
Oct 25, 2017
An outrage is being sparked in Pr this past week over a leaked Telegram chat, where the governor of Puerto Rico had a private chat with several government directors regarding a wide variety of topics. A 900 page document was leaked after several persons with close ties to the government, including the Department of Education director, where put in handcuffs by the FBI earlier this weak.

Basically the governor called whore a NYC board member, was making fun of gay people, of poor people after hurricane Maria, and was trying to hide the fact that thousands died after the Hurricane. The scandal is insane.

For a quick overview visit

I'll try putting more sources as the day goes by, but several people have already resigned and there's an expectation the governor will do so as well

Edit: Detailed investigation of the corruption scandal.

UPDATE: Governor has resigned effective August 2.

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Oct 27, 2017
Not that it's the main focus but... any sense as to how this leaked? I was under the impression telegram had never been hacked. Was this a security breach or just someone directly leaking it? Article didn't seem to indicate.


Oct 27, 2017
Good, boot them all out, I knew there was some corruption of some kind when the gap between the staggering number of confirmed dead vs. reported confirmed dead was so wide.


Oct 25, 2017
Puerto Rico
He actually used the much stronger "bitch" word. He called her a bitch. People are outraged.

Edit: hmmm maybe I'm wrong, I guess it would be whore. Nvm
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Oct 28, 2017
Not that it's the main focus but... any sense as to how this leaked? I was under the impression telegram had never been hacked. Was this a security breach or just someone directly leaking it? Article didn't seem to indicate.

The general consensus is that Raul Maldonado, one of the participants of the chat and ex-cabinet member, leaked it.

Aside from the misogyny, calling women whores, making fun of their own party, making fun of dead political analysts, homophobia, etc; there are serious behavior of corruption. For example, the governor talks about making up a vacation trip, later said to be an official trip, with the sole purpose of leaving someone in charge that was enemies with someone he didn't like. More seriously there is a lobbyist in the chat and close friend of the governor that has privileged information to government contracts.

Also the translation of the word puta would be whore in my opinion.

The Archon

The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
The general consensus is that Raul Maldonado, one of the participants of the chat and ex-cabinet member, leaked it.

Aside from the misogyny, calling women whores, making fun of their own party, making fun of dead political analysts, homophobia, etc; there are serious behavior of corruption. For example, the governor talks about making up a vacation trip, later said to be an official trip, with the sole purpose of leaving someone in charge that was enemies with someone he didn't like. More seriously there is a lobbyist in the chat and close friend of the governor that has privileged information to government contracts.

Also the translation of the word puta would be whore in my opinion.
Yes that's what it means

He should resign. But the problem is that both parties (PNP and PPD) and even independents here are compromised with deep corruption issues. These unfortunate events is a product of the system, NOT the cause. He needs to resign but we might get someone equally corrupt or worse.


Oct 30, 2017
People in live streams are clamoring for a US syndication of ALL government, including municipalities (where corruption is even more prevalent than in the state government). The Governor won't resign, he thinks that by Monday people will forget about this but I think this time he bit more than he could chew, and he won't have a choice but to quit.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Puerto Rico
Shit is popping off over here, but I don't believe he will resign. If I had to guess, I would say that he will weather this storm but will not seek reelection. Anyway, the contents of the leaked chat are insanse. Like, it is heavily implied that the Governor influenced the showing of Hamilton somehow in order to have the venue changed from the left-leaning University of Puerto Rico theatre to another space.
NYT News


Oct 25, 2017
A massive protest is expected today. I am living in Orlando but I would love to be there.

More English info from NYT:

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Puerto Rico's Gov. Ricardo Rosselló announced Saturday that his chief financial officer and secretary of state will step down following their participation in a private chat that used profanities to describe an ex-New York City official and a federal control board overseeing the island's finances.

The U.S. territory's CFO Christian Sobrino, who is also the governor's representative to the control board, announced he was stepping down via Twitter on Saturday. Its Secretary of State Luis G. Rivera Marín also offered his resignation.

Rosselló later released a statement saying he would let go members of his administration who participated in the chat on a messaging system used by government officials. The release of the chat's contents in local media had led to calls for the governor's resignation.

Rosselló apologized for the comments late Thursday, saying he'd been working 18-hour days and releasing tensions when he called former New York City Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito the Spanish word for "whore" and in English told the oversight board to "go f--- yourself" followed by a string of emojis with the middle finger raised.


Chicken Photographer
Oct 25, 2017
that's pretty crazy. hope the people of pr have more success enacting change


Oct 25, 2017
It was kinda curious how he seemed to downplay the situation in PR after the hurricane, kissing up to Trump sometimes.


Oct 25, 2017
There's fire near the governors mansion in Old San Juan. Protesters lit something on fire and now there's an exposed electric wire somewhere. Police backed off to the gates of the mansion, La Fortaleza. This shit is intense....I have never seen this before. I am fucking proud Pr


Oct 25, 2017

Not mine but a friends


Oct 30, 2017
I'm all for my fellow countrymen and women protesting, but the influencers and local artists are partially to blame for getting a lot of there people in there, meanwhile they took their Instagram pics and Facebook Live's and they left when the protests turned violent and are nowhere to be seen. And still some influencers like Bad Bunny and Residente are asking people for more protests for next Wednesday. This is a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.


