
Oct 25, 2017
Should probably have "SHOCKING NEWS" in the title, but here it is.
John, a father of two in Colorado, had no idea what his 15-year-old son had gotten into, until one night last year when he walked into his home office. We're not using his last name to protect his son's privacy.

He saw a large pile of papers face down next to his printer. He turned them over and found a copy of a notorious neo-Nazi propaganda book. "It's 'the white culture's in trouble, we are under attack by Jews, blacks, every other minority'. It was scary. It was absolutely frightening to even see that in my house. I was shaking, like, 'What in the world is this and why is it in my house?"
John knew his son was spending time playing video games and chatting either out loud or over text, but there were no obvious red flags.

"There wasn't anything obvious to me at first because it's common. This is the norm for kids. Instead of hanging out at the drive-in they're all online," he said.

Yet it's exactly this way, John says, that his son started hanging out with avowed white supremacists.

These people became his son's friends. They talked to him about problems he was having at school, and suggested some of his African-American classmates as scapegoats. They also keyed into his interest in history, especially military history, and in Nordic mythology. Above all, they offered him membership in a hierarchy: whites against others.

Full article here.


Catch My Drift
Oct 27, 2017
Boogie2988 did say that some good came out of the holocaust and he's still a totally successful youtuber. There's a reason they target the people they do.


Jan 10, 2018
Checked on the Diablo reddit today and there are threads full of alt-right dickheads complaining about journalists and SJW nonsense, it dosent surprise me they're trying to hone in on people who might be susceptible to this kind of thing using the whole 'us vs them' mentality.

Kyle Cross

Oct 25, 2017
Boogie2988 did say that some good came out of the holocaust and he's still a totally successful youtuber. There's a reason they target the people they do.
Or Pewdiepie, dunkey, and Arin of Game Grumps all using the N-word. Some of the biggest video game personalities are fucked up people. Not to mention shit like CDP, one of the bigger gaming companies, being outright transphobic on social media. The gaming community is fucking scary.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Checked on the Diablo reddit today and there are threads full of alt-right dickheads complaining about journalists and SJW nonsense, it dosent surprise me they're trying to hone in on people who might be susceptible to this kind of thing using the whole 'us vs them' mentality.
So even to them SJW has lost any meaning and just become a term to call everything they hate?


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
It's not so surprising that video games have been an avenue for hatred and it's something I've seen a great deal of myself (though in a far less organized manner). We like to think about kids playing games online with other kids but often it's young adults who are preying on teenagers and younger. This kind of manipulation is difficult to shake off and even more difficult to pinpoint. This is especially true in the era of Trump, where the line between racial prejudice and politics is not just blurred, but frankly non-existent. Not to say that this is a problem in America alone, as far-right white supremacist groups have been causing trouble all over Europe and Australia and are slowly becoming less 'fringe'.

It becomes difficult for companies that host avenues for free speech to distinguish between political viewpoints and straight-up racism when a serious candidate for Florida's governor suggested that his black opponent was going to 'monkey up' the race. How do you distinguish 'political racism' from 'plain ol' racism'? The truth is that there is no difference and that is a massive, massive issue for online moderation. Sites like RPG.net have taken a drastic approach in outright banning support for Trump (and I think ResetERA has done a fairly good job itself) but these are much more enclosed communities with enough moderators to sift through almost everything that gets posted. You can't say the same about Discord, or Overwatch's team chat, or even bigger sites like Twitter.


Never read a comic in his life
Oct 25, 2017
Telling that the Taliban/ Al Qaeda uses some of the same recruitment methods.
Oct 27, 2017
And how are the industry leaders fighting this? Not a damn thing, just like with Gamergate.

Or Pewdiepie, dunkey, and Arin of Game Grumps all using the N-word. Some of the biggest video game personalities are fucked up people. Not to mention shit like CDP, one of the bigger gaming companies, being outright transphobic on social media. The gaming community is fucking scary.
Yup, so many young kids being indoctrinated by these asshats. These influencers aren't going away either cause everyone profits of them.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, Florida
Mild shock.

Weirdly enough in MapleStory 2, there was this weirdo piece of shit trying to recruit in the world chat on the US East server. Kept saying something about white children, I think he got banned.

Needless to say these goofy fucks are in a lot of games.

Deleted member 32563

User requested account closure
Nov 11, 2017
You know what's crazy a couple days ago when tryna LFG for Destiny 2 one of the dudes was named "Himmler". Check the avatar and it was what you'd expect. I said nope. Crazy.


