
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks to Cosmo Clock 21 for the formatting and hard work in the community.

Now with 10x the number of actual dragons.


Puzzle & Dragons is a free-to-play action puzzle RPG for smartphones. The game has an insane amount of depth considering how simple the game mechanics are, and is still going strong nearly five years after release. Download from the links below:



There are also versions for JP, KR, HK, and TW, but you probably aren't going to be downloading those if you are reading this.


No seriously, PAD is an insanely complex game, enough that you could call it an MMO. Players have written volumes about the game over the years.

The official website has a large number of video tutorials created by players to help you learn all the mechanics of the game. There are also a variety of written guides by the community if you prefer a text-based solution:
4chan Guide
SomethingAwful Guide
Wikia Guide

General Tips
Here's a few basic patterns for "solving" portions of the board for you to start learning. As you get more confident in your orb matching skills, you can chain techniques together for big combos and big damage.

At the end of the tutorial, you get one free pull on the Rare Egg Machine. If you are planning on playing the game for the long haul, some players recommend restarting your game until you get an "acceptable" rare monster. A good starter will help you bypass the early grindwall and help you launch into more interesting content sooner. "Rerolling" during Godfests, which typically occur at the start and middle of each month, can help cut the time spent not playing the game dramatically. The above guides cover what monsters you should reroll for. Most are out of date as the meta moves fast in this game. There's two thoughts to a good starter pull, either easy to use leads that just require matching blobs of orbs, or combo leads which help you get better at the puzzling aspect of the game but can take a while to learn. As of this posting the following leads (not a full list) are excellent starter pulls:
Norns (Verdandi, Urd, Skuld)
Amenominakanushi (Ameno for short)
Yog Sothoth
Saria, Sylvie, Ryune
Liu Bei, Cao Cao

Inahime, Nohime, Tachibana, Oichi, Nene

It was once true that a good starting pull would be your ticket into endgame. This is no longer true: many catchup mechanics have been added to the game to help you reach the point where you can tackle new content as it releases; however endgame now requires teams consisted predominantly or solely of rare-egg-machine only monsters. Your first God is no longer an accurate predictor of the teams you'll be running months down the road, so don't sweat not having the best of the best. You'll gradually roll good monsters over time.


PADGuide is the essential companion app, providing schedules, monster stats, dungeon information, and more. Its primary benefit is allowing you to set alarms for guerilla dungeons. Android version
PadHerder helps you to manage and share your collection of monsters. Most of us prefer you link to your padherder when asking for advice rather than taking screenshots of your monster box. Android players can sometimes use PadListener (Does not work on the current version of Android!) to automatically sync your box instead of manually managing everything. iOS users... you're kinda shit outta luck unless you want to jump through a bunch of hoops with proxies and SSH certificates. On that note you can find instructions for those hoops here. It works for me but it's a pain so I don't do it often.

PuzzleAndDragonsX is the go-to website for news and information for the English versions of the game.
PADF is the largest English message board dedicated to PAD.
Dawnglare - A way to share tough boards and get help solving, or just trying a bunch of options before doing it on your mobile device.
Combo Master - an Android app similar to Dawnglare allows you to make any board and solve right on your device. I'm not sure of an iOS version.

Active Popular Streamers
Yukizgames - combo master, has made a habit of posting gimmick Arena 3 clears and has some good YouTube combo guides
dzydzydino - chill streamer, focuses mainly on "non-meta" teams to clear most content. Has a couple YouTube guides
MantasticPAD - a veritable fount of knowledge, his website is the most current comprehensive view of the current state of the game.

Friends List
We maintain a (somewhat up-to-date) list of players on this Google Doc. Add a tag somewhere in your ingame name and feel free to send friend requests to any of us: using our OP endgame monsters, you can often trivialize parts of the game you wouldn't be able to tackle with pubbies.
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Oct 25, 2017
Hi guys! Glad to see anyone we get back. Reddit is useful for large scale information, but I much prefer having something smaller and more personal for discussions.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. This thread is the best way for me to pass the time at work when I can't play something.

Tried all the new dragon bounds. They're all fun but Meri x RYune is probably my favorite of the bunch. FUA Ryune is also REALLY good on Dath.


Oct 25, 2017
It lives again! I'm glad you were able to get in Bladelaw!