Nov 30, 2017
This is insane to watch. And, not to make this about Trump, but listening to to this guy on Noticentro describe it as a "constitutional crisis" makes me see so many parallels to what's happening in the White House. Flagrant disregard for the law, cabinet officials arrested or resigning in disgrace, important government positions that have not been filled, a government body unwilling to initiate impeachment proceedings...


Oct 30, 2017
... And they just won't start those proceedings because for decades Puerto Rico has forgotten in mere days whatever situation has arised that has fucked up the masses (e.g. La Crudita, a 10¢ tax increase for every liter of gasoline that was passed a couple of years ago) people just forget in a matter of days. It's a sad state the one we live in the island.


Oct 25, 2017
did he figure out that PR was not on the US notice and decided to do things their way?


Oct 25, 2017
Wait why are adults in the 21st century chatting by TELEGRAM

Edit. read more stories and that word is not literal.


Nov 30, 2017
... And they just won't start those proceedings because for decades Puerto Rico has forgotten in mere days whatever situation has arised that has fucked up the masses (e.g. La Crudita, a 10¢ tax increase for every liter of gasoline that was passed a couple of years ago) people just forget in a matter of days. It's a sad state the one we live in the island.
Maybe I'm wrong, but this mess seems like it'll be in the news for a while. There's so many layers to it. They were discussing the line of succession just a while ago. One of them isn't old enough to be governor and another doesn't qualify because they're only interim, since the actual secretary resigned in disgrace.

Wait why are adults in the 21st century chatting by TELEGRAM
See, this was my first thought. He's the governor of Puerto Rico and he doesn't use WhatsApp?


Dec 8, 2018
Puerto Rico is a shithole and fuck Ricky Rosello .... piece of shit, last 7 governors have been shit.


Oct 30, 2017
Maybe I'm wrong, but this mess seems like it'll be in the news for a while. There's so many layers to it. They were discussing the line of succession just a while ago. One of them isn't old enough to be governor and another doesn't qualify because they're only interim, since the actual secretary resigned in disgrace.

See, this was my first thought. He's the governor of Puerto Rico and he doesn't use WhatsApp?
The thing is that the impeachment process has to be started by the House of Representatives, who on Saturday night said they were going to look at all options, and by Sunday decided that they won't impeach Rosselló at all.


Dec 8, 2018
Estaba bromeando con mi familia que vive alla que deben de sacarlo de la fortaleza y buscar su cabeza y ponerla en la frente del capitolio (solo lo dije bromeando pero pues ese cabron se merece que lo boten de su puesto a las malas). El gobierno de PR va a seguir siendo mierda pq esos dos partidos estan llenos de mierda.


Nov 30, 2017
Wow. During the press conference earlier today, the government accused the protesters of tossing tear gas grenades at police officers. Noticentro just reported the model number on it, and noted that they're only sold to law enforcement agencies.


Oct 13, 2018
What a clusterfuck. Would the federal government taking over be beneficial at this point? Is there political will for it?


Oct 30, 2017
... And now FBI is targeting the use of funds of Unidos Por Puerto Rico, an organization that collected more than 41 million in donations for Hurricane Maria, spearheaded by the Governors wife Beatriz Rossello. This is the story that keeps giving.


Nov 7, 2017
I weep for my country. I wake up and I find it hard to believe that this is reality. Reading the leaked chats, it feels like we're living in some sort of fantasy land as they are so obviously corrupt like moustache-twirling cartoon villians. The sad thing is that a lot of the citizens have taken it as a joke and post memes instead. Also, baffling that there are still a bunch that support this shit stain...brainwashed as the Trump supporters.


Oct 27, 2017
I've been wondering whether this would show up here...

Telegram doesnt auto delete groups chats like private messages so these dummies were using it like a normal WhatsApp.

Quick point: Gov won't quit until a new Secretary of Justice is installed. Like, governor quits, then secretary of state becomes governor, secretary of state quits, secretary of justice becomes governor. Problem is all three are involved in the scandal.

The latest take is that the Commisioner (non-voting rep to Congress, equivalent to vice president in importance) and the Senate leader are from the same party, both want the governor gone but both are mortal enemies and both want to be governor in 2020. So they know whomever is governor after Rosello is a lame duck, so they are negotiating a third person to be governor until 2020.

So until those 2 sort that shit out, they wont force him out. But Rosellos days are numbered.

Edit: oh and the misogyny gets headlines, but the truth is there are important crimes in the chat, the FBI already has it and theres been arrests already.


Oct 27, 2017
Maybe I'm wrong, but this mess seems like it'll be in the news for a while. There's so many layers to it. They were discussing the line of succession just a while ago. One of them isn't old enough to be governor and another doesn't qualify because they're only interim, since the actual secretary resigned in disgrace.

See, this was my first thought. He's the governor of Puerto Rico and he doesn't use WhatsApp?

They did. Got another leaked chat about a year ago with shady stuff. People got fired then jumped to Telegram thinking it was 'secure'.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
He's about to give a message on live TV. It was reported that he wasn't going to take questions, but apparently he will for a brief moment.

I'm usually pretty neutral about all political stuff in the sense that I try not to voice my opinion publicly all that much, and I've never attended a protest ever, but this time is different, this situation is unique and I'm completely fed up. He really needs to resign and I will do whatever I can to attend any protest that's taking place these next couple of days.


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see the people taking this to its logical conclusion and I hope for safety and democratic transition. This is the USA and y'all need proper representation locally and federally IMO. Be a state. We'll trade you for Mitch McConnell.