Oct 27, 2017
Or Pewdiepie, dunkey, and Arin of Game Grumps all using the N-word. Some of the biggest video game personalities are fucked up people. Not to mention shit like CDP, one of the bigger gaming companies, being outright transphobic on social media. The gaming community is fucking scary.
Wait when did Arin drop the N bomb?


Oct 28, 2017
Manchester, UK
I'd have sworn this has been shared before here, but I can't find the original thread so maybe not.

Parents need to educate their kids about the current climate.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
The Nazis would have. They understood and capitalized on the power of propaganda through mass media, and there is no larger mass media today than video games.
This unfortunately.

I think the gaming community as a whole (well, the good ones anyway) needs to come together and sort this shit out. Not simply sit back and watch it unfold but create awareness of this shit and try and circumvent it with information and acceptance. No more "keep politics out of gaming" bullshit. Everyone needs to be talking about this and making sure intolerance is unacceptable.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 31, 2017
Wait when did Arin drop the N bomb?

I can't recount exactly when, it might have actually been used in one (or several) of his "Awesome" animations he used to make for Newgrounds.

However, I can't speak for Dunkey or PewDiePie, but Arin has seemed to make a very obvious effort to become more inclusive and responsible with his actions. He seems to very heavily lean left and promote many positive things as of lately. I don't condone what he said or did in the past at all, shits terrible, but I think it's worth noting when an individual has grown past their horrible actions of the past to become a better individual in the present.


I also recall someone saying that he has stated he uses the word in private as well.

The latter bit is news to me.
Oct 27, 2017
I'm not surprised considering how that shit's been so normalized online by dumb reactionaries with no real political ideology besides fear-mongering over the imagined SJW boogeymen. Honestly, I had no idea how bad Pewdiepie was until recently when I found this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W72gwNcOzag. There's literally over an hours worth of footage of him dog whistling and repeating tired, unfunny, garbage alt-right memes. I can definitely see how morons like this can act as an alt-right gateway to the generally uninformed, ignorant, and impressionable youngsters online. I mean, it's not like they're even cognizant of actual problems such as economic inequality, health care, or the right-wing ghouls who actually have power and are destroying the lives of so many every day. The greatest threat many of these youngsters online feel is when somebody tells them they can't say the 'N' word, so naturally they'd gravitate towards alt-right demagogues.


Oct 25, 2017
This unfortunately.

I think the gaming community as a whole (well, the good ones anyway) needs to come together and sort this shit out. Not simply sit back and watch it unfold but create awareness of this shit and try and circumvent it with information and acceptance. No more "keep politics out of gaming" bullshit. Everyone needs to be talking about this and making sure intolerance is unacceptable.

I hope more AAA titles include tolerance in their campaigns and games. One thing I was shocked to see in RDR2 was all the progressive undertones in the game. Youd think a title like that would at least be neutral. I hope we see more of that in the future.
Oct 29, 2017
Wasn't Steve Bannon specifically keyed in on the potential for the alt-right movement online because of what he saw in gaming forums and the like?
Oct 26, 2017
If I was looking for a group of angry, emotionally underdeveloped males with a victim complex and who are easily led to recruit as a mob then the video game community would be the first place I'd look.


Oct 26, 2017
Meanwhile devs keep being silent, Gaming Awards keep giving awards to people like Boogie, and "gamers" keep looking elsewhere because it's not a gaming problem.


Oct 28, 2017
There isn't a more promising batch of reactionaries than video gamers. Even Resetera isn't free of this and quickly rehashes similar talking point when confronted to discussion of controversies.


Oct 26, 2017
Fucking Gamers™

Wasn't Steve Bannon specifically keyed in on the potential for the alt-right movement online because of what he saw in gaming forums and the like?

Yep, their current online strategy is rooted in outreach to gaming communities, then whipping up movements, most notably GG.
It's surprising how many talking heads, pundits, current and former administration officials have found themselves in or in the vicinity of this particular orbit over the past 10 or so years.


Nov 12, 2017
What the fuck is going on with the world?

When I was a young boy, gamers used to be the tolerant ones. Gaming communities used to be inclusive and against the religious right wing bigotry that among other things bashed racial/ethnic minorities and LGBT+.

Surely I'm not misremembering this? I could swear this was the case in the late 90s and very early 2000s.


