
Aug 20, 2018
Just saw this in my facebook feed from the Playstation Asia Account..



tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
PS5 isn't needed for another few years in my opinion, the PS4 has hit it's stride and is in a great place

I'd rather not halt that to go back to cross gen titles and rushed launch titles that don't set the world on fire

With the PS3 you just felt like it was spent, but I feel like the PS4 still has a lot to offer

That said I'm sure the PS5 will come out in 2019 or 2020, though I'd be happier with 2021 or 2022


Weekend Planner
Oct 29, 2017
Wrexham, Wales
Crazy how fast this gen has gone. PS4 was my first ever launch console so I have a lot of great memories associated with launch, even if the launch lineup wasn't particularly good.


Oct 25, 2017
Holy crap, hard to believe it's been 5 years.

Very good console once we got through the slow year or two at the start.


Oct 27, 2017
Not too long to go to get to that sweet 100 million sold either, next year it'll happen unless sales suddenly drop off (Unlikely). Time sure has flown by, and we've got a few more years yet from this beast.
Nov 4, 2017
The lack of a 2014 entry is somewhat telling... Also so much greatness is missing in that timeline.

Still, 5 years of what has been a great generation all round. PS4, Xbone and Switch are all great IMO.

Smash-It Stan

Oct 25, 2017
I still want a PS5 if it has BC. Crossgen means nothing if you have BC, can just ditch the ps4 and continue on your backlog


Oct 30, 2017
As a big Xbox fan once upon a time, I can quite happily say that the PlayStation 4 is the best games console this generation, especially for narrative/single player games.

Bloodborne, God of War, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon Zero Dawn, The Last Guardian, Ratchet & Clank, Spider-Man, both Uncharted 4: A Thief's End and Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Until Dawn are all brilliant single player games, and long may this tradition continues!

I even quite liked Knack 2 too...


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Only 5 years. That's why the PS5 shouldn't release in 2019. A 6 year gen is too short.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
itsbeen 5 years....i can remember wondering what the next gen of hardware would be like, first console i ever bought day one, standing in line out the door...damn haha


Oct 27, 2017
NW Indiana
Wasn't Dragon Age Inquisition the GOTY in 2014? Yeah that was not a good year at all...

Sony did well for themselves this gen. Brought back that PS2 magic.

Agni Kai

Nov 2, 2017
I got mine in April 2015. It was the first console I acquired with my own money.
I truly hope this amazing console stays for a couple more years. Games are great right now.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn, it's been 5 years already!? I was thinking of upgrading my base to Pro, but might as well hold out now for next generation.
I remember it like yesterday, when everyone was counting rams etc. Time flies!


tag reference no one gets
Oct 25, 2017
Wasn't Dragon Age Inquisition the GOTY in 2014? Yeah that was not a good year at all...

Sony did well for themselves this gen. Brought back that PS2 magic.

2014 was a weird year, DA:I and Shadow of Mordor got a ton of awards, in a year where Bayonetta 2, DK: Tropical Freeze and The New Order came out

2014 wasn't a classic year but it's highs were really high, just we forget that because all the awards went to a couple of 7/10s


Oct 28, 2017
Best Console of all time and it isn't even close, 2019 will cement that and it won't ever be beaten.

Edit, OK maybe close with Ps2.
Dec 2, 2017
It's my favourite PlayStation console by a country mile. That was a really slow start though. I remember all the effort I went to to get one on launch day, then all I had to play from November till infamous SS in March was killzone and resogun.


self-requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Damn that 2014 skip. Even that's being generous to it, it was so bad it should be specifically highlighted as such IMO.

Thankfully things picked up and then some after that. Bloodborne is great.


Sep 29, 2018
It feels weird that it's been 5 years. It still feels new to me. Perhaps PS4 Pro is influencing my sense of time.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, gotta love how 2014 is just skipped.
They could have put Second Son or The Last of Us remastered or at least Axiom Verge, since that was an exclusive indie for a while. PS4 did have a very poor system seller lineup until Blood Borne a year and a half in, but it was the obvious choice between it and XB1, while XB1 had a better list of early titles, the console was focused on features gamers weren't interested in, and Microsoft invested a lot of silicon (kinect 2 chips) and SRAM, causing the performance to be noticeably worse in the one area it was suppose to be focused on and that is running games.

This generation is actually pretty close to what I said it would be at the old place. 'Either they will both sell about the same after 5 years like the PS3 and 360 and have something like 70 million consoles a piece, or one will be clearly better than the other and they will see a 40 Million / 90 Million split after 5 years.' I think the next generation is going to be very different than this one though, Nintendo likely won't introduce a new platform and simply upgrade the Switch throughout next gen, everyone will expect a midgen upgrade from Sony and Microsoft, and Sony seems to be going into the PS5 gen with a bunch of cross ports, but I think they will have Horizon 2 ready. Xbox next, I think Microsoft knows now that they need to be the most powerful console to enter the market, but I do think we will see at least one other major player enter the market, likely Google, and depending on how Google approaches a console, it could just be a low powered device with streaming hardware, or like their pixel phones, they could offer a very powerful console that comes in at a good price. Lastly, I don't think Apple will gain anything from joining the frey, their market isn't in gaming, they just have a very popular market that sells games, it's like how Starbucks sells breakfast food, you don't go there because of the breakfast, although it can certainly be a nice bonus to your coffee journey.