Kaji AF16

Nov 6, 2017
I don´t agree with her statements, of course. And I come from a very different point in the political spectrum than this lady.
That said, there is a strong, respected current in social history (represented by, among others, H. R. Trevor-Roper and S. J. Woolf) that identifies the tension between the extremely nationalist origins of fascism and nazism and their eventual expansionist efforts as the main cause behind their downfall.
To simplify: an internationalist fascism would be an oximoron.


Oct 25, 2017
She's saying what white conservatives want to hear. White nationalism is good.

Her job is to say Nazi things while black so they can claim they're not racist.

The aim being making despicable views mainstream.

This is carefully worded. It's not a slip.

"Hitler wasn't really a nationalist, he was a globalist." If you think about what the word "globalist" is code for, this is not just ignorant, it is also sinister.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm surprised no one mentioned that she said Hitler's only sin was trying to export his beliefs to other countries during an interview about how she is trying to export Donald Trump's beliefs to other countries.

Edit: oh it was after a few pages
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Oct 30, 2017
Umm, how can a black person support Trump and talk such nonsense without being seriously brain injured?
You'd have to imagine that if you meet a few criteria, it's not that hard to elevate yourself in a conservative circle.

If you're black, agreeable, and personable enough to speak in public, conservatives will love you. Mostly as pawn to validate their beliefs as being not racist.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the American conservative movement trying to rehabilitate Adolph Hitler and normalize that rehabilitation? The same Hitler responsible for ruling Germany into WW2 and the fucking holocaust? Jesus fucking Christ.

I always thought he was a line even they knew not to cross or would never cross, but I was wrong.

Chie Satonaka

Oct 25, 2017
She's saying what white conservatives want to hear. White nationalism is good.

Her job is to say Nazi things while black so they can claim they're not racist.

The aim being making despicable views mainstream.

This is carefully worded. It's not a slip.

Correct. Owens knows what she's doing, as do her handlers who give her a platform.


Oct 25, 2017
Is the American conservative movement trying to rehabilitate Adolph Hitler and normalize that rehabilitation? The same Hitler responsible for ruling Germany into WW2 and the fucking holocaust? Jesus fucking Christ.

I always thought he was a line even they knew not to cross or would never cross, but I was wrong.

That's exactly what they're doing.

They want nationalism but history has successfully made that a very evil thing due to Hitler so they're gaslighting history so they don't appear to be the bad guys and nationalism isn't an evil word anymore. That's what she is paid to do. Spouting Nazi propaganda while black.

Not everyone in the US opposed Hitler during WW2. That movement is resurfacing, just look at who funds Turning Point USA.


Nov 1, 2017
So if Hitler only focused on mass murdering German Jews, he would be a swell guy???

Candace is a special kind of ventriloquist puppet with how she is fed talking points and boils them down to their true evil intent without all that pesky dog whistle nonsense.


Oct 25, 2017
That's exactly what they're doing.

They want nationalism but history has successfully made that a very evil thing due to Hitler so they're gaslighting history so they don't appear to be the bad guys and nationalism isn't an evil word anymore. That's what she is paid to do. Spouting Nazi propaganda while black.

Not everyone in the US opposed Hitler during WW2. That movement is resurfacing, just look at who funds Turning Point USA.
I'll be honest, my knowledge of turning point usa is limited. It sounds like a conservative PAC started by one of the talking heads at Fox.


Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest, my knowledge of turning point usa is limited. It sounds like a conservative PAC started by one of the talking heads at Fox.

It's a nonprofit student organization aimed at promoting right wing bullshit at universities.

Basically the US version of Jordan Peterson. They probably get money from the same people.

Profit. You can get huge amounts of money from conservatives that are desesperate to have a "black friend" that agrees with them.

Milo was their LGBT representative before he accidentally outed himself as a pedophile.
Oct 27, 2017
I'll be honest, my knowledge of turning point usa is limited. It sounds like a conservative PAC started by one of the talking heads at Fox.