Middle fingers up
Nov 8, 2017
I hope more AAA titles include tolerance in their campaigns and games. One thing I was shocked to see in RDR2 was all the progressive undertones in the game. Youd think a title like that would at least be neutral. I hope we see more of that in the future.
to afraid that the shitbags wont buy their games. They should market the games like you suggest and for anyone with a problem, tell them to get bent.

"Oh, you don't like the fact that there is a women in the war"? "Go play something else then, we don't want you playing our games".

Of course that wouldn't go over well at all. Such a shame.


Oct 25, 2017
Joplin, MO
Completely makes sense. They look for dejected, isolated kids with a lot of free time on their hands and a desire to be part of something bigger than themselves. Absolutely disgusting.

These people are monsters through and through.

Andrew Lucas

Nov 27, 2017
The gaming community not sucking is only a distant dream, the vast majority is formed by fifteen-years old edgelords wannabe that find hilarious videos named "SJW Fail Compilation" and whenever Trump calls someone "Fake News". It's kewl bro.

I mean,


Maybe in a few years when they have to grow up.

Hey Please

Oct 31, 2017
Not America
Ya think?

I am going to post what I posted on that "gamer=people who play games" thread and you see how easy it is to nudge some of these people with these kinds mindset to easily into that trap of right wing ideology:



From the thread: I am disappointed by the lack of diversity depicted in Squadron 42:

I don't care. I just want a great Space Sim. Let there be white people, or black, or asian, or just little green people. Why is it so important? All I care about is a great game and characters regardless of their gender or ethnicity.

I'm just going to ask one thing - why do you spend your time counting the amount of white characters in the game? If having all-black films is okay, then what is wrong with having all-white characters? Why do you even pay attention to these things? I'm not American but I happen to live here, yet for some reason it doesn't bother me that my nation is not represented.
The characters are not there to represent you or anybody else, they are characters to tell the story and if we really are equal, why can't you feel for white characters the same way you'll feel for black?

Maybe the creators thought they want to have a different style (retro), maybe they wanted to give it a feeling of a different country (not all countries in the world have black people, you know?), etc. - you can't know what has influenced their creative thinking.

I have no idea what this game is about and the screenshots threw me off, but I know one thing - you can't use culture, art as a way to prove something to yourself or the world. Culture doesn't have any "missions" or "requirements" (aka number of color people, number of good/bad guys), culture has only one goal - to express the story, the idea and to teach us how to love things, that's it. It is not meant to be a slave to any ideologies, beliefs or ideas.

Good example: Civilization V has a feature where you can create a piece of art. There are two types: Political Treatises and Great Work. Political treatises have no author, title and quote when you make them, they only give you a one-time boost of popularity; they serve the regime and have no value because once the regime changes, they'll be forgotten; Great Work not only boosts your overall culture, but raises tourism and has a nice little quote, an author and a title. Great Work will not be forgotten but it doesn't give you a quick boost and that's how things are with culture - easy-to-accept Political treatises might give you an illusion of happiness, but do you really want to be in illusions?

The Question: do you want to live in a world where all of art is filled with Political Treatises that make people somewhat happier but will be forgotten once the "happiness" definition will be changed by new regime? Or would you rather live in a country with Great Works that will never be forgotten?
Unless that piece promotes the idea of hate, direct calls for it, then you cannot complain about it, it's not a service and nobody owes you anything.
Culture is not meant to be used, it is there to appreciate.

Why does everything has to be diversity this, diversity that? How about the devs make what the hell they want?

I put effort doing others things, so sorry for making you angry.

What if in this sci-fi world only the white people have supremacy? it is a possibility.
Unlikely, but you never know.

Also don't get so serious about it. it is just a game. I never think so much for a game which you travel with a spaceship in space and kill lizard like aliens.
That I am trying to say is, relax. It is just a game, again. I don't want to start something. I just want to talk calmly.

From the thread: CDP tweets trash tweet about trans people AGAIN this time from GOG (Read OP):

I'm sorry but where exactly are they making fun of the movement or criticize it? This is just a use of a political hashtag in a dumb way, but I don't see wrong intentions here.

They basically say "they might take trans rights away in the US, but we won't take your PC games away", which is a dumb and insensitive thing to say perhaps, but not transphobic

This is so incredibly fucking stupid. What would make more sense is making a sub-forum called politics and gender discussion so we can actually have a forum about games.

Nobody is trying to erase trans people. That's just ridiculous.

CDPR's hashtag joke makes more sense than that weird hashtag.

Relax people. The 20 pages of outrage in this thread are just pointless.

