
Oct 28, 2017


Attack of the Fanboy -- 5/5

If Capcom's fantastic track record with Resident Evil remakes somehow wasn't enough to convince you that Resident Evil 4 would turn out great, then just a few minutes in control of Leon will be all it takes for you to realize that the original masterpiece has been done justice. Capcom's reimagining of the 2005 classic isn't afraid to be itself, but it also takes an introspective look within to hone what few dull edges the original had. This version of Resident Evil 4 is not only a survival horror masterpiece, but also one of the finest video games ever created.

Console Creatures -- Recommended
Resident Evil 4 continues the trend of elevating an established series by iterating and improving on what made the original games so beloved. The core of Resident Evil 4 is still intact, and it feels like Capcom plays to the strengths at which the franchise excels. From the way Leon moves to the way he handles himself in battle, controls are snappy and responsive, and every encounter is a thrilling engagement.

Dexerto -- 5/5
The Resident Evil 4 remake is exactly what we wanted it to be and answers the question: is it possible to improve on what many would once consider the pinnacle of gaming? Luckily, this gives us the answer, and it's a resounding yes.

While we might still question if a Resident Evil 4 remake was strictly necessary – we're so glad Capcom created it. No matter what era of Resident Evil is you're favorite, Capcom has designed this game with you in mind and we look forward to seeing where the series goes next.

Easy Allies -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 more than lives up to the legacy of the original game that released almost two decades ago. Combat is dramatically improved thanks to smoother controls, more threatening enemy behavior, and most importantly, the new knife mechanics. Treasure hunting has been rebalanced to highlight difficult decisions regarding resource management. Optional side quests incentivize risk vs. reward, while certain boss fights have been dramatically improved. Capcom continues their winning streak with an absolute masterclass in survival horror.

Eurogamer -- Recommended
The trouble with Remakes is you're damned if you do and damned if you don't - change too little and players will ask what the point of it all was. Change too much and you risk upsetting long-time fans while thumbing your nose at what made the original game great in the first place. Remaking one of the most influential games of the last twenty years is no small feat, yet Capcom has pulled it off here. Leon is just as dryly sassy, Ada is a smoke show, Ashley is considerably less annoying than in the original (even if her fashion sense has suffered horribly), and the baddies are all given their time to shine and then erupt in a mass of entrails and extra limbs. Oh and the regenerators? Still utterly terrifying. There are a few sequences that fall flat, particularly late game, but overall this is as good as remakes get. Even if the bingo reference is slightly lost on new generations.

Game Informer -- 9.5/10
The Resident Evil 4 remake is about everything I could've wanted. But importantly, it doesn't overwrite its predecessor. If anything, this new version reinforces why the original Resident Evil 4 is a game people should still seek out, play, or at least watch and learn about. But as a love letter to one of the greatest games of all time, as a new historical artifact that reinforces why the source material was so landmark in the first place, this new trek through the Spanish countryside is as good as it gets and makes a great game that much better.

Game Rant -- 4.5/5
Even without its extra game modes, the Resident Evil 4 remake is still phenomenal. It offers nonstop visceral combat and clever changes that help it feel both new and familiar at the same time. The fact that the Resident Evil 4 remake is not as content-complete as previous iterations of the game hurt it, but what's there is still so good that most will be able to forgive it.

GameSpot -- 10/10
Capcom has masterfully created a new version of a beloved game and continues to blaze a trail with its Resident Evil remakes. Like the Resident Evil 2 remake before it, the studio has used advancements in technology and design to modernize an iconic survival-horror and action game by placing emphasis on capturing the spirit of the original, and respectfully evoking the same sense of atmosphere and tone that the original developers aspired to. At the same time, it empowers the player with thrilling new mechanics and places challenges in their way to test their mastery of them. In that respect, the remake stands as a re-envisioning of its past rather than a replication of it. In doing this, it raises the bar for what a good remake is and at the same time, preserves Resident Evil 4's legacy as a genre-defining experience and one of the greatest games of all time.

GamesRadar+ -- 4.5/5
I am largely pulling at blood crusted straws here though, as I loved pretty much all of Resident Evil 4 Remake. It's a tightly focused, exciting action game, with some genuinely exhilarating fights to survive - not to mention plenty of great locations, enemies, and set pieces. It knows where to apply pressure, when to let you breath, and balances fear, excitement, and exhilaration almost perfectly throughout. The fact Resident Evil 4 Remake works so well, largely channeling exactly the same spirit as the original, only goes to show why it was a classic in the first place. The only question now is this: What's next on Capcom's remake list, and when is it Dino Crisis?

Giant Bomb -- 5/5
I don't know what more you could ask for in this stunning remake of Resident Evil 4. It's obvious to say that a great remake should satisfy both returning fans and total newcomers, but this goes so far beyond that. The original game is one of my favorites of all time and now the only reason I'd recommend anyone play it is purely for historical value. And if you're a complete newcomer to the series, this is bar none one of the most thrilling games ever. It shines as the ultimate Resident Evil experience and the greatest remake of all time.