Also I bought 4 packs and got no Nene or Verdandi. I am currently kicking myself in the ass for being an idiot.


Oct 25, 2017
It lives again! I'm glad you were able to get in Bladelaw!

Also I bought 4 packs and got no Nene or Verdandi. I am currently kicking myself in the ass for being an idiot.
4 packs...RIP
This is the seasonal collab I pulled the least in so I figured I would throw a few rolls at it just for a niche card like Misery. Pulls so far:

Not bad all considered. Hruel looks like she'd be useful on a few teams but is missing something from being a best in slot choice.


Oct 25, 2017
Neat :)

I'm not playing really actively but I'm still logging in every day. It's really tough to get motivated when I can't have the one-stop shop Setsu provided to figure out how the meta looks (or will look in the near future). Parsing reddit is too much work.

The Halloween characters are probably my favorite seasonal crew but I don't know if I should blow stones on them.


Oct 25, 2017
Beat Top Floor on my main, now I just gotta get as far as I can with my alt... which is currently at floor 6, the actual hardest floor IMO. I don't have a DAth team on that account so maybe go with Kush/Diablos to handle Sopdet and Meta at the end? I've only seen runs of DAth or Anublos with lots of SB to Fujin Sopdet. Anyone else have success with different teams?


Oct 25, 2017
I did it with Meri and Julie's defense break to get through metatron. Balboa could work. Julie's god killer wasn't a problem with sopdet. Just hit her with two 3 matches of blue and combos and you should be ok. I'd avoid 7c subs too just in case.


Oct 25, 2017
thanks for creating the OT Bladelaw, was wondering if this thread would make the jump.

I usually burn my stones as fast as I get them, and currently have enough for a few pulls but I was so burned by Halloween last year I'm gun-shy right now.

I haven't been keeping up with the meta and haven't gotten or played a new lead since Dath came to town

- It seems that Lmeta x heradra is a thing and might work towards building a team although I might not buy heradra and just use my lmeta -

I need a goal, and might stop playing my second account because it really has limited my desire to team build on one account if the second doesn't have a comparable lead.


Oct 25, 2017
Fun fact, can't browse the site at work. At least not yet. The websense error is new domain or something.


Oct 25, 2017
Four gentlemen uvos look ok, I already have you yu and he'll be a great sub at the very least with dual 7c awakening. I wonder if xiu min can pair with yog? I might buy him anyway for an Ameno sub.


Oct 25, 2017
They all look good IMO.

Xiang Mei isn't coming back as a lead but she's going to be a good rcv stick for red teams.

You Yu is probably the biggest winner with his LS getting easier to execute and skill buff.

Plum is still great where she was before but she's not getting any new homes.

Xiu Min can be rii swapped with tifa or illmina for some shenanigans, or pair with yog to give the team more damage flexibility.

Tough to recommend a purchase for any of them unless they serve as a missing piece in your favorite team though.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
Nice, PAD-ERA has begun! Thanks for the thread bladelaw. I'm actually back pretty interested in the game currently. I'm loving playing Ameno in self co-op.

I'm currently stuck on floor 6. I'm sure I have something that can work but I haven't actually sat down and figured it out. I've tried Ameno but I've had mixed results on floor one...


Oct 25, 2017
Nice, PAD-ERA has begun! Thanks for the thread bladelaw. I'm actually back pretty interested in the game currently. I'm loving playing Ameno in self co-op.

I'm currently stuck on floor 6. I'm sure I have something that can work but I haven't actually sat down and figured it out. I've tried Ameno but I've had mixed results on floor one...

On floor 6 as well heh.

I did make my arena 3 Ameno team now that I have pixel Cecil with 3 dragon killer latents. First try flubbed the 3x3 box on the radar dragon lol. 2nd try I found out I'm about 1500 hp short of dq heras preempt.

A work in progress, but it's almost there. I prefer to keep playing it and learn from my mistakes instead of plan it out on a website. I just learn the floors better that way.


Oct 26, 2017
I managed to get an early resetera account!
Managed to beat RAthena with both main and alt Account!


Oct 25, 2017
Good to see this thread here! I don't play actively but still keep up with PAD news.


Oct 25, 2017
Third try was the charm for the arena 3 with my Ameno team. Noah dragon dropped too! Pixel Cecil does work with the dragon killer latents.