I think they focus on combating "liberal propaganda" in colleges. Remember a few years ago where conservative college students dressed up in diapers and pacifiers to protests "safe spaces"? Turning point USA members. The founder was 18 years old when he got the investment to start the organization. He's a weirdo.


Oct 25, 2017
She's just an alt-right black token that is also trying to bank on it. When people say grifting or scamming, it doesn't apply here.

I'd say she's a grifter because she used to run an anti-conservative, anti-Trump website up until a few years ago.

She doesn't stand for anything. Only for whatever someone pays her for.

She is playing a role, someone who had an epiphany against BLM, liberals etc. and encouraging others to do the same and support Trump.
Oct 25, 2017
I'd say she's a grifter because she used to run an anti-conservative, anti-Trump website up until a few years ago.

She doesn't stand for anything. Only for whatever someone pays her for.

She is playing a role, someone who had an epiphany against BLM, liberals etc. and encouraging others to do the same and support Trump.
shes a worse version of Dave Rubin


Oct 26, 2017
Even if you are fucking gullible/deluded enough to believe that there was an implicit "I'm not talking about the genocide, just the nationalism vs globalism issue" angle, her definitions of globalism and nationalism are fucking wrong anyway. She seems to be mistaking imperialism for globalism.


Jan 16, 2019
If only all discussions about Hitler and Nazi Germany began and ended with the Holocost was bad and thats all you need to know. No...there is so much more but peoples emotions get in the way. Some of you act like the US was all in from the start. No. We knew the Japanese were about to bomb us and we let it happen to justify our full involvement. Also you do know it is taught in military schools the reasons Hitler lost right? A very big reason is that he over extended himself. If he hadnt tried to go into Russia and Japan hadnt bombed the US things would probably be very different. Yes he absolutely went from a nationalist to a globalist. If he had just done his dirty work within Europe or just Germany this would be a very difderent world because the world probably would have let him be. If you dont believe that you only need to look around you today. North Korea has been doing their thing for how long now? The miilions that have been ethnically cleansed in Africa and the world has done nothing to stop it. People need to stop living in their feelings and really look at how the world runs sometimes.


Oct 26, 2017
If only all discussions about Hitler and Nazi Germany began and ended with the Holocost was bad and thats all you need to know. No...there is so much more but peoples emotions get in the way. Some of you act like the US was all in from the start. No. We knew the Japanese were about to bomb us and we let it happen to justify our full involvement. Also you do know it is taught in military schools the reasons Hitler lost right? A very big reason is that he over extended himself. If he hadnt tried to go into Russia and Japan hadnt bombed the US things would probably be very different. Yes he absolutely went from a nationalist to a globalist. If he had just done his dirty work within Europe or just Germany this would be a very difderent world because the world probably would have let him be. If you dont believe that you only need to look around you today. North Korea has been doing their thing for how long now? The miilions that have been ethnically cleansed in Africa and the world has done nothing to stop it. People need to stop living in their feelings and really look at how the world runs sometimes.

No, you, like idiotic Candace Owens don't understand the difference between both globalism and imperialism, and globalism and poor military strategy.

In what ways was Hitler interested in intertwining Germany's culture and economy with other nations? He wanted to impose it wholesale and build an ethnostate that lasted 1000 years. That's not globalism you twit.

If you are going to slap your intellectual penis on people's foreheads, at least get the basics right.

Also, use paragraphs you ignorant, one post, hiding behind an alias coward.
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Oct 27, 2017
You joke but I had a coworker tell me this yesterday.

'I can be racist privately as long as I dont say them on their faces, its my opinion and I have the right to it. Why do you want to impose me your morals as superior, you probably had done racist shit before'.

I had no words.


Jan 16, 2019
User Banned (1 week): Bad faith argumentation; refusing to address counterpoints
No, you, like idiotic Candace Owens don't understand the difference between both globalism and imperialism, and globalism and poor military strategy.

In what ways was Hitler interested in intertwining Germany's culture and economy with other nations? He wanted to impose it wholesale and build an ethnostate that lasted 1000 years. That's not globalism you twit.