God is a Geek -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 Remake has done the impossible and made arguably the best game in the series significantly better. All we really needed to was for the remake to tighten up the controls and update the visuals, but instead Capcom added a whole host of new mechanics, made every boss fight significantly more epic, and fleshed out a lot of beloved characters with an improved story and tons more voice lines. Resident Evil 4 Remake is simply the best video game remake I've ever played, and might just mean that 2005 and 2023 share the same Game of the Year.

IGN -- 10/10
Whether you're a fan of the original or a newcomer with a hankering for some action-heavy horror of the highest quality, Resident Evil 4 is like a parasite-riddled Spaniard: a total no-brainer. Its combat is friction-free but no less stress-inducing thanks to its ferocious cast of creatures, its story rapidly shuttles through a series of action scenes that are diverse in structure but uniformly unwavering in intensity, and its world is rich in detail and full of fun and often snarling surprises. Its improvements over the original are too numerous to list, from simple quality of life changes to completely overhauled boss fight mechanics, and with the exception of the disappointingly diminished personality of the merchant, the team at Capcom has barely put a foot wrong. Whaddaya buying? Only the most relentlessly exciting Resident Evil adventure of all time that's been rebuilt, refined, and realised to the full limits of its enormous potential. A wise choice, mate.

The Mako Reactor -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 Remake is an incredible reimagining of a classic. The stellar pacing, memorable characters, and monsters aplenty combine with sublime gameplay and superlative visuals to make it absolutely essential.

Metro GameCentral -- 9/10
The remake of Resident Evil 4 could never have had the same groundbreaking influence as the original, but it is just as entertaining, and still not quite like anything else around… even after all these years.

Listen: am I sick of everything I loved as a child, everything sacred to me, being regurgitated and "modernized?" Well, yeah. Perhaps the biggest issue with this remake is its very existence. Part of the reason Resident Evil 4 was so effective all those years ago was because there was nothing else like it. But the remake can't feel as fresh, no matter how hard it swings, because its so steeped in the original game.

But what Capcom has done here is create something that feels self-aware. This is an ode and companion to a classic rather than a faithful recreation. That's a bold choice, but a smart one.

Since 2005, many developers set out to emulate Resident Evil 4's frenetic pacing and bombast. But nothing felt quite like it. So perhaps it's fitting that, all these years later, Capcom turned out to be the only company that could fully re-bottle that magic.

The Outerhaven -- 4.5/5
Resident Evil 4 improves on the original by changing the story just enough to keep players guessing, and adding new details that help with bringing the game more in line with the remakes of the previous two games, leading into the newer games in the series like Resident Evil VII and Resident Evil: Village. However, there are times when you can see the age of the original creep in, and some lazy asset use too, not to mention there are some bad graphical glitches in the review copies that I pray are fixed with the day one patch. Taking my personal bias out of this was hard, but I still couldn't see it as the masterpiece everyone else will be calling it.

PlayStation Universe -- 9.5/10
Resident Evil 4 Remake is a masterclass in action-horror. The game not only maintains the spirit and gripping gameplay of the original, but expands on it with some meaningful mechanics and fleshes out areas that were previously lacking. Even if you haven't played the original version, Resident Evil 4 is easily one of the best horror games on PS5 right now and a must-have for your collection.

PowerUp! -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 was one of the greatest games ever made and the remake stands alongside it shoulder to shoulder.

Press Start AU -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 translates a game already revered into an absolute masterpiece. The tension is heightened and the combat is stronger than ever, all while still maintaining the corny dialogue and humour that the original game was known for. While there are a few minor aspects missing, Resident Evil 4 is a strong example of what any remake should be and is well worth your time.

Push Square -- 10/10
Nearly 20 years later, Resident Evil 4 is just as much of a masterpiece today as it was in 2005. Capcom has faithfully remade a genuine classic by bringing it into the modern age and kitting it out with new content, tremendous combat, and striking visuals. What was there before was already enough to consider Resident Evil 4 one of the best games of all time, but now it earns that title in 2023 off the back of better environments and sublime action. This is Resident Evil at its absolute pinnacle; an utterly outstanding experience that will live long in the hearts of longtime fans while inducting a whole new generation of supporters.

Shacknews -- 10/10
Every issue I had about Resident Evil 4 was minor and each one could either be adjusted or was simply buried under the sheer amount of great content. This remake is intense and scary. It's no cakewalk, but can be softened to suit you. The story is not only refreshed, but improved, and the shifts and added details will likely delight fans of this series as much as they delighted me. Moreover, New Game+ and all sorts of other unlockables after the credits mean we'll all be likely playing through this one over and over again.

Capcom had a mountain of a task remaking Resident Evil 4. The original changed everything and set a benchmark for the series that is still celebrated 18 years later. Nonetheless, I say this without reservations: Resident Evil 4 remake improves upon a masterpiece in ways that will make it hard to go back to the original. It might very well be the most perfect horror-action game I've ever played.