From the thread: Assassin's Creed Odyssey has an Alexios Problem [Loomer]:

Nothing in this world has be inclusive. You can argue about it on the internet if you want, but the only thing companies care about is their monetary gains. The marketing is one facet of the cash flow, and analysts will have put forward their documentation on what generates the most cash flow from marketing.

Oh, brother. Now we're going to whine if marketing doesn't have equivalent outcomes. Most of the people picking up the game are going to be men, and most of them are going to want to play as men. The idea of a female spartan warrior holding her own against an army of physically stronger men is sort of a fantasy, but it's a reasonable videogame accommodation to players who want that option.

But let's not pretend it's going to be the popular choice. Why should marketing focus their money on the less popular choice? That would be like if ME focused all their marketing materials on Fem Shep. To do that means you're asking the company to lose money in order to accommodate your social justice sensitivities.

I'm seriously starting to think that some feminists here are yelling at clouds.

The problem is that you (and others) are completely dismissive of legitimate business reasons, as if business is completely irrelevant when discussing marketing and AAA game development. Yes, most game marketing focuses on male protagonists even if the player can choose to be female. As I said before, this is because the majority of players are male and prefer to play as males. The whole point of marketing is to make your game look appealing to your target audience. Placing the marketing focus on a female protagonist would actually make your game less appealing to your target audience.

If you want to have a productive discussion, you need to consider all sides of the issue, not just the sides you favor. Implementing a female player character into a story-driven, cutscene-heavy game isn't a trivial task and requires a lot of time and money. Demanding that publishers not only implement playable female characters but also revolve the marketing around them seems a bit entitled. You're literally asking businesses to make poor business decisions in order to satisfy your ego.

Such crown jewels of our society.


Bought courtside tickets just to read a book.
Oct 25, 2017
For lovers
Checked on the Diablo reddit today and there are threads full of alt-right dickheads complaining about journalists and SJW nonsense, it dosent surprise me they're trying to hone in on people who might be susceptible to this kind of thing using the whole 'us vs them' mentality.

The Mark Kern tweets made it to /r/all through the Diablo sub.

I understand their frustration but the comments there got GamerGatey real quick.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Go to the Overwatch forums and find yourself in any topic about representation, and you are going to be hit with a deluge of alt-right fuckery that Blizzard does not care to actually police and ban. But considering the strain of technolibertarian, meritocratic, anti-minority views that run through gaming, it wasn't shocking. What was demoralizing, though, is that there is a member who believes fully in that stuff but reportedly is in the running to become an FBI operative.

This shit runs deep. Ostracized white guys in a world of unchecked capitalism and shifting ethnic demographics inundating themselves in media that usually presents people who look like them as protagonists in black-and-white conflicts with violent solutions. Gamers are the perfect target. And again, gaming companies are doing nothing about it.


Oct 16, 2018
This unfortunately.

I think the gaming community as a whole (well, the good ones anyway) needs to come together and sort this shit out. Not simply sit back and watch it unfold but create awareness of this shit and try and circumvent it with information and acceptance. No more "keep politics out of gaming" bullshit. Everyone needs to be talking about this and making sure intolerance is unacceptable.

"Keep Politics Out of Gaming" : Don't make games about women, minorities or lbgt :: "There's too much Political Correctness" : I can't say the N word, use gay as a slur, or make jokes about groping my female coworker.

If someone is using one of those phrases, educate and correct them about harmful it is. If they're still willfully using it, kick 'em to the curb.


Prophet of Regret - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I was reading a diablo topic on r/xbox and for some reason, people were associating the shift to mobile with feminism and sjw


Oct 27, 2017
I'm not sure how I'd react if I saw my son had turned into a fucking halfwit.

Also, what's up with these idiots and Norse mythology? Why are we going backwards?
Oct 27, 2017
What the fuck is going on with the world?

When I was a young boy, gamers used to be the tolerant ones. Gaming communities used to be inclusive and against the religious right wing bigotry that among other things bashed racial/ethnic minorities and LGBT+.

Surely I'm not misremembering this? I could swear this was the case in the late 90s and very early 2000s.
The only reason religious conservatives were the boogeymen back then was because of their attempts at censorship, that's it. Anti-gay and religious and racial slurs have been a part of online gaming forever

Kaiser Swayze

Oct 30, 2017
This is why I have to be pretty vigilant about who my kid is watching on Youtube and who he's playing with online. It's not always obvious what kind of garbage they're spewing by watching a few minutes. Why can't kids just be into Satan, like the old days?