If you are going to slap your intellectual penis on people's foreheads, at least get the basics right.

Also, use paragraphs you ignorant savage.
See, you are in your feelings. My point was that he tried to do too much. I think you could even understand that. My point still stands though. You added nothing to the conversation.


Oct 26, 2017
See, you are in your feelings. My point was that he tried to do too much. I think you could even understand that. My point still stands though. You added nothing to the conversation.

No, you are relying on tone policing as s substitute for an actual argument. "IM NOT UPSET!!!! YOU ARE!!!!".

What is more, I rebutted your actual arguments but you laughably deleted them when you quoted me so you could play the "you added nothing to the conversation" escape card.

How intellectually dishonest for someone whose post was framed entirely around being the unemotional person armed with facts and perspective. You utterly failed to establish that Hitler was a "globalist" and your whole house of cards fell down.

You abandoned the "I'm here to debate the facts" approach after ONE post.

Out cold in the first round. Pitiful.
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Oct 25, 2017
If only all discussions about Hitler and Nazi Germany began and ended with the Holocost was bad and thats all you need to know. No...there is so much more but peoples emotions get in the way. Some of you act like the US was all in from the start. No. We knew the Japanese were about to bomb us and we let it happen to justify our full involvement. Also you do know it is taught in military schools the reasons Hitler lost right? A very big reason is that he over extended himself. If he hadnt tried to go into Russia and Japan hadnt bombed the US things would probably be very different. Yes he absolutely went from a nationalist to a globalist. If he had just done his dirty work within Europe or just Germany this would be a very difderent world because the world probably would have let him be. If you dont believe that you only need to look around you today. North Korea has been doing their thing for how long now? The miilions that have been ethnically cleansed in Africa and the world has done nothing to stop it. People need to stop living in their feelings and really look at how the world runs sometimes.

Its just lazy if you don't at least use the profile just a little bit to make a few other posts in some random threads. At least put some of the legwork in to make the troll at least seem partially worthwhile.


Jan 16, 2019
No, you are relying on tone policing as s substitute for an actual argument. "IM NOT UPSET!!!! YOU ARE!!!!".

What is more, I rebutted your actual arguments but you laughably deleted them when you quoted me so you could play the "you added nothing to the conversation" escape card.

How intellectually dishonest for someone whose post was framed entirely around being the unemotional person armed with facts and perspective. You utterly failed to establish that Hitler was a "globalist" and your whole house of cards fell down.

You abandoned the "I'm here to debate the facts" approach after ONE post.

Out cold in the first round. Pitiful.
Maybe im doing something wrong but I keep checking to see if I deleted anything of what you said. Can anyone else verify if it looks that way?

I say you are in your feelings because you alluded to me being an idiot and also called me a savage. It also looks like you went back and changed savage to calling me a one post coward. Yes, i would say you are in your feelings.

I do not see where you rebutted every point that I made. I see you doubling down on globalist vs nationalist. Which yeah, sure, ok.

Lastly, I do have emotions. I just try not to let them get in the way of having a decent discussion.


Jan 16, 2019
Its just lazy if you don't at least use the profile just a little bit to make a few other posts in some random threads. At least put some of the legwork in to make the troll at least seem partially worthwhile.
Sorry to say I am not trolling. Ive been reading since NeoGaf was gaming age and never had an account. I came here like lots of other people because I love the gaming community for the most part.

I read the etc forum from time to time but dont post. I see what threads can turn into.


Oct 26, 2017
I see you doubling down on globalist vs nationalist. Which yeah, sure, ok.

I didn't even single down on globalism vs nationalism let alone double down on it. Try reading posts before responding to them. I didn't even use the word nationalism. Lel.

Impossible to have a discussion with someone who can so profoudly miscomprehend basic points while simultaneously tone policing and proclaiming the intellectual highground.

Whether you are trolling or legitimately just attempting to argue points you don't understand seems irrelevant at this point. Either way, you are just flailing badly.