Still need to put a few dark resist latents somewhere for dq hera, but other than that I can now farm the good latents. Happy! Guess I have to do colosseum still though...


Oct 25, 2017
Hello! I'm a newcomer to the community (long time lurker on the old forum, never registered) but I wanna participate here! On that note, has anyone beaten Lv.9 of Cloud City? I feel safer using D.Athena than the standard Anubis x Diabolos for this one but I'd like to hear your setups, if any.


Oct 25, 2017
C9 is a pain to clear but a high hp/rcv team would do well. Grodin active is also super useful. A follow up attack option for ilsix helps a ton too. I had to stone through Artemis' preemptive because math is hard.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, Artemis stone walls me. It's not that she's hard (that preemptive sure does hit that way though), it's getting there especially the poison skyfall. I'll keep trying when my stamina recovers!


Oct 25, 2017
Great to see the PAD community up and running. Now back to lurking. Last good pull was Ney, but I have nothing good to run her with and her mats are very daunting.


Oct 25, 2017
Nice, PAD-ERA has begun! Thanks for the thread bladelaw. I'm actually back pretty interested in the game currently. I'm loving playing Ameno in self co-op.

I'm currently stuck on floor 6. I'm sure I have something that can work but I haven't actually sat down and figured it out. I've tried Ameno but I've had mixed results on floor one...
This was probably the hardest for me too, so don't feel bad. One thing I realized when doing it on my alt that didn't have a good burst active is that Guard Break can be your friend. I was doing Kush/Diablos and just comboed like mad after using Balboa and was able to get her under 71% to avoid the 100+k hit. I thought I was done for but she actually doesn't hit too hard and the column of clouds she puts up doesn't matter as much on 7x6. I just kept healing and Guard Breaking her over and over, got my Awakening Bind clear back up before pushing her under 50%, and then kept on chipping.

My plan was originally to get her low enough to use Diablos's true gravity but then the assist came up... I was then going to stall until my Balboa assist was up again but didn't pay attention to the clouded orbs and matched all colors by mistake to Guard Break her into her rage zone ONE turn before it came up. I died and stoned for the clear.

Hello! I'm a newcomer to the community (long time lurker on the old forum, never registered) but I wanna participate here! On that note, has anyone beaten Lv.9 of Cloud City? I feel safer using D.Athena than the standard Anubis x Diabolos for this one but I'd like to hear your setups, if any.

I used Anublos and followed this guide mostly for the floor-tofloor strats.

Subs were:
Momiji for FUA and TE
RIsis with Grodin for bind clear
Pixel Cecil for Box Awakening

Everything was going fine until he decided to bind my Cecil for 30 turns. I probably could have kept heart rowing to get him back over time but I was impatient and tried to kill from above the rage zone. I didn't make it and had to stone.
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Oct 25, 2017
So I think I want to build a Fenrir team. I'm getting bored playing Ronove all the time. Any good guides for him now that he's gotten his new evos?


Oct 25, 2017
So I think I want to build a Fenrir team. I'm getting bored playing Ronove all the time. Any good guides for him now that he's gotten his new evos?
No guides but both uevos are good but depend on your subs for which is better.

D/R is the same playstyle he had pre uvo where you want to match rainbow +blobs of jammers for massive damage. Jormungandr, aten, and gainaut are his best board changers but I think only jorm is devil type.

D/* is different, he has a rcv multiplyer and if you match two jammer combos a shield and massive damage. Owning 2 fenrirs is almost a must for this team but is way easier to use than D/R form.

If you have 2 or more fenrirs I'd make both and play around to find which style is more fun. I like D/* more personally to the point I made the otherwise useless dark Ney.

My fenrir team:
D/* fenrir, d/r fenrir, fenrir viz (super god killer), dark Ney, D/G gremory (fujin).

Everything else gets SDR inherits like Azazel.


Oct 25, 2017
I have 3 Fenrirs, so I should be good. I'm a bit bored with rainbow matching, so I'd like something with a LITTLE more mindless fun.


Oct 25, 2017
Hey I can get here from work now. I really didn't expect that request to get accepted.

