Thread will be left open after voting deadline is over New
  • OP


    Oct 25, 2017
    Hi, everyone! UberTag came up with the idea of keeping the thread open after the voting deadline is up, and I agree. You'll be allowed to add comments/thoughts/impressions/reviews to your lists after the deadline, if you didn't get a chance in time. After the deadline, people won't be allowed to change the order/update their list, as we are only going by the votes counted by the deadline. We are hoping this can encourage chatting about lists with each other, and further develop community engagement. Maybe you might find a new friend or that one other person who also loved that one film that got votes just by you both!

    Due to work and personal life, I've not had the time to watch all the films I've wanted to, so I won't be voting for 2023 but it will be fun reading all your lists and mini-reviews!