If on the off chance you are legit, try researching the meaning of the term "globalism" and realise why your entire unparagraphed word salad was build on a foundation of sand, making your whole "I'm smarter than ya'll" shtick so hilarious that it hurt. Bye. :)


Jan 16, 2019
Hiding behind an alias. Hmmm...I am African American. 37 years old married with children. I served in the Armed Forces and am currently helping our good friends in South Korea. I have been working with the military for the past 19 years. TS/SCI

The world isnt so black and white as much as we would like it to be. The grey area does exist and its huge.


Jan 16, 2019
I didn't even single down on globalism vs nationalism let alone double down on it. Try reading posts before responding to them. I didn't even use the word nationalism. Lel.

Impossible to have a discussion with someone who can so profoudly miscomprehend basic points while simultaneously tone policing and proclaiming the intellectual highground.

Whether you are trolling or legitimately just attempting to argue points you don't understand seems irrelevant at this point. Either way, you are just flailing badly.

If on the off chance you are legit, try researching the meaning of the term "globalism" and realise why your entire unparagraphed word salad was build on a foundation of sand, making your whole "I'm smarter than ya'll" shtick so hilarious that it hurt. Bye. :)
Again. It should be easy enough for you to repost your rebuff to everything that I wrote.


Jan 16, 2019
I have no idea what your goal is here besides rephrasing Candace Owens' bullshit and acting like it's some intellectual high ground.
I am not an intellectual. I am a realist. Did you read what I posted?

Yes everyone. What Hitler did was atrocious. But if that is the only takeaway from what happened then we learn nothing.

You cant look around the world today and tell me that what she is saying is wrong. Any country today with a strong enough military or nothing that we covet is pretty much free to do as they wish within their borders.


Oct 26, 2017
You cant look around the world today and tell me that what she is saying is wrong. Any country today with a strong enough military or nothing that we covet is pretty much free to do as they wish within their borders.

That. Is. Not. What. She. Is. Saying.

Imagine being so desperate to stan for a soulless con artist like Owens that you humiliate yourself this badly by pursuing such a preposterous disregard of context. Is she paying you to embarrass yourself?

The context is essentially whether the term nationalism is inherently irredeemable or not. She suggests that nationalism is good, and that a government should be able to pursue any domestic action it deems to be within the "national interest" as long as it doesn't spill beyond its borders. Nothing to do with the twaddle you are going on about.
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Oct 25, 2017
You cant look around the world today and tell me that what she is saying is wrong. Any country today with a strong enough military or nothing that we covet is pretty much free to do as they wish within their borders

Except that's not what she said.

She said there's nothing wrong with what Hitler did in Germany, there's nothing wrong with nationalism, genocide, "make your country great again" as long as you do it within your own borders. Just don't invade anyone.

It's the morality of his actions not hypotheticals on what he could have gotten away with.


Jan 16, 2019
That. Is. Not. What. She. Is. Saying.

Imagine being so desperate to stan for a soulless con artist like Owens that you humiliate yourself this badly by pursuing such a preposterous disregard of context. Is she paying you to embarrass yourself?

The context is essentially whether the term nationalism is inherently irredeemable or not. Nothing to do with the twaddle you are going on about.
Again. Not replying to my whole post.


Jan 16, 2019
Except that's not what she said.

She said there's nothing wrong with what Hitler did in Germany, there's nothing wrong with nationalism, genocide, "make your country great again" as long as you do it within your own borders. Just don't invade anyone.

It's the morality of his actions not hypotheticals on what he could have gotten away with.
She did not say there was nothing wrong with genocide. Thats reaching. But you are right about what you said and thats the dangerous part about her thinking. And if you look around she is right.


Oct 26, 2017
Again. Not replying to my whole post.

There was nothing substantive prior to the quoted stuff. I have no interest in discussing how much of a "realist" you think you are. But go on bro, keep ignoring the points raised and instead playing the victim card whilst hypocritically claiming that's it is everyone else who is arguing in bad faith, not engaging and consumed by "feelings".

God if you could only see yourself.