So a bit more detail on the Fenrirs:
Rainbow Fenrir is more flexible on subs, doesn't require multiples freeing up team slots, and is capable of much more damage (on paper at least), Rainbow Fenrir also makes a hell of a sub for D/* Fenrir.
Rainbow's sub pool is pretty broad and basically any card that doesn't eat jammers is welcome. Look for high HP subs with prongs, TE, 7c, haste or god killer and obviously rainbow coverage. I'd recommend a hard bind clear too since the team is already fragile in the HP dept and can be rough on RCV so stalling out leader binds is risky.

D/* Fenrir needs devils and generally is more reliant on jammers in general to clear anything. Paired leads hit 306.25x but the damage scaling is pretty much non-existent. The shield is 25% (43.75% paired) and if you're careful about match you can put up the shield without dealing damage. It's similar to Xiang Mei's playstyle without the HP buffer and in general needing fewer orbs to deal massive damage. For subs you're looking for Devils first then at least one additional Fenrir and a bind clear (no lead-->no shield/No RCV--> probably dead). Any color devil works so you can bring your favorite utility subs as needed just keep in mind Fenrir makes darks so you'd probably want to fill up on those as much as possible. Dark Ney is the best board this fenrir gets and you can do absurd amounts of damage with it. Since you don't need to blob jammers you can also trigger a VDP awakening or a FUA hit. I think only Pixel Sephiroth and Pixel Shantotto is available as a VDP card for Fenrir here and while dark doesn't have any FUA cards, FUA Paimon is a legit choice with tons of HP, fingers, OE, Haste, and makes hearts, Inherit light Jorm as a true damage option (or run it straight up) and you can have a light main Fenrir team.

You have 3 sub slots to play with, and you should swap utility around to match the dungeon instead of trying to build a one size fits all team.

Aside from rambling here's what I think is good:
Bind Clears: Gremory is best in slot IMO. Lots of HP, devil typed, strong active, rows are a little wasted but you can still get a nice boost. I like D/G more in this role. Nobunaga and Aamir if you're desperate also work
FUA: for NA it's a crap shoot but Paimon works for a lot of the reasons Gremory works. I'd only sub Paimon if I knew I needed FUA though. None of the other options are devil type but are usable if absolutely needed.
VDP: Pixel Seph is fantastic in this role. Also his predictable orb maker and killer pushed him to be great. Shantotto is ok too but pushes you far into "use dark rows" territory to get the most out of her.
Board Change: Dark Ney, failing that Light Jorm, or Green jorm. Light jorm-->Hamal makes a hell of a burst board, green jorm+ fenrir does a bit of damage too.
Orb changers: Hamal, Fenrir Viz, Mech 2 gods, Another Geist (inherit), RPandora, Devil Akechi, Fenrir Viz

Special note about Fenrir Viz: If you have Viz fucking use him. It's like having an on demand spike every 3 turns. The only caveat is if you use viz (especially the double god killer version) you'll need to find a home for at least 1 Fujin active somewhere. Sopdet is doable with my team and no fujin, but it's REAAAAAAALLY close. If you're running A3 then just accept defeat if Vishnu-->Heradragon. You can stall up a second fujin like but it's risky since you're missing another active.


Oct 25, 2017
So I cleared floor 7 with my alt using Mel/Diablos but had to stone because I somehow managed to leave Minerva with a sliver left. Started wondering if only getting the killer for a reward for a clear was worth and decided that yeah, it is. In fact I'd probably spend a stone for a killer latent if they were available.

So what say you PADEra, if you could spend 3 stones for those 3 dragon killers you need to load out you DAth team for A3 or Pixel Lightning/Cecil for various boxing matches, would you do it?


Oct 25, 2017
I would especially if there's an event giving me two stones a day. I'm kind of sick of seeing balance killers and tristat latents when I run A3 solo. Paying a stone to skip the RNG is nice.


Oct 25, 2017
I would as well. I was lucky that I had one dragon killer already, and was lucky enough to trade for two more for a god killer and a machine killer. Trying to trade for a devil killer now so I have 2 on Ameno.


Oct 27, 2017
Tips for lmeta in floor 6 or w/e?

Leads are shitty and 20 million def is so much to go along with 95 million health. I think if this is the way things are going to go I might be about done with top tier ish content.


Oct 27, 2017
Made a big mistake - i blame my love for Verdandi. I was going to save up some stone for some of the upcoming OP units but wasted 20 stones on the Halloween banner just to have a shot @ her.

