remastered, a first person shooter developed by Infinity Ward and Beenox, is unsurprisingly a remaster of just the original campaign from CoD: MW2. Moving across different perspectives, you'll play as members of international special forces and regular army grunts, fighting a war across the world to try to stop a global war between Russia and the United States.

MW2 had a lot to live up to, given how genuinely excellent and genre defining the original game's campaign was, and certainly gave a really good go at it. Even more focused on action and bombast than it's predecessor, it also features one of the most infamous levels in video game history, 'No Russian', which is included in this remaster. While it is at a reduced price, this is only the original campaign, with no multiplayer component or even the Spec Ops co-op mode, which I remember having quite a bit of fun with.

- Mentalist

A new edition to the souls-like genre looks like quite an ambitious mashup of several styles. Taking place on a giant research station Irid Novo that's orbiting a man-made quantum anomaly, the players will attempt to figure out what exactly happened during the Merge- an experiment gone wrong that turned people into monstrosities and unleashed the various cosmic horrors you can see in the trailers.

The exploration of a giant installation floating in space creates an atmosphere reminiscent of Dead Space, or System Shock, and there seems to be a decent amount of enemy variety. There is currently a free "aftermath" chapter available of Steam called "Hellpoint: Thespian Feast", and based on what I've played, it promises a decent mix of tried and true Souls-like combat and exploration. The fact that the setting is next to a quantum anomaly means that as the in-game clock resets, there will be dynamic "shifts" changing placements and difficulty of enemies (including bosses). The players can also modify these settings for greater challenge, if they so choose. No one knows when Elden Ring is coming, so this might be worth checking out in the meantime if you're looking for a fresh dose of stamina-based combat, exploring cryptic, oppressive environments, and dying a lot.

Resident Evil 3
- Uzzy

Resident Evil 3, a third person survival horror title from Capcom, is the next remake of the classic Resident Evil series for modern audiences. RE3 sees you play as Jill Valentine, one of the last survivors of the Spencer Mansion Incident (See RE1) and witness to the atrocities Umbrella Corporation unleashed their. With Raccoon City collapsing around her due to the outbreak of the t-Virus turning people into zombies, Jill must fight her way through the ruined city in a desperate attempt to escape, while being pursued by Umbrella's ultimate weapon, Nemesis.

I've been playing a lot of RE2 recently, and absolutely love that remake, though there are a number of flaws with that game (nothing that stopped me putting 47 hours into it). I'm ready for RE3 and stepping back into the boots of the Master of Unlocking herself. A more action orientated game, Jill has to fight against far more zombies than before, but has her S.T.A.R.S training to fall back on, including an active dodge move (which is canonically called Sandwitch Time. Deal with it.) The reviews have been mixed though, which given how the original was received makes some sense. I'm not too worried about the short play time, as the RE games have always rewarded multiple playthroughs. I just hope that Nemesis is as good as he can be to fight and flee from.

- Mentalist

Imagine the future New York from The Fifth Element. Now, take that image, and apply the Cyberpunk-Blue filter over it. That should give you an idea of Nivalis- the city Cloudpunk takes place in.
You are a new driver working for a semi-legal delivery service.Your job? deliver the packages you are given, and don't ask questions. Think The Transporter meets the original 2D GTA games, only with a Z-axis added to the traversal.

We don't know that much about the game's story, except for the fact that you can choose where you make the drop-offs and failing to follow instructions will have consequences. There are other stories you can discover if you look into every alley, that will probably give you more jobs. But mostly, I'm in this just to explore an incredibly vertical future-city and drink in that cyberpunk vibe.

Gears Tactics
- Uzzy

Gears Tactics, developed by Splash Damage and The Coalition, is a Turn-Based Tactics game set in the Gears of War universe. You take control of Gabe Diaz (father of Gears 5 protagonist Kait Daiz), recruiting a squad to fight back against the Locust Horde, which threatens to overrun all of Sera, as well as hunt down the enemy mastermind behind many of the attacks, Ukkon.

So Gears of War meets XCOM. That would be a slightly dismissive way to look at this title, but given it's initial introduction as second fiddle to Funko Pop Gears, an understandable one. However, the recent previews make this look a far more intriguing game. Gone is XCOM style base building and a strategic layer, with upgrades solely focusing on your squad, and gameplay focusing on each story based mission. But that just allows for a more aggressive, ramped up approach to combat, with you being rewarded for getting in your enemies face and planting your chainsaw there. It even has the same range of options that the excellent Gears 5 PC Port had. I'm certainly going to give this one a look.


Resident Evil HD Remaster
- Uzzy

You want S.T.A.R.S? Give em S.T.A.R.S, and prove you're a member of the elite.

People who have the 'I'm a Member of S.T.A.R.S.' achievement:


Resident Evil 2
- Uzzy

Don't just sleep on the job, the Redfield Bloodline depends on you finding out what's chasing Jill!

People with the 'Chasing Jill' achievement:


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  • Do not solicit/trade/sell/beg for games in this thread.
  • Do not spam post your game stats/games count or post damage lists from sales.
  • Maybe try not to drive posters away for sharing their thoughts on video games, alright? If you're not wanting to purchase a game for any reason, and someone discusses it in entirely unrelated terms, you don't necessarily have to tell them that you're not going to purchase it for that reason. I know that's something I could do better myself. That's not to say you can't discuss that reason, of course, you just don't have to everytime someone mentions a game in an unrelated context.



The SteamERA Community was founded on Discord on October 2017, a stranded bunch of SteamGAF who united together and embraced on what we thought was the end of times. However as more people joined we found hope and soon started to formulate and plan for the future. This thread would not be possible without the community we have on Discord and I encourage all of you to join if you have not.

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Jimbo Replacement
Oct 25, 2017
Edit: NVM, seems like a troll thread?
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"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Due to the outbreak I haven't gotten my copy pf Persona yet, and it's looking likely that FF VII too... :(


Nov 1, 2017
Colorado this the right thread? I feel lost.

Shit forgot what day it is. I also forgot how much I love PlayStation BABY!


Oct 27, 2017
Days Gone feels like Sony's take on the Ubisoft open-world formula, but I like it so far. PC gamers really missing out here.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
OP made such a good job that every month should be April Fools.


Oct 25, 2017
Wait what? Oh it's not that magical day yet here. But seriously some good (temporarily) exclusive games though so I thought it was real.


Oct 25, 2017
time to celebrate this thread by playing my favorite PS4 exclusives, Horizon and Detroit


Oct 28, 2017
Since this is a PLAYSTATION GAMING THREAD I am going to complain about how Remote Play is blocked for Chocobo's Mystery Dungeon: Everybuddy since I bought it on sale recently.

I was really looking forward to at least trying to play that from bed.
What a prick move. 🤬


Nov 2, 2017
Honestly the April Fools stuff was funny one or two years, now it's just tiresome


Oct 25, 2017
Best TV recommendation for the highest quality and experience of the Playstation TV?

Streaming is of course the future, and the future is NOW (but not PS Now, that would be silly. PS TV only).

Also any rumours about the return of the Sony PocketStation?


Oct 28, 2017
Ah finally the PCStation thread.

Sony release a dualshock3/4 driver damn it!
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