TheSixthAxis -- 10/10
Resident Evil 4 Remake is a more mature and darker take on Leon's Euro Trip that constantly plays with your expectations and prior knowledge. The core narrative stays true to the original, but it's not afraid to make some significant changes, while the new gameplay flow lends itself brilliantly for repeated runs for specific challenges that I'm already planning. I'm eagerly awaiting the Mercenaries mode as the hard hitting combat should be perfect for high score chasing, but in the meantime Leon is about to have a bad day all over again.

Twinfinite -- 4.5/5
Leon and Ashley were supposed to be fun, meme-able characters that I could laugh at; they weren't supposed to have real feelings that got me invested, but I did. I can't overstate just how much I've enjoyed their portrayals in this game, and how gracefully their character arcs have developed. Resident Evil 4 Remake is further proof that Capcom knows exactly what made these games so beloved in the first place, and longtime fans will find a lot to love in this brilliant recreation of the 2005 classic.

Variety -- 9.5/10
Whether you're a long-time fan of "Resident Evil 4" or a newcomer to it, this remake is an incredible game. Despite some small issues, I can't overstate how much fun it is and how it honors the original's legacy as one of the greatest video games of all time.

VG247 -- 5/5
I can't stop playing. So much so that my plans for New Game Plus (yes, there's New Game Plus!) are to do the stealthiest run possible using only Leon's knife. I probably won't get that far before needing to repair it, but I look forward to seeing Resident Evil content creators doing what they do best with this evolved version of Resident Evil 4: madcap runs of the game that this Remake has been so consciously shaped to accommodate.

I can't express enough how excited I am to see the community's reactions to these changes, and to see others experience the story of Resident Evil 4 on such a grand scale for the first time. Sure, there'll be some disappointed to see their favourite moment has been lost to time, but I am confident the Remake will pleasantly surprise even the most nostalgia-addled of players.

The continuing string of successful Resident Evil Remakes makes me hopeful for the future, too. I've made it very clear over time that I am not the biggest fan of Resident Evil 5 or 6, however, this Remake – and seeing all the intricate detail entwined into the remake of this timeless classic without losing its magic – has me more open-minded for what's coming next.

VGC -- 5/5
Resident Evil 4 is a careful restoration of what remains one of the most compelling action games ever made. The core elements which make the original such a compulsive hit all remain, reminding us that sometimes the secret for these big re-releases is knowing where to remake, and where to remaster.

Wccftech -- 8.5/10
Resident Evil 4 was the ultimate test of Capcom's remake skills, and unfortunately, they buckled a bit under the pressure. The game suffers from minor mechanical issues and doesn't reinvent or elevate the original material as boldly as some might have hoped it would. That said, Capcom hasn't broken anything either as this is still a fun, inventive thrill ride that has been brought up to modern technical standards in striking fashion. The new Resident Evil 4 is well worth it for fans of the series, just keep your hopes slightly in check and you won't be spin-kicked by inflated expectations.

WellPlayed -- 10/10
In 2005, the original Resident Evil 4 represented the zenith of Capcom's survival horror franchise, a propulsive burst of tonal creativity and mechanical experimentation that solidified the series' move into action gameplay and the self-serious camp. In 2023, Resident Evil 4 sees Capcom reach that peak once more as years of remake refinement and hard learnt lessons galvanise into the best Resident Evil to date.
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Is Sometimes A Good Bean
Aug 24, 2018


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 29, 2017
I mean, the demo wasn't especially good. When the original 2004 game feels better to play, I think you've got problems.

Dusk Golem

Local Horror Enthusiast
Oct 25, 2017
Still ballsy of them to release reviews a week ahead of the game. To see in 1 minute if it pays off for them (I predict it will).
Jan 11, 2018
I've only seen the first trailer, don't wanna spoil anything. Along with Metroid Prime 1 & 2, REmake and RE4 were the other defining games of the 6th generation for me. So excited to play this game from a fresh perspective.


Apr 26, 2018
Here's my review! The game is simultaneously a bit disappointing, but also still very enjoyable. Disappointing, because as a remake its uncharacteristically timid coming from Capcom, with most of the big moments not being changed that much. That said, it's still RE4, so it's still fun, and this is a technically-impressive mostly complete update of it. YMMV -- I kinda liked Village more, but it's still worthwhile.

Resident Evil 4 Review – A Restrained REinvention

Does the new Resident Evil 4 set a new standard for reimaginings? Or have the masters of remaking at Capcom dropped the ball?


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017

Resident Evil 4 Remake Review - Noisy Pixel

Throughout the Resident Evil series, no entry is as polarizing as Resident Evil 4 was when it was first released. On the one hand, you had fans in awe of its

Resident Evil 4 remains a divisive entry in the series as it caters to fans of survival horror and action within a well-crafted gaming experience. The updated narrative, by far, makes this a solid entry as it fills in plot holes and provides character growth that wasn't present before. The atmosphere and level design only enhance the enjoyment, but the popcorn action structure of the final area hurts the overall pacing. Still, this is undeniably a stellar remake of an already fantastic game.