Lets just say the results where....underwhelming. Never agin.


Oct 27, 2017
Tips for lmeta in floor 6 or w/e?

Leads are shitty and 20 million def is so much to go along with 95 million health. I think if this is the way things are going to go I might be about done with top tier ish content.

I haven't done it yet but you should bring a defense void or defense break skill.


Oct 25, 2017
For floor 6, I used D.Athena (Diena inherit), R.Shiva, 2 R.Hakus, and R.Yomi (the Batman who can bind clear and delay). I gotta admit, that floor gave me some pause because I saw L.Meta's skyhigh defense and HP but it all worked well. No kill like overkill helps too, I love Wisedragon spikes.


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017
For floor 6, I used D.Athena (Diena inherit), R.Shiva, 2 R.Hakus, and R.Yomi (the Batman who can bind clear and delay). I gotta admit, that floor gave me some pause because I saw L.Meta's skyhigh defense and HP but it all worked well. No kill like overkill helps too, I love Wisedragon spikes.

Is that DAthena yours? I might try that. Haven't rolled a Diena.


Oct 27, 2017
Well I'm in now. Thanks for setting up the thread.

Finished C10 today wasn't an issue really. C9 was definitely the hardest. What finally got my through was using a fenrir inherit so I could remove the poison sky fall.


Oct 27, 2017
Hey, I am here! Now I just have to get my avatar back up. Also, I am a junior again, so I guess it is like I am getting younger I suppose. Edit: or maybe I am not? Not sure.

Beat floor 6 with Meri. Took a few tries as I struggled to get enough damage (what with all the locked reds) even with a def void to one shot. Ended up bringing a damage enhance, which worked.

Floor 7 was cake with Minerva, just stall as long as possible on floor one and have a true damage for floor 2. Beat on first try.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally got Ibaraki-Doji from UDR2. Took about 3 stamina bars in co-op to get a spawn. He's a pain in the ass with a ton of HP and a 10 million damage void. He's manageable with BHunter since you have enough HP to deal with any of his bullshit. Solo I'd recommend packing a pixel card with Attacker or Physical killers. I'm not going back in for skill ups. It was a big enough pain to get him to spawn in the first place.


Oct 27, 2017
Hello PAD-Era! Wonderful to be back in the community! It wasn't for very long, but I missed being able to commiserate with you guys about bad RNG luck.

Speaking of RNG luck, I decided that I wanted Nene and chased after her yesterday (free stones only). It was only after I spent most of my stones on both accounts that I remembered that she doesn't have a B/D form and would thus be... suboptimal... on the team I wanted her for.

The rolls were a complete waste on my alt (unless I decide to make a Misery team, the best thing it got was a third Chiyome).

My main didn't get Nene either, but it got Laila and, more importantly, Xiang Mei. My main has four Pandora and two Akechi, so I could make a pretty decent team for her. Is HXM actually good for anything? Any other good subs for her?


Oct 25, 2017
Hello PAD-Era! Wonderful to be back in the community! It wasn't for very long, but I missed being able to commiserate with you guys about bad RNG luck.

Speaking of RNG luck, I decided that I wanted Nene and chased after her yesterday (free stones only). It was only after I spent most of my stones on both accounts that I remembered that she doesn't have a B/D form and would thus be... suboptimal... on the team I wanted her for.

The rolls were a complete waste on my alt (unless I decide to make a Misery team, the best thing it got was a third Chiyome).

My main didn't get Nene either, but it got Laila and, more importantly, Xiang Mei. My main has four Pandora and two Akechi, so I could make a pretty decent team for her. Is HXM actually good for anything? Any other good subs for her?
You pretty much nailed it. Gremory for bind clear is a good call too.


Oct 27, 2017
floor 6 is awful. I had to bring a spike enhance and balboa inherit for the last floor. I just want to get to floor 8 for the dragon killer smh


Chicken Chaser
Oct 25, 2017

Did you guys see this Revo Zeus A1 run?! Obviously some bad spawns would ruin it but the pure speed is unbelievable.


Oct 27, 2017
Cloud City

Level 6 - DAthena. Annoying, used 1 stone to finish to avoid redoing it.

Level 7 - R Minerva. Simple if you bring a low cooldown laser and stall for skills. Bind badge and spike for boss are helpful.